>The residents of Hillsborough County, Florida, can sleep safely tonight following the arrest of 118 people for performing unlicensed contracting work as part of a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office sting known as "Operation House Hunters."
>These unsuspecting handymen would be lured to one of five homes, where undercover deputies filmed them performing or agreeing to perform prohibited tasks like painting or installing recess lighting.
Ya'll got a license for day?
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you don't get fucking arrested for not having your licenses in order
The only people willing to work are Mex and Cubans. This is racism, Hans.
Land of the free
literally the dictionary definition of entrapment
They can’t arrest the boomers cheap imported labor like that! That’s racist!
until youve had to deal with the arrogant retarded hacks then you just wont understand why this shit is necessary.
people literally die from poor electric installations. Entire families burn alive.
This doesn't happen unless some rich fuck is either looking to break into the market or feels like the guys doing it on the cheap are being too competitive. I 100% garuntee some fuck who owns a lot of land up there made a call to his buddy in the department to get this done
You dont get to make money in this country unless the kikes say you get to make money
>a license for painting
lol US is so fucking cucked.
guaranteed they're all mexicans
>Pay hundreds of dollars to keep a license
>Illegals should be allowed to do work with nothing
The police in the USA are a lot more honest than that. Corruption and racism correlate strongly.
Guarantee, user. It’s guarantee. A gay runtee is a very colorful man who just got hit by a shrink ray.
>requiring a license for painting and tiling
Enjoy the buttfucking.
Not if they were advertising. For entrapment it has to be something they weren’t going to do
they're all pedophiles?
In what shithole country do you need a licence to help people fix shit?
Not to a lawyer it isn't. They're in on the charade. It's only fair if they get a piece.
Good. Everyone nowadays is a freaking "contractor". Basically a handyman masquerading as someone who will properly permit and guarantee their work.
Job well done boys! We turned working people into criminals! Now we can keep going around pretending like we're the good guys!
>need license to do X
>do X without license
>But they're the good guys!
>need a license to paint
>arrested by Chad
Bet money those cops had them coming over to their own houses to perform the work, arrest the guy and get out of paying the bill. Fucking heroes, can't pull over their own employers without a manpower ratio of 2:1 but they can take down people trying to make a living while helping others.
99% of those "unlicensed contractors" are illegal beaners. this is good for our economy, because these fuckers undercut the prices of licensed workers.
Home of the brave
its illegal to do electrical work without a license, this is literally people entrapping painters and tile layers for not paying into some government bureaucracy that limits the ability of small businesses
Western civilization is a fucking joke. The government is the greatest adversary we've ever faced, the kikes will stop at nothing to monetize everything and extort people for sheckles in every possible way.
do you have a source for this
love how the faggot 2016 trumpcuck republicans are suddenly all big government when it comes to construction. typical boomer faggots who hate the government but love union construction on public works projects and love arbitrary licensing bullshit that prevents young men from entering trades without paying into some pyramid scheme union or trade school
A lot of these men were merely trying to eek out a living.
That or some "contractor" that hires the beaners.
Based. Pay the painting loicence.
This is how Americans cope with the painting licence.
I see three mexicans on there at most
Go back to the UK
>pssst, hey I know a guy that may be able to turn some screws
>prohibited tasks like painting
What the fuck is wrong with Florida?
How many were beaners?
this, its absolutely insane to see retarded faggots defend this shit.
Who’s going to be the one to finally arrest the cops?
Virgin illegal immigrant
Chad Chronnister the Sherif
One where if you wire, plumb, or frame something incorrectly (aka a mexican did it) then people can die.
Don't grandstand about too much govt, leaf fag.
It is impossible to obey the laws of this land. Have you seen how many BOOKS full of laws there are?
We need less regulations.
Keep coping. I'm sure if a wall gets painted he wrong way people will die.
cops are the niggers among non-niggers.
but god forbid someone paints it the wrong color or something horrifying like that
Not many mexicans Florida and Puerto Ricans don't work.
oy you got a loicense for that?
It's good to see the government is taking action against the real threats to society, painters and tile-layers.
If they didn't work at all they would just get welfare checks, so we have to ensure that they get punished and arrested for attempting to make a living doing handiwork.
This. There's a book where this guy theorized that we generally commit multiple (5?) felonies every day. It's pretty ridiculous.
>performing or agreeing to perform prohibited tasks like painting or installing recess lighting.
Lmao, is this legit? Not talking about illegals here right just, not registered businesses?
I've worked at Home Depot and these fucking people deserve. You would be surprised at how many of these "contractors" don't know a fucking thing. They come in asking us to rewire shit, pour concrete, framing and plumbing. We have had multiple house fires. We even had a guy not nail in a single fucking shingle when he did roof work. The second rain and wind came, complete destroyed the house. They had to demo it. I've talked to so many people that would have their homes destroyed because of these fucking faggots. These people are the worst and I'm glad these fuckers are facing some type of law.
Id love to turn the tables and run a sting op on police, who will and do break the same stupid laws as the rest of us.
>we generally commit multiple (5?) felonies every day
Bullshit. Name three.
Yes, you need an actual license to be a painter or do most menial tasks related to construction. Labor unions and big contractors lobby heavily for that to keep out competition.
You even need a license to cut hair.
Wait it is illegal to paint without a license in the land of the free?
Fuck you, I said there's a book, and apparently it's 3 felonies a day - that's the name of the book and it was written by a jew lawyer so you know it's on the up and up. Read it for yourself.
it's to protect consumers. You want someone licensed and bonded because if something happens you want to be able to at least be able to get your money back. That's the theory anyway.
>prohibited tasks like painting
Even posting as a bong... LOL
>need guberments ok to start a fucking business
you slaves need to kill yourselves before this war kicks off because were going to fucking torture you slowly and as painfully as possible
yeah dodgy electricians is one thing... arresting people for some illegal painting tho????