Is lifting Jewish and degenerate or based and aryan pilled?

Is lifting Jewish and degenerate or based and aryan pilled?

Almost all niggers and sand niggers lift, how are we expected to win the coming race war if we have the bodies of dyels?

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every man should be in the gym with some consistency
that's drugs though but mostly what is happening is that it is that harness that arnold used to do curls with because it keeps you strict but what it really does it is presses your arms against the harness to make them look fatter
not saying he doesn't have size, from drugs and hard work, but that fucking thing is hilarious how it does that. most gyms don't have them anymore

Body building used to be considered a homosexual activity until the mid 70s. After all, it's all about guys constantly peering into mirrors and getting compliments from other guys...

Lift for strength and health, not for aesthetics. That said, some bodybuilders are pretty good athletes. Lou Ferrigno for example was strong as hell and did well in various athletic competitions.

It might be news to you but gyms are usually also full with thots who flash their asses at everyone. Lifting is the opposite of gay, it is most masculine activity imaginable.

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Lifting is god tier, bodybulding is faggotry

>german flag
>defending blatany homosex activity
>implying thots should be given any attention and not patrolled
Like pottery.

Women = body
Men = soul

Men who spend too much worrying about their bodies are in essence effeminate.

my girlfriend did a yoga class for a while and would always say how many farts she would hear in any given session

This is the truth.

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bradley martyn's brain will never naturally produce testosterone again

>lifting, exercising in general
>Narcissistic bodybuilding 12 hours per week with steroid usage
Really cringe

because bodybuilders build muscle to attract other men, not women.

It's always been jew fags throwing money at beefcake.

nigga if i take this much juice like him i'll prob die. fuck off with this gay shit

Should have stopped at #2. Woman don't want that hyper jacked look, it's also pretty worthless for anything but lifting bars.

I do strongman and powerlifting because it’s meditative. It’s self competition, the purest type of competition. And I like to eat lots of food and feel like I could wrench the lower mandible off a mans jaw if I could get a good grip

Bodybuilders need affirmation in the most literal form. Their entire thing is about form over function.


Absolutely based. Pursuit of vanity is a woman's behavior. Looking at you too, bloatfags.

>wrench the lower mandible off a mans jaw
Lmao you sound like youd be a hoot in the boogaloo.

left is lanklet
middle is normal guy that hasn't eaten for a month
right is pure roids

This insecure roid user won't even take his hat off now because he's bald.

This shows your inferiority. The bar across his chest is supporting his triceps. Making his arms look massive and allowing him to curl more weight. A true gentleman lifts.

Still an ugly face and roided the fuck out. Not gonna be dependent on roids my entire life.

I never counted calories or weighted myself in my entire life and I can guarantee that I eat more and more unhealthy than you, yet I consistently lift like a motherfucker so it balances out.
Steroids are garbage but there is nothing wrong with exercising 12 hours a week or more. Bringing your body to it's limits is just mega fun.

taking care of your temple is a soulful endeavor, fatass.


>dyel posts question about lifting
>posts fraud manlets as inspiration
what did he mean by this

Every thread about lifting needs that Connor Murphy montage with the differences in lighting, pump and body position.

>is X redpilled?
Read the rules, shill.
>should I start lifting?
>but ... but ... fellow teenager such as my self (I'm not a shill by the way), what if there are Jews who lift?
Then they will receive great benefits from honest hard work, good for them, may that particular subgroup of their tribe increase.

Drug induced bodybuilding is ridiculous, moderately incorporating bodybuilding exercises into your routine adds to the normal fitness routine in very beneficial ways ....for looks and for supplementing weak muscle groups

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Bullshit. Lots of fit girls go specifically for bodybuilder relationships have a lot in common

Nah, lifting "moderately" is gay. You either go full in or you go home. I can't tell you how many twinks there are in my gym who lift bitch weights and make no fucking progress.

>Flat cap

What a niggerfaggot!

I didn't suggest to do it badly and without progress, dyel? post body.

Literal brapp farm

Moderately means not doing the whole bodybuilder diet and "supplementing" and gear.... You know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Shut up, you noodle arm faggot.

Hes natty too. Just a lot of hard work and determination with the proper diet.

Join a sports team, make friends, meet people who motivate you and adapt your body for a pzrpose.

Lifting in the social isolation of a neon-lighted gym to get more matches in tinder is base consoomerism.

Lifting, just lifting, is gay shit. Most are gym rat lifters not fit and cannot fight.

Lifting is great, but it needs to supplement something else. Boxing, wrestling, MMA, whatever.

Otherwise you are just like Instagram thots.

>large red tshirt and a hat?

Christ that's savage.

Can confirm, am lifter and it made me gay

Lift before the age of 30 and your body will need you to maintain this lifestyle without breaks, or it will rapidly break down if you stop.

If you don't lift until you are ~30 when your cells begin to destroy themselves and then start lifting, your body will be used to not lifting, and lifting will only benefit you.

It's much like if you drink medicine before you are sick, you won't benefit of it as much when you get sick contrary to drinking it when you get sick and get the full effects of it.

I used to lift, but lost my motivation once the natty king transcended humanity.

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Fit girls are fucking disgusting.

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I do yoga once a week or once every two weeks because I'm old and need the stretching between gymrat sessions.
One time a yoga teacher asked the whole class to gather around her as she demonstrated handstands on the front mirror...

As soon as she went upside down she started to uncontrollably fart and she started to mumble and say "oh...ohh...ohhh, oops"
Then she just kept going like she didn't just fertilize the whole little drum circle right behind her.

It was all I could do not to just bust out laughing.... And the other women had stoic faces like they didn't just get crop dusted.

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T levels are dropping because most men spend all day sitting around.
Physical activity 4-5 times a week is base level activity that our relatives used to do working at automotive factories and farming before things became heavily automated.

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lift heavy to be strong and healthy

bodybuilding is for faggots and degenerates

stop looking at bodybuilding faggots


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Holy keks so many beta dyel skellies in this thread

Truly, there is no hope for any of you

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This. You don't need steroids or to make the gym your life, but you should regularly lift heavy stuff and eat healthy. Also learn the basics of physical self defense. Even if you never use it, it's good for confidence in an altercation.

cope. Im 290 pounds from lifting eating meat daily. Men that don't lift should be government mandated to give their boy pussy up.

lifting is for brain dead vapid retards, that do not have endurance or skills to train running, cycling, mountain climbing etc.

Lifting is barely above curling and WNBA.
You know this is true.

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40% lifting, 30% Cardio, 20% Calisthenics, 10% Mobility work.

Focus on speed and power, Mix in bag work for cardio. In one year there’s no reason you shouldn’t be Relatively in shape.

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Rich Piana claims to have performed 6 million reps during an 8 hour period, but if we do the math, it just doesn't add up. He would have had to perform 480 reps a minute, every minute, for 8 hours straight - without stopping a single time for a bathroom break, a protein cookie or a pause to say "GOOD FUCKING MORNING". It just doesn't make sense, and whats more, the number of reps he's claimed in 8 hours has changed over the years - first it was 1.5 million, then it was 3 million, now it's 6 million and some reports have recently said he's claiming 9 million reps! Somethings up with this 8 Hour Arm Day.

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Also "bodybuilding" lmao
Power lifting is "bodybuilding" and isolation work like curls to grow muscle helps for pulling and pushing.
Dyels are always insecure about their masculinity coming under threat just because someone can lift more that them.
Arnie started as a powerlifter, in fact many bodybuilders started as powerlifters.

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You're fat bro

>that's drugs though
except if you go look at reddit redpill newfags who use with zero experience lifting have no gains and are pathetic. Steroids are 85% diet discipline.

>Almost all niggers and sand niggers lift, how are we expected to win the coming race war if we have the bodies of dyels?
>wsm is 100% white
>arnold classice strongmen were all white
>best bodybuilders are either White or Black
>best oly lifters either White or Asian
>Best powerlifters are white with the exception of Iron bibby

also, You don't even need to lift, just do something fucking ANYTHING that is physically active, if you want to leave humanity behind and lift weights in the gym to become a beast at lifting, do it. Or go swimming 3 times a week and do some laps to shed some lard, go jogging in the mornings, go mountaineering, hiking, rock climbing etc. I really think the #1 detriment to modern society is how fucking unfit and fat everyone is, even skinny-fats who can't do a single pull-up are a shame. If everyone was out there doing something active 3-5 days a week and eating fairly healthy 5-7 days a week I gurantee you that'd solve like 3/4 of the issues the public has.

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>Power lifting is "bodybuilding"
No it isn't.

Nice cope for not being able to build muscle.
>R-running is better!
But literally everyone knows that muscle building ability is one of the best indicators for genetic fitness.

>>best oly lifters either White or Asian
Chinks are on super science government steroids and bred using eugenics

At no point in my op did I say bodybuilding, you said it, multiple times, the fact that that's all you interpreted from that image and comment just goes to show how insecure you are.

If you project any harder you're gonna have to start charging

Yes it is, you are building your body.
Are you just assmad that guy that curls everyday can probably bench more than you?
The truth is you can only get so big on pure strength training, many powerlifters convert to body building overtime as they begin to reach their natural limit on linear progression and their body need much more stimulation to get higher numbers.

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I'm not taking it out on you chief, I'm just saying those "bodybuilders" are in fact strong af.
So calm down.

He's so swole he warps the space around him.

It works for me, bro!

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Yeah, no thanks. Women are supposed to be soft and curvy.


*blocks your path*
pshhhhh nothin personnel gymrat

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totally natty

I keep hearing this meme, and it always comes across as disingenuous. Why lift for strength? Are you planning on lifting washing machines on a daily basis? The only good reason to lift is aesthetic, there's no need to pretend there's some other reason

If people don't lift then they should at least do farmers walk exercises combined with push ups. These two together give you arms a very good workout and they are two easy exercises to do.

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Based and redpilled

I just go to the gym to lose my love handles. 3d/w. 2 months. Starting to see results.

You’re a fat fuck who probably gets tired after one flight of stairs and who can’t fight for shot due to no mobility.

This is retarded, fake, AND gay.