Greek farmers are spraying mudslims with PIG PISS on the border. Look how fast they run! BASED
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Based if true.
Damn I didn't know Greeks were capable of being based.
show flag or im not addressing the content of your post
reminder that the dimoxonone sprayer spammer user was right
Haha fucking pussy mudshits BTFO
Are Greeks white?
Absolutely based AF
How did they collect that amount of "pig piss" if that were true.
based af
watch some mutts quickly rush to call this out as fake because "murica is best cuntry in the world!"
Absolutely fucking based
>spraying turkey territory with PIG PISS
they do it every day
help me bros, im falling in love with the greeks
One pig farm could probably produce hundreds of gallons a week my guy
Locals are also beating the shit out of journos and NGO's.
Fucking based.
>It's a giant tank of raid
Wow, Based!
It's just a slurry run off from a pig farm. There's a lot of it. It's used as fertilizer or in this case mudshit repellant
Pay debnts
i dont know how they run things in the EU but in the USA cow and pig farms are bio hazards and they are required to maintain containment pools for animal waste. no allowed to simply let it run off into the crick.
............ dude shut up lmao
you can buy pig urine by the gallon city faggot
makes very good compost
This is so fucking unreal, just the fact that a country is finally taking a stand. 2020 has felt like the start of a sea change, first normies get red pilled about the chinks and now Greece rises up once more.
It's just water.
they also beat Identitarians up because they mistook them for NGO's
What do you think happens to the piss and shit that pigs produce? They produce a lot of that stuff.
its water with pig stuff in it. a swimming pool becomes haram and needs to be purified if a pig bathed or is slaughtered in it.
If you have a pig farm, you have no shortage of pig urine and pig shit. If you find a good outlet, that's always a plus.
I thank the greek for protecting the borders against the invaders and the enemies from within
Ο Θεός μαζί μας
Hey spindoctor, it was AntiFa.
If there is pig piss at all, it would probably be mostly water with some pig piss thrown in just for the bants.
why am i reminded of C&C generals?
Really makes you think. Here in Europe farmers spray it on their fields as fertilizer, most of the time they do it before it rains.
holy hell how did greeks get to be so based?
we do some of that here too. point is theres a pool of hog piss and shit readily available to spray on foreign invaders
Based and Gyropilled. Long love Zeus and his true people
where do you just get that much pig piss?
Think I might go get a gyro for dinner.
21st century warfare
Holy fuck that must smell intense
greeks are so based.
Get one of those huge fertilizer tanks that's hauled on a trailer platform. Think big.
If not piss, then you can use other things like sewer water or certain irritating chemicals.
It's just water you dimwit.
t. farmer
>be American
>have access to fully automatic weapons
>Do nothing has your nation burns
>Be greek farmer
>Have nothing but animals
>Weaponize their fucking piss against invaders
I am earnestly jealous of Greek chads right now
This is by far the best thing I have ever seen
The reason it's that way is to inconvenience the farmers so they have to spend more money, lowering the profit they make and making them able to be fined so they can be bought out by multi billion dollar companies that secured this deal behind closed doors to maintain a slave class and an elite class.
Guess (((who))) dunnit.
Them motherfucking Jews
Fresh out of the lab!
Run through the sprinkler!
>high speed air conditioned tractors spewing industrial quantities of swine piss across the border on invading hoards
never before has this reaction image been this appropriate.
Not only does it smell like hell was a sewer, but the muck is also highly flammable.
Doubt that this eau de toilette managed to repel their odor tho
I wonder what General Black Jack Pershing would think about the Greek effort?
>blast it with piss becomes real
whew lad
based toxin tractor
pig farms. i mean - what do you think? fucking amazon?
Thank you for posting this, OP.