I have received devastating news this afternoon. After growing up thinking I was white, it turns out I am far from it.
23andme has revealed while my mother is 100% French, my father is half-French, and parts Pashtun, Palestinian, and some other assortments of Middle Eastern/Asian mumbo jumbo.
Can you believe it? Living your entire life believing you are white and for all of that to come crashing down on you. I honestly feel like I've been shot in the chest. My father is non-white but I look incredibly white. This is devastating.
75% french 25% Asian-Mongoloid not that bad at least by American standards... although I've heard france is 4% Jewish so be careful you might be Sephardi or Ashkenazi.
Bentley Wilson
So your mother cucked your dad?
Jaxon Barnes
meanwhile we are something like 8 or 15% Jewish (including partial ancestry) but there is no good easily available data it is a big taboo. So many Jews converted to Christianity that really America is very much mixed heritage, if you include the conversos. Same with Mexico probably Spain and Italy to some degree. The ones that kept the religion are in the vast minority over the centuries.
Elijah Roberts
>that fucking hooked beak between your eyes Your a dumbdumb if you ever thought you were actually white
Easton Green
Well done sending your DNA to a (((lab))). Now they have information about you and will create a better virus to target people like you. Bill Gates approves too
Henry Perez
It's okay, you are still whiter than 80% of Canadians.
Thomas Turner
Your fault for sending your DNA to jews in the first place.
Logan Martin
You got arrested in that sweater didn't you user
Noah Kelly
>100% French Which means she already has ~10% North African and Arab DNA going back to the 1800s. The French were mutts long before mutts became a meme.
William Sanchez
It has been broken numerous times. I would attribute it to that rather than my genetics. It used to be straight, I promise.
Lincoln Russell
lol what for
Bentley Adams
I have heard you should just ignore the tests if they say up to 30pct jew and you look white/act white
Daniel Gomez
you can ignore the 1% or less due to statistical error/artifact 23andMe emails about it were leaked. 30% no thats total mamzer territory, nothing wrong with it just be honest with yourself. I'm not saying they're not white either although technically semites are Afro-Asiatic, but most Jews are Khazars anyway.
Juan Watson
Your still white lad, you’re just a fucken ugly cunt. Don’t kill yourself.
Pffft. Imagine > actually believing your mothers not just another French whore and your biological dad is NOT the guy you call dad
Ryder Allen
So the test saying your jew actually means semite? Or khazar? I'm confused now. I have been hearing for years 1 pct then 5 then 10 became 20 and 30 etc. But I thought if you were Jewish it would say middle eastern origin? I have met some Jews who are white but they don't act like or look jewish
Jews can cloak their idiosyncrasies on short-bursts. stay in a cabin with them for 3 days and nights and you will change your tune.
Dominic Price
You know they doctor that shit, right? They specifically add false results to do exactly this kind of thing. It's even been admitted to publicly.
Also congrats on adding your DNA, and by extension every single person in your family's DNA, to a permanent database accessible by the feds.
Fucking moron.
Jordan Young
You sent your DNA to the Jewish owned 23andme and they, after already being proven to be a false place as someone sent in their identical triplets DNA and had different results for each, have told you that you aren't white?
What if I told you your DNA wasn't being used to determine your race, but to make sure you would be one that gets to die of Coronavirus?
Thomas Bell
You kinda look like Assad lol
Matthew Thomas
>think im pure white >23andme comes back with 4.1% t*rkroach Oh well, at least I have no jew or nigger in me.
Well if I tell you race doesn't matter I'm a kike. If I tell you you aren't white I'm trying to cause purity spiraling which is a jewish trick to turn white people against each other. If I tell you you are white I'm trying to broaden the definition of who is white in order to further dilute the gene pool with mutts, so I'm a kike for that.
So I guess you can pick one of those three and either way I'm a kike for it.
Lincoln Robinson
You are right. It is a business that has to make "bottom line" to continue operating. They always throw in a little twist because they know largely these tests are used to illiterate a response from the family members or interested parties of the customer. My uncle is real into that bullshit, and they used to say for the last decade that we are part italian, now they say we are zero italian and only anglo-saxon. I dont buy it, I stay white by staying out of the sun and when I was in jail the female prison guard asked me if I am Jewish for some reason. then they released me right after.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Do you really think they would add such a high amount on his test? Stop being a retard. If they really want to fool people, they have to add small amounts of dna, not altering 1/4 of a persons result.
Blake Sullivan
Bad combo. Not white, but treated as poorly as Whites are treated. Sucks man really does.
Adrian Collins
I get that a lot. Here is a picture of me in my younger years. I fear I would fit in walking around the streets of Damascus...
Yes, are right like a 1 or 2 percent dash of spice so the customer has a talking point at the family gathering, they always do that. >the best dna test is to eyeball a mf.
Jaxson King
Noah Sanchez
Easily, they would sing hosana and throw palm leaves at your feet. You are super Jewish.
Eli Parker
You're still white Mohammed, calm down
Andrew Wright
>What do I do from here? I literally dont care, you psychotic fuck
Wyatt Torres
you're a Canadian, literally nothing you say matters.
Samuel Hall
Dont have new worlders a family register at home?
Juan Martin
you literally look like a Syrian. Also answer me:
Angel Foster
lol you are that guy from tinychat
Matthew Parker
You're white enough for Team White. Just don't be a cuck and carry on.
You look Canadian. They all have those eyes. T. Half Canadian
Nolan Rodriguez
this shouldnt be surprising knowing the geography of france. even when muslims were kicked out of france in the time of charles martel lots took french names and stuck around in the south of france and assimilated into french culture.
Lincoln Taylor
It's from staring at a tiny puck on a little tv screen all day
Ryan Martinez
holy fuck it's dangies. how are you still alive?
Brandon Rivera
We’re the ones that had the one drop rule while Europe was over generous about admixture. It’s why we eruo mutts are overwhelmingly euro.