Chinks should pay

Once this corona wave is over we should be making the chinks pay for our health care costs. It’s one pandemic after another with them , sars h1n1 corona etc every time it’s the chinks and their filthy habits and situating practices. If it was a leaked bio weapon then we can be sure it was shoddy Chinese quality control that allowed it to leak.

The chinks are at fault they should reimburse all these countries for health costs and pay survivor benefits to the innocent people that died due to their filth and disgust

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Other urls found in this thread:


We should just nuke China.

Japan should have gone through in WW2 and exterminated all the subhuman chinks, fuck you for stopping them

Nuke the gooks

Fuckin based

Well the Jews have been getting Holocaust pensions for 200years already why shouldn’t we make the chinks pay for this ?

tfw 1933 was 200 years ago

Well there’s no soldiers surviving yet they seem to have dozens of holocaust survivors on tv all the time

Glass China

I just wonder why not a single person has mentioned publicly that the chinks should pay back our health care costs and pay for the deaths they have caused. If trudeau can pay 25k each for a bunch of Iranians who died in a plane they shot down the soulless bug gooks can pay for this shit

lets do it faggots

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i genuinely detest chinks so fucking much

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Reparations? Where have we heard this before?
Compensation? Are you Jewish?

Kiss my Party ID card laowai.

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anything bad that happens to them is a net positive for humanity

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I hate fucking chinks

die insectoid sympathizer

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that is if youre not a chink yourself

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You soulless faggot. God, I hate your kibd

I agree unironically.

China has been basically getting 0 flack for all the shit they pull for the past 20 years, and even with Trump they still manage to export their misery and disease to the rest of the world pretty constantly.

no one is this robotic and inhuman

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Let’s get fucking paid

the amazing thing is i havenet even saved any of the ones where they are abusing and torturing animals for pleasure or convenience because it hurts me to watch them but if someone has them post em. the world needs to see that the true face of evil is these demon possessed chinks

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We really should bring this up into public discussion. I can’t think of many people who would be opposed.

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I used to love those chink hate threads. Why’d the jannest start blocking them

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>sue the chinks behind corona/fent/opioid epidemic


They designed and executed all this

Every death is murder by your government/politicians/businesses

sink the chink

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kill every living thing with those demonic slanty bug eyes with no discretion

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What's happening there? Slut shaming?

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the chinaman has always been a dirty filthy creature, never forget

While they can kill off their infected to stop a further outbreak, we cannot. They have said Wuhan ist now safe. By the looks of it it's a ghost town now. Must've killed off everyone because they were a burden on logistics etc.

The West can't issue any totalitarian measures like the Chinese can. This might have been a chess move on their part to weaken us. They only sacrificed a few of their own, while we will most lose too many on our side.

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checking if I'm banned to post


Getting tired of your diseases china

If they don’t pay, just nuke them. All of them.

not gonna lie. I laughed at the way the second guy got hit and went flying forward.

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>China's success rests largely with a strong administrative system that it can mobilise in times of threat, combined with the ready agreement of the Chinese people to obey stringent public health procedures

>Although other nations lack China's command-and-control political economy, there are important lessons that presidents and prime ministers can learn from China's experience. The signs are that those lessons have not been learned.

>So far, evidence suggests that the colossal public health efforts of the Chinese Government have saved thousands of lives. High-income countries, now facing their own outbreaks, must take reasoned risks and act more decisively. They must abandon their fears of the negative short-term public and economic consequences that may follow from restricting public freedoms as part of more assertive infection control measures.

Capitalist BTFO

China's response was the right one showed the superiority of communism and the might of China.
While America and the West dies, China will emerge as the pre-eminent global power just like how the US emerged after WWII as the only intact nation among ruined powers.

I cant wait for Westshit butthurt when they are trying to flee to China, the only sanctuary without Corona. I'll be on the walls then, shooting down whitoid rapefugees LMAO.

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agree, also the UN should deploy forces in china and shoot anyone that eats a bat on the spot


people need to acknowledge the horror of this post in particular

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But why?

Outside of Wuhan, which is still under lockdown, every other province is returning to normalcy again. New infections are from refugees coming over from Italy and the West.

China defeated Corona-chan because noone can stand against Communism and the combined power of the command economy.

Communism is the peak performance of human polity. Try not to be too jealous when you lie dying in your bed, as your government thought that giving Corona-chan gayrights was more important than to enforce a quarantine and produce ten million test-kits in a week.

Pic related is your precious freedom. I'm sure this BRAVE democratic girl will make Corona go away HAHAHAHAHA

Attached: Democracy Pinnacle of Human Historical Evolution.jpg (841x903, 102.34K)

Free chink GFs for anyone that wants one

Shut up, Bruce. You aren't even one drop Chinese, and you aren't fooling anyone who wasn't raised in a gay relationship.

Absolutely true. Fucking chinks are constantly spreading disease everywhere they go. H1N1, SARS, Bird Flu and now Corona virus. Stop eating bugs and shitting where you eat you fucking chink pieces of shit!