I've lost everything in my life and I'm going to attempt to overdose today
I've lost everything in my life and I'm going to attempt to overdose today
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cya tomorrow fren
I hope you dont OP.
Dont do it user. (((They))) win everytime one of us anheros.
That's a very stupid decision OP.
Don't be a weak faggot.
Overdosing doesn't work. Gassing, overdosing, and other chemicals result in brain damage as often as death.
Just do it then faggot
When did I ask weakfag
Dont do it man, there's always a way.
Don’t please. Let’s talk.
>(((They))) win everytime one of us anheros.
Don't be anhero.
>he thinks he can escape this place
not even suicide works. you are here. forever
>I'm going to attempt
yeah you'll definitely survive that shit f.am.
Way to go out with a whimper. Go make a difference before you do. But really, don't because that's such a faggot thing to do. Go move and change up your life. Because what your going to do is the last shitty decision of your life. Go to Hawaii and live on the beach and masturbate all day in public.
See you tomorrow.
Or, y'know, if you do go through with it post links to the Livestream.
Either way.
But don't.
what did you loose? im genuinly curious
If you Kys youre officialy a faggot, thats how life works, dont be a faggot OP
What did you lose? Can you please tell us? I am listening.
ayyye take a shot for me before you lights out
Don’t do it senpai, if you’re not saved you’re going to have been deceived thinking there was nothing after death. Jesus Christ will save you instantly if you believe he died for your sins, was buried and rose the third day according to the scriptures.
God bless you bro. It’ll be alright
It's never too late to rebuild
I don't really care, but you should try to OD on Corona and find spiritual salvation at your local synagogue or mosque. Preferably both.
Free English lesson this time Juro.
I owe it to you after I fucked your fine women.
>1 post by this ID
>not politics
Some of us have been suicidal for a long ass time with nothing to lose and here you are whining for attention after actually losing something. Get out.
Why? Do what I do, wait for a terminal disease and have a plan to kill everyone who fucked you over, and their children.
When they are all old and grey, when they are enjoying their lives and what they have achieved, I will show up on their doorstep. And kill them all. I will make them watch as I cut their offsprings into pieces. Death will be the least of their worries.
can you please go on a mass shooting and live stream it you fucking faggot. Suicide is for losers user, mass shootings are for alpha males
Nooooooo do a livestreamed shooting insteaad (in minecraft)
and nothing of value was lost
You never "had" any of it in the first place. They win if you do this. Don't
Take a politician with you, you selfish bitch.
Don't do it.
Life is a test. Its not supposed to be easy.
God expects you to see your test through to the end.
Take the stoic pill, user. Just put one foot in front of the other and get through whatever it is you are currently going through. It won't be easy, but you can survive it.
just don't. you have to get through this shit, it's the only way to level up. or you gonna face it again and again. you are literally one step before getting through. just think about it.
Aw don't end yourself, Son. Just go temporarily insane and see where it takes you.
>be me
>lose everything, permanently disfigured, (ex)wife leaves, homeless, broke
>got a tent from goodwill
>hitchhiked to Florida
>roughed it
>gained new experiences
>met a few people
>now have my own place and everything I lost except for a wife and honestly who the fuck needs one
Why? Coronachan is here now. If you survive, who knows what type of society will emerge from the ashes. If you don't survive, at least you get to watch the world burn.
this. suicide is for faggots, do not waste it for nothing if you're going to end yourself
don't do it, user. things get better.
"when you're going thru hell, keep going" -churchill
don't do it user
This all of the people on the American Jewish slave plantation
Is depressed and
This guy thinks he's special
don't try. do or do not. if you half ass it you'll end up a vegetable and some idiot will leave you on the food tube for years
Don't fuck this up too, op.
Overdose of cuteness?
But the weather is beautiful today, go outside instead
Well this guy did get dubbs, his post is intriguing, and his name is "." He may very well have shit figured out.
>attempt to
Cry for attention it is.
>1 post by this ID
based, let me hug you my fren
wow more fucking suicides fucking do it faggot no one gives a shit. why doesnt this site just make a suicide board seeing as it is so popular.
Zerkalo is a God-tier movie
But you have us user!
Stay alive and shitpost with us!
Remember this:
If life seems hard than it's just a simulation test to see if you are worthy to become a space marine. Don't give up, I hope to see you on duty, battle brother
Wait a couple of days. Nobody ever regretted not killing himself.
do a back flip
Dumb ass, you will bleed out your eyes your intestines would twist and turn in excruciating pain and you would have a slow painful heart attack or you survive and have a fucked up heart or organs, why would overdose even be an option in the US? I know the feeling though user, but stop being a pussy.
>posts kino
don't do it user
You're going to miss the good stuff. The fun is just about to begin. When the war for civilization starts all the traits that society makes you hide are suddenly going to become the most valuable things about you. Don't surrender before the fight even starts.
Yes die like a faggot.Fucking based.
Use a fucking gun and aim for brainstem.
Wait six months, and look back: you would have killed the wrong guy.
One does not attempt to commit sudoku. Either you do it, or you don’t.
Two years ago I said the same thing, my friend - believe me. At 33, I lost it all and had to start over (which was soul destroying in itself)
And really - I know it's easy for me to say this now, but dig in deep and weather the storm; life gradually gets better. Its neither quick nor easy, but you come out of it that little bit stronger/wiser/more capable
All the best,
lmao that's a nice thing, I never thought this way. buckle up, men, we're gonna be a space marines.
>bridge. jpg
Make sure you succeed the first time.Every next try the fear will just grow
$20 says no one ever regretted doing it either.
likely you want just "die". youll severely damage your inside and die slowly over a 2 week period in pure hell and regret.
and the moment of your death will be a flood of total regret, trauma & terror beyond your comprehension
>1 post by this ID
You didn’t loose anything son. KRISHNA loves you.
Do a flip favgot
this. the 5 year anniversary of my attempt just passed a couple of weeks ago. i'm pretty much a retard ever since i woke up in the ICU and didn't succeed in being an hero.
i will say this though. ever since then, my life has gotten lightyears better. i have a child, a wife, a job i don't hate, and a decent little life. i'm so glad i didn't succeed. and i hope that you don't, either. godspeed, whatever you choose, user. peace
nah, either shoot yourself or jump in front of a train. don't bother otherwise.
90% of those who survived a golden gate bridge jump went on to die from means other than suicide.
I.e. 90% probably regretted it on the way down.
Im 33 rn and pretty much in the middle of shit ocean. but, yeah, just gotta keep swimming, or at least floating, and will probably see the shores someday.