You guys see this shit? He unironically references memes wafter committing murder.
I most of you aren't this far gone.
You guys see this shit? He unironically references memes wafter committing murder.
I most of you aren't this far gone.
Other urls found in this thread:
Just because of this I'll sing Shadilay if I ever get pinched on BULLSHIT BASELESS domestic terrorism charges.
>chads and stacies are actually above normies
imagine actually saying this IRL with a serious look
Oh god is this what we sound like? It's hurting me to hear this, so cringe god damn it. Have any of you said these words out loud? I feel fucjing weirs just when I say COOM or kek out loud, imagine spouting off internet culture and memes like this holy shit.
I also meant to write "I hope most" not "I most" but whats important is the video.
>converted life status to death status
>pepe the frog types
>openly references chads, stakes, norms, and incels
This is either not legit or this guy is crazy.
Incel is a meme. They exist, but it's entirely ironic. Usually intending that the political beliefs themselves necessitate that you can't get laid.
It's group self deprecating humor. It's not true.
This thing stinks.
Yas Forums...he was on /bant/ right?
kys cringe faggot
>stakes, norms
Phoneposting is a sin, user.
Typing it seems completely different. Granted, I'm not an incel, but still.
This guy is mentally unhinged as fuck, this is genuinely hard to listen to.
He should plead mental retardation, he's secured credibility there
This guy is from Yas Forums he has literally nothing to do with Yas Forums
Nobody ever falls for this
mandy was a great movie
>beta uprising against the Chad's and Stacey's
..... this has to be dubbed.
Doesn't matter what board he's from, even if it was /h/, (((they))) would still blame Yas Forums for it
Is this some new Yas Forums lingo that I missed? Can I get a quickrundown?
Absolute cringe, I hope rope-kun finds him.
Second this, first time seeing this word
He meant to type "after."
Something about it is tricky though cause it didn't hit me right off either.
Except none of these are memes.
What browser was he using to access 4ch? I want to know and I want that nazi shit shut down.
Thanks user, was confused
This, but reddit fags probably still use them, dunno never used reddit more than for advice on fixing a program (usually game)
I googled wafter seems like its a braap related device.
in context:
" A wafter can project a braap 150% farther than if the braap is allowed to drift exclusively on its own power."
I know right, think of the little goys, oy vey the humanity
>The beta uprising against the Chads and the Stacies.
This guy shitposts in real life.
He is definetely on the spectrum.
>"convert their life status to death status"
Dude is speaking like a robot
degenerate shit, literally
@7:47 he literally says he uses reddit, I hope al-israelia fucking sends a 747 into his cell.
White Rage
The black rage is their defense
Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.
The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.
But oddly enough, nobody came after me.
One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.
But all this has made me consider White Rage.
If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.
Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.
Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.
So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?
At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?
There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.
So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.
And a warning.
see guys like this need access to therapists.
If he just had a chance to talk to someone maybe he wouldn't have done what he did.
First rule of Yas Forums? Your not supposed to talk about Yas
Second rule of Yas Forums?
He says the first time he posted on Yas Forums was when he heard about Elliot Rogers. Then he says he coordinated attacks with Elliot Rogers on Yas Forums. The guy is so full shit and this detective is talking to him like he’s just a buddy trying to understand. A good detective would have pressed him on his bullshit to get his true motivations.
He says he's unfamiliar with Elliot rodgers
Everyone put a lol at the end of your posts or this mouth breather will call the FBI on you. Get bent
Around an hour 1:16:40 he gives a funny anecdote and then name drops POL and R9K at 1:18:30
that's just wrong. He says he had contact
The cop was unfamiliar, not Alek
>Pepe the frog types
>most of them are unrelated to Yas Forums or Yas Forums or Yas Forums so I don't bother with them
>Yas Forums
>Yas Forums
ofc it's the shitiest boards these fags go to, except Yas Forums but he was probably on lefty Yas Forums or newfag Yas Forums
From what I listened to, not much mind you (because this hurts my ears), he uses reddit, Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and Yas Forums
>calls people normies but is literally the most normie thing possible
>Cop e
>Cop e-thot
The cops are going to war against e-thots confirmed
>Ok now I go take my meds
What a fucking faggot. I love how the detective laughs at him at around 4 minutes.
he's clearly autistic as fuck, just like elliot rodger. i don't know how people can't recognize autists within seconds.
He claims that the conversation on Yas Forums is mainly centered about guys not being able to lose their virginity lmao.
I don't blame the detective, although I would be probably puking at the end of this. This detective needs a raise.
Forgot incel Yas Forums was a thing, these autists need help.
Expect more pressure on public forums, more pressure for self-driving cars.
It was the TCP/IPs what did it!
Jesus Christ, listening to this is so fucking surreal
do you disagree that the laws surrounding marriage have changed to make it weaker ? you are full of s***, silly
Did you do it user?