Thoughts on catholicism?

thoughts on catholicism?

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*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

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The one true Faith, established by God for His glory and for the salvation of the human race.
Unfortunately, it's been infiltrated by Jews, Communists, Freemasons, homosexuals, and literal Satanists (but I repeat myself).
For those doubting the claim about Satanism, look at the PA grand jury report; the Novus Ordo priests were smearing coom on kids like it was chrism, photographing their boys in cruciform positions, telling them that their coom was a way to receive Jesus, etc. They all should hang.
Find yourself a traditionalist parish and become Catholic if you're not. Many visionaries and prophets predicted an apostasty in the Church and a widespread eclipse of her glory before a great restoration; these are those days.

You really want an SSPX chapel but FSSP is okay too

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show biz on a stick

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Jewish religion

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It's Christianity, and that is all you need to know in order to reject it.

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Heretics practicing a bunch of hocus pocus nonsense. Thinking they eat the literal flesh and blood of jesus, worshipping mary as a demigod, sprinkle baptism, calling preachers "father" (you shall call no one except god and your biological dad father), saint worship, etc etc the list goes on. Not to mention the pedophiles and child molestors and their joke of a "pope". Take the fundamentalist baptist pill before its too late reprobates


The only things people like about it are the things they stole from pagans

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It's based. The only religion that I know of that bans all contraception. Unfortunately, the institutions have been infiltrated by commies and faggots, but that is getting better as the boomers die off

Need it now more than ever

Contraceptions are also considered haram by virtually all Islamic scholars.

(Traditional) Catholicism definitely passes as the most tolerable form of christianity, rich with pagan elements and a long Tradition. But especially after Vatican II it's pretty much good as dead and more in line with modern christianity and its nauseating slavishness.

News to me. Muzzies got something right.

“Do not kill your children for fear of want." "We provide sustenance for them and for you” (6:151, 17:31).
The issue with Muslims is primarily a racial one. Most of Islam's followers are inbred, 80 IQ sandniggers who unironically fuck goats and donkeys.
As the Fürher himself remarked on several occasions, Islam would have been much more befitting of the German people than Christianity.
Frankly, a form of whit Sharia might not be the worst ideoloy to adopt.

Gay and Jewish


>hocus pocus nonsense
>implying people are not influenced by rituals

Reasonable Croatian is reasonable.

Christianity is incoherent,:

>“… I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” — Genesis 32:30

Contradicts this scripture

>“No man hath seen God at any time…”– John 1:18

Here's another fuck up:

>“… Thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God…” — Leviticus 18:21

>[In Judges, though, the tale of Jephthah, who led the Israelites against the Ammonoites, is being told. Being fearful of defeat, this good religious man sought to guarantee victory by getting god firmly on his side. So he prayed to god] “… If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering” — Judges 11:30-31

>[The terms were acceptable to god — remember, he is supposed to be omniscient and know the future — so he gave victory to Jephthah, and the first whatsoever that greeted him upon his glorious return was his daughter, as god surely knew would happen, if god is god. True to his vow, the general made a human sacrifice of his only child to god!] — Judges 11:29-34

Can't even keep something straight and moral. Pic also related.

>inb4 fedora autism

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Is it weird that I fund Catholics to be FAR more devout than their own clergy?

Never seen that in any other sect or religion.

>Catholics= based,
>Jesus = based,
>The pedos who infiltrated the priesthood = scum who need to die slow.

Nigger dick loving pedos larping as christians.

Not a fan.

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Free Will is the foundation for Evil.
Your image is retarded and your copypasta is stale.

They think it makes no difference to your mind whether you smell frankincense or mcdonald's

Based and redpilled

>1 post by this ID
Step 1: ask a vague, contentious question.

>1 post by this ID
Step 2: post a really idiotic EVROPA post with some Yas Forums-tier meme. Very EVROPA indeed.

>1 post by this ID
Step 3 (this is important): post totally "Catholic" post about how Novus Ordo is totally wrong and Pope Francis aka BERGOGLIO is #NotMyPope and you're the real Christian and everyone else is just wrong.

Step 4: congratulations, enjoy your shit thread hitting the bump limit.

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What if it's a smear campaign by (((mainstream media)))? The Catholic Church can't be all that powerful anymore if media, courts etc can show them in such a bad light.

The root word of Catholicism has the meaning of "clean" meaning unblemished doctrine and in Rome and the West they faced widespread gnostic and pagan practices/heresies that stained belief. The East in comparison is Orthodox, root word meaning "correct" as in practice or beliefs, where in Constantinople they inherited all of Greco-Roman classical thought that didnt offer blemish or stain but that in many cases were incorrect to the mission and character of Christianity.
These are my thoughts. Catholic and Orthodox are the west and east views onto a singular substance of faith circumscribing the entirety of western civilization. Also that

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>The Catholic Church can't be all that powerful anymore if media, courts etc can show them in such a bad light.
wtf I love media and courts etc now

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It's stupid for the same reason any well-established ideology is stupid. Dead dogma, merging the personal with the political, corruption leading to opulence, being "peaceful" when it has little influence, and being extremely horrific and aggressive when it dominates the zeitgeist. The sexual abuses that barely need mentioning. The clinging to any measure of power even when it is obviously losing an argument.

And that's just the procedural and non-biblical issues. The moment you get into theology, it all falls apart just like any religion.

And you know what? I wouldn't even mind all the above, if only it was useful for maintaining public morality and preventing the influx of a completely incompatible religion. It doesn't do that, it just makes concessions to that other supposedly peaceful religion.

Some of the above applies to all christianity in Europe. When you compare it to protestantism, I guess the main thing is the leader is an old man wearing a dress.

It's a hyperreality. The media merely bombard you with scandal, and this is especially effective in the minds of a propagandised audience given the fact that, you know, Christ's Church actually has moral standards to strive for. And not all the scandal is even real, mind you, like Cardinal Pell being convicted as a paedophile in Australia because he was tried in the media with phony charges, or the very "real" case of the thousands of paedo priests in Pennsylvania.

meh. they get a lot right as far as social issues. they're still a made up religion though.

Just because the INSTITUTIONAL and PUBLIC life of the church has been adultered it doesn't mean that there isn't truth or validity in their sacraments. The Bride of Christ is an atemporal reality.

>t. not catholic

Fun fact.
All those catholic priests fucking kids cases since ww2 is still less than wamen teachers fucking kids in schools in the past decade.

>inb4 where were they when I was in school

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Screw words.

Good explanation, user

For over 1000 years the Catholic church was the bedrock of Western culture. It eventually became anachronistic during the Enlightenment

>everything empirically knowable about the Church is considered awful by any well-reasoned man but you should still support it because you know muh scriptures and shieet
>christianity can just almost barely compete with the secular degeneracy of modernity in terms of rape rates

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Except the "explanation" doesn't make any sense. Catholic means "universal", Catholic Church literally means "universal body of Christ", it has nothing to do with Catholics call themselves orthodox all the time, and the Orthodox firmly, dogmatically believe that they are catholic.

Also, accusations of "pagan practices" is such protestant hysterics with no substance whatsoever.

Corrupt church. Slightly less corrupted than the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

*it has nothing to do with cleanliness.

Kosher bluepill. Biblical ideological infection at the end of the day, no matter how 'redpilled' some particular people become within it.

It's the truth but Rome has become the seat of the anti christ and the church is in eclipse as Our Lady of La Salette prophesied. John 23rd thru francis are all anti pope free mason apostates. Jp2 is in hell. The novus ordo are not even valid priests

Corrupt bullshit. Fuck the Pope.

So you're a protestant, huh?

It's a smear campaign only in the sense that the media and the novus ordo vatican 2 sodomite fake priests bishops and popes are all freemasons in league to destroy the church.

Demonic, corrupt, apostate church.
it's followers hide behind the false guise of being "the church Christ founded" even though everything they stand for is anti-Christian and not biblical.

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No, Catholic.

jew-larp wearing the skin of European paganism

Surely that can't possibly be the case. You're making authoritative statements on who is in hell and who is not, deciding what celebrations of the mass are valid or not, and you don't even seem to be able to recognise who is the Bishop of Rome.

Orthodox, maybe?

>Is it weird that I fund Catholics to be FAR more devout than their own clergy
Tbh, you just don't see the devout clergy. The attention seekers are sjw faggots and boomers. The young priests tend to be quite devout and turbo trad

I actually chuckled

False God and religion, evil pedo organization that feeds nigs.

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Jp2 committed apostasy and idol worship at assisi. He never publicly repented of this public act this we must say he is in hell as the church teaches in the council of florence.

Novus ordo sacraments do not supply intention in their liturgy. Thus they are positively doubtful and not to be considered as valid for the reasons leo xiii laid out in apostolic curae.

It seems like the see is vacant but maybe there is an underground papacy from siri's succession. Doubt it though.

Yes I am an orthodox Roman Catholic.

>1 post by this ID
make that two retard

Beautiful art, fascinating sociology, dubious future. Let’s save it!

>The root word of Catholicism has the meaning of "clean" meaning unblemished doctrine and in Rome and the West they faced widespread gnostic and pagan practices/heresies that stained belief.
No, it means "universal" both the east and the west consider themselves to be the one holy catholic (universal) and orthodox (of true doctrine) church.

False religion. Split from the Church 1000 years ago, and has steadily declined into something completely unrecognizable to the Faith of the Apostles.

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The more I study real Catholicism (Aquinas, Augustine, Ireneaus, Catherine of Sienna, Therese of Avila, among others) the more I fall in love with it what it really is, and the more I despise the fucking protestants currently running the Church (Francis included).

>Jp2 committed apostasy and idol worship at assisi.
I'm sorry, have the meaning of words changed? Did John Paul II stop being a Christian? Do you have some kind of unique insight into the former Pope's heart to know his intentions?

>we must say he is in hell as the church teaches in the council of florence.
Say it with me: according to your own authoritative interpretation of the Council.

>Novus ordo sacraments do not supply intention in their liturgy.
Say it with me: according to your own authority. Actually look up Eucharistic miracles and in what parishes they have occurred the last handful of times. Hint: Our Lord didn't decide to shed His precious blood on the traddiest of tradcat parishes.

>It seems like the see is vacant
Everyone knows who the Bishop of Rome is, this is exceedingly uncontroversial. And the schismatic "Catholics" like Antipope Michael are also uncontroversially not recognised as the Bishop of Rome and the Vicar of Christ.

>Yes I am an orthodox Roman Catholic.
I'm sorry, brother, but that is not how it works. You reject the Roman ecclesiology, by definition you are not a Roman Catholic even if you're not formally excommunicated. I suggest that you start fighting the sin of Pride. God has promised you that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church, and I very much doubt that Pope Francis would manage such a feat as hard as he tried (and he isn't trying). Stop being motivated by Pride, brother.

Ave. Read St John Chrysostom.

These freemasons are infiltrators larping as the clergy. I pray they all die soon.

Then you'll really love the Church that has preserved that faith to this day. God bless.

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>I pray they all die soon.
How very Christian of you. Praying for death. I'm sure that you must be aware how tradschismatics are generally possessed by the demon of Pride.

Except you Orthodox missed the boat on the whole Jesus is consubstantial with the Father part. I do pray one day the schism will resolve and you all vome back into the fold. Love your style by the way.