Seriously why are there so few cases in sub saharian Africa.
Are Black Africans more resistant, are they better prepared due to their crisis with Ebola.
lack of tech needed to report cases
Niggers aids
Cases in Arab countries
Seriously why are there so few cases in sub saharian Africa.
Are Black Africans more resistant, are they better prepared due to their crisis with Ebola.
lack of tech needed to report cases
Niggers aids
Cases in Arab countries
its hot
No one wants to travel there
africans don't smoke and rarely make to 80 years old
old age + smoker + coronavirus = death
1 post by this ID
It’s a slide thread
Hotter in Arab countries but they have cases in the 40.
thats like saying niggers are resistant to cancer
They don’t test people and they don’t even care, the mortality rate is already off the chart even without corona-chan.
Confirmed cases reflect testing, not the actual spread of disease.
>too stupid to do tests
>if we dont test it we dont have cases
You can't die to Corona if starvation gets you first
yeah, because they have a great medical infrastructure for isolating potential cases and conducting tests...
>kills boomers
Nigger mortality rate is already peak for nig nog boomers, they are simply under the radar
If you lack the technology and skills to detect corona it is impossible to report any cases.
I don't see a slide thread. He's asking a legitimate question.
Average lifespan of sub saharian african is 65 lol
Not even a virus want to live near niggers. Think about that.
You guys are probably the weakest human beings against any kind of illness due to had been somehow isolated from other civilizations aside of the slave trading.
If something affects europeans and latin americans you guys should be scared.
that's because of shit medical care with how physically active they are and the fact they don't eat processed diets they probably live to 95 with good medical system
less dense living areas and less mass transit routes. nigger's irrelevance in the world stage is keeping them safe, for now. we'll see what happens when their seasonal sicknesses come around and there is less world gibs to help them handle those + corona when economic powers are too busy keeping themselves afloat.
>why isn't a northern hemisphere disease affecting people in the tropics at the same rate?
Its a mystery.
There could be ten thousand dead in Africa already and no one would notice.
I hope all 80 percent of niggers die. The 20 percent that survive can be the worlds entertainment.
I want to bury my head on these
Because they can’t fucking detect any. It requires multiple tests, and this on a continent filled with fear of doctors.
Remember when they stopped reporting about Ebola, but it was still killing a ton of nigs year later and no one gave a single fuck?
This is the same kind of situation.
Without a doubt Corona is mowing down a crapload of them, but it's just another virus among thousands of others that are fucking them up on a daily basis.
Also only few countries in Africa can even test for it to begin with. It's going to take quite a while for them to start noticing this.
What will start killing them by the millions is the lack of foreign aid though.
The moment food aid stops coming, we're going to see mass famines everywhere. When US and EU go into lockdown mode cargo wise, hunger is going to ravage the shit out of Africa and kill more of them than any disease could.
Most African nations are entirely dependent on foreign aid to even exist.
sub sahara africa isn't a global leader in manufacturing like east gookland
it also doesn't have anywhere close to the amount of international travel that east gookland or yurop has
>1 post by this ID
their immune system is shit though
What? Africans tend to have a stronger immune system because they don't have access to antibiotics or vaccines compared to 1st world countries.
can't die from cancer if you OD or get shot first
checkmate cancer
They also have AIDS.
Why would corona want to go to some shithole like sub-Saharan Africa?
Do you want to know the real reason white boy?...… It's cuz...
SARS outbreak ended in June-July 2003, because of the heat. Likely we will see the same with coronavirus.
However, it's only March... which means another month with exponential growth of cases.
Thicc holy fuck
>1)It is hot.
>Hotter in Arab countries
You are a dumb nigger. Syria recently had snow
while sub saharan Africa is in the southern
hemisphere and is now in late summer
>2)Not touristy
>3)No big trade
>4)No big airline hubs
>5)Low traffic frequency
>6)Lack of urban centers
>7)Lack of testing kits
AIDS is a gay disease. You cannot get it from heterosexual sex. Africa has a lot of black gays just like how the USA has a lot of black gays.
Nikkers are cancer.
but envision the scent
Only a matter of time...
check out the SARS epidemic curve, cases decreased after May
no corona tests & nobody gives a shit
No one cares about a dead Nigeroni
>What will start killing them by the millions is the lack of foreign aid though.
>The moment food aid stops coming, we're going to see mass famines everywhere. When US and EU go into lockdown mode cargo wise, hunger is going to ravage the shit out of Africa and kill more of them than any disease could.
this wouldn't be a bad thing, let the population even itself out and get back to a level that can take care of itself
I'd have thought it was half that desu that's pretty long for an african nigger
KEK men can't get AIDS from fucking women. Take you Jew propaganda elsewhere. The only way a heterosexual man can get AIDS is sharing drug needles.
Because nobody is testing because who gives a fuck about niggers in sub Saharan Africa?
Apparently, Corona-chan hits those with a high ACE2-expressing cell ratio the hardest. Whites and niggers are gonna be OK if true (source is from a chink research group).
They need to get it first. Africa is not exactly a massive travel destination, like Italy.
pretty sure thats the reason some africans are already immune to HIV
Wow, those are perfect butts. And I'm quite the expert when it comes to butts.
Even deadly pathogens not from Africa don't want to be around niggers.
Niggers so disgusting not even Corona-chan want to touch em
they aren't reported
>Seriously why are there so few cases in sub saharian Africa
It can only affect humans. Duh!
on unz review (among other sites) are some articles that claim the virus is engineered to be anti-chinese-specific... to expand on this somewhat crazy conspiracy theory: any good theory would need to make a prediction, which is in this case:
the virus reduces the same populations that are targeted by other means of the supposed agents of the depopulation agenda - EVERYONE except for africans and ....
Because going to hospital in sub Saharan Africa is probably worse than just laying in the dirt and dying
People with higher ratio of ACE2 receptors are just going to be hit harder the first time around. People with lower ACE2 receptors will just be symptom free for the first few infection phases until they develop permanent lung damage that makes reinfection worse until even the very young start dying.
Their witch doctors found the cure for Coronavirus a while back: Pepper sauce mixed with albino semen and antelope dung, and then two slaps to the face. You're cured! NEXT!
Nigger run healthcare systems filled with niggers can
>successfully implement tests
>successfully report test results
>can practice the foresight and tact to even test for corona to begin with
are you fucking stupid
don't laugh, that cured my athlete's foot
The cases in NY are concentrated in Jewish communities actually.
Only affects humans.
nigga science is uperior
Does a higher intake of Vitamin C + Lysine + Zinc make things worse or better?
nice looped my good sir
Bull shit
A few reported cases were from britbongs and french in Africa
They interacted with many yet there was no spreading
thats some quality niggerpussy. shame we abolished slavery.
China wants to control Africa. Tell everyone Africa is safe so don't worry. Millions of African die. "oh me so solly, pool pool aflicans arr dead. Guess irr move in"
Bingo, nobody wants to go to Africa because you'll catch shit worse than corona from those filthy nigs
The corona virus was made by chinese by testing on chinese political prisoners. So it kills chinese bugmen and niggers as disgusting as they may be, are not chinese.
Apparently monkeys are immune.
China has plans and buildings blow up in their face all the time. I think this was china either trying to attack its enemies with bio weapons or trying to play a Jew move and create a problem they will fix then become the hero. Too bad china maybe next time.