How is abortion not only not punishable of death by extremely painful torture...

How is abortion not only not punishable of death by extremely painful torture, but LEGAL and even encouraged and paid by our states?

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Because the world is evil.

because we have enough shitskins flooding into the west without breeding more of them ourselves

>How is abortion not only not punishable of death
Because the judean/christian tradition (the Bible) does not consider fetuses people.

Human isn't a scientific term. The definition of a human being depends on the society. 200 years ago blacks weren't considered humans. Today feminists don't consider babies as humans.

because Jews sell the baby parts
same thing with circumcision
gotta feed Moloch somehow

Because a child can be an obstacle in your life, and people thought it's okay to put your life above that of a fetus. Can't blame them, the little shit can be a pain in the ass parasite for god knows how long without even knowing it

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not everyone is able to raise a child. not everyone wants to give their child up for adoption

Because of female privilege.

Women can literally murder babies and get away with it.

>a barely formed human

This is a non-argument. When we stand against abortion it is because it is inherently evil. Whites, nougs, spics, chinks, it is the same. It is evil.
If you want to stop the growing nulber of strangers in your country there are plenty of ways but authorizing mothers to kill their babies is abhorrently wrong.

because we don't need more people, we have 8 billions apes already

I swear you guys are about as nuts as vegans shouting meat is murder. Do you listen to yourselves?

>B-but one is an animal and the other is a bunch of cells!!!

Are you on crack?

Jews. That is all.

Fuck this picture rubs me the wrong way, fucking jews.

Found the kike. Talmudists dont have a problem with abortion, Christians do.

>be men
>start literal wars of annihilation and genocide endlessly through all human history


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>How is abortion not only not punishable of death by extremely painful torture, but LEGAL and even encouraged and paid by our states?
How indeed.

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fun fact, you are the result of a reaction that begins at the moment of conception, cells dividing to this day that make up you, if you dont understand this your retarded

How's the weather in Warsaw, faggot?

Christ, I hate women.

Also Spartans threw unwanted babies off of cliffs

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Today the human life has little value because the U.S. imports 1M humans/year from poor countries. Without immigration every baby would be precious and abortion would be a grave crime, like stealing money. Because abortion would deprive the state of human resources, workers etc.

One reason and one reason only friend, Satan.

Thanks Neil, that is a fun fact. I fucking LOVE science.

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can you imagine an additional 20-30 million feral niggers running around?

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at 5 weeks they already look like humans just really small.
The fetus has DNA you know. It is a unique being, a part of our species. It has rights.
You shouldn't have rights since your ancestors were all rapist and murderers.

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Abortion only matters to people who believe in a (((soul))), which isn't scientifically provable, and thus an illogical and unreasonable "belief" in the 21st century. Present superstitions have no practical role in today's society, other than hindering socioeconomic development. Take your ghosts and goblin "ethics" to >>/x/

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But the Bible literally says Jesus knows us before we are born

does it have a brain? you surely don't

totally based

Poe's Law is in effect, I can't tell who's being insulted here.

youre a bunch of cells too faggot, find an arguement

That image is laughable when you're a cynical shitlib up to your eyeballs in the brainwash, and you genuinely believe there's a magical difference between a baby a fetus.
It's heartbreaking in its heartfelt artistic crudity though, when you finally escape and realize they are babies and they always have been babies.

We live in a culture where mothers are encouraged to kill their children, just so more productive value can be extracted from them for longer. Imagine what the infant mortality rate and average life expectancy of our twisted society would be, if abortions were factored in.

Earth is fucked and we're trapped here.

Because we need to be able to abort those motherfuckers when we dont want them.

does a tree have a brain, fuckstain? No. But it's alive, isn't it? Fucking retard.

These people get it.

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

Matthew 18:6

Anyone who harms babies or children should have their skull ventilated.

Jesus christ what a brainlet thing to say. Fuck off back to facebook you nigger faggot

the wars your country caused killed more people than every single woman in the world

Nope, read the Bible.
God is omniscient and ever present. Does not mean that fetuses are considered people in the Bible.

so you cry when trees get cut down?

why do you hate black people?

Not bad for this time of year, faggot

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It's satirizing the anti-abortion people by flipping the script on their bullshit, emotionally manipulative rhetoric.

based titposter

Atheists would rather deny their own self-evident internal monologue, than be open the possibility of a spiritual dimension to existence. How twisted is that?
Atheists don't have an internal monologue....

Fucking Poland lecturing others about parasites.
Stop breeding you fucking subhuman slavs.

Anti-Abortionists lost my support when they also wanted to defend the babies are the main people who are destroying our societies. Yes we should ban abortion for white people. But we should increase it for nonwhites.

It's called adoption retard.

But there is a soul, for instance what came first, the cell or the dna?

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bro if you put socioeconomic developement above the concept of a soul, youre definitely a kike

Christians are the top one demographic fighting abortion here in monkeyland while atheist women get them on like a monthly basis

The term "tree-hugger" was coined for leftist propagandists like yourself.

Can you tip your fedora any harder

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Don’t forget about Roman women throwing newborn babies into pits inside bath houses.

Because selling baby parts is big business.

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Cells. Biological data. There is no identity, persona, ego, or reliable memory formations. Nothing but potential. Another worker, another consumer. Those cells would be put to better use in a laboratory setting.

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I'm not an Israeli, user.

>avoiding the point

sperm only has an X or a Y chromosome, though
people have XX or XY (or a third if there's a genetic fuck up), but never just one
why do pro-abortion people have such a poor understanding of biology?

bro you just pwned george bush

Because niggers are the majority customers of this service. Do you want more feral niggers running around, because that's what you are asking for when you want abortion banned.

*of the main people

Fetuses don't have a complex nervous systems to experience thoughts or feelings, dumbass.
I wish you cared so much for the actual living, breathing, thinking, feeling children that suffer from cruel, inhuman right-wing policies.

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You kikes infuriate me. What can be done to save us from (((you people)))

Demons walk among us

spermcells aren't human, its a retarded "satire"

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it's exactly the point. You guys whine like snot-nosed fuckers about a damned tree, but, fuck all, let's kill the babies.

That's completely contradictory.
Why would people who believe in a soul care more about the flesh than people who believe there is only flesh?
The soul transcends death, the body doesn't, by that reasoning abortion should offend an atheist more than a spiritual person, because you've taken the life potential away from an individual.
I guess they realize that and cope by saying a baby isn't human, it's a fetus

Good idea. Start with yourself.

Women are a bigger pain in the ass, more of an obstacle to men's lives, and more far more parasitic, but we don't legalize murdering women, in fact they are a protected class. So care to explain that?

Accidentally based

>Because niggers are the majority customers of this service. Do you want more feral niggers running around,
This, the last thing we really need is more whinny niggers on this planet. I’m surprised Yas Forums hasn’t funded planned parenthood organizations inside mostly nonwhite parts of the country yet.

Seriously, could you stop making us look more cucked?

>A zygote growing in a womb is the same as sperm
End your life

Back to Facebook you go you feminist

you get women (half) the population to hate the other half. don't be surprised when they kill to come out on top

>Anyone who harms babies or children should have their skull ventilated.



>Women can literally murder babies and get away with it.
Literally. See Casey Anthony and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

starman the strawmanaroony
bernie lost
biden is going to lose
how it feel?

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Man fuck this shit, ive had enough.

1+2 = 3
3 = 3

Reminder that souls and spirits are non-Biblical and an invention of Greek philosophy that was added into the Christian culture. Human life begins at conception as it is a unique viable zygote.

>If men who are fighting strike a pregnant woman and her child is born prematurely,e but there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband demands and as the court allows. 23But if a serious injury results, then you must require a life for a life— 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth,f hand for hand, foot for foot, 25burn for burn, wound for wound, and stripe for stripe.

>when they also wanted to defend the babies are the main people who are destroying our societies.
The jews?

I don’t think you could possibly tip your fedora harder than that. M’400 pound intellectual is not going to be able to move tomorrow after that energy exerting fedora tip.

because you got judaized.
In France, the destruction of the French population was pushed through contraception and abortion.
Abortion pushed by jew Simon Weil, and contraception pushed by jew Lucien Neuwirth

Neither men nor women should be playing God.

See >Fetuses don't have a complex nervous systems to experience thoughts or feelings, dumbass.

Sperm are still human cells. It has human DNA. Therefore every time you waste sperm, you're murdering your unborn children.

Pro-lifers typically support strong borders too.
If they don't they are fundamentally retarded and are delusional leftists that think themselves conservative.

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This is probably true. The nature of the world is evil, at least whomever is in charge of it has an evil disposition anyways. Humans are capable of both good and evil. Some appear to be predisposed to be evil. Abortion is an evil act that is enforced by the jewish influencing/controlling organizations the UN and EU as a means to decelerate population growth. But abortion has no actual effect on reducing overpopulation because it’s primarily enforced (along with homosex agendas) in western countries where there isn’t any problem at all. They same orgs are forcing third world migration to these countries too.

In the US, it’s true that most abortions are black. But in all western countries combined there are still millions of white abortions annually

Real talk, we wouldn't have any of this discussion if cis men were the ones giving birth.

We're toeing the line of John Calhoun's "DIE" phase of social degeneration, characterized at it's outset by an overabundance of disenfranchised males with zero societal value and an inability to behave socially with any other individual, along with abusive mothers who lack the capacity to care for their children, and often kill or abuse them. These braindead thots don't behave monstrously towards their unborn offspring for no reason, or because it is in their nature, they do so because extreme deviant behavior has been allowed to pile up and become normalized in our society when in the state of nature such individuals would simply self-destruct long before reproducing. The root cause of this whole problem is that the state consumes the resources of productive individuals and redistributes it to completely nonproductive individuals who would normally either end up at the low level of society or simply be cast out, which allows them to flourish right alongside productive society.

There doesn't need to be any kind of pogrom or purge, civil war or genocide, all that would need to be done to redress our flagging society is to disempower the state, so that it can no longer steal the resources of productive individuals to redistribute it to unproductive ones.


The female vote does not matter.

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This. God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.

>estrogen filled post
>fucks up his own reaction image by saving it in jpg format and getting rid of the translucence

you suck at life

Because of the devil's people.

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>Pro-lifers typically support strong borders too.
Yet they support bringing in more criminal niggers into this world? Dude the average person getting an abortion in America isn’t some aryan goddess. It’s usually black women.

You are a stupid kike. End your life asap

God is a signal sent from your pineal gland.

Oh goy, he doesn't know.

I believe you are a philosophical zombie and your brain is never cognizant of its surroundings.
Time to die

Women belong in the home.

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perhaps a billion killed by men through war and genocide throughout human history vs. 2 billion fetuses aborted in only 50 years by "mothers"

I don't believe in souls, but unfettered abortion has negative societal effects, like allowing irresponsible behavior, delaying family formation, and devaluing human life.

They only threw those newborns that had visible defects. Spartan society was highly efficient, nobody was allowed to be a net drain on it.

>(((you people)))
Said the amerimutt shill.
Your country is the reason they have so much power in the world now, you created a heaven for the kikes

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What's evil is your bigotry and disregard for pregnant people's bodily autonomy.

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Along with various levels of poverty or self-centeredness, deformed fetuses are relatively common. There should be no shame in aborting a fetus that doesn't have a heart or has microencephaly.

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>Fetuses don't have a complex nervous systems
Apparently neither do you, you fucking jew. Show your flag

>deprive the state
This is your average Europoor mind.

Because Satan rules this age.

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>Fetuses don't have a complex nervous systems to experience thoughts or feelings, dumbass
>Sperm are still human cells. It has human DNA. Therefore every time you waste sperm, you're murdering your unborn children
sperm doesn't grow into a fetus unless it gets into an human egg, dumbass
all human life begins at conception

sperm will never grow into a human being, a fertilized egg will

>God is a signal sent from your pineal gland.
Good luck explaining that to Him in the judgement seat

Strong borders don't let criminals in, regardless of race.
We wouldn't have all these black women having abortions if they weren't in the country in the first place.

>the Jews
Actually thank you for bringing that up, the majority of so called “white women” who get abortions are usually kikes. So not only would pro-lifers support the increasing brith rate for blacks, but also Jews as well.

Ah, there it is.

>Sperm are still human cells. It has an incomplete set of human DNA. Therefore every time you waste sperm, you're being a degenerate faggot like the euro memeflagger.

Where is your regard for my bodily autonomy when it comes to my right to bear arms and defend myself with them?

I know that it's going to be a serious moment, and I'm not going to have an easy time of not laughing, but, this is going to be entertaining to watch.

Most niggers in America are the descendants of slaves. They were going to be here no matter what. The best thing we can do is to make them functionally extinct and plummet their numbers faster so there’s less of them in the future. So called “bleaching” won’t work because Brazil already tried that and now they’re a failed state today.

I'm sure he already knows but you still seem to think that God cannot be proven by science.

That's what's funny.

>Attempt to use reason which an epiphenomenon of human experience to prove that human experience is a meaningless epiphenomenon.


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Lying kike.

>Therefore every time you waste sperm, you're murdering your unborn children.
Yeah so when I creampie my wife and impregnate her, I killed 10000 of my kids to give life to one of them?

>Most niggers in America are the descendants of slaves.
Who owned the slave ships?