Friendly reminder:

All racists belong in Hell. This is where you all will go once you die because there is no place in Heaven for racists. You can't be racist and call yourself Christian, it's in the Bible.
>but my white race! but my country!
It all doesn't matter in a long run, what matters is your soul and your souls are rotten. Eternal damnation is awaiting.
>I don't believe in Christ! kike religion! cuck!
As mentioned above, eternal damnation is awaiting.

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Other urls found in this thread: Chap/SEA8 Ch26.htm

but is it reeeeallly racist to understand that different races are, well, different?

Hell is a Pagan concept.
If you want to imagine Hell, look no further away from Christian Cities like London, New York, Rio de Janegro, Toronto.
They are worse than Hades or Helheim.

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Okay Joomer.

How is it "racist" to oppose an ethnic replacement?

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And also, according to this definition, could something be racist, but still true? If so, what's wrong with racism?

Ezra 9:2
Nehemiah 10:29-30
Leviticus 19:19


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friendly reminder that if we were to end up in hell we would colonize it.

>different races are, well, different
We are all created in God's image.

Jesus Christ was a socialist Jew from Palestine. He was basically everything that republicucks hate.

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Deuteronomy 22:9-11

We have Mashiach.

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No, only Nordics are.

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I'm not a christian nor do i believe in hell. So what the fuck do i care? If god existed as the compassionate divine being he is he would understand why i am the way i am. And not demand A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT LIKE SUBSERVIENCE AND PRAYER YOU DUMB FUCKING CHRISTCUNTS.

based pious russian
bless you

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daily reminder that russian slavs are the niggers of europe.

numnut nowhere in the new testament Jesus sais slavery is wrong, so by your logic if i believe in slavery that means i'm fully eligible for heaven

Fuck you mongrel theists.

There's no place in Elysium fields for you.

>As mentioned above, eternal damnation is awaiting.

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stay mad
LARP lol

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>God creates us un-equal and separated (even genetically, different race)
>Globo catho-commies want to utterly destroy such delicate equilibrium
>Ethno-nationalist traditionalists are the ones going to hell!!
Fool me once...

Am i.larping when I go the river and pray to the gods
Am i larping when I give an offering of grapes, wines, wheat, oats and olives to Zeus?
Am I larping when I pray to the Gods for guidance and inspiration and to show me my destiny and path?
Am I larping when every day I maintain my integrity, honor, and virtues?

Christians are the larpers who are conned into being scared of a boogeyman to be Christian.

I religion because it's good for me I believe in it and I want to, you follow Christianity due to the psychological impact the unknown and death has on your amygdala.

Godless heathens giving me advice on how to be a. Christian... Ok

The curse of Canaan is race mixing.

The bible is opposed to both race mixing and racism.

>"before abraham i am"
pick one mudshit

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Racists can put their faith for their salvation in Jesus as easily as anyone else can. Gid doesn't want you to be racist but its no hindrance to salvation.

Racisms bad unless ur jewish goy

Shutup OP

You cannot serve both God and Satan.

"Judge a tree by its fruit."

Yes, yes you can be racist. You just cant punish a whole race for what 90% of them do though.

But 90% is quite a lot. Prevention works.

>clarified centuries ago

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Not even close.
Aryans are Gods Chosen, the Hebrew, He told us not to bread with the beasts of the field, everyone else. No you dont have to be Aryan to go to heaven, but we are by design better at achieving it.
The jews in the new testament and Hebrews in the old are two different groups, never does it say hebrews are Jews.

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It's always beautiful to see larpagans get triggered just like women.


> christcuck
> jew on a stick
> monkey
> joao
> kike lover

In many places, God forbade intermarrying, and he intended for their to be distinct nations. At the same time, we are all brothers in Christ, and we are to love our neighbor. Therefore, having nations that live in peace would be ideal in my opinion.

Dont forget that Adam translates to Ruby or blushes, which would mean that he was Aryan.

>He told us not to bread with the beasts of the field

Nothing you said was even remotely correct.
And you country is named after a bird that taste like crap....

>All racists
Hate to break it down for you Rabbi but that also means anyone who believes in race i.e you

i misspelled that, i am sorry, i am a math major not an English major.

Not relevant. Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ. Politics don't apply.


and yes you are right. The word Adam and Edom are cognates and both mean red in the Semitic languages.

If you do not act on that faith (repent), then it is dead faith that doesn't save.

The Parable of the Sower Explained
18 “Hear then the parable of the sower: 19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. 20 As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, 21 yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. 22 As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. 23 As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”

Yes it does, 100%. Politics is who you are, God and Jesus gave us rules, laws and ways to govern ourselves. Our government should reflect that.
James 2:17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
Faith alone means nothing many will say lord, lord and not inherent the kingdom of heaven.

>Am i larping
Yes, yes you are. You do all these things alone for the sole purpose of the spectacle where you are the only person in the audience to please your desires. No person in the modern world prays to a river and offers grapes to omnipotent beings and you don't have integrity you only follow that religion because you're racist and hate jews.

bible says there’s no difference

There is no heaven, and hell is earth.

No it does not, several times through out the bible it talks about race, such as committing genocide against the Groups of people.



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KYS jew shill

1 Samuel 16:12
And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.”

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Cringey retarded kike faggot. kys

>1 Samuel 16:12
Thanks man, you might like the Aryan christian group on telegram.

And what reason would I have to follow Christianity?


Based and Christpilled, we are all one in Jesus Christ! Who would Jesus deport?

Sodom, gomorrah, the philistines, Canaanites, the jews, the beast of the fields, any one who did not put their faith in him.....

Pretty sure just the jews or anyone who has no faith in him.
I'm not white but I grew up christian and had a fairly normal upbringing.
Most whites (not all) in my town are trailer trash hooked on meth.

Hey OP heretic,
Post a verse that uses the word "racism" and I'll eat my hat.

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I don't think Jesus agrees that I'm racist. Fuck niggers, spics, and stupid hicks. For me, race is merely an indicator of behavior patterns and intelligence. Most shitskins are stupid. Actually I'm starting to hate pretty much everyone equally for that reason. I'm more concerned with what Jesus thinks of that.

>bible says there’s no difference
Show me.