Yas Forums will defend this

Attached: DF14CFC6-6EE3-4BAF-8B44-DDDB0C07C88C.jpg (749x661, 108.89K)

seems comfy

>no bitching and nothing to clean
I don't see the problem

>expecting men to have a nesting instinct.

Are you serious RN?

Not a chance

Attached: 1581874122695.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Problem is?

clean, uncluttered, could maybe use a couch

God I wish I had my own place. Everywhere that’s renting is 800+. Japan >Walmart inc.

There's nothing wrong with it, what's your problem fag?

simplicity is nice.

there's nothing to defend

you must consoom goy

nice that he tidied up the piss bottles for his guests, but that tele is pretty small desu

>not a choice


Got a place like this and I love it but won't defend how blank the walls are. Gotta have some personality both for yourself and for the ladies. I've got some posters on my wall, some cool stuff that's just for me like a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas poster and a Hendrix poster but I've also got some stuff for the ladies too that makes them feel good like I've got this pretty cool canvas print of a Monet picture too which makes them think I'm cultured and everything which I guess you could say I am considering how long I've spent browsing this place haha, among other places too. Y'all bang on Reddit a lot but there are some super decent subs if you know where to look.
Anyway picrel apartment is like 7/10 and needs a little decor for the walls to keep a smooth aesthetic both for you *and* for the ladies.

Nope, fuck console fags

>Guy opens door.
>See that.
>turn around and walk away.
>then start running.

Attached: 32BD3173-D92B-4005-9DDE-321B53823908.jpg (600x536, 80.54K)

Just need to get rid of the Carpet, the slovenly chair and Television and it's the perfect room.


OP is a faggot.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 3.20.57 PM.png (1074x949, 956.31K)

Maybe couch and bigger tv. Obviously beer pong table is in closet with the sex dolls. I see no problem?

Women live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

Attached: Tik tok.png (801x258, 467.73K)

>Buy PC for gaming
>Run Winbot 10
>Broken drivers
>Forced upgrades

Consoles can be good too

As in sublets?
>you got to know where to look
And that might be? Suggestions user?
t. Renting a room in Arizona, looking for OP pic related

I like furniture

Attached: 29FDE248-FE0E-4F96-97DE-7B9150F98DA6.jpg (723x506, 136.82K)

Also where's the poster of Chad

>i need validation from my peers to fit in
pathetic cuck



So much space, wish I had a room like that. Fat chance in Tokyo without bankrupting yourself. Could use a nice painting though

Is that Sargon or Ewan McGregor?


Minimalism clears your life and your mind of clutter.

Go out of the city area if you have any budget

If op is really that cute then you have no space to bitch, amerifat.

Nice apartment...

I recommend wall art that has subtle swastikas
You can find a lot on Etsy if you look up ‘pagan art’

>having a moral high ground about how someone furnishes their home

whoever made the pic needs to diaf, along with op for making this thread.

Lmao mine has even less. And I don't know why, but fucking women on my floor mattress is always hot.

You make the same thread every day

>All lifestyles are valid, do not discriminate against someone for their choices
>Unless they are a male, especially a white male!
Lefties never change.

Need the space for all those piss bottles

Yes, It's a real thing

Attached: It's real.jpg (800x600, 48.72K)

its sargon if he were clean, intelligent and not inbred.

how much are you paid to spam this crap every day?

I ain't defending that shit. Liven the place up a little bit!!!!

Attached: 1583699244289357744834412629332.jpg (4608x2184, 2.06M)

That's basically me, except I don't have a TV. Replace the TV with a pile of books on the floor and a laptop on a side table and you've got it.


i'll just use my laptop, thanks

Attached: 253236423.jpg (524x336, 28.53K)

>he's here

Men don't make the home, they win the bread. For women, that's a blank canvas to which they can shit all over with their bingles, bangles and dreamcatcher nonsense,

Jizz bottles > piss jugs

typo sorry I mean Manet not Monet
Picrel is the one on my wall

Attached: manet picture.jpg (1800x1200, 509.73K)

Good god, that's even worse!!!

Indeed. Whaddap?

Attached: 15836994100318817540835710628811.jpg (4608x2184, 2.02M)

>house isn't full of crap

wow. such mental disorder.

Looks like a Norwegian prison

I live like this because why not

It's cheap and I have more room for VR this way

You're not wrong.

Attached: save me from myself.jpg (1200x675, 235.5K)

This dude can't afford 800 per month lel. Git gud.

as someone that's cleaned up a dead person's house, all that shit is going in the garbage
you're just buying knickknacks that are gonna make it harder for the clean up crew to finish their job

also kill yourself doll fucker

That's Darude, leaftard.

And easy to clean/maintain.

I travel for work so I think my barebones set up is fine.

Oh no, he didn‘t take loans and didn‘t buy fancy, expensive staff or any staff at all!!!
He didn‘t even spend his entire month salary on that! CRUCIFY HIM NOW.

How's that working out for you with the Corona-hype?

Steve Jobs-tier. The nigga had a few screws loose.

>as someone that's cleaned up a dead person's house, all that shit is going in the garbage
I'm certainly not exclusively calling upon you to clean my place for any reason.
>you're just buying knickknacks that are gonna make it harder for the clean up crew to finish their job
Nigger what are you talking about?
>also kill yourself doll fucker
Do you know the difficulty of such an act? Compared to the five knuckle shuffle: it ain't worth it.

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Only two thing in the room but still organised like shit, the chair is in the way from the door.

>Do you know the difficulty of such an act?
tell us about it

>Microshit F box
>Sony gaystation

Nintendo & PC are the final redpill

>I'm certainly not exclusively calling upon you to clean my place for any reason.
kill yourself and take this obtuse bullshit back to r*ddit
you fully well know that my intention was not to offer my clean up services (services that i do not even offer as my experience was not commercial, but a favor)
my intention was to tell you that your plastic baubles from china and other completely worthless things you buy as a surrogacy for actual authentic experiences are just gonna end up in a landfill
>Do you know the difficulty of such an act? Compared to the five knuckle shuffle: it ain't worth it.
just kill yourself you disgusting lunatic

>tfw in a lazy boy rn with a mirror directly in front of me instead of a tv and vidya for self reflection

>tfw I have no face

Why fill it with junk if youre only renting and will probably move again?

You have great taste, user. I bet you have really beautiful skin.

Attached: download.jpg (1280x966, 279.06K)

imagine being so assmad about someone's bedroom

i wouldn't be assmad if he wasn't avatar fagging every time he posts

pretty comfy

needs 20 or 30 nonfunctional pillows and a bunch of wicker baskets for 'organization.'
If you want to go up a level you'll need some decorative orbs from pier 1.

you know, before someone dies there's usually this thing called life. having junk and sentimental crap is often part of that. you seem a little traumatised.

>having a bed
buy yourself a futon like I did
takes a lot less space and is healthier for you
a foam mattress also works, it's even smaller but slimmer

Attached: futon.jpg (500x394, 14.49K)

This is the living room of a man that has gotten out of a relationship with a slob.

Defend the bullying or the sparseness of the room? because one is ok and one is not.

You're forgetting the LIVE LAUGH LOVE poster.
We had a really good thread about this some months back.

Alright, currently in LA but I doubt I'll get infected, if I become infected by Coronachan though expect a shit ton of cases to pop up throughout the united states. My boss actually recommended preparing, but I told him how the fuck can I do that when I'm constantly gone.

Attached: 20200307_133026.jpg (4128x2322, 2.83M)

>having junk and sentimental crap is often part of that
and you think that consumerist plastic baubles from china are a replacement for sentimental objects?
at a certain point in history, everything you owned was passed on to your children
your whole trade, all your tools, every part of your home
now everything goes to a landfill because it's all useless garbage
and people in the modern world actually value this disgusting vapid garbage
you should spend more time in a cemetery mate

Yeah, men live in apartments. Do you want people to be homeless?

>avatar fagging
ok you have a point there
also you should know that those he has a gf (or wife or whatever) and the decor was her idea