Tinder roastie stabbed by gym Chad for mocking his small cock. Pigs taze him to death

>A 25-year-old bodybuilder died late Thursday after he was tased by police

>Erich Stelzer repeatedly stabbed his 24-year-old Tinder date Maegan Tapley who had made ridiculing comments about his penis size.

>Stelzer became infuriated after the victim made reference to an ex boyfriend being more well endowed than him and refused to allow him to perform anal sex on her.

>Stelzer became unresponsive and stopped breathing when police tased him

>The victim was treated for severe injuries. Police said she will likely lose her eye

>The pair recently linked up on the popular hook-up dating app, Tinder


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this is my fetish

>Erich (((Stelzer)))

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5 year old news article. What the fuck op?

>Kill someone over something you have no control of
What is wrong with dicklets?

What did he stab her with? Not his dick lmao.

>white people

ctrl f 'penis'

no match

tiny cocks should be killed at birth.

Based gym bro.

>all of a sudden police just arrive to tase the guy
Fake story

lmfao he tries so hard to be a chad at the gym but he'll always have a small penis and be dumb enough to care what roasties with brightly dyed hair think. he's also a disgusting degen having anal sex with near strangers to prove to himself he's some kind of man

he probably had an above-average cock too it just looked smaller next to his massive quads

she didn't die u faggot. learn to read.

Basically a rule. Gym rat, child dick.

Lay off the steroids coach. I hear they shrink your penis and make you susceptible to fits of uncontrollable rage. They also cause dysrhythmia of the heart, Coach which is probably why the taser croaked you.

RIP coach. Never forget, mercy is for the weak!

>allow him to perform anal sex on her.
degenerate nigger

>small PP (((white))) man

How am i not surprised.

fatfuck cope

>tfw ottermode with a massive dong
Always knew bodybuilders were compensating for something.

That’s not a bodybuilder lmao that’s a manlet

>those quads

yeah no

Did anyone read the article? It says nothing about mocking his dick.


>once you go white you lose an eye

>microcock butthurt
imagine having a sub 7 inch penis lmao

c'mon man
>Once you go white, you lose your sight

i had no idea tazers could kill people.

>Stelzer became infuriated after the victim made reference to an ex boyfriend being more well endowed than him and refused to allow him to perform anal sex on her.
kek, so she only prefers big dicks when getting anal lol. I have a small dick and don't care, it's so much easier to convince chicks to fuck their ass. I've been told countless times by chicks who had never done anal before, "I'll try it, your pretty small so it probably won't hurt"

imagine being such a worthless faggot, you're 6'8" blonde and "fit" yet died being tased by the police because you stabbed a tinder date you knew for 2 weeks.

>i had no idea tazers could kill people.
It's pretty common with people currently on a cycle of steroids or people who have done tons of steroids. Theres only been a little bit of research done but it looks like being tazed while on steroids raises your blood pressure to insane levels high then compared to the raise in blood pressure of when you tazer a non steroid fag

>I have a small dick and don't care

Remember guys this is the master race

Don't care how small it was, only would have wanted it in my mouth. Hemorrhoids all over my boi cunt can't get fucked anymore.

Waste of good cock. Small and full of flavour. My hissing cockroaches would have eaten the cum.

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Obese fat fuck cope

>>I have a small dick and don't carecope
imagine caring about pleasing a woman

The taller they get , the smaller the penis. Lmao

Let us all take the the tiny peepee pledge of pacifism

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Imagine being able to lift but being unable to kill someone who doesn't expect it with a knife, but basing your whole identity around your bodys abilities.
This is fucking comedy, if anything, and nobody does or should feel sorry for either of them.

No. Just the roiders

if you have a small penis you're most definitely not a Chad

same case with height, manlets are perma-disqualified from Chadhood

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Society wins

nothing about penis size in the article, this was added to burn the dicklets here

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funny how you don't mention anything about face

>t. pic related

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penis thing isn't part of the story

185 85 7 incher 6 girth, go shit behind the gym small dick

just get a chin transplant bro

money can't buy legs or a dick tho

he's like 6'8" or something, not a manlet

this story is brought up every other month
still trying to understand why

Her ex-boyfriend was probably black.

LMAO whites simply can't compete.

now he's 1 kg of ashes

>spend all your free time getting swole, fit, healthy
>die to a taser
fucking pussy.

>Anal sex.
>First date.
I blame both of them. Probably city-dweller liberals.


that's not part of the story you just worship white women aka whites

F small ween

But she refused anal m8. Top tier trad tbqh

She's a wicked demon mentioning a guys penis size on the internet. She got what she deserved.

Tinder dates gone lethal are kind of like road rage - everyone gets pretty much what they deserve; karma hits unity without standard deviations landing on innocents somewhere else.

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Haha imagine getting laughed at by roasties for your small dick
good thing that's never happened to me haha

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>i have small penis too

>a dyel in reality

>dead chad
>eyeless roastie

Get her a nice eyepatch that says 'juicy'