Brit/pol/ Narrowboat's edition V

>Supermarkets begin RATIONING as Tesco limits the amount of baked beans and hand sanitiser customers can buy

>Fishing FURY: Boris issued dire warning over Brexit gamble

>Defra to phase out badger culling in favour of vaccination

>Commuters wear plastic bags, boxes and gas masks as coronavirus fears grip London

>Wales Is Home to the Baked Bean Museum of Excellence

>Series of Binfires reported in Ipswich over night

>Youths sought over raging Binfire near housing estate

>Supermarket staff and public put out Barking Binfire

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck seethenonce

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>Revoke the TV licence using legislation

>Release the Home Office's Grooming Gang Review in full

>Ensure, where possible, government contracts are awarded to UK companies

>Repeal the Fixed Term Parliaments Act.

>Prohibit MPs from voting in parliament when under the influence of alcohol

>Equal (50/50) rights for both parents in the event of a separation.

>Change the Sexual Offences Act so women can be charged with rape against males

>Hold an inquiry into how the police handle historic sexual abuse cases.

My chinese was delivered extraordinarily quickly tonight, i wonder why

reminder that china quarantined 1 billion people over a "nothing burger" and destroyed their entire economy.

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Anglish men, bring back your elder's life


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Could really eat one now. Mind you, had a soup that a local lady makes in her cafe here, fucking amazing stuff.

>>Revoke the TV licence using legislation
>>Release the Home Office's Grooming Gang Review in full
>>Ensure, where possible, government contracts are awarded to UK companies
>>Repeal the Fixed Term Parliaments Act.
>>Prohibit MPs from voting in parliament when under the influence of alcohol
>>Equal (50/50) rights for both parents in the event of a separation.
>>Change the Sexual Offences Act so women can be charged with rape against males
>>Hold an inquiry into how the police handle historic sexual abuse cases.
You got this right!
Signing, some, that wasn't signed yet, cheers!

Lots of Baked Bean news today isn't there...

I tried a new place tonight, risky move i know, and it really didnt pay off, grim food tbqh

We only discuss important news itt


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Gotta have risk and explore to see results mate.
Damn right.

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>Britain's coronavirus cases shoot to 273 in BIGGEST daily jump yet with 64 new patients, including Oxford University student, diagnosed in just 24 hours - after experts warned UK death toll could reach 100,000
the government is expecting 500k+ deaths from this first wave of infections. the MSM loves downplaying this pandemic.

I'm eating some Baked Beans for my tea tonight as well.

Used to knock around with a group of river pikeys, went to some interesting parties on stretches of the Grand Union canal. Could tell you a lot of stories as you can probably imagine, we are talking about proper freaks, hippies, witches and warlocks, bikers and various fugitives from the law. saw rapes, a killing, a few weird deaths that were probably murder but fucked if anyone rang the authorities so we'll never know.

There was one old boy though, he was proper fucking creepy, seemed to be the head of a smallish cult, big fat hairy tattooed ex hells angel with scars all over his body, swore blind he could control people with the power of thought, had a harem of young girls, all legal but not by much, and all pretty if you could get past the terrible personal hygiene, blonde dreadlocks and insane amount of facial piercings. One of them ended up face down in the canal after carelessly letting slip that she missed home.

I was just a tourist though, worked with one of them and he grew nice weed on the roof of his barge, also he made great arrows and so as a fellow toker and archer he was a handy bloke to know, incredible squalor on display as well as touching moments of real community spirit. Overall a strangely surreal and dark little sub culture that really put the frighteners on me after I'd stopped going back, when my subconscious had had the time to decipher some of the insane conversations I'd overheard. One day I'll tell you about scouse Pete, the bleached cat skeleton and the Romanian fugitive who raped a french waitress in front of a trio of masturbating fire jugglers.

Roaches eat great variety of nutrients.
>Proof, you are a irrelevant poofter

why is brit/pol/ so afraid of talking about this pandemic? it's the biggest news story in over 100 years and it's never going away.

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We are bored of it.

>Anglish LARPers

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sweet and sour crispy fried bat balls

you need to die

See you lads in 8 hours

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Just had me usual bat soup la, not great, something different about it

They gave it a wash this time, new regs kicking in.

hurr hurr bat soup fucken muppets believing the cover story for an escaped bioweapon, hope you die first

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Who made the cover story though?

>cover story for an escaped bioweapon
Also, Borrys is an traitorous kikel

Let's push to the 100,000 mark on releasing the report into Paki rape gangs lads. They have to debate it in Parliament once it reaches 100K!

>"escaped bioweapon"
>3% mortality rate
>primarily targets old people and people with pre-existing conditions
it's a pretty shitty bioweapon if it can't even beat the Spanish Flu

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As expected, she hasn't replied and I feel shit.


>Considered for a debate
Which means they'll give a wide birth mate, you'll get a 8 paragraphed response talking bollocks citing several acts and regulations on why they can't release it.

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based and roseyandjimpilled

I am going to kill myself.

>Hurrr who cares it's only me old grandma thats gonna croak

btw, a virus that kills the host quickly does not spread much, if the host lives for a longer time, then much more spreadage occurs


>3% mortality rate
according to the WHO. italy and iran have CFR of around 30% each right now and no signs of it going down. remember that you never "recover" from this virus. it just keeps reinfecting you from the inside until you die.

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Nah, dont.

t. scientist

It is yeah.

>Hurrr who cares it's only me old grandma thats gonna croak
I mean, yeah? Who cares. If it's a fucking bioweapon that only kills 3% of people it infects and those killed are old people, then it's a pretty shitty bioweapon. Spanish Flu killed more people in less time and it targeted young adults
>italy and iran have CFR of around 30%
Where have the WHO said that it has a fucking 30% mortality rate?

Alright lad see you in hell x

the fuck is thi 'CFR' bullshit you keep going on about?

>reinfecting you from the inside until you die.
Unpleasant to know, wish self isolated earlier, before I had it.

why do you post random blogs as if they have any meaning?

Already there.

>Case Fatality Rate

Don't care.

Can't remember the last time multiple countries imposed quarantines for a flu outbreak, guess it must be nothing thoughbecuase it only kills OAP's so far. I'm sure 15-20% of infected being seriously ill and needing hospital treatment is nothing to be concerned about, either froma health point of view or economical.

Why is that number different to 'death rate'?

>Where have the WHO said that it has a fucking 30% mortality rate?
the WHO claims that it's only 3.4%. reality shows that it's 30%+. this number skyrockets when reinfection is taken into account too.

Mate just telling you what the acronym means.

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at some point you're going to need to realise that even though you are trolling, you're actually still acting like someone with a mental illness.

>Can't remember the last time multiple countries imposed quarantines for a flu outbreak
Where did I even remotely say anything about this?
>I'm sure 15-20% of infected being seriously ill and needing hospital treatment is nothing to be concerned about
I never said it was nothing to be concerned about, I said that if it's a fucking bioweapon it having a 3% mortality rate is pretty shitty.
>reality shows that it's 30%
Oh, whoops. I thought you were saying the WHO said it was 30%. Where are you getting the 30% mortality rate from? Because it hasn't been shown in any country that's been infected by it in the West

Signed and shared.

Tell us about Pete

Stage 2: denial

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It's "currently" at a low level of mortality, as I tried to explain, an effective weapon would not kill people en masses immediately, it needs to keep the host alive for a while to casue maximum infection rates. And the weakest are falling first, that does not mean that that's all it will kill. As someone else is pointing out, it reinfects. It will just keep coming back at you, until you are the weak and frail. Aint nobody quaratining countries over a nothing burger. If anything, the media is playing it down.

>Where are you getting the 30% mortality rate from?
compare the number of "recovered" with the number of dead in italy and iran. that should tell you all you need to know.

I don't know how a person can state speculation with such certainty. It doesn't sit right with me at all.
>inb4 blah blah muh investigation

How about the number 'dead' with the number 'not dead'. The fuck is wrong with your brain son?

>I don't know how a person can state speculation with such certainty
this isn't speculation. it's all there in the /cvg/ pastebin, but you nothing burgers are too afraid to read it.

Top notch banter

this is an ongoing outbreak. you can't assume that any unresolved case is a "survivor". the "recovered"/dead figures are far more accurate.

It's called logical reasoning. A bioweapon lab in the very place it all started = That's where it most likely came from. Places getting locked down = it's serious.

It's also blatantly obvious that a low initital mortality rate would be the best way to get the higest infection rate, and that the old and frail would be the first to go.

>as I tried to explain, an effective weapon would not kill people en masses immediately
So it's intentionally shitty to infect the majority of people until one day it's suddenly not shitty and starts killing everyone? When will this occur? How do you know this?

In the case of Italy, it's
7,375 cases
366 deaths
6383 recoveries

What's your point?

>It's all there from our viable sources of news sites and twitter
Groundbreaking stuff. The fact is, you don't know, so stop acting like you do. For instance, the very limited examples of reinfection might very well be due to their being two strains going round? That could be the case, yo have nothing to dismiss that with do you, other than bullshit.

You can't assume they'll die either. The death rate is subject to change, we are all aware of that so there's no need to twist it. It literally is what it is. The number of deaths vs number of infections.

No, it's called speculation. You don't know anything for certain. This may turn out to be the Russians playing silly buggers, I'll not rule that out, but I won't assert it either because my brain works properly.

Why tf is anyone responding to this corona cunt? You know you don't have to satisfy that autistic urge to argue with a troll every single fucking thread.

>A bioweapon lab in the very place it all started = That's where it most likely came from
Why? If the virus' genome shares a lot of similarities with a coronavirus in bats, and there's a market where it started known for eating bats, and we know coronaviruses in the past have jumped from animals to humans, why assume that a virology lab a few miles away from the area is actually the cause of it?

This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

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