Mayor, Bill DeBlasio, was in a all night meeting with MTA officials, NJ and NY national guard brass, CDC as well as Gov Cuomo in live feed from Albany.
There was discussion of how to close all the bridges and tunnels to prevent people from entering or leaving the city.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Say it with me now if you are legit:


has project zyphr been disabled yet
I know coronavirus was to attack Israel's tech supremacy


Lock em in, lock em down, kill em wit teh swamp gasses!

Lock em in!!!

How fuckin glorious is that?

Digits and NYC turns into an apocalyptic hellhole

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in The Night,
Much like the Wuhan Videos.

Blackbird package. Under budget & ahead of schedule.
Good luck NYC!

It wasn't already???


Should this cull all the blue libs, jews, muzzies, illegals, and chinks and poos from these unamerican hell holes, we will raise a glass to toast the new beginning.
America will rise again from the ashes.

Attached: highfivefuhrer.jpg (404x300, 26.22K)

The Wuhan videos are stuff from years ago, try again.

>2% fatality rate virus
>0.1% fatality rate virus for anyone younger than 50 outside china and iran
>Omggggg panic /pol!!! Buy masks and low quality canned food from Jews! Omg it's over!! It's the end!!! Because I say so!! I said the same when ebola happened but who cares cause I'll just pretend I wasn't alive then!!!

>live in Portland
>state of emergency declared by the governor
>have a flight to Vegas in a week and a half
I swear to fuck if they quarantine us I’m going to fucking lose my shit.

Sure buddy. Take your meds.

source for this op?

>off by one
Thanks Luxembro.

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will two or three 100 megaton hydrogen firecrackers be required to properly cleanse the place, or is that an 'internet' 'rumour' ?

The boogaflu is here

were you ever right about anything?

"After State Of Emergency, Cuomo Hints At Mass Quarantines For New York"
"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency on Saturday on fears Covid-19 cases are set to increasein the coming days. The emergency declaration gives Cuomo the ability to bolster the medical response to combat the virus outbreak, primarily centered in Westchester County, a region outside of New York City. As of Sunday, New York state has 105 confirmed cases.

Cuomo made an appearance on Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News, where he hopes that NYC will "avoid massive quarantines used in China and Italy."

He said, "if we need to close schools, we will close schools." Already, several prep schools in NYC have shuttered over fears of the virus. Schools are among the various venues which, like cruise ships, concentrate a large number of people in a small space and in light of the unprecedented contagion of the coronavirus, any possibility of social-spreading has to be minimized.
Cuomo said there's "no reason" at the moment to shutdown mass transportation in the city, however that clearly will change when the number of cases spike, and the fact that Cuomo is contemplating it means that this will likely be the next escalation in the fight against the pandemic. We noted on Saturday, Amtrak shuttered several non-stop lines from Washington, DC, to NYC on declining demand for travel due to the virus outbreak."

They can do that with Manhattan and Staten Island, but Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx are contiguous with the rest of NY State. The major breakout is in Westchester, which is north of the Bronx. Only 12 cases in the city proper.
Nice larp though

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Alien user right again and checked

Can you imagine the hew and cry if they lock the long noses into their own little hellhole?


I live here too user. I’m out if they even hint towards locking us down.

Though Fool
This Night shalt thy Soul be required of thee.

Hey there you massive LARPING FAGGOT. What bullshit claims are you going to make today that I will BTFO. Your attention whore self is worth than a woman or a nigger

Please just fence them in and let them all eat each other. The average American IQ will go up by ten points.

Drive there now. It's your last chance before the Willamette Valley and Puget Sound lockdowns start. They won't give a warning like the Italian government did.

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you've been busy "muh twitter source" larp

>were you ever right about anything?
Was right about the Italian Quarantine of 20 Million people?
I said within 24 hours.
It happened within 4 hours of my Warning.

I haven’t heard any word of us getting locked down yet. I just need to get over the bridge to the north before it happens.

no u moron queens and bk are on long island.

they cant shut down the bridges and tunnels with causing an economic collapse. there is no reason for nyc to shut down more transportation links than other cities, just becuase our link are bridges rather than highways over open ground.

>Was right about the Italian Quarantine of 20 Million people?
>I said within 24 hours.
>It happened within 4 hours of my Warning.
It had already been announced 1 hour before you fucking posted you massive lying cock sucking faggot

They want people worrying about the schools and mass transit so they don’t focus on the fact that they’re locking the city down. Bridges and tunnels closing tonight

Captain Trips gonna have some fun in the Big Apple.

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Who'd a thunk it...

watching the Apocalypse unfold on fucking Yas Forums!

He favors you. Rightfully so.
I've got IM notifications for your threads now. Not enabled for public, yet. Don't want to make it easier on the shills than necessary. Your call.


They won’t tell you or hint. They will just do it. They don’t want people to realize it’s even coming, they can’t handle the push. They will start with bridges and tunnels tonight.

Go now

Every time you post you get digits, you cheating scriptfag

If you're too stupid to see this was an escaped bio-weapon I don't know what to tell you.
Why not take garden milk coronavirus splice it with some HIV and herpes and here we go.


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you can't quarantine people with rights. ill kill every cop in sight if anyone tries to tell me where i can and cant go.

upstate has been wanting this. we hate you nyc fucks. the best thing would be to lock all you assholes in permanently

I love how in every inb4source post, the faggot larp samefags with multiple vpns/passes without realizing that all his samefags use the same fucking bland writing style with words that say nothing

>you've been busy
Once Vengeance is Invoked
It rests not.
He Who Lets
Has been Taken

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I live in Portland not NY.

Awesome. When do we slap up the 50-foot concrete wall around the whole decrepit garbage dump that is New York City?

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Funny thing, this happening has brought my food spending way down.

>they cant shut down the bridges and tunnels
At the very least they should undertake a controlled demolition of the Bayonne/Goethals/Outerbridge, then probably start doing something about virus containment as well.

This is glorious!

Lock em in. Now Coronachan can creep through the sewers, and areasolize through the p-traps. 100 percent spread.

Buh Bye Blue island!

>2% fatality rate virus
>0.1% fatality rate virus for anyone younger than 50 outside china and iran
>Omggggg panic /pol!!! Buy masks and low quality canned food from Jews! Omg it's over!! It's the end!!! Because I say so!! I said the same when ebola happened but who cares cause I'll just pretend I wasn't alive then!!!
This kills /pol

I live in Brooklyn and would not at all be surprised if they quarantine all the boroughs.

That being said, I would expect first to see University's suspending classes/large gatherings or a general ban on large gatherings before an outright quarantine is declared.

My wife's university (Pratt Institute) has already indicated they plan to limit in-person classes after spring break

I've gone to a few different stores the past week to monitor prices and continue to see a good stock of water, soap, and other essentials. The bodega on my block continues to have a full stock of TP and water.

FYI - Most New Yorkers are desensitized to panics because we live through so many of them, regularly.


Are you actually retarded? Brooklyn and Queens are part of Long Island and the entire island can be quarantined like Manhattan and SI.

you got no rights...
Welcome to the State of Emergency!

>no proof
>a bioweapon that focuses on the sick and infirm

>He Who Lets
head ayatollah?
some more saudi clown niggers?

>Captain Trips gonna have some fun in the Big Apple.

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Crash the city, no survivors.

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>suspend large gathering
So what scatter landmines on every avenue in Manhattan? That shithole is one big public gathering when the sun is up.

if physical gold is best to have, what about retirement accounts that are tied to the market? GLD? And how far east from the PNW is safe? Currently trying to figure out what to do being stuck in a tropical coastal city.

Yes, cover for OP, who's never been to NYC.

>Simon and Garfunkel YT link
Imagine my shock

Public Activation in 72 hrs.

Didn't you notice the Youtube link to Simon and Garfunkel? Pffft you must be a shill if you won't accept that as proof

Me too! Bought about 2.5k worth of supplies (including non-perishables, semi-perishables, PPE and ammo) and now I'm eating through the semi-perishables (frozen meals and refrigerated foods with long lifespans) instead of taking the wife out to eat every night, just making sure to replenish what I do eat). The ONLY thing that won't get used up eventually if this ends up as a non-happening is the masks and shit

>Most New Yorkers are desensitized to panics because we live through so many of them, regularly.
This, after 9/11 my parents said to me if anything happens in the weeks ahead that there was no point in leaving because it would be pandemonium. It is a trade off of living in a city.

Pretty much, yeah. It's pretty much impossible to stop large gatherings here. Especially in the Manhattan. That being said, I was in downtown yeserday and it was pretty empty for a Saturday. The oculus was almost empty.

Also way less subway traffic than is normal for a weekend.

I think most companies and universities here will close their doors in the next two weeks.

Yup. Anyone who lives here knows the routes out of NYC will be impossible to use because congestion will be so bad. Better to hunker down in place, and hope for the best.

>locking yourself on an island with feral niggers and dumbass wops

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Blow the bridges and turn it into a prison colony. Nothing of value will be lost.

Yeah, I actually started making rice & beans to take to work instead of eating out for lunch. Buying in bulk and making food at home is cheap cheap.

>Blow the bridges and turn it into a prison colony. Nothing of value will be lost.

I'm right across the Hudson, it's relatively quiet here as well, meaning no one's traveling into Hudson county to visit NYC from throughout NJ. I think people already have learned to avoid going into the city when there's a chance you'll get stuck there between 9/11 and Sandy.

>spring break
Fun Time at Havasu

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Can't wait for this to take hold in a gated community in some desolate suburb so some white boomers get left to die


that sums this larp up
he just grabs random shit from twitter and other sites and pretends he has some big inside information

>be bernie bro
>live in brooklyn
>bernie loses
>quarantined in new york
>will leaves everything to bernie 2024

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