Minja 28 M

Why do women still choose their suitable partners based on primal attributes such as : Height, Muscles, Looks, Status...?
Do people still rationalize that choosing your partner on such stuff is still rational choice and not just dumb impulsive thing.

We don't live in world anymore where you have to be most aggressive, most biggest, most popular to survive and prosper so why still perpetuate this values?
Also women seem to point out that Money, Looks and all that materialistic stuff is not important while exactly going for that, do they just have flaw in their brain that they can't fight against their instinct?

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Um...that's primal? And it would be enlightened and civilized to fuck a guy no one respects?



>We don't live in world anymore where you have to be most aggressive, most biggest, most popular to survive and prosper
You tell yourself that but then you're complaining that he gets 1000 times the puss you're not getting.

You forgot to reddit space between the post number you're replying to and the start of your first paragraph. Other than that, short and sweet.

Why do men still choose their suitable partners based on primal attributes such as : Breast size, Hips, Looks, Status...?
Do people still rationalize that choosing your partner on such stuff is still rational choice and not just dumb impulsive thing.

We don't live in world anymore where you have to be most curviest, most voluptuous, most popular to survive and prosper so why still perpetuate this values?
Also men seem to point out that make-up, Looks and all that materialistic stuff is not important while exactly going for that, do they just have flaw in their brain that they can't fight against their instinct?

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Sorry little fellah. Back when I was young I treated women like shit. Did they care?
giggle, giggle, you're such a bad guy. A BIG bad guy.
No mate it's hard wired. Women hate weakness.

>Uh men do it too
Men dont lie about it though so this is not an argument.

Ughh... yeah with your type of logic is why we haven't colonized Mars already... because faggots like you hold progress waiting for mass approval of something.
>Ughhh you dumb people can't fly its impossible, you are crazy man everyone knows that HAHA stupid guy is trying to build flying machine.
>Hahah he thinks that earth goes around sun, lets fucking stone him he is stupid, we all know that sun revoles around earth.

This is your level of intelligence

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only proles and eternal slaves do. I'm ugly, borderline anorexic, yet I date the most beautiful women from rich trad families. I'm extremely intelligent and assertive. None of these women would ever date some low IQ brute, without manners or class.

guy in picrel fucks club women, poor women, vulgar instawhores etc..

Because they are the niggers of gender.
>muh vagina

I know this guy in real life lmao. He’s a first gen Croat from Old Bridge, New Jersey. And he’s a manlet lying about his height (he’s 5’9”).

Women man, I set my location to Asia and i got 100 matches in a hour, here I struggle to get one a week
Fugggg inma have mutt children:(

values and honour are more important than status
hell is the future you choose just like females

roastie post
i dont know a single guy that gives af about her status as long as shes a good women. Women on the other side care about both, looks and status.

Society still has not realized that with the invention of the modern firearm acting macho, alpha, peacocking like a douche is no longer needed. All of those things used to be techniques to protect a mans family. If you have a firearm you automatically can protect your family against any harm. Men don’t need to act like cave people anymore and yet they still do.

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>trying to hide it and not trying to hide it are not naturalistic traits so it invalidates your argument.

Ok galaxy brain

i would choose a partner based on wealth and prestige. i don't think that guy in OP's pic is hot. he looks like a dumb loser who lifts weights instead of making money and gaining clout.


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>Height, Muscles, Looks, Status
I didn't get neither of my gfs thanks to these. Maybe only looks since I'm a 7/10.

>primal attributes
So were still animals? Seems logical, no? Many ways humans behave can be explained by looking at animals. And the core is all primal, everything else is on top of it.

>where you have to be most aggressive, most biggest, most popular to survive
Yea, that's why you have to be "aggressive enough" and "popular enough", not the top 5% in that. I mean my future wife should be matching with my personality but also "good looking enough" for my standards.

>women seem to point
I don't remember when I heard a woman say that, so I guess it's not so common to lie

demoralization thread

>space between post number and first paragraph
why do they do this

because chad will brain you with your own supplies months into corona and fuck that chubby bitch you were holding hands with

big cringe

Lol such a douche but I’m sure it works. I had a self-aggrandizing Tinder profile and it works extremely well.

because some women and man "cant" resist the romantic side of life , I am a gentleman and romantic

What are you going to do? Pull your gun everytime someone tries to fuck with you? Dont use this shit as excuse for being a weak bitch, even if you are a manlet you can atleast learn some martial arts.

call us when they stop fucking all the women and you’ll have something resembling a point

Jokes on him. Roids equates to micro penis.

white "nationalism" BTFO!!

All nationalist mvements need Chad, someone needs to impregnate women while LOSERS die in the battle field

Found him a date

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See this post

So what do you want? Women to be forced to fuck the weakest and most disgusting men? I'm sure that will be much better for humanity in the long run.

Fuck with me? Yeah if I’m standing around and someone randomly attacks myself or my family they’re going to get shot you nigger wtf are you saying?

its no point of weakest and disgusting man.
Men can be average and intelligent, thats whats most important.
It doesn't have to be best of best in terms of looks, status, face whatever, generally women themselves are not any better in looks than average males they just use a lot of trickery and make up yet they demand out of their league.

Rejecting someone because of few inches is retarded and primitive .

20-50% of people have been abused and can not form intimate relationships

Just let them be, they're not happier than you.

The sole problem that arises is that these people are so mentally deranged that it affects their political agenda, which in return causes problems that hurt all of us.

Because women are based. I choose my male friends based on the exact same qualities. Why would I want an insufferable avocado eating pencil necked manlet who respected women as a friend?

Flights to Thailand are cheap right now huh?

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>Rejecting someone because of few inches is retarded and primitive .
Height is positively correlated with IQ, social success, wealth and happiness. It's not "primitive" to want successful children.

>Also women seem to point out that Money, Looks and all that materialistic stuff is not important while exactly going for that, do they just have flaw in their brain that they can't fight against their instinct?

Yeah it's called an inability to be responsible. They can't be responsible over what they really want and be honest so they lie, and go for the direct opposite and they're too dumb to realize men notice this.

What's primal is choosing partners that stick around and raise children. There were no dead beat sperm donor dads and single mothers in the caveman days since Ugg Chad couldn't get very far after abandoning his clan or tribe, people would find him and force him to raise his own kids, which they knew were his because they looked just like him. There weren't enough humans around to be promiscuous and raising kids was too risky to do so alone.

Modern day promiscuity is like obesity. It's unnatural things that happen because we're overloaded beyond basic survival.

>Caring about woman's opinions

user, men lead and women follow.
Desiring to be strong and successful should already be a fairly ingrained trait among men, don´t go against it but use it to your advantage.
Aren´t you Croats all like 6ft2 or something?
Use your presence and dom the shit out of foreign women.
Propagate and prosper.

It's simply evolution rooting out you weak chinned NEETs. Pic very related.

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I'll just leave this here...

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Your concept of beautiful is likely to bear bo relationship to objective beauty. Women are correctly repulsed by weakness, as are all other healthy females across the spectrum of remotely comparable species. Men like you are dependent on a decadent and artificial system and would wither and die without it. Also, your offspring will almost certainly be weak like you

>Also men seem to point out that make-up, Looks and all that materialistic stuff is not important while exactly going for that, do they just have flaw in their brain that they can't fight against their instinct?
Yeah this is hypocrisy I always see

S-sir..h-how do I become a chad like you? Please sir, I want to have sex too ..

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why do you even have to ask these questions it's obvious as fuck
Women would most likely want a partner whom is the best, since most women don't have to approach men, and have men approach them they have a wide selection of men willing to court them, and obviously they'd choose the best.
When you're at a grocery store do you pick up the pruned apples? or do you pick the best ones you can afford and get your moneys worth, same thing with picking a mate, the
only way to stop this would be for men to stop
being simps and have standards, that isn't obviously
happening so we're stuck with this.

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are we going to ignore how ugly and haggard his face looks or how fat he is?

>assuming the girls he's been balls deep in and the ex he has a tattoo of aren't 6s at best.

"web developer" kek
"illinois state" rofl

>Not having a chin and cheek bones is going to lead to them not being able to provide for a family.

Funny how women fuck Captain Cheekbones and Biceps, get pregnant and then go to Mr. No Chin and ask him to take care of it and her since Captain Cheekbones won't settle down or commit to her since he has a parade of pussy at his door.

Sex is for making children, if they aren't going to be a good parent, they shouldn't be having sex. OR women should finally try fucking the guys they want to raise their kids eventually instead of scamming them to raise Captain 67 IQ Cheekbones' kids.

>Why do women still choose their suitable partners based on primal attributes such as : Height, Muscles, Looks, Status...?
And you don't do the same?

This the correct reply for op.

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confidence bro ;D
The only place that happens is in your deluded mind

you're a fucking retard

Vulgar low born 'people' showing all of us, 'the way'. Today's day and age is what you get, when proletariat is allowed to:
a) vote,
b) rule, and
c) shit on Christianity.

Enjoy your future anons. It was a good run up until now.

>Women would most likely want a partner whom is the best, since most women don't have to approach men, and have men approach them they have a wide selection of men willing to court them, and obviously they'd choose the best.

They're not picking "THE BEST" they're shallow and stupid, they're judging by idiotic metrics.

>When you're at a grocery store do you pick up the pruned apples? or do you pick the best ones you can afford and get your moneys worth, same thing with picking a mate,

To complete the analogy, women go and pick the fake fruit because it's shiny. Then they bite into it when they get home and realize it's not even real fruit. Maybe the fruit with a slight blemish on it might not look good on the surface, but has the actual nutritional value she's looking for.

>Why do men still choose their suitable partners based on primal attributes such as : Breast size, Hips, Looks, Status...?
they don't. women are the choosers, men take what they can get. youre an idiot and you should definitely, DEFINITELY kill yourself. you are an idiot.

I'm commenting on a common situation all you need to do is look at humanity and see it easily. Her fucking some good looking dude who has literally nothing else going for him besides his looks and then her trying to get some other dude to raise that guys kids.

Christianity was the most vulgar thing to ever hit Europe. A religion that accepts anyone who wishes to join is the epitome of baseness. Add in the hatred of kin, hatred of this world, denial of sensuality, spiritual equality and reverence for the poor and sickly and you can clearly see that Christianity is the cause of the modern west's problems.

In all virile cultures physical strength and sexual vigour are celebrated Eamonn, you fucking castrate

kys and reborn as chad. that s it . literally nothing else can be done

I wish he would choke me and cum down my throat.

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Beautiful women don't marry ugly guys just so they can raise their kids LOL, you're deluded beyond saving. If you're waiting for such a situation, you'll be sorely disappointed.

I'm just going to send women boring messages on dating sites about their interests until one of them responds. If a girl can't even talk about her "hobby" or "interests" without losing interest then she can enjoy life as a PnD. I'd be much more envious of Chad if he was taking all the good girls but there really aren't any good girls out there so why even care?

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Being a turbo manlet sucks. I'm 5'6

Women are what you make of them. Men are so emasculated at this point that they dont even know this any more.

Especially in countries like ours.