When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
So again, how can you be proud to be white when in doing so you're co-signing all these atrocities committed in the past?
When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
So again, how can you be proud to be white when in doing so you're co-signing all these atrocities committed in the past?
Other urls found in this thread:
im just glad I'm not a nigger like you
FPBP get rekt OP
We made the tools you disparage us with.
Based whites
>how can you be proud that your ancestors were the dominating force on the planet for nearly all of recorded history?
You call them atrocities
I call them based
shut up nigger
Pretty poor bait thread. You need to articulate your argument a bit better if you want more visibility, though.
I personally am extremely proud of Europeans stealing the Notre Dame from Mali and the Reichstag from Vietnam and taking them back to Europe on sailboats.
I'm a native of this continent, if you dont like it, why don't you go back to the other side of the Atlantic where you came from?
You misspelled "best at conquest" and "improving the world" buddy. But don't worry bro, I got ya
We saved more lives then we hurt our medicine and technology allow more babies to survive in shit skin countries than ever were alive or dead to be "opressed" by us
my family has been in North America for 500 years. if you want me to leave come and make me spic
What are you doing in Africa? You don't belong there.
if you can't defend your continent then it's not yours
And how can you be proud of being from an absolute shithole that is south america?
Oppressing subhumans is certainly something to be proud of.
Literally every civilization in history has celebrated its victories over its rivals. Go look at what your savage ancestors did to people they beat in war. If anything, I’m ashamed of how pathetic and self defeating the white race of 2020 is.
The poorest one legged one eyed white is luckier than any other creature on earth. How does it feel to be a nigger?
I think you're a donkey-fucker nigger and a commie faggot
>I've been invading this continent for 500 years
That doesn't make it any more good, your visa is long over due, friendo.
why do you brown retards so desperately want to live on top of us on what we have built then? if we are so terrible why do you kill your own family just to get a taste of living near white people?
Every races history consists of conquest. We we’re just better at it.
Sorry but not sorry. All the plantation boys were captured by other african silverbacks and sold to the european. Everything you´ve mentioned has been done by all the other races (some do it even at this very moment). So go suck of a horse moron.
The history of all human groups is invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races. You are just jealous because we are better at doing this than you are. Maybe if you stopped crying about it we would leave you alone. Might is right.
Should have fought harder
Better than sacrificing your own people to a non existent god and dying out in the process, talk about atrocities. There is a reason we won and you lost, we are smarter and smart its all that is important on this planet, there is a reason why strong people die before smart people.
>That doesn't make it any more good, your visa is long over due, friendo.
I don't need a visa on land that my ancestors fought and conquered you spic fuck
Slide thread. You know what to do, anons.
so make them leave, oh wait you can't kek
spics leave mexico because it sucks balls
it sucks balls because there's mexicans
I'll just assume that you're the kike roleplaying as a nigger who posts the "when I say slavery you say sorry" spam and give you the standard response
also, wypipo invented 99% of everything, and after practicing slavery like everybody has always been practicing on everybody else, they were the only ones to abolish it, and the only ones strong enough to force the rest of the world to do the same
go fuck yourself with a cactus
Bump it into first page?
>invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races
Sign me up.
Because fuck all those other people lol. Better to be a dominator than a fucking slave.
ur right user here let me help
OP is a faggot
fucking based
>invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races
sounds like things to be very proud of. We are superior, and all others must submit and fall in behind, or perish.
Committing atrocities is dope
You’re a descendant of lazy eskimos who took their sweet ass time to get to south america after crossing the land bridge. In the mean time whole civilizations of explorer colonies came and went before your ancestors stopped wandering around aimlessly, shortly after they stopped they were immediately conquered by literally the first group to make contact with them.
If you reply to this shitty gay thread your mother will die in her sleep.
>invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
Because if you go and beat an enemy, it's a cause for celebration.
That sad attempt at white-washing history.
>everyone was doing it so it's okay!!!
If only anyone except white people bought that bullshit.
>invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
Maybe because I don’t have slave morality and I don’t think those things are bad.
because we're also:
>the only ones to walk on the moon
>the only ones to send drones to mars
>the only ones to bring you pic related
>the only ones to bring you the periodic table, electricity and every appliance it powers, engines, motors, cars, planes, trains, machines, robots, audio equipment, computers, medicine, surgery, genetics, telecommunication, photography, videography, probability and statistics, and so on forever
considering what this did to the numbers of nonwhites in the world, they must be really thankful for us
Yet you parasites stream into our countries. Fucking human roaches.
Give us that bow and arrow back
Stop posting this "Romania = white" shit over and over? It's been like 6 threads today.
Romanians are not white, they're shit skin and useless at everything.
You never hear about great things or progress coming from Romania, half your towns don't even have electricity.
All of those actions you listed are signs of success and supremacy.
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
if only they did do this
the world would be a better place and i'd actually have a reason to be proud to be white
Are you talking about white people the American continent? I agree, they are a problem.
imagine still being mad that you got conquered 500 years before. Well Bulgaria got conquered too, but we're proud about who we are and we made up for it. Stop being a faggot turk OP and do something that will make you proud of who you are.
You’re a retard. You’re only able to send this message right now because of tech developed by white people. The narrative that europeans have a uniquely vicious history is pure bullshit being pushed by deluded ideologues on the far left. Every race and culture has historically been violent, warlike, and so forth. White people have advanced so far beyond every race but asians that it isn’t even funny, and that’s why all of you sad fucks are seething all the time. White traits are viewed as the pinnacle of beauty. White nations largely control the fate of the world. White people have produced the overwhelming majority of scientific and philosophical advancements over the past 500+ years.
That doesn’t mean everyone else is inferior per se, they just don’t have the same skillset conducive to creating civilizations and expanding our understanding of the universe. Again, you’re just a seething, short, fat diabetic retard
all non humans should worship whiteness and purity of the white race in fact many do
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
What exactly is there not to be proud of in what you just typed. Yes, we are the smartest most Alpha motherfuckers in history, and Jews will never make those of us that matter ashamed og it.
WTF I'm proud to be white now
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
Because its fucking awesome
She doesn't look Indian though.
>invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races
You mean winning?
How can you be proud to be human?
Your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, and raping, and genociding other hominids.
My people never did any of that, you subhuman trash.
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
your race doing this is simply proof that it is superior to all the others. if your race got away with raping and stealing anything it wanted and becoming rich as fuck, it means your race is stronger, faster, better, and smarter.
She had a good run.
Imagine falling for this bait
KYS jew
Land doesnt have an inherent owner faggot. Why don't you tell Arabs and Berbers in North Africa to go back.
It's all a matter of how you look at things.
You're obviously a very pessimistic person who only looks at negativity and just enjoys complaining about white people because you're not white.
Meanwhile, in reality, white people and white culture have forged literally everything you're doing right now. They have created your daily life.
Literally everything you're doing right now from enjoying electricity, to shitposting on your computer, to using social media to be a racist against white people, is ironically all thanks to white people.
How can you be proud to be not white when your entire history consists of being enslaved, raped, genocided, defeated, and conquered?
Btw, any other race would have done exactly the same thing as whites -- or likely been far, far worse -- if they had acquired the power necessary to do so. It comes down to the fact that white people have been more advanced in every material way for so long that they were able to exert their will over the world, which is precisely what any group would do if given the chance. Denying this fact would be akin to denying basic human psychology.
Short fat diabetic Columbians can see the all day long, it won't improve your lot in life.
I don't see Turks or the Japanese feeling guilt for their "crimes".
Thats all a myth. Whites uplifted the whole of humanity as they progressed. Do you like having a PC to ship post on? How about the freedom to voice your displeasure of the sitting ruler? How about the right to vote? How about equality between all races and genders in the western world? How about modern morality and sensibility?
You are welcome. infact, you are indebted. You inherited the white world and now its your job to preserve it
probably spanish descendants, you should blame, not the fucked up white wannabes of US
America is a country not a continent. Why do South American wetbacks bitch about this so much. I've never seen Mexicans do this.
Nobody else won faggot. Nobody likes a winner and the jealously is easy to spot. The untermensch reek of failure and envy. They don't have to "buy" it, they already know deep down in their souls that they are inferior and all they can do is cope "Nuh uh... You didn't win, you were bad people."
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
but thats every race except whites and to a lesser extent asians. whites and asians are the only races whose history has anything OTHER THAN invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding
You know I got a lot of messaged from women in places like Columbia that wanted my sperm. Because of all the reasons you stated. Its hypergamy. Women are attracted biologically to winners. Sucks for you.
How could you not be proud of having absolute superiority over all of the lesser mongrel races who had no chance to oppose you?
Welcome to reality pal.
Answered your own question
Imperialism is not innately bad. Niggers have completely benefit from slavery. Compare the life quality of your average US nigger to the quality of your average African nigger and tell me Slavery wasn't a good thing. And im sure you know as well as I do it was niggers selling niggers so dont even come at me with whites disheveling africa.
>Imagine falling for this bait
Sometimes beating your chest and screaming at the bait is the most fun response. Sometimes it is fun just to shitpost.
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
>So again, how can you be proud to be white when in doing so you're co-signing all these atrocities committed in the past?
Cause damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
Hold on is Columbia giving us lessons on ethics and humanity, gtfo
How can you not be proud of those accomplishments
STFU fatass and make me some more cocaine
I'm proud to be Hellenic because the rest of you were were illiterate monkeys swinging from vines naked.
>When your entire history consists of invading, pillaging, slaving, raping and genociding other races.
DESU columbian faggot, your ancestors did this, not mine, rapebaby.
Everyone’s history consists of that you fucking retard lmao. You’re just mad that whites came out on top. Cope seethe and dilate bitch nigga