>It's not f-f-fair!
>I hate women!
Why does this make you incels seethe?
I am a caretaker for kids. I'm going to jam a little girls fingers in a doorway because of this thread.
You've just caused violence against women.
maybe weights should be tax exempt because men are the ones expected to be strong.
I don’t want to pay for your bloody pussy.
This sets a precedent that everything that people "need" should be tax free so I am okay with this.
Because society is collapsing because women frequently talk shit about men in jobs like engineer or plumbing and how they are "dumb and mean and need to give us their money cuz being a media coordinator is MUCH harder". Women do not understand what makes capitalism work or society run, they just know men have money and they want it and the government replaces the husband in getting it for them.
>in just one state
Also how much is the sales tax there?
you realize this goes for your wife and sister and mother, too, yes? how is it a bad thing?
>oh god, women pay slightly less money to jews now, the world is ending
personally i have a menstrual cup and pay nothing at all. a single $20 cup lasts 10 years.
(((WA state))) is the most SJW feminist far left cringe state in the country so no this doesn't surprise me
>Push women into the work place and higher roles
>plus give them a tax break
All part of the plan
How is this possible? I dont understand. Why is this being depicted as some woman issue they need saving from? I almost assumed it was a mgtow meme at first blush.