Why is Yas Forums so oblivious on the issue of climate change?

Can you not see how this is very problematic? It's much more of a pressing concern than the corona virus.

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When you ride a car, you are guilty of this.

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Climate change is yet another communist scam to install a central authority over the means of production and control of world populations.

I'm getting scared guys, the ghost of Stalin just flew over my house on a polar bear

Look, just fuck off and die with your carbon taxing bullshit.

Does the climate change? Yes
Has it always been changing? Yes
Will it always be changing? Yes

>Trying to argue in an echo chamber with an average IQ of 70

Notice that the criminal attempts to paint you as the guilty party, when it is really him who has violated good moral order and he is the one who should be shunned. Climate criminals are deceptive and forbidden to tell the truth when found out. Never do business with a climate criminal, they will inflate the cost of goods and services to the tune of your guilt!

When Greta goes to china and tells Xi the pooh himself in the face that he needs to change I'll believe it.

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Yes, it is changing, BUT humans are accelerating the change beyond the point of no return. That is the problem here.

Go back to schizo

Imagine thinking earth is a globe

so what if it changes, species will adapt, so will societies

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There is no argument.

Species can only adapt when the change is slow. But when the change is sudden and very rapid, it leads to extinctions. Remember what happened to dinosaurs when the meteorite hit?

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Shitskins aren't humans user.
Also if whites can't have the planet, then noone will

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Why is the solution for you to have the government control the behavior of people rather than simply worrying about yourself?

We're not oblivious. We can see the natural occurrence of Earth entering a warming period. 80% of the ocean floors contain underwater volcanoes that release more carbon than China 100x

Take your meds schizo

How will carbon taxing solve any of this you brainwashed pathetic brit fuck.?

This, if there are no white people in the future who the fuck even cares what happens.

Climate change models project my area becoming semi tropical and to have water temperatures high enough to swim all year.
Give me one reason to oppose this

survival of the fittest cumrag

The fucking earth tilted slightly. That is why antartica is expanding and the north pole is shrinking

Because there are morons like you who doesnt give a shit and keep pumping out CO2 and waste like it's nothing while there are hard working people trying to save the planet by restraining themselves. The government needs to step in to prevent that sort of self-centered attitude. We as a collective need to tackle it.

All pictures of the poles are fake or edited.

climate change is a kosher scam. if we're gonna focus on any environmental issues, let's stop razing the woodlands for profit and force asia to stop dumping everything into the damn ocean.

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>We as a collective need to tackle it.

We are not a collective, I would rather see you dead.

Because it happening on Mars, Mercury and Venus. Solar system climate change. NASA is trying to cover this up.

you can see the brush strokes where someone painted over this in ms paint lol what low effort shit.

Is it any surprise that brit pukes have lust for some nanny state government to control everything?

It's a little boring there, but I'm absolutely right. The only schizoid mentalities are those who look at a few graphs and think the world is ending.

Then kill yourself, the environment will thank you for it

Climate has always changed, there were several times of this planet had no ice what so ever, then there was a time this entire planet was covered in ice, and then several ice ages.

We haven't even reach the temperatures of the Middle age warming period let alone the Roman Warming period to be worried about Jurassic temperatures

its not even a real satellite photo

No no the solution is for the behaviors of everyone to be dictated and controlled by some government pukes.

niggers and pakis are the ones shitting up the oceans and poluting the air, stop blaming uss and fight the "issue" where it has happened


This is how ice behaves when melting in water. Notice that at a certain point the water level no longer rises.
Climate criminals BTFO.


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Lies. Antarctica ice shield is thicker than ever.

Then why are green supporters against nuclear power? It doesn't produce CO2 and if the technology was improved they could be made more efficient and safer.
The proposals for "Green Renewable Energy™" are all scams. They are not solutions, they are expensive gimmicks that serve no one but the manufacturer and your ego.
What you don't understand is we cannot go back, we need efficient power sources or we all go back to mud huts and spears.

You outed yourself. KYS

>ignoring the vast amount of ice that is found on land
>all of it is floating on the ocean

American intelligence on display here



And you don’t show 2019 because the ice is at record highs

The pollution levels in the west have been going down though. Clearly whatever we are doing is right and shouldn't change. Meanwhile for china and india its only going up.
Send Greta to china and let her get beheaded by the CCP as she tries to stage a climate change coup in china.

Go dilate faggot.

they will always pic sep 2016 because that summer saw a record low of sea ice
it recovered tho

Oh wow you did a photoshop

Because nuclear power is dangerous (Chernobyl, Three Miles, Fukushima, etc) and it leaves radioactive waste which can not be disposed easily.
Wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal reactors, and wave power stations are much better alternatives

CO2 literally feeds life
Please explain how a colder temperature makes something colder. I'd love to see your grasp of thermal physics. If you don't have any grasp over it then you shouldn't be believing anything about climate change as you're just bowing to consensus which is NOT authority or truth, it is obedience, which makes you a slave.

Not human made, it's the sun and the earth is flat

"Man made global warming" = distraction to cover up from the ACTUAL environment damage, eg soil erosion due to plant based agriculture rather than chad pastoralism, and pollution from industry. Anprim pastoralism is best for both humans and their environment

Looks like if you mention ""MUH CLIMATE CHANGE" it triggers a bunch of shills to throw a shitfit about "IT'S REEL GAIZ!!"

And yet it's them calling us the schizos. Say, when's the world gonna end this time? 2040? It didn't end in 2020, or 2010, or 2000, or 1990. So push those goalposts another 20 years!

Did you know having an ice cap is an anomaly? did you know that the earth has been ice cap free for ~90% of its existence? did you know by definition ice caps only exist during ice ages? did you know we are at the tail end of a CURRENT ice age now? did you know the caps extended as far down as missouri/kentucky just 20,000 years ago and have been receding ever since that peak? did you know the caps are going bye-bye even if every person on the planet disappeared 20,000 years ago?

It's mostly because of the large amount of election tourists on Yas Forums who basically hold no opinion besides what the GOP says. They're so scared climate change will cause "muh socialism" that they ignore that the main reason for climate change is oil and coal consumption, which exists mainly to drive American wars for Israel in the Middle East and to funnel money to Arab nations. If we wanted, every Western nation could be autarkic for energy and not have to rely on the Arab world.

What a bunch of nonsense
>2019 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Is Second Lowest

Attached: arctic_ssi_2019261_lrg.png (2400x1600, 943.56K)

Explain to us how fucking solar panels are going to cool down the planet you fucking brainlet. Do you even know how they work?

And it just...never occurred to you that these pictures were taken in different seasons?

Mountains in Iceland look like all 3 pictures in a single year.

There's a reason you aren't using real satellite images from 2020, it's because the ice shelf is actually bigger than it has ever been in all of recorded history


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Replacing fossil fuel power stations with solar panels and other green energy stations will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the atmospheric CO2 levels. Less CO2 = less impact on the planet.
Did the Ustase kill off all the Serb intellectuals?

Get rekt fucking idiot climate activists.

It's all a fucking scam.


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You seem to mistake supporting these asshats with disbelief in climate change, whether anthropogenic or not.
All these environmentalists are foregoing the issues and markets in which they could make a genuine change and instead reaching for more taxes in regions that process waste and emissions properly. It properly shows that they have an agenda, and it is not one to reduce pollution.
Could you imagine Greta in India, Africa, or China? Preaching about clean energy in central America, where they use Bunker oil to run their generators?

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wow the climate is changing. who the fuck cares.

You still didnt answer my question.
Educate us since we are too low IQ to know, how do solar panels produce energy?
Also Nuclear power is actually the safest and most clean energy source out there right now.
Dont forget to answer the first question I asked you.

Because that shit is fake af. Why do science fags always make fun of christians for their beliefs based off "sources" yet blindly accept "sources" from scientists

You don’t understand, most of Yas Forums WANTS the world to end

Oh no! More arable land! What ever will we do?

I did answer it you mong, replacing fossil fuel stations with solar panels = less CO2. Less CO2 = cooler planet.
And the sun is free.

Because photovoltaic cells last forever, right? And the components they're made from. So called "rare earth metals". Pretty common and not limited, right?

If any of you toothless dipshits actually cared, you'd be pushing for Nuclear.

Save up a month's worth of your salary to go to a dentist, Rupert

If you can find a way to blame the kikes for climate change, Yas Forums will care. I dont see a problem with simultaneously blaming kikes for climate change (since they own the economy), while also blaming them for hoaxing climate change. The particulars dont really matter, as long as the kikes are blamed, I'm sick of being at the bottom of the totem pole. Eventually the sun will consume the Earth so cares anyway.

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That doesn't answer the question.

>It properly shows that they have an agenda, and it is not one to reduce pollution.
This. Remember when environmentalists shut down nuclear reactors on America post-Three Mile Island or Germany post-Fukushima? Most environmentalists have no clue how the environment works.

Where did I say replacing EVERYTHING with solar panels? I clearly said in conjunction with other power sources such as wind turbines, geothermal plants, wave power, etc.


Attached: How-Do-Solar-Panels-Produce-Electricity-featured.jpg (621x654, 89.99K)

Look, These people here, all know more about any topic than you, Sure they Sometimes are rude, but Accept it, U know Shit

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You think some basement dweller using pics of animes know more than me AND actual legit climate scientists?
How arrogant

Geothermal can be done here because the whole island is a volcano.

Do you know how unlikely it is that you exist within a thousand kilometers of an area that is suitable for geothermal?

How are you storing all that energy when the wind dies?

>Wave power
Now you're just throwing out bullshit.

Tell me, Shlomo, how much does your VPN cost you a month?


Attached: putting thousands of solar panels that absorb heat will cool down the planet.jpg (512x384, 103.45K)

yes, because i once was you

>Wave power
>Now you're just throwing out bullshit.
Are you retarded? Look outside

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Sounds like a better alternative than fossil fuel generators