German was giving homeless boys to pedos

>Between 1969 to 2003, these homeless boys aged between six and 14 were handed over to pedos — because it was thought the vulnerable kids might benefit from their attention.

>The twisted logic behind the "Kentler experiment"— named after the leading sexologist Helmut Kentler who spearheaded it — was that pedophilia could have "positive consequences".

Thank God we defeated Hitler and those evil Nazis.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ohhhh nnooooo you can't just give kids to pedos noooooooooo
Well, what did the study find?

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How about giving Asian Bois to grown ass BLACK males then? How about that you racis' Whitoids

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Uhm, what positive consequences were they thinking this could have? Suicide? Wtf


they are still doing this. They are giving out kids and teenage girls to muslims now.
Germany hasn't changed a bit. Matter of fact other European countries are also doing the same shit. Sad

This British guy is like a god of liberal economists

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If the experiment is never done, the answer is never known...

I was adopted as a 9 year old kid. I HATED the orphanage. I was an introvert kid stuck with outgoing and loud criminal children. The times I remember when other orphans would leave and we all knew it was with a loving family. The pretty kids never stayed long. I eventually got adopted by a strange couple of elderly people. The man was arrested for molesting me after I told a teacher and I went back to the orphanage.

I honestly didn't mind the penis in my mouth, I was never raped in the arse. It was a small price to pay for a home. Once he put a donut on his stiff cock. I donut want to think about it but I do sometimes.

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and this is how gays are made

Germans are sick

>Helmut Kentler
This nigger is responsible for the (((experiment))).
Peak fucking weimar, i swear to God

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Yes only Germans

Dude you have NO IDEA what's going on in shitholes like Russia around orphanages.


Can we get confirmation on him being jewish?
Nothing good only abuse of the children and the guy was violent too regurarly beaten the kids, the psy was a pedo too.

Don't kid yourselves. Germans aren't full Nordic. They are mischling, less-retarded Eastern Europeans, and always have been.

And as WWII was a Masonic orchestration, the Nazis were a controlled opposition body. Himmler was an Ashkenazi kike. And today Germany is a Masonic state. Merkel is an mk ultra retard.

Time to let Germany die from our fond memories, just like with the affinity for Gook East Asians. They're all shittards.

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so ... what was the conclusion of experiment ?

It's time for a revolution

Keynes was a pedo commie degenerate

>They are mischling
Says the American, the fucking irony.

Goddamn it, Germany. Why do you gotta be such EU globalist faggots? Get your shit together.

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>what was the conclusion of experiment ?
That, if you give children into the care of pedophiles, they get molested. What a surprise.

Made me chuckle.


>At the end of the 1960s, in a model experiment , he housed several neglected 13- to 15-year-old boys, whom he assessed as "secondary weak-minded", with pedophiles known to him, in order to re-socialize them and allow them to grow up to mature adults. Due to the related criminal offenses , he only made this public after their statute of limitations more than a decade later. Kentler hoped from the experiment that the youth would be socially re-established by the men. Kentler knew that the men would have sex with the minors. The scandal was publicly debated in 2015, and the Senate youth administration then commissioned scientist Teresa Nentwig from the University of Göttingen to investigate the incident and the responsibility of the authorities.
>At a faction hearing of the FDP in 1981, he reported: "These people only endured these feeble-minded boys because they were in love with them, in love and in love with them." [8] In a report for the Senate Department for Family, Women and Youth he described the results of the 1988 trial as "a complete success". At that time, he no longer had to fear criminal law consequences due to limitation. He also maintained contact with the former participants while teaching in Hanover and recommended in the early 1990s in a report for the Berlin family court that one of the abused adolescents would remain with his pedophile foster father, whom he described as an educational natural talent . [9]
>Kentler was single, homosexual and had three adoptive sons and a foster son. [9]

Yeah, sounds like Berlin
fucking city dwelling degenerats

Flag checks out, never change Australia.

>sex abuse good

>aussie shitpost

Everyone pay attention to this masterpiece!

>Kentler was single, homosexual and had three adoptive sons and a foster son. [9]
>fag rights are human rights
>no such thing as slippery slope
>no equivalence between clear paraphilias
The state of psychology.

>I honestly didn't mind the penis in my mouth, I was never raped in the arse. It was a small price to pay for a home.

I wish my wife was this appreciative

How typically European of them.

>secondary weak-minded
autism and retardation..
the kids no one wants ffs

A lot of really disturbing shit went down in the 1970's here. If you want to remain sane, don't look too deeply into it.

It all makes total sense now.

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Why are Northern Europeans such deranged perverts?

Did they give you their inheritance at least?

Public hanging

or bootcamps for young conscripts ... essentially orphanages for 18y olds

>I donut want to think about

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>Public hanging
Made illegal by the U.S. forces after shooting and hanging the remaining Nazi leaders after their trials.

What the fuck, is this real?

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I just want to go back to normal i dont want to live in clown world anymore

To be fair, it wasn't only happening in Germany.

Keynes was right about the need for recession time spending but the same people would cancel anyone else in a second for much less, destroy his statues, memory, everything no matter how much he contributed.

Literally Weimer tier

>Once he put a donut on his stiff cock. I donut want to think about it but I do sometimes.

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Yes, it is. One of many such incidents. The 1968ers made a lot of these experiements where they tortured kids to lift the nationalistic spirit from them. Madness.

I read about Reimer. Poor fucker.

even if this is fake News, id still believe it

This only happens because we let it
It won’t stop until we’re dead, the future is brown, or we start hanging these people from the lampposts in the streets

>northern european
American education i guess

>There was ever such a thing as normal
The word you're looking for is utopia

Clearly the guy designing the experiment was a pervert, but I almost understand the rationale of the academic committee in allowing it. Like, imagine in bizarro world where this experiment was a resounding success. Then you'd basically solve two giant social problems in one swoop-- orphan children and pedos. You'd then see studies comparing this system to Ancient Greece and there would be a social recommendation to do it.

Ethics aside, it's a question that needed definitive answering because the historical record on pedophilia and the harm it causes is not clear.

>Kentler was single, homosexual and had three adoptive sons and a foster son. [9]

There was a reason they put prohibitions against sodomy in Leviticus.

>I donut want to think about it but I do sometimes.

user, I...

Really did not need a new study to see that noncing children fucks them up for life

Does climate and environment change how people post on Yas Forums?

yes, I am not even surprised, you guys think only the Brits have these kind of problems, that shit happens all across the west and child services are very often involved

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It's not EU. It was Frankfurt school and 68er movement.

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>Clearly the guy designing the experiment was a pervert,
those were the so called 68er, and pretty much all the degeneracy here can be explained with them being in power right now, especially in the bigger cities

Only two boys got it bad, from the same foster dad.
The others probably lived happily and loved.

So the data's pretty much entirely corrupted then, and the whole shit was just a ploy to get child prostitutes.
Just fucking great.

Gonna need a Kraut, Wikipedia page is in German.

Are most Germans aware of this reasoning?

ok groomer

He looks pretty German. But he went into a Jewish field. Nobody else in the field seemed to have a problem with it.

>"thihih why are you so depressed so user? :)"
i read the news

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I dated a girl who came out of the orphanage system, it twisted her for life and she eventually suicided. She said the system doesn’t give a shit about the kids, if it’s creepos in Europe giving away kids to pedos for experiments there it’s laquesha here in the states giving away dem white kidz to pedos and abusers so she can check mark off another one and keep the paycheck coming.

>>impying there wasn't pedos among partei bonzes

no, was an evangelical christian


Hitler was the only chance the Germans had and we all fucked it up. Let's take a moment to reflect then internalize the anger, sadness and hatred into a crystalline thought for exterminating all Jews. Let's do it for the aborted future of what Hans could have been rather than what he has become.

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>68er movement
we have the same student movement in france advocating for communism and pedophilia and it has the same name 'mai 68'
seem they organized to spread their degeneracy.

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You had the chance to exterminate the eternal g*erm.
You didn't do it.
Now this.

Interesting, I did not know about that (but I did know about the Frankfurt School).

Our politicians are pedos. Worldwide.

It's a real problem. The pedo-ness seems to trickle down, unlike the GDP bubbles and quanitative easing.

>it's a question that needed definitive answering because the historical record on pedophilia and the harm it causes is not clear.
NO, just fucking NO. Gas yourself.

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>Keynes was right about the need for recession time spending

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Doesn't make his statement any less true wurstfag

Asians are nice, we want to give jewish boys.

This has potential

If thats you in the pic I would rape you too

reading more about this asshole, actually Shows that he was the one who brought the whole degeneracy here, fucking hell