>mortality rate is actually much less than 2%
>kills far less people than the flew anyway
>panic is totally unwarranted. At most the virus can become a long term nuisance, if not exterminated completely.

Coronacuck is a farce. We need to look elsewhere or some anons need to engineer some real shit to shake things up.

You claim to understand how the media works but you were all caught in spin. Now rush to the supermarkets with your masks on, retards..

Attached: UCKVIRUS.jpg (600x337, 39.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only AIDS patients are dying from Coronavirus

Attached: GpPDW2.gif (320x240, 3.49M)

start a folder and fill it with all the various pictures and renderings of the "coronavirus"

this is approaching "NASA lies about the globe" tier

I wish I bought the dip.

>believe the ‘facts’ goy
Fuck off retard.

>MSM sucks Chinese dick and downplays risk for months
>Finally comes out and starts young the morality percentage
>iT MuSt bE A fAlSe fLAG

The schizoids need to clean house and this virus is the exact thing to do it.

The death numbers are a total lie, but not in the way that is actually dangerous. Really the biggest cause of deaths is poor hygiene, being old, and having extensive pre-existing conditions. Places like China and Italy have either very poor hygiene (China) or have a culture that enforces constant contact (Italy) which makes the virus spread and make it more deadly. China is already known to be fudging their numbers, and Italy magically exploded in cases overnight and the government said "whoops!"

>kills far less people than the flew anyway
>panic is totally unwarranted

>or some anons need to engineer some real shit to shake things up.
Is this a call for violence? Haven't seen one of these since the 1980s Soviet propaganda campaigns

Actually, it is the "experts" and the media that want you to panic. Those are the "facts" and the "authorities". This whole bullshit is a good example of how the media can steer the sheeple in any direction.

Attached: rgegre.jpg (814x960, 96.03K)

and yet, all the data I am currently looking at says the opposite

fuck off you punk ass bitch, its far far worse than 2%

sloppy job

if you even watch the video, it becomes clear that 2% is an absolute maximum. More likely not even 1%. Sorry that you are just a teenager that buys all the hype the media puts out there. Live a little. The world sucks and a virus is not going to change it.

watches one vid, magically knows everything

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>the flew

Attached: green_lex_luthor.jpg (321x306, 11.71K)

A carona just flew over my house.

You mean the inaccurate sample size of data we have? Y'know, the data that omits a vast majority of mild cases due to expensive testing being reserved primarily for those who are more at risk? The sample size that has America currently at 164 cases and there's multiple confirmations of people experiencing symptoms, getting tested negative for flu, but told to just stay home without testing for Covid19 because they just have the sniffles and it's not worth confirming them when they're already recovering? The sample size that's only about a month old compared to the literal decades of flu data we have?

That data?

Attached: 1573589065658.jpg (1125x1012, 42.25K)

I'm hoping we get a scare at work & get sent home for a few weeks with pay.

I posted it in another thread but my state officials have announced that because tests are limited they’re going to prioritize testing the elderly because they’re the most vulnerable population. Well, if you make sure the positive tests you get are all from the most likely to die you guarantee a stilted as fuck death rate.

Sorry squirt but you gotta go to school on Monday

Ok you fat faggot, I’ll be laughing when I see you’re thread when you’re dying.

It is all a buildup to the release of the vaccine Israel has been working on since before the outbreak (!)

tfw not smart enough to be bio weapon designer social outcast

Will you though

Attached: notsureifnurgle.jpg (645x431, 56.87K)

Fuck off idiot I'm going to come over there and rape you with my aids infested dick.

>mortality rate is actually much less than 2%
yeah, nah.
What do you think will happen when literally millions of boomers and elderly start smashing hospitals with pneumonia?

Attached: 1528408782237.png (152x254, 51.58K)

Post the airline prices

>there's multiple confirmations of people experiencing symptoms, getting tested negative for flu, but told to just stay home without testing for Covid19 because they just have the sniffles and it's not worth confirming them when they're already recovering?

Those people have what's known as "a cold".

Biggest economic boom ever recorded this summer

Screencap this

lel. rolling for total schizo extinction.

Msm has been fearmongering since Januari moron. Great way to take a jab at Trump

n-n-no not my boomerinos! who will destroy this economy and claim they had it hardest growing up!?! n-noooooooo

>china under quarentine
>only media coming from there is government media now
All is good friends! We make you more goods!

>italy under quarentine
>social media coming out of there comes grinding to a halt

How long until they fuss up and say, "all good friends! We'll keep making you tourist fucks pizza!"?

>only kills four times the number of people killed by the flu every year
>leaves people who survive with permanent lung, heart and other internal organ damage
>the kind of lung heart and other internal organ damage considered as pre existing conditions that leave you vulnerable if reinfected
>one out of five infected people already need intensive care with oxygen or with artificial oxygenation of the blood to survive
>optimal environment for the disease seems to be climate controlled human structures with air conditioning such as airports, malls and skyscrapers that keep the air at a stable 21 degrees celsius
>causes cytokine storms that can kill in young, healthy individuals that have developed "immunity" to it when reinfected
Anyone who doesn't take this monster seriously is either ignorant, stupid or both.

>Coronacuck is a farce.
This enrages the habbening faggot

OK boomer.

Don't bet on it.

Fleece Jhonson vs Purple Aki - who gets their cheeks busted?

Attached: beware of Purple Aki.jpg (263x350, 42.82K)

>>only kills four times the number of people killed by the flu every year
And? Half a million people die annually from the flu. Nobody gives a shit.
>>leaves people who survive with permanent lung, heart and other internal organ damage
>>the kind of lung heart and other internal organ damage considered as pre existing conditions that leave you vulnerable if reinfected
>>one out of five infected people already need intensive care with oxygen or with artificial oxygenation of the blood to survive
Sure, because it's old fucks showing up to the hospital sick as dogs and the docs are naturally being overcautious.
>>optimal environment for the disease seems to be climate controlled human structures with air conditioning such as airports, malls and skyscrapers that keep the air at a stable 21 degrees celsius
Same as any other fucking virus.
>>causes cytokine storms that can kill in young, healthy individuals that have developed "immunity" to it when reinfected
What else you got you dumb ice monkey?

Every fucking virus/disease out there has extreme cases and possible sideffects. You must be really stupid or naive, likely both.

Oh wait, you are from Iceland! Likely some inbred blonde nerd who only knows about the world from his university professor. I truly hope hysteria about the virus crashes your tourist-oriented economy.

>Ok you fat faggot, I’ll be laughing when I see you’re thread when you’re dying.
Habbening faggot mentality on full display:
>all these poor people are gonna die!
>I hope you die for disagreeing with me fagit

The flu doesn´t cause permanent lung, heart and other internal organ damage like SARS viruses do. You are in denial over how serious this monster is.

>Oh wait, you are from Iceland! Likely some inbred blonde nerd who only knows about the world from his university professor
Icelanders are one of the worlds most genetically healthy population due to church enforced eugenics and a general practice of out-breeding within the population based on the genealogical record. The average Briton is more inbred than the average Icelander. In fact the average paki is the most inbred person in the world and you faggots have them in abundance.

>kills far less people than the flew anyway
i had an ok time reading till you flew in fucking enraged me you stupid fucking bird

>The flu doesn´t cause permanent lung, heart and other internal organ damage like SARS viruses do. You are in denial over how serious this monster is.
The few cases where they found lung damage, they have no idea whether CV caused it or whether it was pre-existing. Same goes for the kidney damage and sterilization scare stories.

>the most accurate measure of whether someone has this monster is still ct scans of the lungs and the damage done to them
Catching this monster causes pre-existing conditions that leads this monster to kill you eventually when you catch it again, if the cytokine storm doesn't kill you first.

Have you been talking to spores user lol?

What's up with the "monster" faggery? It's a tiny spore that is similar to the flu, with a tiny Asian cock.

This is what the flu has been doing for ages now, and nobody gave a fuck.

>>Symptoms of influenza can start quite suddenly one to two days after infection. Usually the first symptoms are chills and body aches, but fever is also common early in the infection, with body temperatures ranging from 38 to 39 °C (approximately 100 to 103 °F).[25] Many people are so ill that they are confined to bed for several days, with aches and pains throughout their bodies, which are worse in their backs and legs.[26]
Symptoms of influenza

Fever and chills
Nasal congestion
Runny nose
Sore throat
Muscle pains
Irritated, watering eyes
Reddened eyes, skin (especially face), mouth, throat and nose
Petechial rash[27]
In children, gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain[

It can be difficult to distinguish between the common cold and influenza in the early stages of these infections.[31] Influenza symptoms are a mixture of symptoms of common cold and pneumonia, body ache, headache, and fatigue. Diarrhea is not usually a symptom of influenza in adults,[20] although it has been seen in some human cases of the H5N1 "bird flu"[32] and can be a symptom in children.

The specific combination of fever and cough has been found to be the best predictor] Two decision analysis studies[34]] suggest that during local outbreaks of influenza, the prevalence will be over 70%.[35]

influenza can cause severe illness including primary viral pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia.[38]

confusion in the elderly and a sepsis-like syndrome in the young.[41]

But hey, end of the world from a monster, right Island boy?

based thread out of a pool of retarded doomday preppers

No I don´t think there is a hypothetical fungus production by sweat glands through bizarre and highly unlikely retrovirus means. I just know that a 33 chromosome long tail is unnatural in any corona virus.

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Would love to see the media announce every single Flu test or death in the world.

The flu doesn´t cause permanent lung, heart and other internal damage that make you more susceptible to it the next time you catch it.

yeah it does actually


You have no evidence this is doing that either. You’re referring to the few incidences of testing negative then positive again that we now know were the result of faulty and contaminated tests.

>have a culture that enforces constant contact
Looking at the public transport systems of New York and LA it’s then safe to say they are fucked.
>poor hygiene
Makes it even worse for La and New York and I guess we should ad San Francisco.

And where are the pictures of the "acceptance" you fucking moron? You have nothing to show because it isn't happening. The whole thing is totally blown out of proportion. The media wants to keep you in an eternal wait forever, to sell their crap.

Just give it up already. Your virus is a cuck.

All these shill threads saying that the virus is nothing. Meanwhile every fucking place it pops up is over run with an outbreak leading to quarantines and eventually entire city's locked down.
Yep it's nothing...

Every place? Really?

Actually fuck face it’s this:
The way they need to handle the mortality rate calculation at this point is by talking about it in more defined terms. Over all it’s likely 2% or lower...the WHO calculated what I did (3.4%) two days after I initially did based on reported cases but it has to be lower than that because most cases will never be officially confirmed. The real number people need to examine is the mortality rate of cases serious enough to be hospitalized for. That number is going to be far higher than 3.4% and could be as high as 15%-30%...that’s like Washington state the other day...21 cases with 8 deaths...that’s 38.09%. They could even break it down by age if you have to go into the hospital...over 50 is ?, over 60 and hospitalized is ?, over 70 and hospitalized is ? etc etc etc

The older you are the more likely you are to die if you have to got into the hospital. Comorbidity issues increase the likelihood of death even more at any age and they could factor that in.

Well fuck, I didn´t know that it did. One more thing to worry about I guess.

>You have no evidence this is doing that either
See Also see everything about SARS. Since this is SARS 2 endemic virus boogaloo expect complications from previous infections to become a factor.

it's two burger buns

>Over run with outbreak
>Total infected in China, ground zero (after spreading since November) - 80,703
>Total population of China - 1.38b

Oh my goooooooooooood!
0.005847826% of China's total population has been infected! This is a MAJOR outbreak! The world is DOOOOOOMED! HOW ARE WE GOING TO SURVIVE THIS!!?!

Attached: ala.png (1267x719, 1.15M)

>What do you think will happen when literally millions of boomers and elderly start smashing hospitals with pneumonia?

Social Security is saved and pension fund problems disappear?

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nice try mossad

Attached: coro.jpg (1216x3320, 1.61M)

Takes around 1 month to resolve cases. Less than 100 worldwide cases a month ago. What kind of bullshit will you come up with next month ?

>chinese reported mortality rate is exactly 2.1% in every reported numbers of infected/dead/recovered
>not produced by an automated algorithm
Really makes you think doesn't it?

They been saying it's no worse then the flu since it started, it's been independent media telling us how the virus is and the msm is just now catching up to what the others have been saying since the beginning.