/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1753

► Detected: 109,637 ► Died: 3,802

Young people end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

eBay bans sales of masks and related items

New York declares state of emergency

China quarantine hotel collapses, 70 trapped

25% of Italy's population quarantined

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

WHO says Italy testing too many people

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

China only testing people with Hubei travel history

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

17:55: 6 new cases in Iraq.
17:46: 1 new case in Ontario, Canada.
17:32: 2 new cases in Ireland.
17:20: 1,492 new cases and 133 new deaths in Italy.
16:50: 177 new cases and 3 new deaths in France.
16:30: 1 new case, a death, in Egypt. The patient was a 60-year-old German who entered Egypt on March 1. He was hospitalized with a fever on Friday and his condition was satisfactory until he suffered respiratory failure caused by acute pneumonia on Saturday, according to the health ministry. He died on Sunday. This is the first death in both Egypt and Africa.
16:11: 4 new cases in Lebanon.


Attached: CVG.png (1221x934, 871.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>latest developments
>video archive
>preparation guides
>survival guides
>important news
>..and more!

Visit nothingburger.today/

Attached: 1580077988989.png (640x522, 233.52K)

0 cases here

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>"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections
Fake news

How many people actually seek out testing? I have never gone to the hospital to be diagnosed for a flu or anything like that. I get the feeling that the majority of infected would never know.

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Come on Jim start the stream.

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kek imagine this faggots blowing their brains out in a week




last update: 08.03.
source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Corona-patient in intensive care in Münster had previously been administered immuno-supressants for organ transplant.

Man, 60, "german citizen", entered Egypt on 01.03., hospitalized and tested on 06.03., lung failure on 07.03., dies on 08.03.
source: Zeit

>RKI reports:
+107 = 902 cases
updated: 08.03. 14:00 GMT
cases between 2 and 99 years old, median 42 years
updated: 06.03.
sex is known in 148 cases: 57% men
updated: 03.03.

>German Virologists: Possible Corona-wave during next fall. Corona might visit us every year. Majority of population will get infected.

Lots of german supermarkets and drugstores with empty shelves.
Austria: Chancelor Kurz suggests, that drastic measures across europe are just a question of time.
dpa reports: Almost 500 cases in NRW, 285 of these in epicenter Heinsberg
German healthminister Spahn recommends: Gatherings with more than 1000 visitors should get canceled
German pharmacies: Shortages to be expected during the year.
Berlin: Senat of health reports 40 infected
Bayern: 2 critical cases, 1 fit older man, 1 with multiple comorbidities
Healthminister of Bayern supports Spahns suggestion regarding gatherings of more than 1000.
Rheinland-Pfalz: 7 schools closed.
source: Welt, Zeit, ntv, others




Attached: graph_RKI_1.png (568x681, 39.35K)

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>133 deaths in 24 hours in Italy
yep, just another flu
i bet 133 people don't die of regular flu in italy in a fucking month, not a single day

Oregon state of emergency

Attached: Screenshot_20200308-182701.png (1080x2160, 430.21K)

>South China Morning Post
>fake news
lmao, as prestigious as it gets for China news, brainlet

Outbreaks in germany are in early stages, only few patients with developed disease, Italy had an undetected outbreak 1 to 2 weeks earlier.
Many young people got infected in Germany, in Italy eg. an early outbreak was in a retirement home.
Contact tracing is still possible and lots of asymptomatic contact persons are tested, so lots of cases are in early stages of disease.

NRW and Lombardy are somewhat comparable, but Lombardy had the virus 1 or 2 weeks longer. It spread there undetected for quite some time.
Detection in NRW was late as well, but not as late as in Lombardy and the case numbers are quite different.
There will probably not be a NRW lockdown for 1 to 2 weeks.

Articles say "german citizen" and Turkey and Egypt are popular destinations for german tourists in that agegroup.
Probably german or german with other european admixture.

Attached: maps_1.png (953x1348, 316.99K)

Italy Total known cases/Deaths% is at 5.


This. Most likely you wont know if you have it if you are healthy. On the flip side if millions are infected at the same time, and we see hospitals over run, then you have bigger problems

>4 weeks ago encouraged family to prep
>and 2 weeks ago
>and 3 days ago

Today they started asking me for toilet paper and OTC medication, kek

Hoax Virus General #1753

Attached: 1567533219027.png (812x492, 587.89K)

China +52 (+28) Italy +1,492 (+133) S. Korea +272 (+2) Iran +743 (+49) France +177 (+3) Spain +88 (+7) Japan +41 (+1) Switzerland +69 (+1) Netherlands +77 (+2) H. Kong +6 (+1) Iraq (+2) Egypt +1 (+1) Germany +218 USA +29 UK +64 Sweden +42 Belgium +31 Norway +17 Singapore +12 Austria +23 Malaysia +6 Australia +6 Greece +7 Kuwait +3 Canada +3 Iceland +5 India +6 S. Marino +10 Denmark +8 Lebanon +4 Czechia +5 Portugal +9 Vietnam +10 Finland +5 Ireland +2 Algeria +1 Brazil +1 Russia +3 Slovenia +4 Qatar +3 Romania +2 S. Arabia +4 Philippines +4 Chile +1 Poland +2 Mexico +1 Pakistan +1 Hungary +2 Indonesia +2 Dom. Rep. +3 C. Rica +4 Bulgaria +2 Bangladesh +3 S. Africa +1 Latvia +1 Total +3,588 (+230)

Attached: CVG.jpg (720x480, 78.72K)

A false negative in an over saturated health system is way more likely than a "reinfection"

Those chinese and Iran numbers are bullshit. Iran has atleast 600 dead

It's a fucking nothingburger. It's actually a fucking nothingburger. I'm never going to believe you fucks ever again.

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Fuck I bought masks to resell

Look at that him, he actually thinks his country is not infected...

Attached: retard.jpg (230x219, 6.58K)

Go back to /ptg/ MIGAtard.

► China 80,703 (3,098) ► International 28,934 (704): Italy 7,375 (366) S. Korea 7,313 (50) Iran 6,566 (194) France 1,126 (19) D. Princess 696 (7) Spain 613 (17) Japan 502 (7) USA 464 (19) Switzerland 337 (2) UK 273 (2) Netherlands 265 (3) H. Kong 114 (3) Australia 80 (3) Iraq 54 (6) Thailand 50 (1) Egypt 49 (1) Taiwan 45 (1) S. Marino 36 (1) Philippines 10 (1) Argentina 9 (1) Germany 1,018 Sweden 203 Belgium 200 Norway 173 Singapore 150 Austria 104 Malaysia 99 Bahrain 85 Greece 73 Kuwait 64 Canada 63 Iceland 55 UAE 45 India 40 Denmark 35 Lebanon 32 Czechia 31 Portugal 30 Vietnam 30 Israel 25 Finland 24 Ireland 21 Algeria 20 Brazil 20 Palestine 19 Russia 17 Oman 16 Slovenia 16 Qatar 15 Romania 15 Ecuador 14 Georgia 13 Croatia 12 S. Arabia 11 Macao 10 Estonia 10 Azerbaijan 9 Chile 8 Poland 8 Mexico 7 Pakistan 7 Hungary 7 Belarus 6 Indonesia 6 Peru 6 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 C. Rica 5 French Guiana 5 Afghanistan 4 Luxembourg 4 Senegal 4 Bulgaria 4 Macedonia 3 Bangladesh 3 Bosnia 3 Malta 3 Slovakia 3 S. Africa 3 Cambodia 2 Latvia 2 Morocco 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Maldives 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Colombia 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Moldova 1 Paraguay 1 Serbia 1 Togo 1

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 430.32K)

Those on a a separate table dumbass

Why would they take them down and sort them perfectly? Whoever took this is retarded

Great video collection Argiebro put this in OP

>These Italian death numbers

Attached: 17j7na.jpg (540x511, 61.04K)

Bill Gates cant even cure a virus on a computer he invented. Why would you trust him with public health?

Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY NEW cases and death ,without any shit news and other stuff

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-08 at 22.17.54.png (3198x2302, 1.56M)

Last Updated: Mar 6, 2020 6:01 p.m. EDT
-256.50 -0.98%

Russia (-5.24%) France (-4.13%) Austria (-3.97%) Brazil (-3.97%) Spain (-3.94%) H. Kong (-3.86%) India (-3.78%) Italy (-3.74%) UK (-3.59%) Switzerland (-3.50%) Netherlands (-3.46%) Poland (-3.12%) Singapore (-2.79%) Australia (-2.41%) Taiwan (-2.38%) S. Africa (-2.19%) Germany (-2.00%) China (-1.77%) USA (-1.08%) Hungary (0.00%) Greece (0.00%) Japan (0.00%) S. Korea (0.00%)

Attached: CVG.png (788x459, 130.95K)

On 28 February corona was found at a local daycare. Three of my colleagues their children have been there. One of them continues to work and reported himself sick on day 7 of the 14 day incubation period. And we welcome the other two back to the office on day 10 Tomorrow? Wtf is the matter with them? They expect me to be there tomorrow.


Going into wuhan territory

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-08 at 22.18.28.png (3198x2302, 1.37M)

Depends how mild mild cases actually are. Considering even asymptomatic patients have lung abnormalities associated with pneumonia, you're going to feel pretty fucking awful even if you don't get a severe (requiring supplemental O2) case.

This math is wrong. Kill yourself. That’s not the case death rate you dumb faggit. If this is the death rate, what is the cure rate?

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>109,637 infected
>3,802 dead

stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

Attached: soy.png (600x800, 23.32K)

italy's getting raped with dead count just when salvini is going strong???
any EU fags fking around the country right now? trying to kill off all the undesirables with corona chan?connection? and any italy fags plz give me clarity?

>14% false negatives
no, no it's not, and SARS antibodies are known to be short lived anyway

>biotech is crashing

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M A L E Nurse lmfao!

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Makes sense.
Italy is full of boomers.
Most of the cases in SK are linked to the church and it's followers are in their 20's, so we aren't seeing as many deaths there.

Attached: 350px-Italypop.svg.png (350x263, 10.29K)

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old and shitty numbers

rki numbers were published at 10 am today
usally they get published at 3pm
that is why the numbers are wrong
and we are over 1k cases now

do your shit again and do it right

> Mike Pence working on this for 20 hours a day or more

> Mike Pence working on this for 20 hours a day or more

> Mike Pence working on this for 20 hours a day or more

> Mike Pence working on this for 20 hours a day or more

> Mike Pence working on this for 20 hours a day or more

Attached: pencewarkin.png (573x397, 189.43K)

On 28 February corona was found at a local daycare. Three of my colleagues their children have been there. One of them continues to work and reported himself sick on day 7 of the 14 day incubation period. And we welcome the other two back to the office on day 10 Tomorrow? Wtf is the matter with them? They expect me to be there tomorrow...

Just the flu bro

What's new with the nothingboomer today, has he posted any Sunday wisdom?

Attached: eca.jpg (553x714, 38.72K)

>110,000 infected soon

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this start the stream jim

You are loved!

Attached: immune to propaganda.png (700x777, 366.04K)

If you have half a brain, if you suspect you have it but you're not that sick, you'd be self isolating, not going to the doctor and coughing over everyone in the waiting room to get a test

>tfw the first death of a German national happens two days after this guy went to Egypt

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In Italy

>"We have to choose who to intubate, between a 40-year-old and a 60-year-old patient who are both at risk of dying. It's excruciating and we mourn, but we don't have enough ventilators."

Main stream media in my town did jack shit, shelves are empty nonetheless, brainlet.

German Übermenschen still deathless wtf

>Over the course of its 33-year history, the LA Marathon has become one of the largest marathons in the country with more than 25,000 participants, thousands of volunteers and hundreds of thousands of spectators.

I don't want any faggots to complain how Trump is handling the coronavirus after this shit show

Recovery rate at 94%. Death rate at 6%

Forget the lockdown. It's never going to happen



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Romney was right about death panels

Wear a mask and avoid even loooking at them

>only German tourist infected dies >1040 infected within Germany - ''''''zero''''' deaths

its only going to go quicker from here

Attached: thebest.png (1617x1036, 1.12M)

Peaceful time.

Wash hands good user!

Everything is under okay.

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This. Regular influenza killed 58k people in 2014/15 seson
>In recent years, Italy has been registering peaks in death rates, particularly among the elderly during the winter season. A mortality rate of 10.7 per 1,000 inhabitants was observed in the winter season 2014/2015 (more than 375,000 deaths in absolute terms), corresponding to an estimated 54,000 excess deaths (+9.1%) as compared to 2014 (Signorelli and Odone, 2016), representing the highest reported mortality rate since the Second World War in Italy (UN, 2019)

user, just look at this

Attached: UVA MAIL.png (1035x576, 164.25K)

Here we go. No more beds

>last week there was a chink lady in her 40s in my hospital
>showed some symptoms
>guys in hazmat suits took her at 4 am to god knows where
>nobody ever heard of her since
And now im sick.
Was nice to know you, fags.

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Look again, Ali.

Wew, when the brown kikes get serious shit's going down.

God's wrath knows no bounds!

It already caused a pandemic, stupid shill.

Based ruski

meanwhile Maggy on the news just said everything is okay no need to worry we're also not quarantining travelers from Italy

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Thanks fren

Attached: Noice.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

>They expect me to be there tomorrow...
Looks like you just quit.

>your bitch when she sees how many cans of beans I have

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Coronachan is so gay and old move on

Post some soothing end-of-times music to go with these threads. I'll start


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How long did it take Italy to go from a handful of cases to over 7000 cases?

Well well well would you look at that.. it took 2 weeks.

Attached: 2WEEKS.png (1064x277, 13.28K)

>Why would they take them down and sort them perfectly?
To make it easier to put it back on the shelf.
t. retail wagie faggot


Attached: 1583540125157.jpg (1024x658, 143.44K)


It's stupid when the shelf next to it is almost full

>Deer Hunting Guide.png
Holy kek that's a good troll

neets got mad so made a virus to turn everyone into neets

The President of Portufal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is self-isolating himself, after visiting a school in Felgueiras which was closed due to coronavirus.

Not looking good, folks.

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The weak should fear the strong

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>coworkers actually going to Rome for a vacation next week
Gotta love that Balkan "nothing's gonna happen, seat belts and helmets are for faggots" attitude.

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I hate the people in my country so fucking much. The kikes are right to call them cattle because that is exactly what they are.

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Friendly reminder there are only 20 ventilators per 100,000 people in the US



Go back to bed.

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>Portuguese president under isolation, too much kisses and hugs in solidarity.
>Several universities already forbiden gathering and classes in both Porto and Lisboa

Oman had someone in quarantine who left to attend prayer

Kek. Underrated

>3rd world healthcare vs 3rd reich healthcare

Here you go fren

Attached: 1497919952255.png (1054x526, 83.84K)

>mfw my country suspends all education "until further notice"

hello neet life

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Bruh she wouldn't even have to pay most guys.

Italians are from Roman descent,Abdul.


it's only been 2 months and starting to spread to the west

I´m comteplating sending out an email saying I work at home untill the end of that 14 day incubation period. If they don´t agree and tell there is no risk I should demand a video of him getting coughed in the face by those two fuckers

Market crash soon, fellow bears.

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Love all these states of emergency with nothing being done to actively limit the spread.

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Schlomos resorting to child labor. Sad!

Young people will be mobilized to disinfect public spaces such as railway and bus stations with bleach.

I'd cuddle with her for free to be honest desu.

All schools in the capital are closed down as of monday, holy shit its actually happening

This cunt is so fucking incompetent, our governement is doing NOTHING. We're going to have a very bad surprise in a few weeks

what is going on Italy? I stop giving a shit 1 week ago now anxiety coming back with that death rate

Yes, I get this impression as well. Infection rate in NRW seems way slower than in Lombardy.

My estimate
>roughly 5% mortality rate in hospital conditions
>20% require hospital care, 10% require intensive care
>fatality rate initially rises to 10% when beds and medical supplies run out
>rises again to 20% when the "recovered" get reinfected with the virus
>even if they survive the reinfection, permanent damage to lungs/brain/etc causes them constant agony, they do not last the year
>the death toll, massive amount of people not working, and general chaos cause the total breakdown of industrial output and supply chain
>supplies will run out for many and there will not be enough food to go around, leading to mass looting, suicide, and even war
>third world countries that rely on first world aid will die more of famine and violence than of the virus itself
>people with strong beliefs and the sickness deliberately commit bioterrorism, further accelerating spread
>there will be billions with the virus before anti-virals or vaccines can be made, and it will take an extremely long time manufacture enough
>a second wave will hit, and almost certainly be worse, doing more damage to countries that may have gotten off "easy"
>about 85% of the planet gets corona'd, and one quarter of them die
>1.5 billion deaths

Attached: 666.jpg (666x666, 665.9K)

Seen it, not getting your point..

well yeah, naturally
that would be surreal

Attached: influenza detections by subtype in italy.png (981x595, 32.41K)

It never fucking ends

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How can the stocks be so low when people are buying like it's no tomorrow?

Time for a new job, or go full NEET for a few months till this blows over or becomes madmax

Thx again for baking Argie OP. You're the best of all of them. Well done, I'm starting to wake people up with help from info from these threads

never say never thats the attitude of a complacent slave

Show me the math asshole... don’t pull it out of your ass...
How did you calculate the 6%... use the same exact method to calculate the recovery rate... I bet you will cry

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Good. By the time they will be able about to return Rome will be quarantined and they won't be able to leave.

But they are old, so who cares anyway?

Germany and France stopped reporting numbers, epidemiology studies even traced back to the munich area the entry point of Corona in EU and from there is came to Italy, but Merkel doesn't like to see these numbers so told german authorities to shut the fuck up

I'm in a big city
No prepping
Not a boomer
Don't give a fuck
If I won't die in the next month I'll shit in your mothers faces

>>Portuguese president under isolation
>Portuguese president under isolation
>Portuguese president under isolation
>Portuguese president under isolation


Attached: EPwWrS_X0AEUxMp.jpg (668x658, 233.82K)

Thank you user

Attached: soph (318).jpg (1072x720, 120.63K)

When this flu is gone in the summer we will see the biggest economic boom known to mankind. Only 2 more months of fappening goys

>The absolute state of nothingburgerers

Attached: thisisjustfine.jpg (1241x598, 62.43K)

Why is the death rate so much higher (~5%) in Italy? Older population? Lots of smokers?

I feel like we’re in for a wild ride these next couple of months.

RED. Just now

Attached: redmarket.png (1555x1000, 426.13K)

the man is a saint with 47 years of healthcare experience
doing more to stop the spread than most world leaders

Attached: jonhands.png (1245x786, 829.13K)

What are the chances China is exaggerating how much of their economy has been stopped by the quarantines to pretend like all the damage to their economy is from this and none from the trade war?

When do futures go live?

>wasting the beans in a time of scarcity
I'd beat her senseless (before gentle buttsex and creampies)


So is this a bad time to try to find roasties on Tinder? Serious question.

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panic buying and stock crash are caused by the same thing: people expect supply chains to fail completely, and businesses to have nothing to sell.

Local stores around me finally got in more 70% alcohol.
They were already almost out too

I really don't know what the fuck to do. It's creeping ever closer. My state hasn't issued a state of emergency, but it's only a matter of time. It's moving fast for a virus, but even so, the anticipation is killing me. I almost wish I didn't know. almost.

Attached: truth knowledge.jpg (850x400, 52.03K)

I got SARS 15 years ago it's nothing. and that had 9.6% death rate & spread faster


Worst buzzword ever made.

You stopped giving a shit? It's like you have a fucking death wish. China stopped reporting their numbers. The only remaining Chinese, are like the 10 villagers in some backwater hut. They're all dead by now. We're next. Keep listening to Šarec. Just the flu, bro. Not a pandemic.

It's in the Pastebin, twice

each red circle represents a sesame seed on the nothingburger.

Probably higher than reported infection rate

That and no treatment available

I also read the Italian government basically hijacked any industry that was somewhat compatible in order to have a production line/system of ventilators on their national soil so that they can get about 500 new ones during this month without waiting on international producers

What a dirtbag race traitor.

only groceries and prep luxury/leisure is probably crashing


Attached: check em.jpg (561x767, 66.47K)

State of emergency just means "feds, gibe money pls".

I'm a Trumpfag and I literally cannot imagine basing my view on this P-word on politics. What a bunch of absolute fucking clowns.

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>people expect supply chains to fail completely
Its already failed in all honesty and we are just waiting for it to catch up with us.

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It's all pic related until humanity is reset.

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Say you’ll give them mask for sex

It was higher in the start in China too, it's just most severe cases get diagnosed first.

Apparently at least 10% of russians are immune to this khuita.
Good luck anyway.

Attached: 1582421029886.jpg (720x1024, 41.22K)

We're fucked aren't we
>they think trump is doing a great job
>let the virus play itself out

Attached: 1583155592395.jpg (400x506, 43.15K)

Is this still true?

Any sensible discussion in this thread or just doomers?

Italy cases rising but imposing Wuhan style policies should halt the spread at its current rate anyway.

Uk is anyones guess, everyone sperging out, taking unnecessary precautions already to not catch it, leads me to think we might fair better than Italy and Spain.

Do you not have fibrosis from SARS?



Cases with an out come: 64,758
Recovered: 60,956 (94%)
Deaths: 3,802 (6%)


>newest case of corona was detected 50 miles away from me
i had neurosurgery 3 weeks ago and i have asthma how fucked am i lads

Attached: monkamega.jpg (600x595, 43.76K)

Who's that guy ?

Why is there not a meme of pence in the suit?

Corona Virus General?
more like incels and underage racist trannies throwing in memes and ass pulls


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Any broke bongs want to take one for the team & £3500?

Attached: piggy.jpg (622x1045, 259.41K)

If you really think all the pictures of empty shelves are fake you're legitimately a retard.
Clearly it's a separate table

Today I saw the usual line around the streets, even spotted some retards that in the middle of this situation thought it was a good idea to put fingers in his nose, then touch the handles of public premises' doors


De Wever went full nothingburger the fucking retard

10k infected by april 10. Tested or not.

Your media should announce that cheek kisses are banned until further notice. People got angry at me there when I would not participate in said greeting style, fuck that I don't want mouth herpes.

I hope they're held there or stopped here at the airport and send to a quarantine in a hospital.

>ohh boo hoo I cannot not travel for a couple of months what about my Facebook pics
Fucking shits.

I truly believe I have it right now. In Florida. My chest hurts like hell but my body is not forcing me to cough. I feel dizzy too. Checked my temp this morning and had a mild fever of 99F but it has since stabilized. Drinking water and taking Vitamin C.

Attached: 1580219068228.gif (1100x396, 355.57K)

I got super lucky and found 8 bottles of 91% and a thermometer. Also was super lucky that wallmart was restocking OTC meds bought a few bottles of medicine after 40 mins of shopping came back to the shelf it was empty again


>2 of my tenants think pandemic means living rent free
im so glad my state has a nice easy eviction process

>200 new hospital cases a day
>500 ventilators by end of month
I don't think that is going to work out so well but better then nothing I suppose.

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Rate my beans:

Item | Number | Expiration
Canned Peas | 6 | July 2022
Canned Carrots | 6 | October 2021
Corned Beef Hash | 4 | 2021-2023
Canned Beef Stew | 2 | 2023
Canned Chili | 3 | 2021-2022
Spam | 2 | 2022
Smoked Herring Kippers | 4 | 2022
Canned Chicken | 4 | 2022
Vienna Sausages | 6 | 2022
Long Grain Rice | 17 lb | 2022
Canned Green Beans | 8 | 2021
Canned Corn | 8 | 2021
Canned Pork & Beans | 1 | 2021
Lentils | 2 lb | 2022
Navy Beans | 4 lb | December 2020
Pinto Beans | 2 lb | 2021
Canned Deviled Ham | 2 | 2023
Chocolate Bars | 4 | ???
Multivitamin | 1 | ???
Shortbread Cookies | 2 | ???
Elbow Pasta | 7 lb | ???
Instant Ramen | 18 packs | ???
Jarred Sauerkraut | 1 | 2021
Protein Bars | 12 | ???

Hypertension medication is fucking with Corona


Apparently, boomers with hypertension are more susceptible to covid-19 because of certain hypertension medication.

get off your meds bros

If corona-chan is kill in hot temperatures, why is Saudi Arabia closing every school and university in country?

Do the same thing for Italy and South Korea retard
Let’s see

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>from florida
>put of state because trucker
>wanna get a rifle because shit is about to hit the fan hard
>florida enacted a 3 day wait for long guns in 2018

I fucking hate my gay ass state, place has become commiefornia tier. I cant believe I am an american and I cant fucking buy a gun.

But if the young get sick it fucks then for life

RIP in piece

>If you only knew how bad things really are.

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Black death 2: electric boogaloo
5 billion dead by the end

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I don't even have a mask for myself bro. It's not that I don't care, I've just been one of the realists the whole time that no matter what gear you have or how prepared you think you are, if it spreads bad enough,you're going to get it no matter what.

Assalamualaikum my Saudi brother

It is time to go binge eat junk food and live a life of excess and debauchery

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the bear and the maiden fair

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Burn the milk, pay the ?...

She dream to move to the West to be surrounded by s.o.yboys and sand/niggers

I would say the market is just starting to open up. establish contact now, and when things get bad, they'll come to you for supply.
Play your cards right and you can come out of this with an honest to God harem.

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Kike detected.

given the likelihood of ADE you should say no

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Hope you get sick boomer

I need to go to the doctors for a fungal rash I’ve had that won’t go away. Debating putting it off until this is sorted or going down there with my mask and goggles on.

Some GPS surgery’s have stopped taking appointments and will only see you after an Intial telephone conversation.

No, you misunderstood
I hope the virus will end my suffering
But it won't
>Apparently at least 10% of russians are immune to this khuita.
Citation needed

Idk what that is I'm fine

Mostly based on chink numbers, might be off.


WTF Suomi, you decimating your population too? Bad idea, there are already too few finns in the world.

I live in a small town in the maritimes, how long until it hits us?

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That's wild.
We finally have a case within 100 miles so I expect things to get worse here.

Universal state ran health care ALWAYS leads to the state deciding on who gets treatment and who doesn't - on who lives and who dies.

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Their tendency to wave around, gyrate, and grind on each other when interacting with each other as exacerbated the speed and intensity of the outbreak.

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It's not true.

oh im sorry, is you panicing translating to not having to pay rent because you thought buying a truckload of toilet paper means something?

you're already infected

this is a meme post and anyone who can has been reposting that same image and meme with newest numbers on every thread. Get with the fucking program.

This guy is cool. He's actually spreading useful information. Unlike you.

Why did you wait until now to get a rifle and not years ago you fucking retard?

CDC says N95 masks wont help. You believe them?

I fucked up.

I meant 366/7375*100. Still it is 5%

Id lick every bean off them tiddies. Would not go to waste.

you are right, intermodals and docks are empty, we have at best a month or two of shit in the logistical chain between rdc's and dc's

yeah i saw that kek

>every G7 economy about to be crippled simultaneously
It's over. The elites will cash out and head for their bunkers soon.

A ton of people who got SARS had lung damage that made it nearly impossible to live a normal life after.
You're either LARPing or lucky


This, it takes a little bit for warehouses to empty out.

It is in fucking Timmins now of all places so it is just a matter of time, good luck user.

hope you suffocate sleeping with a face mask or choke on TP

Trump bet everything on the Jews and that's the surest way to lose

is this nigger streaming? if so, where?

Corona Virus General?
more like incels and underage racist trannies throwing in memes and ass pulls


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You have time like rual americans like myself do. Get stocked up leaf

Italy is a country of elderly, most of the population is above 50 years old, not even joking

This nigger thinks hes going to make a buck during a pandemic, take your losses boomers you're not going to have shit to spend it on soon anyway.

It's amazing to watch people who are here every day arguing against NAXALT with race and other shit, but applying it to a fucking pandemic? hey now that's just a-ok.

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Germany showing signs of economical slow would cause a domino effect throughout the west and entire world. But what do I know, they might start reporting them tomorrow monday.

Tell em your cooofin

>Older population?
Mainly this.
We had a 133 death spike today, the casualties are divided like this:
>0-49 yo: 1
>50-59: 1
>60-69: 14
>70-79: 39
>80-89: 60
>90+: 18

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Heard there was a new case in Memphis today. if i'm Knoxville how long have i got till it's spreading here?

Can we make this the new avatar since Cornachan has split?

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time to clear that anime & netflix backlog

As much as we all love our Grandmas, the old must die so the young may live.

6% is a lot. 6% of the world is over 350 million people. Anything over that would be horrific. Are you saying it's more or less? I don't know which way your butthurt is going.

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>Buy prep food for the senpai
>include a 5lb package of pancake mix
>store in the pantry with other prep stuff
>tell wife not to touch
>she is feeling lazy this morning and uses the emergency pancake mix
>ask her wtf she is doing
>lel, what's the big deal user?
>tell her it's for emergencies only
>she tells me it was an emergency
>explain to her again that we have all the opened ingredients to make pancakes, she just has to mix them together.
>tells her mother i'm going crazy
>i'm the bad guy now
Just end it all

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India will become the cradle of a new civilization.

>No deaths despite being a massive country.
>Bodies designed to live in shit, filth and disease.
>Able to produce Nobel Prize winners, unlike monkey countries.
>Able to form continent-spanning civilisations.
>Considerate to their fellow man (unlike insects) but not suicidally altruistic (unlike whites).
>A population to rival both insects and monkeys.

There will be no white nations by the end of the century, but fear not my white brothers, India will take Humanity to the stars.

have fun hording without shelter, faggot.

Most n95 masks wont do shit.
The P100 filters will though.
Also they talk a lot about the surgical masks too.
I wouldn't trust them though. They're just mad that we bought up all of the stock and they don't have enough.

still a nothingburger animal style
how long till 100k+ dead ?

then more states should declare early, and Oregon is smart for doing it. The federal coffers will run dry.

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>Stop using things that won’t keep you safe and let health care professionals use these things that don’t keep you safe

They work they just want them

Shit anime

Already there mate
T. Davidson Co

Ok, i'm a complete fucktard with echonomics and stock market rules, so can you tell me why can't they possibly just temporarely freeze in some capacity the indexes until things have calmed down?

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Governments always seize things that don't work

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I always wonder what happens to those guys because there has never been a publication on human trials for SARS vaccines, despite two decades of announcements.

Attached: SARS safe trials.png (1171x770, 76.67K)

that's the ultimate blackpill, when you cross the mirror and become illuminated
'course, you need to swallow, not just marvel at it

Part of me regrets prepping and spending all that money.

The other part of me is saying why are normies prepping too

Add this to the next OP, argiebro.
Japanese man in his 20s tested positive, linked to meningitis

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This - there are already shortages


In Italy

Deaths/(Deaths+Cured)% is at 37%. A spike from yesterday(28%).



They did that on 9/11 and that's the only time I've heard of it being done.

Everyone is already infected. This is about as dangerous as everyone eating a peanut

>Implying American death panels don't exist
>Implying Americans get speedy and decent healthcare

Shiggy diggy get me out of this shithole

>he can't make a hut from nature

Can't wait for most of them to die,
and watch the real panic set in.

Already called in sick twice this year..

>Considerate to their fellow man (unlike insects) but not suicidally altruistic (unlike whites).
Tech support scammers would like to have a work with you

Even a flimsy paper mask wil at least slow down coofing feom flying droplets everywhere and keeping hands away from mouth and nose

>>Able to form continent-spanning civilisations.
>>Considerate to their fellow man
correct on the other points though

You did not have SARS

>Citation needed
Just an "educated guess" based on HIV researches and similarity between covid-19 and HIV.
tl:dr in slavic and scandinavian countries 10-16% of population have strong resistance to HIV, and Corona-chan shares some dna data with HIV, so that's it.

Stock up on reading comprehension.

I hope they coof on you

did anyone actually got himself such a yellow protection suit?

Does she not understand the severity of the situation, or is she just retarded?

Fucking idiots
>muh god emperor Trump

>6300 people participated in a Protest/March in Brussels against Sexism

show flag bugman

shit taste canadian

I had to go last week. I was in Italy in January, mad bastards made me wait outside even though I had a chest infection. They never tested me either, as I was in Italy more than 14 days ago. Still feel a little fucked, chest infection came out of no where either.

Mfw super spreader.

I put all mine in a locked box in a closet, there will be no premature eating of beans.

I'm surprised I haven't seen more in here about agenda 21. Maybe the meant 2021 not 2100

Why do Italians keep saying this? That doesn't explain anything about your death rate since Diamond Princess has 1% death rate and the passengers were mostly old folks.

What’s the death rate without the Chinese numbers?

i dont think people who prioritize spoilable goods and toilet paper know how to make a hut.

even then, what will that hut do vs the thousands of panicing people?

Hasbro, the world's largest toy company and makers of G.I. Joe, Transformers, My Little Pony, Power Rangers, Marvel, and Star Wars toys, says Coronavirus could destroy their business in a recent SEC filing.

>“The coronavirus outbreak continues to be fluid and uncertain, making it difficult to forecast the final impact it could have on our future operations. If our business experiences prolonged occurrence of adverse public health conditions, such as the coronavirus, we believe our business could be substantially harmed.”

>“Given that our toy manufacturing is conducted by third-party manufacturers, the majority of whom are located in China, health conditions, such as the coronavirus, and other factors affecting social and economic activity in China and affecting the movement of people and products into and from China to our major markets, including North America and Europe, as well as increases in the costs of labor and other costs of doing business in China, could have a significant negative impact on our operations, revenues and earnings.”


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I'm going to laugh when one of your tenants just murks you.

AFAIK the various regions (they're the ones handling healthcare in Italy) also ordered ventilators via the "classic" channels, not sure about delivery time in that case tho
if you also take into account the deaths that happen daily that prolly free up occupied ventilators maybe they'll barely manage

My girl is supporting my prep finds it sexy

I mean a 5lb package of pancake mix is not adequate prep so she is actually right.

buy a 50lb bag of rice and 100 cans of spam and deenz you retard

RIP wagie

I hate this country. the average american is so fucking stupid

There was a promising MERS vaccine tested in humans, but MERS died out on its own.
Consider reading this:

how comes it virtually stopped spreading in china? are the chinks lying about this? it would make sense, the entire world is now concerned with the virus spreading in their own countries and china isn't being monitored as closely as before

when it gets bad, kill and eat her

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eh. best case scenario you don't have to go shopping for a while and you have cool stuff to keep for future disasters or use while camping.

Unless you live in a major metropolitan city like NYC, Seattle, D.C. etc...STFU there's no reason to prep in the U.S.

I post this everyday. People get angry and call it a meme stat lol

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dumb mutt lolololol

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Ah, the classic double nigger in full display. Textbook.

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Where's Jim's stream

I have a lot more, that was just a component.

I'm in a similar boat, boyfriend needs to finish off the semester. So he's going to be going to college until the end if April. And we don't seem to have it yet, but it is creeping closer every day. At least we got tons if supplies, meds, and ammo.

You can hide well in the woods with one. Go full hobo ninja

People buy cheap shit first. Then expensive shit after. Those on the table looks organic artisans bullshit

China quarantined everything

Churn the milk, uhh, hit the silk?