Whats his angle?
We're going to war next term with Trump against China. All major media channels must push anti-China propaganda.
45 million is nothing.
Maybe he just likes Starcraft.
he wants to put faggots and niggers into Warcraft and create anti white themes.
Soros is behind Yas Forums
He probably wants them to mix elves with orcs.
Makes sense tho. Blizzard is cuckMAX tier
Proxy war in Blizzard
Blizzard is already pozzed as fuck. He's wasting his money, honestly
How Sauronic.
Elves are already gay. Just need blacks.!
Lol blizzard has shit all games anyone is moderately hyped for apart from diablo 4.
>trans characters are now the norm and white characters only exist when they are evil. enjoy goyim
blizzard is already dead, i dunno who's doing it and what's his agenda is, but it's impossible to kill your own games with the same passion as blizzard.
Tfw you will never 1v1 george on call of duty
>gamergate was six years ago
WTF bros
I just wanted to play video games
>market cap 46 billion
>45 million
it's literally nothing
Tbh this
Heroes of the Storm is a failure of a moba that will be gone in the next 5 years.
Overwatch is literally so bad that they're making a sequel that is literally the same game as the first but with a SINGLE PLAYER MODE WOOO
Shadowlands has no new features and is only adding in stuff they deleted in previous expansions.
Diablo sucks
The Lost Vikings is a dead franchise
Pretty based
this blood soaked jew needs to be taken out asap
Im so glad Valve is a private company, they cant be controlled by share holders.
>Shadowlands has no new features and is only adding in stuff they deleted in previous expansions
that's unironically the best thing they can do with WoW though, their new features all suck
Same desu.
You have to realize that gaming companies are actually media companies. If you want to control all information flows, then eventually you will also enter the gaming industry.
Hes gonna strongarm them into adding tons and tons of agenda into their shit. Blizzard used to be in the top 3 game developers but their shit is going south fast for many reasons. Their warcraft 3 remaster was beyond disappointing. People have utterly forgotten about it. They're too apathetic to even be outraged.
All their games were passionless cashgrabs since burning crusade. There is nothing to destroy for 1.5 decades.
he probably mains zergs
Keep white people distracted with games while greek border and mexican border are overrun. Basically prevent white people unifying.
Lol I thought Soros was smart
sitting at home buying digital goods is super profitable.
that's the budget for a decent game
Fascinating headline but I can't help but get the feeling they're allies in their same war to conquer the little people.
He was all of us complacent for the coming martial law and civil unrest
Holy shit?!
Not even. Try $200 for a triple-A title. The video game industry makes more money than Hollywood, now.
I bet he plays Horde.
Avoid Blizzard games like the plague. Mind control incoming.
We need nationalist game studios
he plays wc3 modded
>for a triple-A
I said decent
This fucker wont survive corona. Cant wait to have my dog drop a turn on his grave
Ok then is's a sure win to short that stock in a week
I assume you mean $200,000? Because 200 dollars seems really really low given the cost of coders, designers, Game testers, getting it certified for age group etc.
IP and backing Chinese markets without directly putting money there.
this is the only source i could find of this, nice spreading fake news dick head
Starcraft will get political
No, I meant million. I just forgot the word.
Fair enough.
>i dunno who's doing it and what's his agenda is
It's not hard to figure out. Here he funded a Somali organization.
Yeah as games evolved into something that effects pop culture opinion then (((they))) and the government have to take control of them and use them.
George Soros is retired since forever, his hedge fund is managed by others and he probably doesn't even know what Activision Blizzard does in the first place
fpbp (((Hollywood)))s influence is waning, videogaymes medium is more important these days, thus the pozzing of the industry, webm related
They made gorillas a playable race?
Look at Minecraft and Five Nights at Freddy's.
Both those games only cost a few hundred to make and they ended up making millions with FNAF getting a multi-picture movie deal from Warner I think it was or Disney.
>they made gorillas a playable race
Unironically, there's a group of Gorillas in Zandalar that absorbed Kaja'mite and Azerite. This made them smarter than every race in the game currently. Lmao
fuck blizzard and AAA game companies they are all trash fires
>evil jews vs soulless bugmen
Fuck this world.
how is that any different that Grodd?
which means they'll create perfect games for womynz who have absolutely no taste
Being realistic Atvi stock is actually good long term buy, has been for about a year now, they're currently undervalued based on actuals and they're going to have a huge year on blizzards end.
gamergate is just another part of mk ultra
It's not. You kill him in the raid too.
>with Zognald
>with Soros
Fuck off back to plebbit
>he doesn't know
good thing I still have patch 1.26
jews look out for each other
(((they))) have hijacked western gaming
I tried warning Yas Forums about this but they didn't believe me
That's low, he ran out of money or something?
Yeah, there's actually a quest where their ultra-intelligent leader is trying to save his people by aiding the alliance and the alliance use a device to essentially turn him into the Hulk.
He gets stronger and larger but dumber as well.
(((They))) have convinced most white males that only white males can be evil. There will be no war with China because of that. You won't get the modern white male to do more than curse his wretched fate because he knows he is guilty for existing while white and male in the court of public opinion, the mind of the judge and the deliberation room of the jury.
Soros needs to push lucrative narratives in more media outlets so gaming is the next logical step after News Papers, TV, Movies and the Internet.
>age 89 years
Let corona do the killing.
>Not investing in Classic WOW and TBC for the upcoming stay at home pandemic
it's like you want to lose out on money
The left using every medium possible to push propaganda is nothing new user.
The fuck are they on about? The fappening happened years before gamer gate..
Yeah, Blizzard/Activision were pozzed a long time ago.
Why won’t this old kike just die already? He’s gotta be damn near 100.
america's blizzard is the model china's tencent replicated but with chinese production quality as with anything they rip off.
Been a proxy war since warcraft 3 days and the asian financial crash years ago.
It's just a taste. The first hit is always free.
he is 100% protoss player
Who will win the kike v chink war???
Holy shit, I was OP there. I never thought someone would save anything of mine. Seeing that again after 6 years is a very strange feeling.
Burning Crusade classic expac confirmed for internationalist psyop. naaru being switched out for shekelgoblins, noses being rendered now
The fappening was like a year or two after GG
companies do this all the time, they strike deals with '''rich billionaires''' to promote what ever optics they want in exchange for funding
uhm Nguyen...
Why? They never make shit anymore.
Yeah, I'm sure your memory is better than someone who lived through it. Your memory of things that happened 6 years ago is perfect.
and neither can most public companies. they're controlled by majority holders.
more homosexuals and black people in overwatch
Soros is just desperate. The gaming generation ruined his plans for a global government
Show flag or pillow yourself
Probably wants to have more trannies in video games.
He likes shitty software?
I'm just gonna say it again, all I wanted to do was play vidya.
Someone better tell those faggots to have a no-update patch available, cause if this shit goes to zombie, there are going to be riots just because the games are down. Shit, call the whitehouse, tell them to get Gabe's fat ass to ready the switch. It's gotta be available before the servers go down. I'm only half joking.
>activision blizzard
Poor Blizzard, oh you been raped through decades by different owners. Do these programmers change their plan every year for a game series? Probably every month.