What’s wrong with Mussolini’s view on race?

I disagree with the idea that, “race is a feeling.” I would say that 100% of race is actual race, but I do agree that no one is biologically pure, not today, then or now. If there was a point in which that was the case it’s long gone now.

Also is the thought of “national pride has no need of race” true? How were minorities treated by the Italians the if that’s the case? Also, why would Hitler accept Mussolini if their views on race were so vastly different?

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People arguing against racial awareness in europeans are the equivalent of 40+ year old men hanging around at children's swimming pools alone.

Italians are on shaky ground when they talk about race, certainly ones from the south of the country

I agree totally, races are different. I forget the term, but could it work in a country? I know you know it it’s when all races view themselves as the nation first and the race second. Could it work/did it work in Italy? What makes it unable to work if it were to be achieved (meaning despite there being 2 or more races in a country, they all agree that their nationality comes first, and their race gets pushed aside (aside for matter such as race mixing, as they all can agree “Yes we are X nationality, but no we cannot race mix”)

Why do people say “Italians are not white”? I never got this. If this is true could Italy be considered the “first successful non white facist nation”?

Mussolini was better in many aspects politically wise compared to the famous autist, but he was wrong about race.

Go to study ameritard.

It's a centuries-old meme

All Americans on / pol are so ignorant in history, What is your school program of history?

Stupidity or old meme.
By the way Italian have found western colture so if italian are nigger the western colture is nigger.

I wander what context he said this in? Was he just addressing the fact that Italians are not all the same? I'm not trying to start a "you're not white" fight either. Italians are Europeans and are my brothers. Or was their a statistically insignificant amount of non-Italians who were somewhat integrated that didn't bother him? I feel like Mussolini wouldn't have accepted a bunch of sub-Saharan Africans as true Italians.

Because we only learn our own history.

Mussolini was a retarded mutt.
You are a retarded mutt.
Some of the people here are not retarded mutts. You will be able to recognize them by the fact that they will think you are a retarded mutt.

Don't lie to him. We don't even learn our history. We gloss over the founding, then focus on muh slavery and the civil war. Then we gloss over ww1 to learn about the holocaust.

>Why do people say “Italians are not white”? I never got this.
Visit Sicily.
Many italians in America came from the south, which kinda tainted the American perception of Italians in general.

Nothing happened besides white men being evil then white men stopped being evil for 5 years to kill hitler before going right back to being evil retards until blacks bravely and mercifully showed them the way you are still evil though. And jews when they are mentioned are always wonderful angels who are victims for no reason remember the holocaust.

Kek, you’re right. I went to a shit school so All I can remember them teaching us is
>Civil War (glossed over)
>10 amendments (rest glossed over)
>WW2 Nazis bad (barely talked about Japan)

>western culture is nigger
bingo. But I can't blame Italians for that

Eurohistory is optional and only advanced students take it. Otherwise, we just learn about the revolution of 1776, Martin Luther King, and the Holocaust. A lot, lot, lot of holocaust. For the Civil War and WWII we are told blatant handwavey lies. >t. cryptomutt

Southern italians genuinely are closer to arabs than north italians


how was he wrong? "Pure" euros do not exist since the neanderthals went exinct. He was a failure of a commander but not completely retarded.

Mussolino was a mongrel shitalian. Why do you listen to shitskins mutt? Also Italy was a useless ally during ww2.

Jesus wiggers are cringe as fuck... mind tell me how you wiggers are superior to med bvlls? Because you tried 3 times to destroy europe and succeded on the 4th? If so, oh yes boy you are so superior, so superior you will evolve to the superior religion, superior to you I mean, islam

“Successful” is being generous. Only Italy is north Italy. Anything south of Rome is an abomination.

Your flag already confirms that you too are a retarded mutt.

fascism is represented by a bundle of sticks because it's for faggots

How is the civil war a lie, you retarded ausie mutt.

Based German bro. Amerimutts have lowered the quality of this board since trumps election. Sage

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Based Mussolini. Race is a nonsense concept invested by low class whites to feel important compared to Africans. The simple fact is if all non "white" people disappeared, these same low class whites would become the world's niggers. They don't realize this and believe that the world would become some sort of pure white, Christian, high tech society.

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Study by your own, history is very important guys.
And come to vist Italy :).


Show flag, subhuman.

>superior to med bvlls
Didn’t they all get raped by shitskin hordes? Go visit southern mutt. Cope

Lol this is gold!


Genes are just lines of code. You could breed Africans and only Africans for higher intelligence, creativity etc; never allowing the stupids to breed and pruning the code to make a race of ebony Adonis' and it would probably only take a dozen or two generations. And likewise the reverse with the white race. So ultimately Mussolini is correct. Focusing on race is divisive and stupid. You need to focus on an individualized approach to weeding out niggerization and stupidity. Keep the unintelligent from breeding. Reward families and individuals who procreate in the middle and upper class.
The elite don't want that because the untermensch are the slave labor necessary to prevent rebellion and keep the people in enough cheap shitty goods to prevent dissatisfaction.

>Eurohistory is optional and only advanced students take it. Otherwise, we just learn about the revolution of 1776, Martin Luther King, and the Holocaust. A lot, lot, lot of holocaust. For the Civil War and WWII we are told blatant handwavey lies. >t. cryptomutt

What a shit program! You don't study the
thought movements, your state clearly want that.

>>western culture is nigger
bingo. But I can't blame Italians for that

Stop meme.

Like a mutt would ever understand what race is lol!

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Based Mussolini.

Sicily gave us the most beautiful women.
I'm from Northern Italy so I have no favor towards them but you must know that only the lowest scum (which looked subhuman) went to USA, and the mafioso returned with Patton.

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>by a bundle of sticks

Stop talking ameritard, the "Fascio Littorio" descends from Etruria and ancient Rome. Your lack of colture is disturbing.

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We get taught it was about slavery, which is half-true at best, and we certainly aren't taught that Lincoln wanted to send the blacks back to Africa.

haha look at that faggot manlet

Is gold because you are

No, go to study. Ameritard.

you know nothing of italy, southeners give us beautiful women.
I'm from Northern Italy btw, all the nazi leadership looked darker than any northern Italians.

Why we don't ban Amerifat from /pol?

Your country is destroying the western culture.

Race is just a way to complain about your tiny dick


said the one which used indian pajeet culture.

you can't even speak english on an english-speaking imageboard. get some self-awareness

Southern Italy is the poorest, most ghetto, and darkest skinned place in all of Western Europe.


I'd love to visit all Euro Med countries. But I'd be tempted by all the Med QTs. And I've got a few books on Med leaders. Salazar, Mussolini, and there's a few at my library about Franco.

Niggers can’t read


I speak French,German and Latin fluently
A little bit of english and Spanish.

Keep in mind this is an italian talking, who lost two wars against the african equivalent of an indian reservation.

"Whiteness" was literally a mutt invention. Europeans never cared a about whiteness until colonies started form in the Americas. Wealthy whites and jews didn't want poor whites to team up with blacks so they made up the category of "white" so that poor whites could feel superior while still getting jewed. This paradigm is still alive and well on Yas Forums.

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i speak every language, faggot

You're the one using the meme flag here friend

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I)Dolce 2)Salazar 3) Franco on cuteness scale

What part of Southern Italy? What

Yeah sure.

The same people who will tell you that race isn't real are almost always behind racial movements.

>Race is a social construct,
>I'm black and proud! Buy black products! Black culture is supreme! Free Africa!

I'll stop whenever they stop (just kidding)


I agree with Mussolini. There's no need for us to nitpick over lineage (especially cuz I'm Spanish/Sicilian/Austrian/Hungarian). Besides, there are low IQ subhuman whites too.

>only smarts can breed
How would this sort of eugenics be enforced? I agree with you 100%, but how do you enforce it? For example in Detroit, how would you ONLY make the “smart” blacks breed and let the others die out?

Blacks don't say race isn't real. White people say it's a social construct

Good goy, Also consume porn.

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whites should only breed with blacks like Nietzsche suggested they do in Germany

Naples is insanely ghetto

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That pic looks like 90% of Europe

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Yeah Hitler had autism.

Here’s a pic of Germany

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You need to research more sociologists who go out to become HR reps or professors. Almost everyone uses that line of logic. No, your average street black won't say that exactly, but they'll deny your racial identity when it comes to fair treatment.

>We need black teachers so black students can have someone to relate to
>Ok but...then won't we be discriminating against whites by denying them a white role model?

>but could it work in a country?
no, because niggers and spics are literally too violent and stupid.


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>Also, why would Hitler accept Mussolini if their views on race were so vastly different?
Because not every nation used to be an obsessed Weltanschauung colonialist and cultural imperialist like the USA was, and is, now.

he was right about a lot of things. you should read his book before passing judgment on the man.

Id like to know more about mussolinis stance. He might very well have believed in italic lineages that gave legitimacy to his stateculture but disregarded the zoological categories of the time which were said to be the ultimate source of all merit.
He did ethnically cleanse slovenes afterall for being of a foreign lineage that could have resisted the kind of italisation that was already forced on subgroups like the friaulians.

Naples is a fucking shite house.

This place doesn't exist anymore.
And this is Rione Sanita neighborhoods not "Naples".

It gets worse when you hit Sicily, literally third world

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Dude those are the "Vele", the shitties part of Naples and maybe of Italy.
It is like taking Detroit/Compton worst area pictures filled with niggers and saying "this is what 90% of America look like".

What city and what neighborhoods of Germany?

God, please, stop be retarded .

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Mercato di Palermo, stop be retarded.

take care of your country. do something about it, then people can't post the pictures that reflect the state of many of your cities. the same goes for america and our spics, kikes, and niggers, we have work to do.