IHTF/I have the Flu General/ #1

This thread is for anons with Corona symptoms. There is no doubt that a lot of us are going to get it in the coming months so why not learn from each other.

Any anons here actually diagnosed with covid?

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Trump's policy is to not test for covid, so none of us have it, it's just the flu


My roommate's brother came back from Italy last week and now my throats sore. I don't know if I'm gonna make it.

cough cough

Sorr throat, but it feels different than usual, feels clogged.

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I shopped in a small town found four and bought a uvc sanitizer to clean and alternative the masks for my day job but I have to go 12hrs with out eating and drinking so that sucks but at least I'm keeping my family safe

ok take this for what you will.

I assume most of you understand how corona works right? Your alveoli gets flooded with shit and mucus due to the inflammation around the capillaries. You can't exchange oxygen to CO2 as easily and your blood becomes more and more acidic i.e you get FUCKED. ( that is why they put you on breathing machines; you continue to "breathe" while your body deals with the mucus and the inflammation.

IN THEORY, you want to have as little inflammation as possible. if you are fat, inactive or otherwise fucking plebeian in health, I'd stop eating ALL CARBS. ALL OF THEM. If you can't do that then limit it greatly. at the VERY LEAST no simple carbs like sweets AND FRUITS nigger.

what ever do your own research you filthy animals but if you were serious then do this.

MAKE SURE you are not sleep deprived ( big one for hormonal balance).

intermittent fast : so eat in 8hr window , don't eat in 16hr window ( sleep hrs count too)

limit carbs as much as possible

DO NOT EAT NIGHTSHADE VEG like tomatoes (inflammatory as FUCK)

if possible eat more organ meats

lift obviously

(if you can handle and can get good source of CBD get it though this one doesn't have much backing really)

Forget alcohol or cigs, ESPECIALLY if you get it.

basically do what ever the fuck you can to reduce your inflammation AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE; do this how ever the fuck you want.

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I scored 2 N95 and 2 R95 after all the homebody Welfare queens cleaned out the stores found the R95 at Walmart cause they are too dumb to know to look up what that does differently, and the 2 N95 at AutoZone because people are too dumb to look there

Just got over the Flu A Bros had since Sunday. AMA

In an interview with Spanish flu survivers that said that they took baking soda every day to make their stomach more alkaline, could this work for covid?
Also all I have is rice and fish ive got to eat carbs really

Describe it, are you sure it's covid?



It was fucking terrible. The worst I've ever had. Usually the fevers broke the first or 2nd day this one lasted til Friday, kidneys hurt head hurt, diarrhea. Went to two different docs first said I was flu negative. 2nd said flu type a positive.

Here's where it gets interesting. I asked about the corona and the doc said you got flu type a so no corona. Then the doc whispered "we don't have test kits you have to go to the hospital". Wtf

Reminder of actual symptoms of the initial mild infection:

> Fever over 38
> Body aches

Less common symptoms:

>Sore throat
>Difficulty breathing

It doesn't mean that you have something else because there is mucus or a runny nose, but the frequency of each symptom could help you find out how fucked you actually are

I was not diagnosed with Coronavirus because they werent testing for it.

>Jan 6, came down with high temp fever and insane body pains
>4 days of that, worst flu symptoms ever
>Started feeling better fever-wise, cough was bad though
>Cough got worse, much worse
>A single tickle would cause me to uncontrollably cough until I nearly passed out from no air
>This lasted 2 weeks, got ronchi symptoms, took megadoses of Mucinex, twice the daily max because I didnt give a fuck at that point
>Lung capacity got BAD. Very bad.
>1 week of megadosing Mucinex and I cleared the shit from my lungs
>Felt great, cough was getting better
>1 week later, fever came back with a burning vengeance
>Cough came back
>Round 2 was so bad I decided to go to the ER since my doctor couldnt get me in
>Wife drove me
>They gave me a steroid shot and said I developed an infection in my lungs
>Given horse pill antibiotics
>Went through hell for 3 more days before it started clearing up
>Had to continue with Mucinex
>Finally felt 100% back to normal about a week ago.

FUCK WHATEVER IT WAS. I finally got to see my doctor and she said it sounded like Coronavirus but "so many of these illnesses have similar symptoms and we do not have a method here for detecting Covid19 specifically, just strand A and strand B flu at the moment."

Same, and no amount of hmm hmm will make it go away

Congrats on surviving it user,
For the record, how old are you?
The way it came and went in waves reminds me of this interview


Did you need oxygen?
Would you have survived without medical care?

I have flu like symptoms since Friday, my kid goes to an international language school and my parents just got back from Germoney 10 days ago, so there’s a small chance that I have it.. been sweating out by the fire, eating Krill oil, turmeric extract, and milkweed, lots of oranges, B12, getting lots of sleep, made some weed cookies last night and slept soundly, sweating it out in front of the fireplace, changing my sweaty sheets every day, keeping clean, washing hands a lot, ibuprofen 400mg every 6 hours, I am feeling pretty good today, I’m gonna make it

I'm 31, usually healthy as an ox.

The flu itself, yes I would have survived that without medical care. It sucked, I'll be honest. Beat the shit out of me.

The resulting lung infection? That, I do not know. I'm a stubborn bastard. My wife said to get in the truck and we are headed to the ER, and I didnt put up any argument.

Mucinex DM helped the most. The rhonchi was awful. Felt like pop rocks in my lungs and throat when I was exhaling.

I drank tons of throat coat tea. Oh, forgot to mention, the doctor also prescribed benzonatate for the cough which helped me sleep. I had many sleepless nights due to cough.


I read a "starve a fever, feed a cold" type medical study. They blocked rats from metabolizing carbohydrate. The rats with bacterial infections did better than the control group and the rats with viral infections died.
Zero carb is more risky than its worth imo.

Zero carb is a meme for whites, our digestive systems are adapted to make use of whole grains and starches through thousands of generations of agriculture

I've had a serious productive cough for like 3 years now. If I get Coronachan it's going to kill me. Thank Gord I live in the middle of nowhere

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My mother fell sick this week with sore throat and fever. I believe out whole family is infected at this point.

Also my little commune was the first to be infected

>no amount of hmm hmm will make it go away
Try the hon hon

*coofs* Sorry for coofing on your thread, OP. feeling a little bit sick lately *COOFS*

Can't see any Mucinex, is that the same as Robitussin?

Just get anything that has Dextromethorphan and Guafenesin. Avoid Paracetamol.

I have Wuflu in my asshole. Hole your face to it while I BRAPPP it out

Same active ingredient guaifenesin

I got rhymes for days when i'm in this daze called the coronavirus craze.

step the back up from your computer and literally fuck your own face, kys

Prove the coronavirus is even real to me if you're truly for real a real G.

My leg and arm muscles are aching, otherwise I am fine ? Am I going to be ok ?

rats are not human. and do what you like. feel free to eat carbs

please go vegan. please


Drink up anons! I made a fresh batch!

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Yeah i am pretty sure i already had corona virus. Had a fever that lasted 5 days and a cough that lasted 18 and produced blood in the worst of it. Doctor did xray(albeit after i started feeling better) saw nothing just said it was the flu. This was back in January.

>step the back up
>step the back up
>step the back up
>step the back up
What did he mean by this?

Probably was if it was way back in Jan. My friend was coughing blood from a stubborn cough. Unless you need oxygen and more serious intervention I doubt it was the real g

You forgot meat faggot. Grains, starches and meat.


probably not. The main problem is not the acidity ( tho it fucks you up rly bad), the main prob is inflammation in your lungs.

I'll be completely honest, I think Yas Forums fucked me up. I immediately assumed this was boiling shit water.

>Thanks, bro!
why is Ricardo so nice?

The fuck is that

I had it all the symptoms main one being short fever, on Wednesday night. Been off work anyway during it still not 100 percent but I’m going back to work this evening i want to call off but I think it’s mainly cause I don’t want to work desu but hours been slim and I need the money so I’m gonna buck up and go to work.

poo poo

I heard the third wave of recidiv is the worst and most victims so far died during this period.

Wish you luck with your flu user.

Ibuprofen is the worst idea if you really have a flu. it stuns your immune system that’s why you feel better (your body isn’t fighting as hard as he should against the virus while this is still active.

Go for a paracetamol if you have. and don‘t drink Alcohol while taking it. weed is totally okay ofc.

nice lipo-c. where did you get the supplies? my dad used that stuff then was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer after his arm shattered when he fell in the yard. docs gave him 3 months to live but he lived another year and 3 months because of that stuff.

Fuck some lysine when dealing with viral reproduction

I wasn't diagnosed because they weren't testing either, but I got the worst flu I've ever had, and I had a flu shot this year. I never get sick.

>Jan. 15 gained about one degree of temperature, unproductive cough, but with body aches that were debilitating.
>Worst part was the massive massive headache.
>This went on for four days.
>After four days, most symptoms abated except for the horrible cough and what felt like permanent wheeze.
>Feels like I can't get any air, when I breathe in there is like a delay in the elasticity of my lower lungs, so I breathe in, and air flows into my lower lungs a half-second later. All airways slammed shut with inflammation and swollen passages, not mucus.
>This goes on for three weeks. Can't walk to the bathroom without feeling like I was passing out.
>My right ear shuts completely and I can't hear, feel scared because I'm losing my five senses.
>In week four I break down and go to the doctor, who lectures me on how I could have died and shouldn't have waited (I have comorbid lung disease). At this point I have a sharp pain in my lower right lung whenever I breathe.
>She prescribes steroids and antibiotic with a rescue inhaler, and I begin to feel a little better.
>5th week can walk about a half city block again with pain on deep breath, right side.
>6th week mostly normal except my nose is slammed shut with inflammation still.
>7th week mostly back to normal.

And I HAD a flu shot this year...


Smart user! I bought the blender and ultrasonic cleaner with an Amazon card I was just approved for shortly before the happening. I bought 2000g of sunflower lecithin and 1000g of ascorbic acid. The vodka and distilled water I already had stocked.

I have addisons disease take prednisone twice daily. I have white stuff back of throat for month and cant clear it or go away. it started a couple weeks ago when I had a cold. I think it might be some infection of the mouth and tongue thrush or something. I hope steroids help but I know my immune system is probably weak for covid

Good idea for thread. On this point, I think we should make a new general, general. We need an "I Hate Lies General" or (IHLG) if you would, sir. That goes deep into social coercion and programming.

"Dont call it a 'conspiracy', folks". Because it no longer "is".

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>Did you need oxygen?
I had an oxygen concentrator and I feel that if I did not have one, I would have died.

My wife, in michigan is on 3rd week of bad cold. No fever or vomiting or diarrhea, but horrible cough, chest congestion, runny nose. Myself and my 4yo are fine for being in close contact with my wife. I bought a big bottle of 500mg vitamin c, a bottle of ester c, and a bottle of vitamin d with immune support. My wife's sister is an rn in Vegas at a hospital, she's on 5th week of cold, but only bad cough that she can't get rid of.

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What if I'm a dude weed smoker on the weekends?

How many general threads does Corona need? Are you faggots all the same posters just constantly bumping all the threads at once? There's 3 fucking Corona general threads on page 1.

>I have white stuff back of throat

I just drove from florida, to michigan to california. I recently started sneezing and having a stuffy nose. Started 2 days ago, my trip took 4 days. is that enough time for the corona to come to fruition


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>Literally everyone at work is coughing

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stop dude weed smoking

if they are youre probably already infected. Hey atleast you can sue

Yeah it's almost certainly "thrush"/candida. If it's just on your tongue, then a nystatin mouth rinse would suffice. If it's at the back of your throat, it sounds like it's spread to your esophagus in which case you'll need a systemic antifungal like fluconazole. Go to your doc for the prescription and it shouldn't take much to eliminate it

Where in michigan. We seem to be ok so far, as no virus detected yet. But I heard that's a lie.

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I tested for that already. I think is something to do with candida infection but I don't want to go to drs

>please go vegan. please
And there go`s any little credibility you had. Faggot.

thanks user I only have an endo though no primary

>white throat
If you don't have any idea of what you're talking about, then don't post stupid suggestions

You aight white boy