What is the most plausible conspiracies that would blow people's minds if they only knew?
Conspiracy Theories
The Titanic was a coordinated effort to kill off the opposition of the Federal reserve, and there was even a book with the exact same events a few years before the incident
That you’re a fagoot
Operation blue beam
Cancer thread is cancer
Jews are worshiping satan, and all the american elite are jews
Black Egyptians
Death has to exist in the material world, concurrent with life. A white Sun means most people are dead. The Sun used to be yellow.
Time for kike bait:
Targeted individual program
The demolition of the WTC was thermonuclear. TPTB knew this. 9/11 first responders and NYC residents did not.
Everyone on-site was inhaling not just asbestos, but *irradiated* asbestos that stuck in their lungs, well, more or less forever. So they were exposed to that radiation not just for a few hours, but for its entire decay cycle... from the inside out. (The original plan was to blow the bridges, so thousands more Manhattan residents would have been stuck on that island breathing that dust for days.)
When they got sick, and developed all manner of radiogenic cancers (vcf.gov
This was a small scale test, a dress rehearsal to see if their could use the medical system and press to hide the cause of these cancers from the public and from the victims themselves -- that is, treat them with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and countless other pharmaceuticals. They could. So the plan was rolled to the rest of the country.
Cancer is being deliberately induced into the population by every mechanism possible. Soon, 50% of us will contract some form of cancer during our lifetimes. Very few people in the US have not been touched by It. Because it is so epidemic, it is seen as normal, practically expected.
From a business perspective: At an average cost of over $150k per person, cancer is perhaps the most profitable way to quietly genocide a population.
Any user on Columbine's third shooter ?
some of the oat milk ceos have underground functioning micro nations
Nope. It's some transhumanist experiment your tribe is testing to have a tighter control over the goyim.
Yes, gangstalking and staged crap by jews and golems.
Haven't heard of this, but who was the guy in the woods at Sandy Hook? Did that ever come out?
Sounds extremely plausible for a motive, but where was the opportunity? They couldn't have counted on an ice(((Berg)), right?
This is all but proven at this point. I can't imagine any rational person not believing it.
wtf is runescape nyc lol
Kubrick faked the moon landing and made 2001 as a jerk-off video proving he could pull it off with filling techniques nobody else was capable of at that time. Or this one, without the assistance of CGI
Corona virus.,.. Chinese bio weapon,. Released into their population to cover their tracks,. Crashes the Western Economies, China Rises as Super,power
Oligarch class has had ether-powered space ships since the end of WW2 -- beyond light-speed and intersteller by now. Rocket power is for plebs.
The local subhumans here don't believe it.
Also Titanic was exploded:
It's a jewish bioweapon. Charles (((Lieber)))'s arrest, jewish symbolism all over, Event 201, other jews involved in the related institutions and overhyping it here and on the media...
Has anyone looked into golf rumours? I suspect it's a Grifter-type meme, but genuinely curious about it.
It wasn’t just 3, it was most of the Trench coat Mafia and another individual said to be at least 30. If you dig in the police files, one of the ex members actually spilled the beans and gave the entire rundown, but was forced to recant and say he made parts up or it was just speculation.
Why would Trump waste millions of taxpayer dollars "playing golf"?
He's an actor -- a reality TV show star in his biggest role yet. I question whether he's really a billionaire, or if it's all just a big setup.
Why not both?
Some claim it is about remote viewing others say it is about human trafficking managed by big golf events. Keep in mind that 90% of the graph is either completely made up or things that depend on your interpretation.
Not that spectacular but the USA has working plasma weapons.
It is a Grifter-type meme, but I suppose realistically, given the number of powerful people that enjoy playing golf with one another, there are probably some very interesting things said.
And lots of prototypes of laser weapons and rail guns.
The Earth is flat with a dome like it's implied in The Bible, all else pales in comparison. It sets the context for everything else.
Be careful with this, people have been killed for getting to close. From my extremely limited understanding it may have something to do with human energy and the transfer/siphoning of said energy but idk. AnYwho, opsec
"Ebola Worship"
What the fuck
This is the only conspiracy theory I subscribe 100% to:
>The CIA is behind almost all conspiracy theories
Crudely banning the speaking of the real conspiracies isn't a realistic option for them (it would only prove the conspiracy) so they saturate the conspiracy genre with false theories. Curious truth-seekers will be led up to dark alleys of nothingburgers just to be demoralized when they realize how unplausible it is at the end. No truth-seeker knows before entering the rabbit hole what is the real holes, so by only crafting false conspiracies hides the real ones.
It's a bit like reddit r/conspiracy only banning talk about jewish conspiracy. Really makes you think! CIA niggers ain't as dumb as redditors.
did you miss the threads here 5 years ago where people were literally making shrines to ebola-chan?
Operation Fishbowl.
All the American elites are not Jews, many are White.
Very few, like Obama in the US.
Yeah, nothing all that implausible.
I don't believe in nukes.
No idea, literally who cares.
I don't even really believe in bioweapons or pandemics. Spanish Flu happened in 1918 during WW1, all those reported deaths could have been from the war.
Prove it.
Yeah bro, a "Jewish conspiracy". That's why the coronavirus is allegedly in Israel and surrounding countries. Makes total sense.
Some child trafficking shit, maybe. Literally who cares.
Niggers in Africa who think Ebola is a demon to be feared, probably.
The world of matter is the only real one, the Earth is flat with a dome. Aliens are not real or are demons or other supernatural creatures. UFO's are a number of things, mainly goverment aircraft. Ghosts are material being in a different spectrum of light. There is no astral plane, it's all your imagination, chemical hallucinations or demons projecting illusions into your brain. There is no soul, the spirit/soul is just an animating force/the breath of life. When we die we go to sleep until The Resurrection, those who have faith in Christ will have everlasting life in the Flat Earth. The rest die forever.
Only God and the angels live in Heaven, only Satan and the demons go to Hell.
Thou shall not have any strange gods before me.
You literally can't spook me with any of your faggot theories, i dare you to try it. I can explain all of them.
>Fake News
Some of the time. They also report true events cause they have to, they'll usually give it a spin though.
They seem to work, some may have bad shit in them deliberatly put there by "the elites". I guess i believe in germs and shit, they're just little animals. I guess i believe ij pandemics, but the coronavirus one seems fabricated IMO (or at least i hope it is).
Prolly real. Seriously, number of "supernatural" creatures could inhabit the Flat Earth. My theory allows for it.
Could be just a demon. vampires could also be just demons.
>big pharma
What about it? medicine sells. They could be putting bad shit into the meds to slowly kill us all for population control for their New World Order or whatever. Maybe. But i dunno how many people really live in the flat Earth, they say it's 7 billion +. I have no way of knowing for sure, we might not be overpopulated at all. I've never seen billions of people.
Food sells. Could be putting bad shit in it to slowly kill us all to depopulate the Earth for the NWO.
Satanism for dummies.
>The Secret
Satanism/witchcraft, demons are doing it.
>lucid dreams
Your imagination, drugs or demons. Could be mental illness.
Real anthropid, possibly smarter than the average nigger. Could have some sort of "supernatural" powers.
>9/11 inside job
Satanic ritual used to justify war in the Middle East and prolly other shit like more draconian laws.
>Sacred Geometry
Occult shit, Satanism.
Earth is flat with a dome, aliens aren't real. UFO's are a number of things from goverment aircraft to weird ligthning and maybe hollow Earth or ancient technology.
>hypnosis self-help
Occult shit, Satanism. All you need is Jesus and The Bible.
Beast System Antichrist End Times Apocalypse.
>Mandela Effect
Satan's deception tactics.
I guess it's what i believe, i prolly differ on some points. Basically what actually happened. Real history.
>Dyaltov pass.
Wild animals, something supernatural or a goverment OP.
Probably real if it was post-Flood.
>lost civilizations
Depends if they were pre-Flood or after the Flood. Pre-Flood? i doubt there's anything left.
>Monn-landings faked
100% agree.
Still alive? maybe. Who cares.
The fabled "elites", they have many groups that all worship Satan. I think Jesuits are the main group.
Probably real for population control (slowly poisoning us) and weather modification.
>hollow earth
I think The Bible mentions a hollow portion of the Earth called Sheol.
Possible celestial body in The Firmament, maybe it existed a long time ago and now is gone for some reason.
>flat earth
The truth.
Could be bad for us, dunno.
>area 51
They prolly have secret experimental goverment tech and ancient tech there, maybe something to do with kid fucking. The elites are all about kid fucking and child raping IMO.
Earth emits energy. The less your body is in direct skin contact with the ground, the lower your energy levels will go as you age. This is one reason why so many people are constantly drained, exhausted and depressed. The other is that food is a vehicle for this energy. The more processes food goes trough till it reaches your body, the more energy it has lost. This is why eating mostly refined food will also add to the lack of energy in so many. Ofc the sun also plays a role, but earth‘s energy is a lot closer, thus more potent.
MARAUDER project at the Air Force Research Laboratory
Talked to Brooks Brown once. He knows something but doesn't want to share to the public. That's why in 2012 he disappeared from the internet. spooky stuff....
>astral realm
Not real. Your imagination, chemical hallucinations or demons fucking with you.
>Shakespeare didn't write his plays
Possible, who cares. A lot of history could be faked.
>Satanic ritual abuse
>missing 411
Elite pedo rings, serial killers, wild animals, accidents.
>Paul is dead
Who gives a shit, maybe. I don't really believe clones are possible. Maybe they are, if they are then they are real people. We all look similar already anyway.
>Aleister Crowley
Occult Satanic fuck, probably pedo serial killer sodomite.
Satanic pedo shit.
Occult Pagan Satanic shit.
>Jim Morrison still alive
Maybe, who cares.
>Iraq for oil
Maybe, probably not.
>Mcfly code
9/11 occult Satanic ritual pre-programming, other occult Satanic shit.
>sixth extinction
No idea, probably a misconception of history. What other 5 extinctions? dunno.
>Denver airport
Occult Satanic New World Order shit, pre-programming.
Supernatural creatures, could be real.
Occult Satanic shit.
>dolphin intelligence
God gave man dominion over the earth, i don't care how smart dolphins think they are they're still fish. They better stay on the water.
>Bible code
Prolly a heresy, this fucks usually believe in ancient aliens and other un-biblical shit.
Occult Satanic shit, prolly pedophilia involved.
>Russian sleep experiments
Occult Satanic shit as always.
Muslim, can't say i weep for him. I guess they did it for a number of reasons to stop him from separating from the central banks and to open the African immigration flood gates into Europe.
Occult Satanic shit as usual.
Weren't Adam and Eve vegan at the beggining? might be something to it.
>Limbic brain
No idea.
Apparently an UFO sigthing.
Not sure if oil is as scarce as we are told.
>brain in a jar
Maybe possible, dunno.
>Black Egyptians
Egypt was White at the beggining after The Flood, Blacks were added to the goverment as it declined and thousands of years passed. Like Obama.
I'm guessing having to do with finding Noah's ark, lol gud luck with dat.
Having to do with Obama's real citizenship and place of birth, coincidentally. Literally who cares.
Some game in the 80's that maybe was a goverment secret OP for mind control, prolly Satanic Occult shit. Pedo related cause kids play those games.
Brain shit, maybe demons.
Scientism Occult Shit, in the beggining God created Heaven and the Earth later he made Adam from clay. Maybe there's room for interpretation, but that's what happened.
>AIDS created by goverment
I doubt it, why would the sodomites in charge want to get rid of themselves? AIDS was prolly created by God.
I don't get excited to know the secrets keeping us down when all I ever seem to discover are descriptions of events that fill in the spaces where primary sources are unavailable or, worse, reinterpret events or general phenomena as whatever their creativity can supply based on their emotions about the subject(s). The "real world" ought to be interesting enough and provide ample evidence for reasoned conjecture, albeit admittedly incomplete.
>Lost cosmonauts
Could be bullshit fabricated in modern times, i don't buy it. I don't believe in any ancient aliens shit.
>Clinton's body doubles
Possible cloning or look-alikes, who cares.
>Charles Fort
Apparently a guy that looked into this type of weird conspiracy supernatural shit, prolly into The Occult.
Occult Satanic shit i bet.
>DMT beings
Imaginations, chemical hallucinations, demonic machinations.
Something to do with the Mandela Effect, prolly real. Prolly Satan fucking with your sense of reality cause God allows him to for a little season until Christ comes back and BTFO of everyone.
>Yas Forums alien photo
Prolly mods trolling us.
Trying to find out who Jack The Ripper was like anyone gives a shit.
LOL, business as usual i assume.
I believe in weather modification, so prolly true. The facility exists and is real AFAIK.
Ah, but I realize this reveals a bias--namely that only what is empirical is real. Those of us who believe in the existence of the a priori, or award ontology to objects of consciousness strictly defined, will disagree with this. So the mathemagicians of ivy league science, the scientific instrumentalists, postmodernists and other-worldly minded will scoff at such ignorance. And so existence remains horror.
Not even conspiracy, data.
Somebody nuked Mars.
50-200 million years ago.
>Guci clone
The rapper? maybe.
I believe dinosaurs are still around, most were killed cause they were dangerous predators. You can prolly still find some in remote areas. They are not as old as we are told, nothing is.
Satanic occult shit, stay away from it like The Bible commands.
>plant intelligence
Maybe, i believe in animal intelligence and i still eat stake. I don't care.
>pigsy in S.A
The character from the video game Manhunt? LOL, maybe some crazy fucker is trying to imitate him. Pathetic sodomite.
>Taman Shud
Some guy got killed, they don't know who it was. Wow. Who cares.
>7 nations US won't attack
Yeah it's called diplomacy and shit, whatever.
>Bohemian Grove
Satanic Occult elite pedo shit.
>Aquatic Ape Hypotesis
Joe Rogan tier nonsense, Scientism bullshit.
>Hempcrete structures
Apparently hemp can be used to build shit? i mean the chinks use bamboo to build skyscrapers i think. Maybe.
You're a cowardly sodomite you pretentious douche, you hate God. Repent or suffer the consequences.
t. retarded kike
> Finland doesnt exist
I suffer them already. What other threats have you?
Some legal shit, who cares. Man made laws are all man made and can be changed.
>The Midnight Game
Some Satanic Occult shit, stay away from it as The Bible commands.
Legal shit, made man laws. Who cares.
>Moon built by aliens
Earth is flat with a dome, aliens ain't real. Moon was made by God as The Bible says.
>fermi paradox
Science bullshit mindgames demonic trickery.
>Jeff Mangum time travel
Prolly a crazy person, troll, or demonic possession.
Anybody tried grounded bedsheets?
Not an argument.
Repent or you'll die forever when you die. Your choice.