What did women do in the era of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe when there was no social media and no exes to hook up with? After they had cooked and tended to their children what would they do while hubby was at work?
What did women do all day before social media?
Get on the phone. Watch daytime TV. Bake. Prep for making dinner
>what did women do when they weren't spending every waking moment doing a shitty job pretending to have a better life than everyone else on social media
Be happy I suppose.
Depended on their class
You think "fuck the milkman/plumber" was a meme?
They actually spent time with their children, they actually prepared meals for their family, they actually kept a clean house, they actually had some sense of loyalty. Now its completely fucked. And I dont see how it ever returns to normal.
take care of the kids, do household work, prepared food, etc.
Got dicked down by the milkman/mailman
I have noticed that many women i know who have children do not put any time into developing the children or teaching them anything or nurturing them. They just put them in front of an electronic device and go on Facebook or on the phone to their friend. Even in my own house, my wife does the cooking and the housework but she never seems motivated to even take the kids for a walk, read them a book, do their homework and i do all that side of it.
When did women start to dislike parenting and putting any time into their children's development?
Fuck whatever adult male was nearest behind your back.
The same thing they do now, whine and complain.
They would clean house, meet for luncheons, have a neighbor over for coffee, charity work or charitable clubs, get their hair done.
Because this "New progressive, social media driven age" is now about being self-centered, and materialistic. Women see children and relationships with one man as a burden. They are taught to hate this idea and they become angry and spiteful. They are told that they can have the world and dozens of men and they are victims of oppression. Its all false, but the women eat it up. They are herd followers. They would rather spend their time looking at what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on their own situation.
The social media was in Tupperware parties and other social gatherings.
We kept ourselves fabulous. We wore perfectly pressed home sewed clothing, prepared world class meals every day, made sure our man left the house looking perfect and happy every day, we scheduled home life so that our husbands could relax on the weekend instead of doing chores, we took care of well-behaved kids who weren't fat because they were getting proper nutrition instead of crap that comes out of a can, bag or box. The list goes on and on.
Then feminism made sure that we had to work to survive. They imported masses of low wage earners and flooded the blue collar job market with shitty aliens so that the unions were destroyed. Wages went down, prices went up. Yay for billionaires with wives that lunch.
Wrong, Chads dick is more important than raising kids to women. If Chad said give me 20 kids all women would drop that parenthood is oppression horseshit in a split second.
>What did women do in the era of Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe
The milkman
>Get on the phone.
Are you retarded? There were no phones in the 1950s. The first big bulky ones were introduced in the 90s and the modern iPhone in 2007.
>what is a house phone
GTFO zoomer.
Chad milkman.
the 1950s were an era of rampant degeneracy, we need to go back to 1450, before all this modernist trash came around.
They taught men how to make their inventions. When the men were at work, women were the ones coming up with new and creative ideas and whispering them to men at night.
All of world's inventions are women's inventions
my mum in the early 70s, taught me to read before I started school.
when I realised many parents hadn't done this I was quite shocked.
By the 90s some parents couldn't even be bothered to toilet train their children, saying it was the duty of the school system..
We have let women and men become chronically lazy.
Fuck that. In 1450 there were servants who did all the scrug household work for rich people. Who do you think did that?
Damn that far back? I had thought there was at least something salvageable from the 50s. My understanding was that it went completely to shit from the 60s onwards
this is bait right
It wasn't unusual for kids to enter school already knowing basic math and having reading skills. Now it's genius level.
housework. and, more importantly, spend time with her children and teach them common sense and how to live with and do cool things with nature.
phones have existed for nearly a 150 years retard
If you were upper crust, you bitched all day about being oppressed. If you were anything lower, you bust your ass for your family.
what did they do before they discovered BBC?
I know. They even have classes now to teach mothers how to change a nappy. Most of the children in my son's school class cannot even write a single letter of their name and they are 5 years old.
They met up for tea to do what they do on social media
Watch TV series’ produced in the 1950s.
I also forgot to mention bridge or other card games.
Its a pity, it gives a headstart, the teachers appreciate it or at least they did.
Have you noticed how everyone's house is a fucking mess nowadays? That's cause the women are working. Cleaning a house is a lot of work, it can easily occupy you for 5-6 hours.
really? fuck sakes.
Kids wore appropriate clothes. This is a girl. You know it because she's wearing a dress.
God I wish I had a good mother like you
Instead I'm threw into the world to figure it out all by myself
T. Zoomer
They probably did all they could to get attention from their husband for dopamine hits
They got high on benzedrine and cleaned & did their lawns over and over obsessively
Then winded off with wine and valium and watching their favourite soap opera
What do you do if you have a toddler that refuses to learn their alphabet, or refuses to use the potty, or refuses to eat, or refuses to do ANYTHING!...Asking for a friend.
Keep the house clean. Drives me fucking crazy the number of hours my wife spends on her iphone or ipad when our home isn’t spotless. She’s gotten better over the years, but my God it’s infuriating after I get home from work.
Corporal punishment
when I say "back to 1450" I mean to a time before the englightenment, before liberalism, before the "individual", these things which promote tolerance for evil behavior created the deviant, degenerate society we live in now.
They actually acted like women
Not in the 1950s they didn't. Most people didn't have televisions. They weren't considered a necessity then. They were a luxury item.
In the late '60s or '70s they watched soap operas while they were ironing or sewing. While the kids or baby was napping.
>my wife
post her feet
>Cleaning a house is a lot of work, it can easily occupy you for 5-6 hours.
That's only if you have a couple of messy children. Housework is easy as shit, but many people (especially women) are pigs.
Yes, now post her feet.
I tried a sock with batteries, it didn't work. Any non-corporal punishment ideas?
Don't have kids if you don't know how to take care of them you stupid peace of shit
Yeah, I'm not sure I want to be a female peasant who lives in a monarchical/religious society/government. I'll hard pass on Saudi Arabia.
Jump cables.
That’s a skirt with a blouse and a jacket, not a dress you dipshit.
its a pity more didn't desu.
give them time, associate letters with food and animals.
I had a hard time learning to tie shoes because I was left handed and every other bastard was righty
Just asked my mom and grandma
>Talked shit about other women
>Pretended to be friends with other women
>Talked about fashion & makeup
>Talked shit about other women
>Gossiped or complained about men
>Hung out and talked shit about other women
>Wrangled kids
>Went to church
>Talked shit about other women
>Bought stuff
Is it close to your current wardrobe you gender bending asshole? She's wearing a dress under that jacket.
Getting their husbands and children ready for the day, getting the house in order, planning dinner, gardening, sewing, taking care of any younger children, whatever other entertainment or hobbies they had. My grandmother made almost all of her and my mother's clothing up until the mid-70s.
Good mothers unfortunately don't exist anymore, they're too busy on their fb and other such garbage
No she isn’t, you can see the waistband of her skirt you imbecile. Don’t argue with me, I’m right.
“Morning ma’am...are you ready for your daily dose of protein rich milk?”
fuck the milk man...
>durr what is a house phone
Fucking retard
imagine being the sort of pathetic faggot that pays money for naked pictures of this
What did men do before the internet and video games??
When did parents stop teaching their kids? I noticed this growing up around me and just couldn't get it. If the mom doesn't read to you, then why isn't the Dad? Or the grandparents? Hell someone? I just don't see why someone would want a child just to ignore them. If you have good parents out there you should count your blessings because the rest is fucked.
Coomers get the rope
how does one learn how to parent anyhow? Seems as though it's one of those lost skills
They had good wifes that they were willing to die for
From reading this thread it looks that way.
you're either an autist or a woman
perhaps both
Socialized with their neighbors and made friends. Upkept the house. Some worked as secretaries, or nurses. Most aspired to be decent mothers.
Being a homemaker should be respected. The reason so many people are depressed these days is that women and men work equally and are coupling less. When they get home they have work more to do homemaker duties. Budgeting, taxes, cleaning, maintenance. When you're coupled you can split these duties depending on your schedule, but like I said less people do these days.
So everyone works 40 hours weeks, has no time for friends or a family, hobbies are the first thing to go if they're not mindless shit that can be interrupted.
Plus the prominence of single parent households.
Unironocally respect women who choose to be homemakers. The idea that feminism and retards put on them that they're "just" a housewife has destroyed a lot in our society. Not least of all us and our kids.
also how did her grandmother find out about her selling nudes?
I'm starting to think that it's a story made up for internet points
I don’t believe that’s true. Anyhow social media isn’t even something that’s bad.
Nobody knows for certain, people make it up as they go along.
Show tits and flag
My parents taught me all the basics. Kindergarten was a cakewalk and they even said I was too advanced. All I did was learn to read and do addition/subtraction. If you can’t teach your kid this within the first 5 years of their life, you’re a shit parent.
My brother and his wife got a bunch of books about raising kids. The little shits seem to be doing fine.
It all comes down to self initiative. If you care about your children you'll find the resources (either books or asking older people), if you don't give a fuck and rely on the school system (lol) your kids might end up retards.
when I was 8 I had the reading age of a 15 year old, measured by some vocab test we had to do back then.
its a shame kids are missing out like this, I can't imagine other 1st world countries are this backwards?
Hey how about you reply to my arguments instead of being an asshole and saying “show tits”.... here’s my flag I guess
Observed my 30 year old sister with her 2nd grader who is failing second grade.
>They come in
>no homework I guess
>he gravitates to tablet and Xbox
>she stays on her iPhone
>he plays games all weekend
>she drinks and smokes all weekend
The only time they interacted together was the morning time when she didn't want to get out of bed and his nightly hygiene routine.
If anyone ever complains about how hard being a parent is just observe them. I bet more than half of the time they have Microsoft and Android raising their kids.
Maybe you primitive motherfuckers yodeled back and forth at each other or beat on tom-toms.
They obsessed over celebrity gossip for literally centuries
Check news stories about Gloria Vanderbilt (who recently died, she was in her 90s). In the 1930s her relatives engaged in a custody war over her because controlling her meant controlling the family fortune.
This shit has always existed, proto-social media and the like. It's just with instafag and lunkedin women can pretend that they too are celebrities.
post tits
Give her a good fuck and talk to her about it afterward. If you can, John. She is probably disillusioned with you and your ugly Anglo children.
>doing a wife’s duties because she won’t do them
Absolute masters of cuck anglos are lmao