/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1747

► Detected: 107,856 ► Died: 3,663


China quarantine hotel collapses, 70 trapped

15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Italy to put northern region into lockdown

New York declares state of emergency

Bodies must be cremated

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

Virus invades nervous systems

Patients infectious after "recovery"

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

15:10: Spain reports 96 new cases of coronavirus and 7 new deaths
15:00: 9 new cases in Vietnam
14:02: 64 new cases in the United Kingdom.
13:40: 42 new cases in Sweden. One is believed to have been infected in the United States.
11:09: 68 new cases and 1 new death in Switzerland.
13:07: 77 new cases and 2 new deaths in the Netherlands. The two patients who died had underlying health conditions, one was an 86-year-old man in Uden and the other was an 82-year-old in Sittard/Geleen.
13:02: 12 new cases in Singapore.
12:22: 2 new cases in Poland.



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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck coofers

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help me
>coof cube
>sneeze sphere
>pneumonic pyramid

*coof* digits and everyone in this thread gets the flu

Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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Give it to me straight, lads. No memes.
I've had a heavy chest / oppressive feeling in my chest for 9 days now. The right side but close to the middle. Feel it all the way from the front of my chest, all the way through to my back. Bit of pain, nothing unbearable. Shallow breaths in are ok. Medium is also mostly ok. But that pressure/feeling/slightpain really kicks in somewhere between a medium and a deep breath in. Mild cough, mucusy/salty. More in the throat than from the chest. I usually have a slight cough anyway because I eat so much dairy. The cough right now is about on that same level, maybe only a little bit worse. No fever, no other symptoms.

Occasionally I'll get this type of feeling once in a while if it's cold and windy and I make the wrong decision and go out wearing too few layers. The cold wind directly hits my chest and I develop a pressure/pain like this, going all the way through from front to back, really feel it on a deep breath in. BUT........it goes away after 1 day, 2 days max. I've had this for 9 days now. Has mostly been the same all this time, but possibly a little bit worse today.

So is it the lung, like fluid in the lung? Or is it just the surrounding muscles like the intercostal muscles of the ribcage that are a bit sore and it'll go away by itself?

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So, how fucked is Delaware? There was a case in Delaware county

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reminder to remain calmed and wash your hands

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>tfw already prepped 6 months of supply and study uni courses from home

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Love to see this money-obsessed world crumbling apart, even if it means death and terror.


Fuck the WHO and especially that WHONIGGER. That fucker's gonna be spilling a lotta blood when this shits over

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Attached: Mood today outside the Egyptian Health Ministry (per Saudi press) https t co gWqP[...].png (873x990, 1.07M)

>Asian markets and futures open today
>Still has to absorb the news of spread all over the US and states announcing emergency measures, including NYC where the stock exchanges are physically located
>Still has to absorb the continued growth all over Europe
>Still has to absorb Italy locking down some of its most important economic areas
>Still has to absorb countries getting re-infected by international flights
>Still has to absorb Saudi Arabia announcing that it's going to undercut oil prices
>Literally the only good news in China numbers going down, but nobody fucking believes that, and it hardly matters now that the rest of the world has picked up the slack
This shit's going south hard, I think Monday's going to be a bloodbath.

Shits picking up fast in America.

>There will probably not be a NRW lockdown for 1 to 2 weeks.
Either you lock it down now or never.
What's the point of letting it run its course for 2 weeks first?
You KNOW what's going to happen, so either do it now or make a plan that has a no-lockdown-scenario
Locking down NRW 2 weeks from now should be a hangable offense.

not on my watch fren!

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The shills are ITT in force today bros

No u



Hmmm, where do the libs that actuaklly vote live? Hmmm, look at that, high density islands of Blue Boomers.


Oh Noes! Lock the cities down!


Take one, leave one

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more photos coming

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Results from a Newspaper asking 1074 swiss people about COVID-19:

>23% think it‘s not necessary to cancel big events
>only 8.7% would consider wearing a mask
>20% consider prepping
>60% think it‘s not necessary to close down boarders to italy
>only 8% think COVID-19 is a serious threat

Iow we are fucked because most are idiots.

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Egypt is super fucked. Don’t they have like over 30 cases, all of which originated from 1 GUY?

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Piazza duomo

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Reposting from last thread, as I posted it right as thread was ending.

They're telling the npcs to stock up for a few weeks, but then what? They won't have solar charged ereaders, water filtration systems, and homegrown potatoes. Their stock will run empty and they will freak out. In a pandemic, wouldn't mass rioting be retarded? All it takes is one coofer in the crowd spreading it. Raiders going into houses, only to end up catching it. So we'll be left a wasteland full of lung-scarred el goblinas y atrocidads?

Do normalfags think it'll just go back to normal later this year? What about all of the casualties caused because the hospitals were crowded, as other anons have mentioned? Things that could normally be taken care of, you're now fucked.

Are they going to try to v& anons and write off the deaths as disease? They could also just pay Tyrone with toilet paper to do a driveby on the wrongthink house. Or just to coof at them the next time they leave their house.

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0 cases here

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Did some italian saw Lorenzo Mila out there? White hair, no mask, delusional, yelling "DO NOT WORRY JUST A BLUE BROS" while coughing. Please please we're worried about him

>ANY videos/posts/tweets/photos of confirmed patients getting treatment? Showing their confirmed coronavirus medical paperwork? In this retarded age of OVER SHARING on social media I aint seen shit along this line.
4 chan you bunch of ADD bastards....did anyone even consider this post????????

a fucking nigger

1+ dead Honkie
1+ dead Jap

Some sure. But a lot of them are just normal people coping and don't want to admit that it is actually a big deal and a threat.

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If you don't own your own pulse oximeter you are fucked user. You should have been measuring regularly

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Are people going to avoid italian restaurants now?

Take your temperature to see if coronavirus, might just be lung cancer.

I heard that men more often fall sick for it that women.
Imagine all these bitches for taking.


How about all these? mega.nz/#F!0pg1FTpJ!L4fWWAbmGvhancLWJxxyJA

It's just a flu, bro.

How to explain the people at work, that we will be dead in the next months. They dont have a fucking clue. I see why latin america is so retarded. Incluiding me.

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I would be slightly concerned but I don't think that's corona, since it seems the most typical symptom is fever. Hope you get better.

So much this

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Thread theme:

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The economy collapsed and supply chains are down, but I would totally like to buy your shiny rocks.
They are really useful right now.
Very cool user.

You have a week or less before it's reported. New cases coming for you Albania. Sorry.

>China declares back to work
>USA not responding
>Germany Zero deaths
Is there a pattern?
Do you still believe in coincidences?

Attached: Exports2019.jpg (1280x720, 124.01K)

>What's the point of letting it run its course for 2 weeks first?

To be like Italy and China of course. Politicians insist on always being 2 steps behind Corona-chan. It's not like I can blame them, I would rather see her spread than be contained by someone smart.

At least they aren't licking holy doorknobs or swapping spit.
P.S. Garden ornaments depicting Satan Claus riding a bicycle is a bicycle.

I stocked up enough lasagna and pizza to last 2 months

Any other Colorado anons out there? Where you at and how are things looking?

Ppl in COS are starting to panic.

No because their food isn't repulsive

>uncle comes down with pneumonia
>still shitposting about it's just a flu bro whatever in the family groupchat while in the hospital

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You don't know the situation. Maybe it's still possible to uncover the cluster.
If that's not possible a qarantine is recommended.

Behind every epidemic in every country is a coofer (probably chink or pasta nigger) who must know what they’re now responsible for. Do you think they feel any shame? Or do they just think “ 研究毛主席的著作,遵循他的教义并按照他的指示行事” while sipping on bat soup?

Anyways, if you want to get masks, I’d say go to an Army surplus store. They usually have gas masks

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I'm hearing a lot of problems but no solutions.

What should i do frens?

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There were plenty out of China and there are a few videos of it. I'm not sure what confirmed paperwork you are talking about as that seems like retarded cope as you want this to just be some sort of media trick.

Bros how do I stop touching my face. As soon as I make a commitment to stop EVERYTHING starts itching.

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Galleria Vittorio Emanuele

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Also...why is this Japanese rabbit squatting while washing his penis?

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Don't worry, bruv, they will find out soon.

Comfy. Mass tourism ruined everything.

Don't you fear a bit going outside? Shit looks like near abandoned.

Reminder to pray for the intercession of your favorite saint.

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JC! you did it!


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Germans find an existing drug that shows promise as anti-viral


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Just what the GLOBALISTS want so theycan contain the people at thier own safety... fucking genious I say.

That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet. ...

I bet they didn’t even test him because of no travel history
Same thing in Denmark
They are in complete denial

>so much boomer cope
medicine is finite and corona-chan is growing exponentially.
I really do think I love her she is the ultimate pleb filter.

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>only kills geriatric and immunocompromised people
n o t h i n g b u r g e r


How many of you will become raiders when society collapses?

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You got a point there mutt, seeing a lot of cunts wearing my flag working hard for that 50 cents a post though. Derailing tactics on point. Fuck em

Castello sforzesco

Feels like a ghost town

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It's just a pattern bro

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There's loads.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

Shhhhh! That's our secret!

seems chill go to walk around the city right now.

>benvenuti in città 17

>tfw people are reacting to the virus for political spins and leverage during an election year instead of coming together to contain it
>those in the worst affected areas have found out that it's too late to switch from publicity to pragmatism

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>23% think it‘s not necessary to cancel big events
So the overwhelmingly majority think it is necessary

ABout time Cali cleaned up its streets.

>Be Cop in Montana
>Washington and Idaho State already Quarantine Zones
>I-90 filled with Out-of-Staters still
>I am already likely dead

King County will likely have to become non-Voluntary lock down and they flood over to us trying to escape. What am I recommending?

>States should be allowed to temporary suspend of Interstate Commerce and take control of their own State Borders to slow spread

Yeah they wont test them. It's retarded. the whole planet is a risk zone by now.

Stamani son dovuto passare da Via Padova e Via Monza per andare al lavoro, sembrava una città fantasma, non credo ci siano molti che prendono i mezzi adesso.
Speravo saremmo riusciti a resistere fino ad Aprile, ma mi sa che non riusciremo a farcela fino a fine mese.

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Ma figa son le stesse foto di ieri

>107,856 infected
>3,663 dead

stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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Scratch your face with something pointy and long instead of using your fingers all the time.

You lost to the Jews, your opinion is less than worthless. Buy gold smart ass

Boomer flubro memes appear.
Some of them are waking up.

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Thanks Bulgerbro

Italy is already Wuhan 2.0

>We are now forced to create intensive therapies in the corridor, in the operating rooms, in the recovery rooms
>We gutted entire hospital wards to make room for the seriously ill. One of the best healthcare in the world, the Lombard one, is one step away from collapse
>The picture is of such gravity as to require an increase in resuscitation places up to ten times the current availability
>If the population does not understand that they must stay home, the situation will become catastrophic

Antonio Pesenti, coordinator of the crisis unit of the Lombardy Region said.


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So can you get this shit more than once or not?
Who knows the real answer?

MSM is fucking useless.

Please hurry up corona-chan

>Or is it just the surrounding muscles like the intercostal muscles of the ribcage that are a bit sore and it'll go away by itself?
What you described about the pain in your chest, especially about when you breathe in deeply, sounds a lot like a bruised, broken, or cracked rib. Does it hurt to cough properly?

His tweets are going to be particularly delicious in a few weeks

thanks, looks weird wonder if its gonna be the same here in a few weeks.

still planing to go to japan for 4weeks in june
try to stop me

this is a big nothingburger, taken into the account the people who haven't been tested this isnt any worse than a flu

we basically have 2 flues going on at the same time, time to wrap it up and move on

I red Burgerbro xD

Unironically yes. Could spread through workers visiting their family or their family visiting them, packages sent from Italy and so many other ways. A lot of idiots got the corona by virtue signalling at Chinese restaurants.

Yeah ok
Maybe fuck off back to fb?


>15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession
Hubei: 3000kill/58,000,000popinHubei*7,700,000,000worldpop=400,000killaroundtheworld
makes 1,000,000 max if you think the Chinks are lying

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This is FINE!!!!

White people survive.

Older Boomers die...

Old lib boomers live in high density cities, all connected by sewer lines.

Coronachan spreads via the sewers.

Young socialists don't vote.


this wore is still online?

Italy is much worse than Wuhan. Hubei's capital was locked down when it had only 800 cases and 25 deaths!! on 23 Jan

hey user. hold your phone the other way.

It 's not the places people care about(vertical) but the lack of people there(horizontal).

So much for "China is back to work". Underrated.

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I'm giving this fucker 2 months tops.

inhalte my shit 3rd worlder

Was there a Gary sighting today?

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2 days ago, Piazza Duomo

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I'm up by the DTC. There's still a surprising amount of "well let's just see what happens. I don't think it's as bad as the media says. Plus the WHO doesn't say it's a pandemic." I know of one company that's planning to still hold their presidents club event in Mexico at the end of the month.
>CDC doesn't say don't travel to Mexico, so the trip is still on
I'm gonna get sick if I go, won't I?



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>it’s totally like those other diseases!
Yeah I too remember when Ebola spread to nearly every country on the planet, along with nearly 2/3’s of America.

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Don't get this mentality. It's like saying, this isn't so bad. In WW2 millions died. This is only a few thousand.

Can't they see it's only the beginnings of it?


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>women protesters

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Confirmed only humans get the blessing of Coronachan

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user I have some bad news. You don't get it "more than once". It's airborne HIV. You get it once and proceed to have it forever. It hides in your immune system and for the rest of your life whenever you get a little depressed or sick, it flares up again like herpes.

Again, why on earth would those names be released?

grazie ragazzi for saving our asses

>short term data is all you need bro. fuck medium and long term. that's why 5g is also safe because we tested people after 30 minutes of exposure so it's totally safe bro, no need for any further testing. if 30 minutes is fine, then 24/7 indefinite exposure is also fine. they're literally the same thing. what are you, some kinda communist. corporations! profits! awoooooooooooo!

J-just the flu!!



the man got trips, answer him faggots


CIA nigger

does anyone have the hazmat templates?

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they have the same IF NOT MORE infected people than us.

We are come honest with it because they are testing the situation on us. Germany is way worste than us, trust me

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Digits and Italy >1500 new cases >75 deaths today

Firearm safety course only cost me 70 bux

he realized his autistic behavior and came to his senses


Big John says Covid worse than AIDS

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So are people still saying this is a nothing burger? and is there a chance it causes Society too collapse? I kinda just want a wipe I hate most people.

how long a way we have come
i was here from before the lock down in hubei and now im like 3 hours drive from a lock down in italy

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I have 5 chinese, 1 italian, 1 iranian, and 1 korean classmate.
They are all sitting together since nobody wants to get close to them.

The pic is ugly as fuck.

Pray for them, even the most liberals of liberals, the most degenerate of the degenerates could see the light.



I've got a bottle of the most excellent German Beer in the fridge. I keep it just for the day when you die from Corona-Chan and suddenly stop posting.

I'm never eating Italian again

Rarely you can detect real underlying hysteria in sustained cope. We see this here.

Nurgle please smite this heretic

Your aerial utilities disgust me.

check if temp higher than 38.5°C

Italians took Bulls advice of “just a flu bro” as it spread for god knows how long. Meanwhile, corona has been spreading in the West Coast uninterrupted for 6 WEEKS

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There have been re-infections, yes. There is also evidence that this is like herpes and can lay dormant in certain cells only to flare up again in the future. If the latter is the case, everyone who catches it will die from the virus.

Can’t you guys bully them out of school?

So your pathetic little virus finally infected china, italy, europe, and most of asia. It's still not a pandemic unless the WHO says so.

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Fuck it, we need a purge.

Today ? Sauce ?

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It'll be fine.

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Translated word for word, they said they are ok with the swiss govt canceling the events, not if they think it is necessary

Just wait until cases and deaths will explode in Spain and then I will laugh hard at Wuhan 3.0

Now that sucks!

Thanks user.

This, just check your ribs to find where the pain is. If confirmed that it is the ribs, take appropriate pain medication (naproxen) and keep breathing deep once in a while. Otherwise you might get pneumonia.

Of course it's worse than AIDS, it's airborne AIDS.

that would be racist
+ i am a foreigner myself

Download an oximeter on your phone or buy one, their about $25 and check your oxygen saturation

fuck i bought 10 tins of beef ravioli

2234 cases, 98 deaths

Those self driving cars gonna be rekt if they rely on captcha training

Zero cases here as well.

Attached: Corona Rebranding.jpg (1600x1408, 1011.92K)

>only 8% think COVID-19 is a serious threat
Makes sense. This is about the percentage of humanity that isn't retarded.

It stays with you forever. Hides everywhere, even in neurons and brain stem. There is no "recovery".

They will not see the light, for they are blind.

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lmao usually theres 1000+ people always. are migrants still there?

Metoo user, just some FUCKING NAMES PLEASE .. damn this is sooo fucking tiresome.

Elites cause all this for globalism...oh yeah.

Checked, but they're to power the tram, would you prefer the street to be electrified?

It doesn't matter what you have enough a sore throat and dry cough was enough to test positive for coronavirus.

1 hour left.

5G is objectively retarded and completely unnecessary. It’s progress for the sake of progress so t wouldn’t surprise me if it leads to cancer

We know this but it's important that public figures inform the masses.
Do you think Tedros will say this?

>bought all the supplies
>ready to bug in for months and avoid everyone
>get a horrible toothache

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>tfw you realise you'll be taking them for life...

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STFU non believer , Allah is protecting these sand niggers
Faith > Biology

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NEW: Number of coronavirus cases in Germany hits 1,000 with more than 200 new cases so far today

>NEW: Number of coronavirus cases in Germany hits 1,000 with more than 200 new cases so far today

NEW: Number of coronavirus cases in Germany hits 1,000 with more than 200 new cases so far today


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>Zero cases here as well.

I hope you have an exit strategy (if you aren’t white) things are going to get very bad for diaspora/students etc...

Millions of boomers in nursing homes will rapidly die because of this virus and be sent straight to hell. A select few will be reanimated and become full fledged zombies.


here are 16 additional confirmed cases of #Coronavirus in NYS, bringing total to 105.

Westchester: 82
NYC: 12
Nassau: 5
Rockland: 2
Saratoga: 2
Suffolk: 1
Ulster: 1

We're testing aggressively & we are seeing the number of confirmed cases go up as expected.

Rate my stash boys

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I just want to survive long enough to get smug at all the retards dropping dead before I do.

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No, I am eating Pizza Margherita, right now. I have been avoiding all Chink restaurants, however.

Anyone have a map of the Italy quarantine? thx fagbros

Yeah burgerbro, I too remember, The time when Ebola killed dozens of people a day in the midst of Europe and America. Those were the days. You also sure remember when Ebola crashed the Dow Jones 1000 points a day? What a wild ride it was. And when 800 million people were quarantined because of it, that was something cool, What a happening.

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Well, I can believe, that this virus is a nothingburger for people younger 40 years.
The reason why government responded violently in China, North Korea and Russia are because government is older than this age.

This is a boomer killing virus. And that’s scares me. Surely, IT industry can handle theoretical death of boomers. But what about agriculture? Are zoomers ready to milk cows are grow food at industrial rates? Are they ready to do something they don’t like?

This virus will draw us back for decades.

Like we needed any more proofs that billionaires should get the rope

cause if you shoot your load too soon, you delay the peak abit but end up increasing its severity. look into modelling of spread of pandemics - UK actually has good analysis of it. the key is to take the right measures at the most effective time in order to reduce the peak as much as possible

China is back to work. Manufacturing is back online, baby

this. saved.

Messy as fuck you filthy hoarder.

Hurry! let's leave the city before they lock it down

Italy announced early on Sunday an unprecedented quarantine
Infected people fleeing everywhere. This will be a disaster upon a disaster.
So just like Wuhan, many people leaving the quarantine zone before quarantine time enforced.


>I've had a heavy chest / oppressive feeling in my chest for 9 days now. The right side but close to the middle. Feel it all the way from the front of my chest, all the way through to my back. Bit of pain, nothing unbearable. Shallow breaths in are ok. Medium is also mostly ok. But that pressure/feeling/slightpain really kicks in somewhere between a medium and a deep breath in. Mild cough, mucusy/salty. More in the throat than from the chest. I usually have a slight cough anyway because I eat so much dairy. The cough right now is about on that same level, maybe only a little bit worse. No fever, no other symptoms.
Bruised or broken rib bone, or possibly torn muscle in the chest. Not coronachan.

Will money still be worth anything in a months time? I'm unemployed with almost 10k debt and I'm tempted to file bankruptcy as most of these jobs will dissapear soon anyway.

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The REAPER has come.

Only those homes with doorposts smeared with Chic-fil-A sauce will be spared.

Studies on the possibility of reinfection were mostly done using a strain of original SARS-COV to extrapolate the ADE potential. The ones done for SARS-COV-2 are a little bit shaky since it's quite new, but theres some data of older experiments on it(or something like it). It's worth going through the pastebin and reading up.

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Whats a fat tailed or thin tailed risk?

Fuck off

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So, what do you guys think will be the moment that will make it clear Italy is kill as time goes on for the virus?

I rather be here than in my country.
I am not "white", but I can pass as hungarian if I don't speak.

When taken?

> Avoiding chink stuff
> Eating Pizza Margherita
> Northern Italy turns into Wuhan 2.0

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Why did you waste so much on juice and milk?

>tfw cancelled the dental check up because of Corona-Chan
I hope it won't backfire horribly.

Looks like my calculations play out.
Doubling every 3 days. Will eventually slow down a bit as testing becomes impossible

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Anyone have the webm of the Iranian kids dying? Want to create panic among normalfags not prepping

Why are the numbers per country being posted any more?

Please let corona run rampant through their cliques

Can you faggots make anything original without it being a wojak meme? Retards.

After the black plague was over in Europe, it was a booming scenario for the burgeoise and working class. Rent was way down because of lack of demand, wages were way up because of the lack of workers. If we make it through, middle-class paradise is assured.

It's looking like Finland is managing to contain it and block it from spreading.
This is bad news lads. Nobody is even worried. I swear we never get any of the fun stuff. Fuck you.

user, this HAPPENING actually happened. I didn´t think it will happen too

We should post just the dead.

Thanks new fag

That is a very nice ebola-chan


>50 litres of sugar water
>what looks like pasta sauce
Calorie-free waste of space.
>apparently no canned meat or fish
What the fuck are you thinking?
I rate 2/8.

Is this the biggest nothing burger of the 21st century?

thanks lad

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>Airborne HIV

So I guess those with autoimmune diseases are fucked.

it was nice knowing you lads

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When they give up counting the daily infections and or change the criteria. That's when you know the infra is getting fucked up and they can't keep up anymore. Health care workers are infected and the hospitals are about to collapse

Germany numbers seem to me like they're just being serious about it and are testing people, and their 0 deaths mean they're way better than France, Spain, Swiss...

Two days ago

i'm going to stop corona

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Get it done NOW. I mean it Polandbro. It's a "window of opportunity" as Tedros would say. Chances are still low that you catch it. But if SHTF and your teeth start to rot, you are truly fucked big time.

Nothing is even happening in Poland.
Congratulation, you delayed it to a time when there are probably way more infected.
Have an appointment right at the start of the day, when no other patient has been there yet.
The dentist is like 1000x more likely to get fucked up and he is still there.

Apologies, I should have said “European”. It would still be smart to have some sort of preparations made in case you need to leave.

Most Anons here don't know what that is...

It's a bra, anons.

The other thing to watch out for is anyone trying to push a vaccine for this virus. It won’t exist ever. There still isn’t a SARS-CoV-1 vaccine, all trials have been failures.

At this point they're no different than the rapefugees. They flee their fucked up province/country and go elsewhere only to turn it exactly like the place they ran away from. 100% most of those fleeing cretins are pozzed.
I mean, fuck me, all the corona cases here can be tracked down to diaspora niggers or italians. Fuck me dude.

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this area near Wuhan has almost 0 SO2

what the fuck is this? has this shit gone off the NASAs charts or has this been redacted? this more alarming than the 1500 figure yo

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Uh guys.

I couldn't help myself last night and i ate probably a weeks worth of my prep food in one night. It was a moment of weakness for myself and i feel totally ashamed.

I have to wait 2 weeks till my next paycheck so that i could replace what i ate. I feel so pathetic.

How are you guys managing your cravings to eat all the food you have stored?

no they don’t eat dogs and bats like subhumans

which country are we talking about?

You'll die from diabetes before corona gets a chance.

All governments on the planet are filled to the brim with boomers, Ivan.

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Early reports of reinfection are from China, and not reliable. They are rushing people out of the hospitals to make room for new patients. The swab test is from the nose which is unreliable. There are probably no reinfections, they were probably just rushed out still infected.

The "reservoir" theory is dubious at worst, and unproven at best. Like regular flu, the virus can remain embedded in lung inflation residue after recovery from the main symptoms. "I feel fine" means "it doesn't hurt to breathe anymore" but also "there is probably residual virus in my lungs and when I go back outside into the hellscape atmosphere of urban China it will flare back up, especially since I am probably also a chain smoker of cigarettes."

The real answer, by standards of scientific scrutiny, is "we don't know." but since this is a family of well-studied and well-contained viruses, the likely answer is, "probably not, it's just China being China."

Did the wymxn march actually happen today in Spain?


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lewdmasks are my fav

Ah, how optimistic.
The survivors will live in Middle Ages 2.0 (almost everything as in 1450, but with AKs).

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Increased lockdown and a restructuring of testing protocal to do it per WHO and other guidelines. Cooking the books and calling it over while increasing the isolation protocols.


Jews are just trying to help


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I have a shit ton of coffee stored up, and then instant coffee once the real stuff disappears

yeah i've been measuring, no fever. latest reading 35.8C or 96.4F (armpit)
and here we are on Yas Forums
doesn't hurt to cough. the feeling is only really when inhaling deeply. so the inhale right before the cough hurts, but not the actual outward coofing motion.
i did carry heavy stuff yesterday. but not every day for the past 9 days. a few have been extremely lazy.
i hope to one day lick her pussy and anus
ok i'll get one tomorrow when i go to the shoops to do some shooping
yikes. but im reassured that i don't have a sore throat. that's always the very first thing i get when falling ill from a cold or a flu. but no sore throat this time.
yeah like i said i had a bit of extra physical stress yesterday and maybe a couple of other times in the past 9 days, although most every day.

sounds good lads, arigato for the serious reponses. i'll try and take it easy until it heals, no more carrying heavy things. if it doesn't get better after another week or if it gets worse in the next few days, do you think it might be worth giving my doctor a telephone call?

...and yet the Chinese numbers keep showing improvement. They're now reporting only a hundred or so cases per day, most of which are in Wuhan. Something just isn't adding up. it's almost as if their numbers are bullshit.

Remember, Just because the numbers start to slow down doesnt mean the virus is dying out or people are being cured. Soon countries will stop testing and when that happens the number of confirmed cases will come to a halt, leading people to believe everything is a-okay.