Mother stabbed and decapitated daughter, 5, 'because she asked for cereal'


>A crazed mother stabbed her own daughter to death and hacked her head off after the five-year-old "asked for cereal."

Krystle Villanuevea, 27, of Texas, has been jailed for life after launching a frenzied attack on her tragic daughter Giovanna Hernandez at their home in 2017. Villanuvea was jailed on Thursday after shellshocked cops said the case was one of the most gruesome they had to ever deal with.

The 27-year-old mother began her merciless slaughter at her family home in Austin, Texas, in January 2017.

She first crept up on her father-in-law and stabbed him in the back and head - forcing him to flee the home and leave the twisted knife attacker alone with her daughter. He then desperately called cops who swarmed the home with SWAT teams in a bid to save little Giovanna.
At the same time, Villanueva had called police herself and calmly told them she had killed her daughter because "she asked for cereal".

Police smashed the front door in and stormed into the home to find the murderous mother standing in the front room naked having freshly showered. Horrified investigators then discovered Giovanna in a bedroom having been stabbed to death and decapitated.

The mother was arrested and taken to hospital where she was found to have alcohol and cannabis in her system.

During her trial, the mum claimed that at the time she launched the attack she was under the delusional belief her daughter and father-in-law had been replaced by clones.

Jurors heard Villanueva, who had a history of mental health problems, claimed that she felt she had to kill them to bring the real people back.

Defence argued she was not guilty by reasons in insanity, but jurors rejected this and found her guilty of murder.

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Even though they're spics this makes me sad. i really hat seeing innocent children get hurt :(

People with dark eyes are demons

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Why was the written by the 'Head of Showbiz'?

This sucks all around, because its a real thing due to brain damage.
She had shit lawyers that should have called a few neurologists.

>dead spics

What a fucking bitch. Asking for cereal like that.

Are we really still shocked when Mexicans decapitate each other?


That damn smirk is killing me.

SWAT teams for a woman with a knife? What the fuck, Texas? Just call a neighbor and kick the door down.

I'm as blue eyed as they come but I struggle to believe that dark brown eyes are a bad thing.

>jailed for life
great. and were still paying for the parasite


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It's just part of the culture at this point

Agreed. She should be immediately executed on national television.

Well maybe she asked for cereal murder?

What was the brand?

>she was under the delusional belief her daughter and father-in-law had been replaced by clones.

Ye she must have been smoking the good shit

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Leave this place while you have some humanity left

cereal killer

Not really. Nothing mexicans love more than killing other mexicans.

What? The kid got decapitated

Kill it. End of. Onto the next fk up.

>she was under the delusional belief her daughter and father-in-law had been replaced by clones.
Probably watched this movie:

This entire country is pussified dude lol dont try to skirt around it faggot.

The absolute STATE of every woman on the planet based on this one vile whore!


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>mixed race mutt
Imgajne my shock

Its a joke nigger. But desu there is something about dark eyed people that seems soulless


Why is she smiling for?


part and parcel

>SWAT teams for a woman with a knife? What the fuck, Texas? Just call a neighbor and kick the door down.

See that would be good policing. No, what they have to do is have a dozen swat cops drive to downtown and gear up, then drive their armored trucks through gridlock traffic and show up an hour and a half after the call. That way they can justify the need for more money for them programs.

stopped caring there and only read this far after seeing the 56% face in OPs image.
Don't care about brown children especially the females.

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>find the murderous mother standing in the front room naked having freshly showered
Pics, please

I am white with green eyes, do I have an inner money jew I need to conquer?

she is cuckoo for cocoa puffs

I hope she gets molested in prison 24/7.

Don’t watch that Netflix documentary about the little spic whose parents tortured him to death. Equal parts sad and infuriating.

Nice lawyers she had there.

I’m truly surprised they didn’t give her death. The Texan legal system loves to make examples out of murderers, especially if its a child victim. Goddamn.

i was talking about the beaner mom.
we all know she was on welfare


please to see liceince

>but dude drugs are, like, harmless LMAO

>They found cannabis and alcohol in her system
You guys know what this means? Instead of forcing this insane murderous monster to have accountability for her crime, and sending her straight to death row, they will just blame it all on the substances and she will be given a standard jail sentence all the while clanking down even harder on drugs.

Of fucking course...

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Remember, don't stick your dick in crazy

>SSRI victim #23101878
When will doctors be held accountable for the fucked up shit they prescribe?

Imagine shamelessly lying like this to attempt to remove accountability from yourself. What a piece of shit. Hope that a couple of jail dykes shank her to death.

Plenty of people have alcohol in their system when they commit crimes, it doesn't effect the sentencing. Robbing a bank while drunk still gets you then same sentence as doing it sober.

People who harm little kids deserve to burn at the stake with an IV attached and an adrenaline shot.

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Occam's razor; demons are real. It's funny because if you are a gracious person and have the balls to be open about it, they cower in fear in response to your beliefs.

R.I.P Giovanna, I am sorry that you had to go through that.

Prisoners cost money to keep user. Ones like these should just get a bullet to the head.

probably was like, "wtf is this ugly dirty spic doing in my house?" based spicess of spic removal. since one spicess can bear 20 little spiclets, that's 40 spiclets she singlehandedly removed.

this ugly bonkers cunt is a hero and a scholar.

Well, they were both Atrocidades so nothing of value was lost.

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>cannabis in her system.

Go ahead, junkies. Say weed doesn't kill. I fucking dare you.

> The first and last time I used psychedelics was very crazy and scary. I made a tea with 4g of liberty cap mushrooms (I probably made a mistake and used even more) and went to my bed play some video game. Time flew and I played for more than 2 hours. Even after this time I didn’t feel anything from the shrooms. I decided to take a puff of my vaporizer cause I really wanted to get high someway.

> After this, I went back to my video game and lyied my head on my gf’s lap while she was reading some stuff and listening to music on her headphones. The music was so loud I couldn’t concentrate on the game. I asked her to lower the volume, but she didn’t give a fuck. I asked one more time but she really ignored me like you ignore an ant. I screamed at her with no response.

> This pissed the shit out of me, I took her headphone and slammed into the ground. She looked at me very, very angry and jumped on me. She started to yell very loud, screaming how she hated me and wanted me to die. I couldn’t believe how this was happening! My face was scratched by her long nails and I got very, very angry. Uncontrollable. I was out of me, no more control. I reversed the position and then I was on top, punching her again and again in the face.

> A brief and sudden moment of sobriety came through my mind and I asked myself: “what the fuck am I doing??? This is not me! How could I totally lose my control??”. I was on my knees, crying and looking at my fists covered in blood. Then a very, very dark (and real) thought came into my mind.

> I realized I wasn’t in my home. Actually, I didn’t have a girlfriend. I was in the middle of the street punching the concrete. Siren’s noises went higher and higher, then an ambulance appeared in front of me. They took me into a psychiatry hospital, and after 2 months trying to convince them it was an isolated (and drug related) case I was released.

Why do Mexicans always do this to their kids? Remember that boy who was tortured to death by his father?

Nah, unless the iris is the same color as the pupil, you're fine

What if her daughter is a clone and the weed allowed her to see the truth

Checkmate atheists

What even drives "people" to make posts like this? It's not funny, it's not even edgy anymore, it's just trite and degenerate and letting people know you're a jaded loser.

50% of people here are like this.

>When will doctors be held accountable for the fucked up shit they prescribe?
Remember which group of people dominate both the medical industry and the legal system.

And what if she believed they had been replaced by clones? Said clones would still have human rights and thus it's still murder.

It's not because someone is an impostor that it gives you the right to kill them. Like with any other such situation where you believe someone may be a threat to you, you move out or call the police.

So calling it insanity makes no difference to the case.

Agreed, we need to outlaw alcohol.

>Why do Mexicans always do this to their kids?
this, I don?t get how there are so many, literaly every single mexican person has murdered at least one mexican baby.

My neighbors are an unmarried mexican couple and I can hear them at night fighting. I can clearly hear everything of they say. They've been screaming at each other but now the boyfriend has been hitting and choking the girl and I've heard her say shes afraid of him and wants to leave him but he wont let her. They also have an under 10 years old daughter and I've been hearing her screaming and crying lately in the middle of the fights but i dont know exactly what the deal is with her
If I tell the cops or the landlord the guy will probably realize it was me who told and I'm not interested I'm becoming the target of a violent protected class.
What do?

Based Jurors

>she was under the delusional belief that her daughter and father-in-law had been replaced by clones
I don't care if this whore is fucking insane, she deserves to be publicly hanged

clearly not often enough, sven. we've got 5 bajillion of the dirty taco munching atrocidades roaming around in riced Miamis calling, "aaaay mami, ayyyyyy maaaamiiiiii" on every corner at the white wimminz.

But but marijuana is harmless.

Spaniards neither killed the men nor the idea.

The mexica race is shit tier and should had been exterminated. They are fucking savages to this day.

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This is why race mixing is bad. When a woman does not identify with her child, she doesn't form the bond that allows her to care for it despite it being an obnoxious pain in the ass. So she kills it, since it is an obnoxious pain in the ass. Ban miscegenation.


Her murderous death-crazed Aztec blood reveals itself.

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>Said clones would still have human rights and thus it's still murder.
Yeah that sounds like something an insane person would consider.


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