NASA STEREO anomaly and governmental UFO narrative

So governments/military/media around the world talk about UFOs more and more. And then there's this anomaly.

>What are we even looking at?
tl;dr - space around Earth, 2 detectors orbit the sun and monitor activity of the Sun.
Video by NASA explaining the project.

>How does it normally look like?
With added color for bonus aesthetics:

>Could this be just a comet or some other thing just passing by?
This is how the project captures comets etc.
Not a comet.

>Could this be some solar blast or plasma thing?
This is how the project captures solar blasts.

>Is this fake?
It's pics straight from projects nasa website.

>So what is this thing?
An anomaly, unknown.

>Was it seen before?
In 2014, early August:
In 2016 mid-late July:
In 2018, 12th of May: pic related
In 2020, 18th of February: Current pics, also

>How does the anomaly behave?
In 2014, 2016 and 2018 it did the same thing, and whatever it did, it was "aimed" towards Venus and then twice on Earth.
Anomaly approaches planet, it stops (wat?), does a semi-circle for a while and then reverses directions.

>Could it be detector 1 seeing detector 2?
No, orbits do not match for this.

NASA doesn't talk about this. Why?
Why the governments / media / military around the world push the UFO narrative?

Attached: wat_is_tis.webm (360x360, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

GIF made of most recent images published by NASA. It gets closer and there's a "line" / "beam" coming from it towards Earth, so it appears to do it's regular thing.

Attached: march2020.gif (416x277, 1.19M)

Hiqh quality pic from few days ago.

Attached: anomaly.jpg (1024x1024, 548.71K)

It appears there's an inner circle in the middle of it, an outer circle and ~4 arms connecting the two circles.

Attached: aaaaylmao.jpg (1024x1024, 539.82K)

So basically the shape of the thing resembles pic related, space station / space ship from 2001 Space Odyssey.

Attached: 2001_space_odyssey.jpg (620x282, 39.69K)

Is this some secret space program vehicle?

Attached: nato.jpg (321x480, 17.49K)

>It gets closer
um... guys.

It. It gets closer? what is it. That is as large as earth? Are we fucked. I was planning on a bright future.

Attached: ESkivqQU8AAESBv.jpg (1200x900, 175.08K)

And YES, this is political, secret governmental / military space programs are very much political.

Attached: secret.jpg (1280x720, 433.86K)

Isn't this the second time we've caught something extremely similar to this recently?

>That is as large as earth?
Yeah, I'm trying to understand this. One of those circles is the Earth, and the anomaly is just as big??!!

interesting.. looks like Ezekiels wheel

Attached: il_570xN.1467961516_5qhg.jpg (570x428, 57.25K)

Plague Apocalypse
Alien Invasion
damn 2020 is already such an interesting and full of adrenaline year

also, what is that rectangular bar? it seems to be of large mass since it is blocking the solar wind. maybe that "shield" that the space ship puts up if some kind of cloaking device

It could be just way closer to the detector. Remember about perspective.

Closer to detector - appears bigger.
Further away from detector - appears smaller.
Pic related.

Attached: perspective.gif (460x204, 12.29K)

>It gets closer
The fuck!

This is awesome. It might be happening. The fuck. It's a space craft no doubt.

Also kind of resembles Star of Ishtar.

Attached: star_of_ishtar.jpg (602x640, 132.36K)

>Closer to detector - appears bigger.
>Further away from detector - appears smaller.
>Pic related.

Damn you science shitting on our Sunday morning happening!

Even if it is closer, what would it be?

>NASA doesn't talk about this. Why?

Is this a serious question? My costco is already sold out of toilet paper and water thanks to corona virus scare... now you want a government agency to openly discuss an extraterrestrial craft fucking around near earth?

also known as the star of Venus

Go back to

Attached: 1561.jpg (125x75, 2.6K)

Idk what this is,seems like a nothingburger.

Is this rama

its just a weather baloon schizo

>Also kind of resembles Star of Ishtar.
Good find.

Nibiru aka Anunnaki aka Original Jew's home plent.

Huge reinforcement is coming.
>USA, Russia, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Greece, some Euro countries, Muslims, India all lost their jewish influence

It's an aberration in the detector. Notice null data on the trailing side of it. Fucking luddite schizos


Nibiru is to be a planet, I wasn't thinking a space craft. Good ideas. I like them.

Why does the bar collide with what looks to be a planet and then utterly, completely BTFO it without even slowing down?

Cool. An extra terrestrial colony ship the size of earth has been scanning us and is now closing its distance.

Where do we point our telescopes. I wanna see alien titties

>Donald Trump will prove that UFOs exist
>Predicted 4 years ago

Please save us space National Socialists!

fucking spaceniggers


Can any Anons here show me the most realistic UFO videos/.webm/.gifs? Anything recent? What's the most compelling one you've seen yet?

yes please.

Attached: 1582950484436.jpg (800x535, 289.28K)

reminds me a lil bit of:

Attached: 1559117267195.jpg (475x357, 16.62K)

Sadly even in 2020 they are still grainy shit tier 7 second videos.

NASA is complete fake bullshit.

Attached: nasa stuff.jpg (3722x2581, 1.6M)

Schizo thread.

>What's the most compelling one you've seen yet?
here is the best thing, ca 1 year ago. taken by a drone that was just taking B-roll footage.
extremely fast craft coming from the mountain.

yes it's solar wind weather baloon

here pic. looks boring in pic, but its the motion thats very clear and impressive here.

Attached: craft.png (1030x902, 962.27K)

Those images really freaked me out when they first showed up online.

Attached: 132452345619.jpg (496x261, 8.82K)

Good book, have a shameless plug.

Reminder that every time you hear about a "Korean missile launch" it's actually one of these monsters going up.

Quick rundown

Wow they captured a bird. Cool.

It's nothing new.

Attached: 1571334682663.png (1280x720, 298.7K)

Ah yes. Solar Warden

Attached: 50C8B21B-32DD-4905-8DE1-E5E288B6CAF7.jpg (450x308, 22.12K)

Attached: 81ar64Q9XmL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (735x394, 42.41K)

space station

there's also a moonbase russia took from us after we got tired of supplying the moon with food, and some neat drones countries have made for espionage in space attaching to other satellites

it's probably just some insect on the lense. happening canceled

Seems trustworthy

Attached: 1582069432821.jpg (1000x1000, 196.94K)

Most of the things that are unidentified are.
If they're not garbage in space, of course.

I really can imagine many projects that worked in actual airspace were just scrapped and the public never really know they existed.

Attached: 1570704392749.png (889x889, 197.13K)

>Wow they captured a bird. Cool.
check the vid faggot, still image does not do it justice.

>Ah yes. Solar Warden
>It's nothing new.
QRD please, as i only had the pics saved but no story.

Attached: 1559117380557.jpg (604x904, 47.05K)

What if they are coming back and ancient aliens was right all along?

Attached: 1581914743416.jpg (3474x2376, 3.85M)

your particular image looks like a out of focus paint bucket in the background of another image magnified and tilted 90degrees ccw
looks like a magnified image of plankton or a tadpole shrimp, like you would get when looking at seawater under a microscope

Attached: plankton.jpg (450x319, 14.92K)

Ahh... the SSS. Cum Bucket. Great ship, gay crew. Yes.

Attached: IMPATIENTMARINES.jpg (712x2500, 315.83K)

Attached: Capture+_2020-03-08-11-31-28.png (1398x1641, 1.03M)

Why is it so perfectly "head-on" though, imagine the shape being as you described; two concentric circles and four connecting arms between them. For the circles to be perfectly round as they are presented the orientation of that face of whatever it is would have to be directly towards the observer.

As you can see in the first webm posted, the size changes, the relative location changes, the shape of the circles does not. That's extremely unusual for a physical object which leads me to think it is some sort of false information. Whatever is causing that ghosting is likely not that shape at all.

>Ah yes. Solar Warden
thanks for showing pic and name. was looking for the sauce for a long time.

>UFO videos/.webm/.gifs

The governments are attempting to containerize what is an unironic alien attack on our planet. We are under a conscious siege by an intelligent species and that's all there is to it.

>Is this fake?
>It's pics straight from projects nasa website.
so it is fake

Attached: 1543642481174.jpg (383x359, 39.36K)

Attached: A40AE941-CA9D-47E1-8468-D38D42F7C310.jpg (500x375, 22K)