Drug testing isn't needed in the UF

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Is there anything more valid than humanity and it's monkey status than people getting in a ring to violently injure one another?


I find it absolutely pathetic

monkey humans cheering on potential brain injury

Imagine having no warrior spirit.

that fight was beautiful
i love the way they hugged it out afterwards

You are a huge fucking faggot holy shit

not a roider just a chinese man

Not roiding, just a government run program to find the most genetically gifted freaks and putting them in an early specialised program full of coaches, therapists and sports doctors to create an elite athlete.

Are you freiza?

watching little girls fight is beta tier, got better shit to do with my time

that's with the strictest drug testing of any sports org. lol

I always wonder if these events are some elaborate eugenics program...


Just like Yao Ming?

It's a subhuman sport for subhumans. Wrestling is civilized. Many martial arts disciplines are civilized. Fucking caber toss is more civilized than this nonsense.

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cte research has shown repeatedly taking softer hits to the head is worse than getting knocked out
think of joanna who has had about 100 decision fights

Exactly like Yao Ming. People just need to accept that genetics is 99% of any success you will have in life and the easier it will be. You know that a guy with Down Syndrome will never be a mathematical genius so maybe give him some other work like painting or professional youtuber.
To suggest otherwise is to deny science.


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>not roiding
ive read every GH15 post on getbig forums. Its a lot of PEDS including but not limited to AAS and HGH

Go dilate, this place isn't for you

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It’s retardedly easy to avoid any USADA/WADA tests even when you’re using. Not to mention if you’re part of an Olympic program there are teams of biochemists and doctors making new steroids that don’t have tests for them yet (ie Patrick Arnold and ‘the clear’).

GH15 and getbig are fucking retarded but yeah it is PEDs of which there is a very wide spectrum

Whatever you say moron. I don't get a kick out of people punching each other in the head.

Stupid monkeys

When you even verbalise or write it

"people punching each other in the head"

I mean... How fucking stupid do you have to be?

I agree with the other fellow, martial arts are beautiful.

This is... Well it defines you all and your relationship to the state.

You all deserve to be subjugated because you are literal retards.

Imagine if you didn't have governance, God help us.

for her sake i hope she doesn't fail a test, but i almost want her to fail one for all the fags obsessed with the fact that she's asian

UFC already drug tests. Unless they're using something that doesn't get detected or doesn't trip the tests, you're going to get caught. It's why all the Brazilians turned to shit after UFC started drug testing. If you want to watch everyone roided, watch Rizin. Run by the same fuck who started Pride and didn't commit suicide when the Yakuza came knocking.

Don't worry, he's a memeflag

Warrior spirit?

Psh lmao give me a break

you allow the weakest of society to be trodden over aka children because you are domesticated weak infertile sheep

so you live vicariously by actions which merit your intellect, aka punching each other in the head while the evil runs amok.

You aren't men, you are cattle, easily amused by, yes you guessed it, beer and watching your species punching each other in the head.

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What did you do to stop it?

Hung Epstein by the throat

Imagine having a warrior spirit and then sit back and let jews make money out of you by sending you into wars to entertain and bolster their hegemony worldwide.

>people are dumb.

You make me love the Brits.

No wonder the empire was so

Most traditional martial arts are useless faggotry. The shaolin monks would get fucking wrecked by an average mma fighter.

Honor user, learn the word.

...he said as he rubbed two pennies together, comforted by the fact that his Israeli flag was hidden by a meme flag. However..even a blind man could see the kike for what he was.

Fucking cazzie. she is short, Chinese and only concentrates on training. nothing else, she lives it. She is also redpilled on chi and Wu 13 Spear Style. 100% Natty specimen

However your Father and your Father's Father would be near tears to see what you have become.

I don't think it's autism

I think you have been emasculated and you don't even know it.

Therein lies the tears of those who fought for your world and to produce you.

What do you do? Take a shit over their legacy for internet points. You're a fucking joke.

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both sides

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You're mother should have beaten you into a pulp

>People punching each other in the head”
You do realize you pretty much described boxing and not mma, right?

>got better shit to do with my time
like sit on Yas Forums and come into this thread with a memeflag and post your disapproval


my mistake

Looks the same to me

I rather these females be roided desu makes the fights more entertaining to watch.


Why are they both closing the fucking eyes
Seriously, start paying attention to it
Every female "boxer" or "fighter" does this, they always close their eyes

Men dont do that

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i really feel there is something else bothering you, did your girlfriend leave you for a fighter or was your father an abusive fighter? seriously what is up user?

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Try using your ability to protect the innocents, then I will tell you what perturbs me.

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lacking warrior spirit is common among white fighters

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He just doesn't wanna admit that Krav Maga is a meme

Why do you insist on being this much of a faggot?

Fucking cunt, sharp kick to the balls them bite his face

Whatever you fucking coward

This but also fuck you Colby Covington is right about your shit ass country

preferably bite it off

Bernie bros took a massive win that night

>calls others a coward
>too scared to show his real flag

I laugh so hard at this! Thanks user

Me and the boys last night were positive that was a dude. She almost lost anyways though

I would slaughter that cunt

If by "civilized" you mean "neutered to the point of being an elaborate dance ritual masquerading as a combat system" then yes you are correct.

what fight?

Fight is a dance among equals

Someone uses underhanded tactics

then it's no longer a dance

Honorary Tyler

It's an involuntary reflex to getting punched in the face, dummy. Men close their eyes too. It's a good thing to. Ever get a scratch on your cornea? It fucking sucks. You have to wear an eyepatch and then you have blurry vision for a couple of months while your eye muscles recovery from the atrophy.