If there start a war in any country in Europe, will you go as a volunteer?

if there start a war in any country in Europe, will you go as a volunteer?

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Depends if the right guys are fighting. If we're talking a revolt against the current clown world system I'd buy a ticket over the day it starts

its questsion for European brothers,not for you.

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Hell no. I'll only fight for my own country if it's under a right wing leadership. Other than that, no.

Well shit you dirty pole I need to show the folks back home that a war like that is winnable

Only if I get citizenship and it was far a worthwhile nation, unlike Ukraine or some Balkan shithole

> its questsion for European brothers,not for you
>the mutt of Europe
>calling anyone else a mutt

Just be happy burgers love you as brothers and would fight along side you if you asked

No, I'm not an easily brainwashed teenager so I don't want to become an invalid or to die for the interests of the super wealthy.

I did not want to offend you, you are simply culturally foreign to us Europeans, and you have too far your nests to really help us

Lol no. My King is Jesus, I will only fight for him.

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>Build a country of shit.
>Steal enemy territory.

>Fighting for Slavs
>Fighting for Jews
Only based Anglos have my axe

Will you be there to retake Constantinople?

Why do you think jewburgers invest so much in military equipment? Because they need to defend jews and do not accept retaliation.

only if i get to kill niggers and sandniggers

Every day I pray for the comet impact

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weapons of war dont discriminate by culture

Most of it goes to maintain their bases around the globe.

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Yes. Europe is the last bastion of white culture and civilization.

If the war is against russia, defo fuck those cucks

i would only go to war for my country and if there was another conflict in bosnia i would go and fight for bosnian croats.
i don't care for other europeans.

I'd like to go to Greece to shoot up a couple hundred turks right now.

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>Not fighting for jews
>Fighting for anglos
Choose one

I'd fight to restore a union of Orthodox nations.
A Neo-Byzantine Empire.

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If a legit national socialist movement arose I'd do it in exchange for citizenship.

depends what im fighting against

surprised they aren't taking volunteers on the borders
but then again the military is trained for these encounters and having random civilian with a gun, you wouldn't be so sure what he would do


Most Europeans would jump at each other's throats. Americans would die for any European, but the same cannot be said for Europeans

>fighting for a jew

I wonder who could be behind this post.

probably jew

Too bad, you faggots won't be able to retake Europe without our help anyway. So maybe you should learn to be nice to us.

i've spoken with a recruiter but he said they want people with military training because they do not share the values of paramilitarism

I'm an infantryman, I don't think I have a choice if there's a war

questions too vague pls fuck off


Only if its a global revolution against the elites, otherwise i'm not an idiot.

You would literally be stomped by japan. A pussy country. The both of you are. You NEED us. I'm patriotic and I'm not even from america. German born and got the fuck out before it became muslim rape fest. You're next on the Jews docket

Is there ANY volunteer battalion/group in Greece? Like Azov Battalion in Ukraine?

Lmao no fuck you all, gas the entire eastern hemisphere.

1 american is worth 100 of your kind

>1 american weighs 100 of your kind

Fixed for accuracy.

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Both are correct

>if there start a war in any country in Europe, will you go as a volunteer?
A war for what?

Americans have nukes. They can solve problems with one button and they hate to be left out o wars. Whatever war that starts in Europe we better have the american support, even if it's just to stop the nose from pushing the button.

Of course I would.

I adore my culture, the men who had fought before me.

I only hope I can honor them.

I would fight for my own countries Serbia and Greece. And if I was going as volunteer I would fight for Russia.

How shitty a person do you have to be just to stand behind a barricade all day. Killing them just might be doing them a favor.

Poles are pure Slavs, pure Indo-European stock, unchanged since Bronze Age.

Americans are European descendants.
They are our brothers as long as they are white.

Lord if I could get my hands on an MG42 and a Gladiator Sword (for backup), I would stand behind that barricade and shoot them all down like the Allied soilders on Omaha Beach but this time with cold blood.

This. Fuck the urbanite leftists though, regardless of the nation.

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If I kept an American as my pet pig, I would cane his fat tits until they bled. I'd keep caning his tits until the gashing wound resembled a vagina. I would then proceed to fuck his titpussy, using his own blood as lube. I would cum so hard inside his titpussy that it would explode from the pressure.

>post yfw europoors cut burger supply lines and they only get healthier

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highly likely, especially european member countries
whats life good for anyway.

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Yes I'll volunteer, for the Jews that is

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Like how isis did to that fat fuck german who joined them?