Why is America so violent?

Why is America so violent?

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Cultural violins everywhere!

Violence is exciting.

That list is racist.

Because despite making up just 13% of the total population..

Cause we are not pussy onions boy faggots..

Don't the Czechs have the like second highest rate of civilian gun ownership of non-conscription countries?

Oh shit, Leafy check'd.

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So why don't these refugees want to stay in Slovenia and Czech republic

REAAAAAAAAAALLY makes you think

>new zealand

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we love it
the only thing better than violence is ultra violence

Is Japan really more violent than Canada? Toronto is full of gangs who fight over drugs with illegally imported guns

>living in a violent shit hole

If you subtract black stats it is safe.

Imagine believing a country with Maoris in it is peaceful.

white people

beat me to it cunt

>Why is America so violent?

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Austria also has relatively lax gun laws.
I could go to the store and buy a hunting rifle right now.
Peculiar. Very peculiar.

This. What the fuck lmao


>literally a poor shithole full of niggers, gypsies and macacos
>3rd most peaceful country
Wow the bar sure is low.

Very strange that Norway isn't on the list. Come on, we have less than one murder by firearms a year...

I might have gotten this almost exactly right with Japan and Portugal switched.


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Canadian crime seems so classy and cool. It has some organization and flare to it. The crime in America is just chaos and poverty related rather than a desire to be a criminal like in Canada

What's the thing with focusing on America only?


How in the fly fuck is Croatia less secure than Germany where people are getting stabbed and mauled by trucks?

The flyingfuck?

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haha Sweden isn´t even in the top 10 anymore.

norway isn't a real country

Depends, people who did civil service rather than military service can't purchase any guns. Also, semi-autos with a clip size of >10 bullets are generally forbidden IIRC.

They're chubby turbomanlets with Napoleonic complexes, small dicks and no identity, that's why they're so violent.


Lmao at peacelets.

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>10. Czech Republic
Bullshit. There is horrible crime and poverty here. Avoid this hellhole like plague. We are full anyway.

>Its the blacks, I swear!

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>Why is America so violent?

Because they have an Empire and the Petrodollar based economy to defent.

Hello, based department?

Haha lol. Yeah avoid. We have niggers muslims everything go away u will get killed here anons. We have 10% homeless population and like 20% gipsies. Avoid.

Take all of those countries.
Merge them into one country.
Tally up all the crime across all of them.
Then do a side by side comparison with the US

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>No you can't blame it on my brothers reeeee
t. Luigi Adebayo Mohammed.

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I doubt other nations collect statistics as autistically as the US does, but our culture has always romanticized violence to a certain extent.

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I don't want to be a spic shill, but if you control for wealth/education, would spics be pretty much in line with huwytes?

Starts with the letter N.

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We constantly need to remind the world who is boss of this gym.

You're not controlling for discrimination, socioeconomic status, slavery, etc

Feels good to be the best country on the planet :)

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Imagine living in a violent shithole

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Where the asians' data? They may score lower than whites

because mutts, negros, and trannies make up the majority of america. They're subhuman mammals that declare civil war on each other via jewish msm fueling it.

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They got us. We're almost equal with blacks in liquor law violations. Put it in a bag, whitey.

We might need to save this leaf, from the day of the rake.

It's pretty high. They also carry in public a lot, too. Also, CZ is pretty fuckin' awesome.


Niggers and spics

My flag used to be on there...


I was there in 2015, there was just a few niggers around Wenceslas square. Has to gotten worse?

There are way more documentaries about Japanese killers on the tubes than Canadian killers.

here's what you do:

you take a continent full of faggots
and then you take all the people who say
>"jesus fucking christ this place is full of faggots"
and put them on ships

and send them to a new continent filled with godless squareheads
and then you let those new people genocide the squareheads
and then build a religion made out of guns and architecture
and then you import a bunch of niggers
and turn them into perfect killing machines
and then go on a 200-year-long murder spree
all over the goddamned planet
and that is why america is so violent you faggot

you are next

Your flag doesn't mean anything at this point you cucklord. You are gradually losing your identity

Are you controlling for what percentage of those Hispanics are over 90% white? Martin Sheen(Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez) identifies as Hispanic in his private life for example.

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I imagine so yes. I think the statistics have a lot to do with the fact that that the majority of whites lives in the northen states where they simply work and live and don't do all that many crimes.

The hispanics quite frankly probably aren't the decent working people that are coming to america a big chunk would be extremely poor people and criminals.

I can't help but wonder why is washing state so unsafe? Can any americans shead some light?

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niggers mostly, with an assist from the spics

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You nerdy twerp. It's unclear how violent America is we only know it's 11 at best. Stop being so stupid or I will show violence

>Canada not violent and crime ridden

lol. Maybe they’re only counting murders or something since petty theft here has gotten absolutely retarded.

we're the third safest country in societal safety (actual safety), but we export a lot of weapons, spend a lot of money on militarization per capita, and have an increase in housing foreign (us) troops, so we're pushed down.

This. It's actually very difficult to put the line. If you define a spic who looks 80% white as white, then why can't it apply to a 79%? The two guys may look very similar. This process can go on and finally every spic is white (this identity doesn't mean anything at this point)

Hispanic is such a retarded word it doesn't exist as a race or anything. It's just "spanish speaking people" It's like calling all indians "asians" it's simply not accurate.

You have whites from Europe, you have Native Americans and blacks from africa.

And then you have mixes of these.

Like most of North Mexico is simply Spaniards. Almost all of South Brazil is white people.

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Most of immigration are poo and Chinks so I think it is fine?