Who /natsoc/ here but supports Bernie? The NatSoc awakening can only happen now...

Who /natsoc/ here but supports Bernie? The NatSoc awakening can only happen now. Bernie still rejects NAFTA and other corrupt free trade agreements, and Israel. He opposes the international kikes and wants to nationalize the banks. The white awakening can happen later when the next pro-white president takes office and turns this nation towards true nationalism.

In 2016, he still opposed mass migration. And he only endorsed Hillary because he didn't want a total media blackout on him in the future, lessons learned from Ron Paul.

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if you are national socialist and believe that democracy will do absolutely anything to improve the conditions for future generations of europeans, you are misguided.

enormous swathes of your ancestors killed their enemies in order to build up and protect nations of europeans. I know killing enemies is out of fashion these days. are you willing to do it?

How many of these threads are you going to spam faggot? Same writing style same pictures, kill your self OP.

he'll abandon it after seeing my post right at the top. not good optics for his record.

imagine knowing full well that public opinion on candidates is controlled entirely by the mainstream media as he has portrayed in his ron paul example, while still believing that democracy is capable of producing beneficial results for the populace.

The first step is to remove the chains imposed by (((international capitalism))) and (((big banks))). Even the poor saps that are duped into voting Republican would be happy. Then the conservatives just have to work to get their fanbase back by making promises, shut down the borders, deport all illegals, promise to be tougher on China, etc.

My first thread ever endorsing Bernie you idiot, I mostly lurk.

Trump rejected nafta too
That’s why we have usmca

>supports a literal kike
I wonder who could be behind this post?

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Is that the girl in the ok boomer tiktok?



If you think people can be trusted to vote in the interests of whites, and that there would be any chance of this even being allowed after a left president, you're delusional.

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The game

Bernie also wants public funding of elections, RCV, mandate paper ballots, etc, all should make mass brainwashing less easy and give more breadth to independent candidates.

You would rather support a Zionist like Trump or any other Jewish Republicans?


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Maybe cartels will execute more Mormons in the second term. I don't want that to happen, but there should have been a military response, even if convert.

Are you even trying?

>remove the chains of regulated capitalism by increasing chains of government

Try making an argument next time, ziocuck.

muh Zionism

Yes lets fight Zionism by supporting an actual jewish Bolshevik

You are a fucking retard

According to L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke's Peerage , Jews "have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also." (Tales of the British Aristocracy1957, p.219.)

damn I'd love to rape a sheltered dumb first world suburbanite like that where do they hang out nice plumpness think her tits would deflate when the top gets pulled off?

Sounds like a Trump supporter voting for Trump. Bernie is the only candidate that wants to remove Jewish control from the government.

Soviet Union funded Arab nations to fight against Israel. You sound delusional and uneducated, please research some more. The regional conflict in the world goes China, Russia, and Iran vs USA, NATO/EU, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Typical Zionist disinformation techniques.



A communist Jew running for president is going to remove Jewish influence over America?
What's he going to do, get elected and an hero?

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>H-How do you do, my fellow Nazis? We all hate capitalism around here, right?
Classic. The /leftypol/ tactic of trying to convince people that National Socialism is just nationalist Marxism. That way you can scare people off of it and recruit some suckers at the same time.

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>In 2016, he still opposed mass migration
He flipped. He's dead to natsoc. Commie jew confirmed.

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>supporting commie jew
Thanks for confirming my suspicions

Stop shilling this girl here, your candidate already lost


Here is his full proposal.

You must.be 18 to post here berniefag

Gun legislation isn't going to pass, Bernie isn't coming to take your guns schizoid. California is already cucked and the Republicans will turn full national socialist to win back the white vote.

Also which one of these are bad again?

Wants to reduce influence from (((lobbyists))) and (((superpacs))) from elections
Wants RCV so non-globalist-zionists can get elected
Wants to dethrone Israel's domination over our foreign policy, end perpetual war and money going to the ZOG military
Wants to remove the kikery from our banks

No one wants to nationalize all of the economy you fucking Ziodog. Nazis were more economically left-wing than what Bernie is proposing.

came here to post this


>Nazis were more economically left-wing than what Bernie is proposing.
No, they really weren't. Government intervention in private companies was very rare, while taxes were kept low. Businesses were rapidly privatized, centralization was demonized, and business owners were seen as smart.

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Bernie is a russisn plant, a whore. And has no original ideas. Tell me agin why I should vote for this prostitute/jew.

Some Jews were empowered in the Nazi regime, and Bernie isn't even a communist he's more nationalistic than internationalist and skews towards capitalism.

You faggots aren't even anti-marxist or anti-zionist, if you were anti-marxist you wouldn't be cool with the establishment international jews making generations of socialists to come. If you weren't ZOGGED then you wouldn't support any Jew slaves like Trump.

Wrong again, MIGApede.

>In Big Business and Private Property Under the Nazis written by Arthur Schweitzer in 1946

>The Nazi's Destroyed the four basic freedoms of private capitalism; eliminated were the freedoms of trade, contract association, and markets--determined the general economic polices, instituted a peculiar system of economic planning, and regulated all the markets in the economy. --in addition, compulsory business organizations of private owners operated throughout the regime. The result was a dual economic administration as well as a division of the economy into private and public spheres. The two economic administrations did not signify two independent holders of power. The Nazi party occupied all strategic positions in the economy. --The dictum that private property was destroyed is inferred from two facts: the elimination of economic freedom and the governmental regulation of all the markets. Owners cannot dispose freely of their property, private property exists in name only.

>The Nazi Economic System by Otto Nathan 1944

>the government obtained complete control over the economy. Commodity prices, interest rates, and wages were not only fixed by the government, but they lost completely their traditional significance as regulators of economic activities. The government decided and ordered what and how much should be invested, produced, distributed, consumed, or stored.


>Gun legislation isn't going to pass
Probably true.
>Bernie isn't coming to take your guns schizoid.
According to him, he is.

>Also which one of these are bad again?
>Wants to reduce influence from (((lobbyists))) and (((superpacs))) from elections
Would never pass.
>Wants RCV so non-globalist-zionists can get elected
Would never pass.
>Wants to dethrone Israel's domination over our foreign policy, end perpetual war and money going to the ZOG military
Would never pass.
>Wants to remove the kikery from our banks
Would never pass.

He is not just pitching Jew removal, he is pitching the US government occupying all corners of our lives.

Regardless, a couple of decent proposals in an ocean of shitty ones does not merit voting for him.

If you want more Nazi anime girls you can just ask. You don't have to be so shy about it.

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NatSoc is a meme and so is bernie

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Latinas will save the white race

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those tits look fake, are they fake?

Who’s the chick in the pic?

Yep, Bernie is a nationalist!

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Seems like the Yas Forums orbiters have latched on to this chick

The old "a few dudes wrote this in a book so it must be true" approach. That would be like taking a Yas Forums post from an American as absolute proof of what the US economy is like now. Throw some actual facts my way.

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>Soviet Union funded Arab nations to fight against Israel. You sound delusional and uneducated, please research some more. The regional conflict in the world goes China, Russia, and Iran vs USA, NATO/EU, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Yeah and guess who is funding leftist thought all over the world. Soviets/Russia and leftist/bolshevik jews not Israel.

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All communists deserve death.

Bernie supports open borders policies now. It's over if he wins.

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All of this hinges on the implicit notion that something needs to "pass" in order to be accomplished. Bernie does not have near the youthful authoritarian strength and momentum of popular feeling to get it done - but none of that needs to "pass" in order to get accomplished.

When Bernie's platforms are realized, and they will be some day, since this socialist statism is the logical destination of modern corporate-capitalist nationality, all superficial constraints on power will be liquidated and seized absolutely.

Also I looked up those authors. The first checks out, but what you're quoting was an article for some business magazine. Only a few pages. Not a reliable source. The other author is a socialist who fled Nazi Germany. Incidentally, you'll find that most of these books about the German economy were written by people who fled the country. I wonder why that is.

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You can't be a national socialist and support an explicit anti-nationalist with the excuse "lol, we totally need socialism more, so we'll do nationalism in another 8+ years after this country's demographics are irrecoverably fucked."

Bernie supporting the democratic nominee is actually tactful unlike what you MIGApedes proclaim Trump's 4D chess is like. He still needs to appeal to the establishment despite being very staunchly anti-establishment.

He still opposes NAFTA and internationalism, even if he's flopped on immigration. He's still fighting the good fight.

Russia isn't funding leftist thought you absolute mongrel, Russia is still very homophobic and racist.

>Leftist/Bolshevik Jews
Whom? Russia? Soviets? China? Are you serious? Nationalistic, anti-Zionist, anti-globalist countries with traditional gender roles?

You and op should kys to save the white race

Holy shit, cute boner set to Max


Yes. The ultimate Natsoc platform, which would energize a huge portion of the voter base on both sides, is this:

- Massive governement investment in domestic infrastructure and rebuilding the American domestic economy (improves standards of living, puts people back to work).

- Closed or nearly closed borders with mass deportation of illegals and shaming/fines for companies who are caught employing them. (Eases racial tensions, reversed white genocide, promotes white-black unity)

- Social safety net for citizens only, where housing and food is guaranteed to be available even to those out of work. Luxuries are reserved for those who work for them. (Breaks the back of wage slavery, frees the white man to innovate and build families again.)

Bernie Sanders makes the closest approach to this in modern politics, and from the left. Trump only points at one of the planks (reduce immigration) somewhat ineffectively from the right. Bernie is the pick for a real NatSoc. We can elect anti immigration candidates next once the economy is a little less jewed up.

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Fascism written by Sheldon Richman 1990

>Hitler’s regime eliminated small corporations and made membership in cartels mandatory. The Reich Economic Chamber was at the top of a complicated bureaucracy comprising nearly two hundred organizations organized along industry, commercial, and craft lines, as well as several national councils. The Labor Front, an extension of the Nazi Party, directed all labor matters, including wages and assignment of workers to particular jobs.

>As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

>Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did.

Hitler Speaks written by Hermann Rauschning 1940

>"I have learned a great deal from Marxism as I do not hesitate to admit … The difference between [Marxists] and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen-pushers have timidly begun. The whole of National Socialism is based on it."

>"There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it. There is, above all, genuine, revolutionary feeling, which is alive everywhere in Russia except where there are Jewish Marxists. I have always made allowance for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the Communists always will."

Imagine actually voting for a communist Jew just because you feel like there's nobody else to vote for. We're not instating an advocate of open-borders and Marxism, and that's that. Sooner not vote than vote for Bernie.

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>The first step is to remove the chains imposed by (((international capitalism))) and (((big banks)))
the only way this will happen is violence. any other option is delusional at best.

Donald Trump has not done nearly enough about Immigration or Israel to earn my permanent support. He has done plenty of corporate dick-sucking though, to earn my ire. If he does not deliver on fighting demographic change, then he is worthless in my eyes. All the other choices are flawed but at least with Bernie I can vote for better conditions for myself and all the rest of the working class. I would rather live in a respectable white enclave than a 50% white slave nation like we have now. The workers need relief desperately.

if i see this kike whore one more time i am going to lose my shit
sage all kike whore threads

or you could pick up a weapon and kill your enemies like many of your ancestors did to establish many of the conditions you enjoy.

why has killing your enemies become so taboo? it just works. voting doesn't.

The guy at the top seems to know his stuff, but some of his facts are questionable and his conclusions seem hasty. The Labor Front did exist but its purpose was to be a nationalized, generalized union. It was not there to "direct all labor matters". The reason you might think that is because approval of the Labor Front was frequently required of employers. It was meant to be fighting for workers' rights, after all. This is quite in line with Nazi Germany's centrist economic nature.

Hermann Rauschning is yet another putz who fled Nazi Germany. The quotes from Hitler don't amount to economic leftism at all. Policy trumps speeches.

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If you think that gun control, open borders, and higher taxes are going to give you better conditions, then I don't care how you vote. You'd be just another drone. There is no "white enclave" with Bernie, and increasing federal tax rates are an enemy to all white enclaves.

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>Trusting a democratic-socialist Joo.
Nah, bish.

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- Sure, but fixing the demographics is infinitely more important because whether you fully realize it or not, society is defined by its demographics. It's not even really about legal citizenship status. Want a better society? Fix the demographics.

- Yes, obviously, but that only addresses the illegal issue. It's not nearly enough to fix the demographic one. (And why would I want to ease racial tensions and promote complacency before this goal is achieved? There are 30+ million illegals, but 100+ million legals, and many of them are what is draining Whites through the tax system.)

- lol It would just be Whites paying for everyone else like they already are. How about end welfare and let everyone keep their tax money. That or make it race-based. (Whites pay for Whites, Blacks pay for Blacks. Is this not fair?) You want to "free Whites"? STOP MAKING THEM PAY FOR NON-WHITES.

You've already pushed too far. We're not going back. Whites are getting out of this multi-racial hell for good.

>We can elect anti immigration candidates next once the economy is a little less jewed up
Absolutely incredible. Did you cringe even a little when you wrote that? Did you think that maybe it was shilling just a little too far? That even the dumbest anons would call your colossal bullshit?

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