I don't see how using these words destroys your white heritage, but yeah expanding your vocabulary is always good
Rather than being a faggot about words you should instead start purging all shitskins from white countries, reclaim them and start restoring the art architecture and culture of your heritage The dirty fucks you allow in your countries don't seem to understand that all the things they like about them have been built by whites, and if they start bitching and moaning about "white culture" they should be expunged not pandered to, and doing the latter will only cause ruin as we see today
Brayden Sanders
>t. newfag Are you from Reddit? Yes blond haired blue eyed aryans were in India 2000 years ago. Get redpilled, cuck.
Caleb Perry
>shampoo kek
Chase Lopez
They're Arabic
Blake Reed
People who think they know everything really know nothing. Let him fool himself
Carson Turner
To add to this, I hope you don't assume all 999 gorrillion pajeets are the exact same subhuman, there are many decent people here, although obscured by the subhuman masses And unfortunately for you, all the pajeets that emigrate abroad(or all migrants for that matter) all happen to be trash who came just for the money, so you should not expect them to respect your culture or do anything that doesn't win them some gibs They left their country and home solely for cash or with the claim that their country is shit(but they wouldn't improve it, they would rather run away) I feel if Europe starts purging all jews and immigrants, preferably into the sea or some other sphere of oblivion, we may see a new golden era of white culture
I hope to see something similar in my country as well someday
Ethan Harris
Ancient Indians were nordic aryans
Kayden Adams
Jason Adams
Yep I always ask my salary in Roman numerals. I get paid $XXX an hour
Grayson Cox
>there are many decent people here the people you send abroad are your top 1% elite yet these subhumans still smell like shit and look like goblins.
Who told you these are the top 1 elite? They get decent grades because they're well suited to literal slave labor tier hard work but they aren't intelligent or civilized at all
Brandon Mitchell
Stop coping so much poo. Start thinking: "Did we really build all these temples thousands of years ago?" when you shit in the street next time.
Adrian Perez
Gend-Kahn is Hindustani for Games-House
Camden Cox
IM WHITE YOU RETARD I made the thread.
Nathaniel Mitchell
>exposes himself as a pajeet
Joseph Lewis
>engrish >your heritage NO
Zachary Wood
He made the thread you against pajeets you spaz, do you have absolutely no reading comprehension
>you must be a pajeet because you can look up words on the internet
Fuck off Mehmet, go kill some little girls to put in your kebab
Blake Cox
I just came here to say NIGGER LIVES DONT MATTER
Nicholas Walker
Woah. This is pretty damn based.
Aiden Bennett
kek, here comes wh*Toids who are going to make claim to the number system.
I've always used this argument to BTFO Yas Forumstards whenever they get uppity and talk about past achievements and inventions. They never know what to say when I tell them to stop using the number system ever again as it's an indian/arabic invention.
Parker Sanchez
The phrase "Hello, my name is Jonathan, thank you for calling Microsoft Support" originated in Uttar Pradesh ~1650. "ok ten dollars on pump four" is an extremely ancient Pakistani greeting, pre-dating Persian conquest.
Jayden Ortiz
The worst part is there are many people here with this same view, but the ones you interact with as immigrants are decent at best or cancer at worst And because of that one designated street shitpost people genuinely believe this place has only street shitters
Nicholas Thompson
You sound like a poor cuck faggot who's mad that they can't immigrate here. White people are useless in the west. Here in Canada they are all poor beggars that have income problems, drug problems, family problems, marriage problems etc .. the list goes on with these monkeys. Everyone in the west laughs at white people. They've had centuries to establish themselves and be rich yet they are homeless and have so many problems. Indians and Chinese come here and are more rich then white people, says alot about their clown race.
Parker Ward
Why the fuck do you give a shit?
Kevin Williams
Interesting, What's the origin of
"Please get the ramp out, I need to ride my fatboy scooter into mackey D's"
Liam Harris
To be fair whites would eventually come up with some similar number system had the pajeets not invented it so that's a silly argument
What I find retarded is people think appreciating their own culture means to hate other cultures
Austin Perez
based and poopilled
Hunter Williams
>”don’t use the word punch” Lol how stupid
Dominic Campbell
You know that nigger language that's clicks and whistles. Well it's the mother of languages spoken today. It's a combination of every know sound the human mouth can make.
Ethan Davis
he's an anglo, look at his fall. shitting on things for fun is in his blood.
Lincoln Flores
based jeet
Dylan Allen
Isaac Bennett
So anyone who is well adjusted in their own country culture and home is a poor faggot who's salty that he can't emigrate? Are you delusional enough to think that the country you went to (that allowed you to come and apparently thrive) is somehow completely unrelated to the whites (who you call incompetent monkeys) that built it?
You seem like a salty immigrant who's never gonna feel at home in an outside land so you cope by shitting on its original inhabitants
Austin Diaz
>shitting on things for fun is in his blood >says the fucking pajeet street calling the toilet brown?
Michael Walker
How about you start by leaving the white country in your in.
>white people leaving white countries will solve the issue of pollution of the culture fucking mutt logic Fuck off pedro
Xavier Ross
Retard. White people basically originated in India and migrated to Europe. Conquered and subjugated the natives of India: the dravidians. And that’s why people in southern India and neighboring islands are darker and african looking. And that’s why Indians in the north are mixed mutts. We influenced their language and religion.
Levi Torres
i have never in my life seen a single indian that could pass as white anywhere in the world. this north indians are white meme has to be the funniest yet
Chase Scott
Sure thing Rajesh.
Adrian Taylor
Really? We can make this argument for everything else then.
You're obviously some buttblasted wh*Toid with a VPN lmao. I am at home in my big mansion and nice BMW while I roll up my window at the lights when a pathetic cumskin comes to my car asking for money. Your whole "we wuz builderz" line gave away that you're just a seething cumskin. Canada has no white history it quite literally is built on immigration. Majority of the engineering done here is by Asians and Indians. I took engineering and alot of the textbooks were Indian and Chinese authors despite being such a small population. Pretty embarrassing for white people
Easton Reyes
Literal fucking fairy tale.
That makes YOU indian, not the ancient Indians white.
>my dad speaks the same language as me >therefore I influenced his language and religion before I existed
Yeah good one.
Whites do not come from India. It's all horseshit peddled by old nonsense assumptions.
Ancient Greek is older than Sanskrit you retard. Europeans and Indians split from an ancestor group. You share ancestry with chimps but that doesn't mean ancient chimps looked like humans.
Owen Gonzalez
Abey saste madarchod are you so dense that you think any hot blooded indian who loves his country is some VPN white You're genuinely delusional
Also.that argument doesn't work for Africa they don't invent fuckall
Jacob Flores
Also why couldn't you conjure up bmw ki aukaat here, why did you have to go to some white country to get this rich
Josiah Davis
Because Africa doesn't have the resources to. Any country that has the natural resources and climate to thrive has thrived. You are cucked beyond belief about white people. Take a break from browsing this board.
Joshua Wright
I can come back to India and buy your wife and family if I want to. Canada isn't a white country like I said. There is no white history here. It is literally built on immigrants cuckold.
White people just make this lie that they built and invented everything to make themselves feel good about their own race. In reality they are no different from niggers. They are side to side.
Connor Gomez
Lmao do you really think Africa doesn't have natural resources I don't have any beliefs about whites, I don't care about em, you on the other hand seem obsessed with exuding salt about them I'm a nationalist so I have the view that everyone should appreciate their country's heritage and culture, and it's not necessary to shit on others in the process
Hudson Bennett
Lmao what the fuck is this? Can't use numbers and words now? This must be a joke, right?
You're obsessed with cuckoldry it seems Seems you're salty about whites and salty about pajeets in india, do you feel insecure that you don't have any national identity or sense of being at home? And that money and mansion you mentioned is probably the product of your parents hard work, you seem rather juvenile and full of teenage angst
Jaxon Myers
No, you're quite literally shitting on yourself and other nonwhite because you're pathetic. Your original post is just bashing nonwhite and saying white people are the best and you wanna suck their dicks. You just sound very poor and unable to do anything with your life in India. Stop giving credit to white people and listening to their propaganda. They've literally done nothing other then say they've done something.
Ok Keith. no indians call themselves PAJEETS LMAO , take off your VPN and make sure to pay your rent this month. I'll be coming early this month to collect it. My national identity is being here and being happy and successful with my life while it quite literally makes white people seethe. You keep saying it's me who's angry but I'm on this board just to laugh at pathetic white people who are jealous of our success.
Carson Roberts
>Pundit Opinion-maker/Talking head
>pukka genuine/gypsy-shit
>Thug Nigger
>Typhoon Sea cyclone/tropical storm
>Veranda Covered porch
Cooper Flores
You stupid faggot do you not understand what I'm saying I'm shitting on subhumans There are white and nonwhite subhumans as well You keep talking about how rich you are and how poor I am, along with other faggot ass ad hominem rich comebacks
You say I'm poor and useless because I'm proud of living in my own pajeet lands, and that I'm appeasing whites You say you went to a white country and are rich and white people are useless, and yet, it is there that you live How very quaint
Owen Campbell
You guys complain about Canadians, but at least we know leafposters are just butthurt chinks. The Anglo is the real menace. So fucking ignorant. Try googling "Indo-Aryan Brahmins", or something similar. Or just shut up and lurk more.
Only superior MED BVLLS can use Roman numerals you disgusting snownigger
Dominic Smith
What a bhikarimaster You're probably on welfare in Canada and lashing out on anyone you see Real sad Keep boasting about how rich and cool you are, and believe your delusional shit, just because someone disagrees with you, it is absolutely unbelievable to you that it can be another indian and that it has to be your imaginary white boogeyman
Matthew Wood
>Pundit Never really thought about it before but this does sound pajeet as fuck
Gabriel Jenkins
Daily reminder, Yas Forums is full of Pajeets and Iranians larping as "aryan" white people