Nuclear Power

Guys I'm only gonna say this once, and I don't wanna sound too controversial, alright? Fossil fuels aren't gonna last forever and we need to prepare for a post oil era. Most renewable energy is just too slow to keep up with our modern day energy usage but there is one that would have no trouble at all with meeting our energy demands, would be totally clean, provide hope for the future and has a virtually limitless supply. That is nuclear power. Personally I feel like we're currently in a different timeline where we were meant to start using nuclear energy years ago but big oil got their way and we are still stuck with using their oil. And I'm pretty sure that the anti nuclear movement is a hoax pushed by big oil and by the CIA to keep the petro- dollar alive and to maintain the current, corrupt world order.

inb4 chernobyl
inb4 'muh radiation cancer' because fossil fuels cause cancer too but you never seem to care about that, do you?

Honestly the only flaw I can see with our society moving towards nuclear energy is the threat of terrorists getting their hands on it but I'm sure that with modern security and with more research into how to protect ourselves against such a thing we would be able to develop a strategy to combat it and keep us secure.

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Impartial bump

>mass immigration of shitskins
>Modern security
Pick one.

So instead of polluting the atmosphere we fill the ground up with radioactive waste that wont be safe for 1000’s of years

we can just send it to the moon
we can integrate them then stop importing them

Yes, we can pollute the whole atmosphere, or bury the pollution under a mountain.

You know what I don't get it, why hasn't Ireland built atleast a couple nuclear powerplants?
They have seriously improved since Chernobyl and even if there is negatives, we arent in a seismically active region.. Also
- The gov is really into wind farms, though the carbon cost to produce them ends up more than a nuke plant

I think what it boils down to is 'we just aren't big enough'

There are many alternatives and the initial price is insane. Yet it is still a good choice despite being constantly hijacked by hook nosed faggots.

Uranium is a fossil fuel though.
It's back when god still shat on earth during his 7 days here. He shits a lot because he's big obviously.
The thing some call "radiation" is in reality his love penetrating every inch of your membrane.

Absolutely, but I can't see how we can expect nuclear progress to be made unless we actually set up a couple of them to see what works and what doesn't

A modern concentrated solar power plant or tidal power produces 500 MW with reasonable costs to build and "free" fuel.
A gen. IV nuclear plant outputs about 1600 MW and costs 10 times more plus maintenance and having to buy uranium.
Wind power is shit and the carbon panic is nonsense for normie scum.

Nuclear power is the only way until we can take advantage of fusion power. Renewables are not always available, need big investments/space while energy storage is a pain in the ass. We need sto fund fusion energy and stop feeding niggers and shitskins

Some crowd tried building one in wales in the 70s or something but they planned on putting the waste literally into the Irish ocean down by Wexford so they ended up shutting it down

It's actually valuable fuel, but we haven't figured how to use the remnants of it yet.

Thorium is a great alternative to uranium and it's much cleaner and cheaper and produces more. I know it's been the 'energy of the future' for a while now but I think it's going to catch on soon.

Bro do you realize solar power is PEAK power, which you will almost never have, right?
Also dollar panels are polluting as fuck to produce and to dispose of, and have a pretty shitty life time

Were's one fossil fuel we can yet exploit, Helium-3. The ony problem for now is that it's on Luna. I'm guessing it will also boost our space technology.

Solar can't into base load you silly monkey.

>inb4 Chernobyl
Thats not an argument. One accident raises the global background radiation levels.
There is still a body in the fucking reactor corridors because it cannot be moved.

Thorium is an argument.

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You need to gas the kikes and their minions first, any small advancement triggers them.

Storage can be done in many reasonable ways (no retarded batteries) and you can set up a decentralized power grid with generators, high output wind, solar and hydro, waste heat, trash decomposition, ... so in the average you always have enough energy.
You can even go off-grid like this.

>Fossil fuels aren't gonna last forever
Neither will Uranium...

Let's tank about the hundred thousand people a year that die because of pollution

Learn to use a search engine and stop being gay.

So just don't let crazy drunken Slavs run experiments on your 1950s reactor.


the quantity we are talking are ridicule because there is an energy density difference of a factor 1,000,000+ compared to oil.

Learn to life retard

Kill yourself, fucking subhuman retard:

Learn to commit suicide, low IQ human trash.

So where's the base load?

Ill talk about pollution when others talk about climategate email memory hole aka never

Fukushima ring a bell? Those were GE.

Not my fault if you can't manage to have a solid view about energy production and distribution

Integration is a myth. Never happens. People only integrate by programs that force people to mix wihich each like schools as example. One outside people will always go back to their own kind.

So just don't build it on an earth quake/tsunami hotzone.

Use a capacitor bank smartass

> Neither will Uranium...
Thorium will, though

That was no accident that was total retardation.
They literally shut down any safeties and then cranked up to eleven.

>So instead of polluting the atmosphere we fill the ground up with radioactive waste...

I don’t think you understand just how little highly radioactive waste a nuclear plant actually produces when measured by its volume. (pic related)
You could stack all the spent nuclear fuel that has ever been produced by the US commercial nuclear reactor fleet (by far the largest in the world) on a football field and the pile would barely reach 20 feet in height.

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Ok so add that cost to the cost of the solar farm and then tell me how long the capacitors hold charge when the sun isn't shining.

You are fucking delusional if you think you can "capacitor bank" a steel factory.

Nuclear is GOAT. I want to have nuclear power plants literally everywhere powering literally everything. Suck my ass doomsdayists, oil kikes, solarcucks and (((big coal))) shills.

2 problems here :
- first the power in renewable energy plant, is MAX power , not real power. In wind plant it's on average only 5% (can be easily checked) of that number, I think it's a bit higher for solar plants but not sure.

- second the real difficulty in running a power grid is to have the same production and consumption at every moment in time. To that you need pilotable energy sources, witch wind and solar are not.

So if you want more solar and wind energy you need a lot more pilotable energy, and there are currently 2 real options , fossil fuels or nuclear (hydro also but cant be build everywhere)

And i dont think you understand just how long it takes before radioactive isotopes are no longer a threat. Not to mention erosion, earthquakes and other factors that could lead to a breach in containment and devastate the local environment.

i think the best solution is to put those mirrors that heat up a tower with a turbine inside of it. it's not a complex technology, its all about redirecting the sunrays using mirrors to a heat up a fluid and run a turbine with the heated fluid. it also continues the produce electricity after sun set. i dont know if its propaganda or not, but i have read that if they put those in like a small amount of the sahara desert surface, it could power most of the world. is it true, and if yes, why is no one doing it ? it sounds much cheaper than photovoltaic, it's very very clean and cheap, and easy to maintain...

Risk 0 doesn't exist, you just do a balance between risks and feasibility (costs).


>Thats not an argument. One accident raises the global background radiation levels.
Chernobyl’s contribution to background radiation level is absolutely tiny and outside of Europe it is basically 0.

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The solar farm near my location powering cermetorium is doing pretty well and no, pay me.

Moving goalposts, a steel plant isnt a base load.

It went up .3 worldwide
Im busy now dont expect spoonfeed in that

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Nigga pol is pro nuclear. Gen IV is our torch out of the darkness

It's 500 MW peak at 1/10 of the price without solar panels you fucking homosexual jewish imbecile.
I never said it could replace a nuclear power plant alone.

>It went up .3 worldwide
0.3 what? apples?

This is low, even for you Yas Forums.
Kicking oil like this when it's down due to a literal recession looming thanks to Saudi.

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What is energy storage and an average again, inbred demented soulless meat drone?

There are no flaws in the nuclear energy.
>Quran educated terrorists attack a nuclear power station
>They lift a used fuel rod from the cooling pond
>Allahu Akhbar!
>Terrorists get gravely ill in minutes and are completely incapacitated after few hours of voluntary radiation treatment from the white mans invention
>Case closed

>Not to mention erosion, earthquakes and other factors that could lead to a breach in containment and devastate the local environment.
And who is building nuclear waste repositories or intermediate storage facilities in such places?

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Solar can be put onto batteries though

Fossil fuel probably ran out years ago

When we talk about integration what we're really talking about is telling them to shut up and know their place and then closing our borders for good. So I'm all for 'integration'

Go on then, by what mechanism are you storing the energy and why didn't you add that cost into your original price comparison?

Ok so add that to the price of solar and you'll soon realise why nuclear is the best option.

It's incredible how the extinction rebellion people haven't embraced as the 'it may not be perfect but it would totally end carbon emissions' solution to their problems. They must be either retarded or infiltrated.

Powerful fossil fuel lobbies that infiltrated environmentalist movements are doing their best to destroy the nuclear sector.

>raises the background radiation.
Wowsers. Be carefull! Radiation! Oh wait. A banana is more radioactive then background better stay away!


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t. Shell ltd.

Imagine if Greta Thunderberg spoke in favour of nuclear power kek

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The media didn't tell them to consider nuclear so they didn't.

Pump toxic stuff into the air where i no longer have control of them vs put the toxic stuff in a sealed bunker where no one in our lifetime will ever reach them.

>Thorium is an argument.
until we find out we've done something fucked up there too.
however, it does seem these have features that make them safer in ways.
> we arent in a seismically active region
everyone on earth is in a seismically active region, it's a matter of time scale.
of note in your idiocy, modern coal cleaning brings us gypsum.
oh hell no it's not. it's valid to not set your house on fire because you want to change the air temp. you're equating real risk of permanent harm with attempting to one up, by one-upping a non-sequitor. shame on you.
everyone. geologic time scale isn't something we predict well.
>A banana is more radioactive then background
Except we're not talking about background, we're talking about everyone's back yard. The no-entry zone in Belarus/Ukraine continues to have pockets where humans would grow cancers in months, or die of poisoning in days.
The Japanese are still facing massive no-go zones. The result to their fishing isn't even begun to be seen.

>no one in our lifetime
20,000 years. Sure, fuck them, they're only our future and the reason you want power in the first place.

If it's in the ground, it's localized, while if it's in the air, it's externalized.
Leftists will never support replacing delocalized pollution with localized pollution, because without delocalized problems, they cannot make a case for global government.
The right could support nuclear in principle, but the current right wing establishment are faggots who will either refuse to contend with the left on environmental matters at all, or will just cuck to big oil.
When the debate is reorganized as:
>Assuming some amount of pollution is unavoidable
>Should that amount be as localized or delocalized as possible?
Then both the left and establishment right are on the same side.

So rather then having x miles of area you cant visit beause maybe radiation could leak out. you would prefer it if we keep dumping co2, CH4, Co into the air for the next 20.000 years

>put the toxic stuff in a sealed bunker where no one in our lifetime will ever reach them
That's precisely the argument they use against nuclear power: future generations will either forget where we burried stuff or won't have the means to take care of those places.

Well considering future generations here will be niggers that's pretty much a certainty. On the other hand why should I care about what happens to them?

Fossil fuels aren't running out
They aren't going to run out in your lifetime
They aren't going to run out in your children or grandchildren's lifetimes either
Fossil Fuels are incredibly common
The only ones running out are the easiest to find, and cheapest to extract and refine types
We have barely scratched the surface of this incredibly abundant resource

>i'm freshmen, i straw man

As if we wouldn't figure what the fuck to do with that shit in 20000 years? We'll probably figure out what to do with nuclear waste in 20000 days.

Nuclear safety has come a long way bro, not that civilized countries like US, UK and France ever had a problem in the first place.

The Japanese culture does not work well with certain things. They have had safety problems with other reactors because workers did not challenge management. Fukushima, though is nothing close to the scale of Chernobyl. The cores are still in the concrete containment structure, if I remember right.

Poor Greta Thunderberg she's a victim of her marxist parents.