I dreamed I was punching niggers in the face until they bleed out...tonight was a good night, also nigger hate thread

I dreamed I was punching niggers in the face until they bleed out...tonight was a good night, also nigger hate thread

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*Watch list intensifies*

I once dreamed of murdering a guy with a spork. Dreams are wild, ain’t they?


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Yea I do we have that thing called science and guns let’s see how much your muscles help nigger

This nigger thinks hes going to win the 3rd fight lmao. First one he couldn't beat a fury with a long layoff from physical and mental problems. Gets fucking rocked in the 2nd when Fury was good and ready. Now thinks he somehow magically has it to win. I just hope Fury literally pops his head clean off this time.

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Is that the Aubergine guy?

You are too much of a pussy to use a gun, so black men will keep filling white women with cum.

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No clue

I had a dream where I told a nigger to stop being a nigger in an elevator.

This early draft of MLK's speech was weird.

That's where your ignorance begins. Mass is not equal to strenght my dear dumbduck.
I'll give u a "kid example". Bruce Lee had not a lot of mass but a fucking lot of fibers and nervous connection. With one slap he could have ko all the guys in your pic.

Jesus, how is that thing considered the same species?

any retard can take steroids

New CW Lost Boys series. Micheal,the whole Emerson family are coons now.

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NIggers are not human.

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Bruh I dreamed I fucked a black girl 2 days ago...

Trips of truth

Canadian chink, just stop.

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Niggers are not human

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That's right: nigs are gorillas while you Japs and other Chinks are small macaques.

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Niggers are not human...

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on black history month aswell, god bless.

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jay z one ugly pepe looking ass nigguh
big ass lips frog looking nigga

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Coal burners too

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Nogs bless

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Before Melania, there was melanin. Trump colonizing that shit

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Lel. Trump grabbing some pucci

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This nigga

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>that skins complexion/european features
she's already damn near fully colonized,

Shut up nigger

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Built for BWC

Go find a girlfriend you subhuman basementdweller, you are just like those unfuckable lesbians who promote feminism. It's pretty obvious that loneliness is making you aggressive, bitter and rebellious you fucktard.

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Vid. Karmala rext

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Monkey nigger

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They had to try really hard to get that big. My superior Viking genes make me 6'4" 250lbs with minimal effort.

Awesome boi.

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Nigger blasted.rex

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Good parents ..h8 nigger bread.rex

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The two people in the pic never grew up. Grabbing tits and fucking good looking women is middle school tier, early high-school at most. I am not jealous even slightly.

Also a Christcuck hate thread

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Ok Chad

Not to say niggers dont engage in this behaviour but he has a white skin on his hands and face

Nigger eater..protec an atac niggers.rex

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That child is dead alright

Black girls can suck cock like no other woman , it’s unreal

what the fuck

would you eat her peepee and poopoo?

Faggot nigger flag. Pits are huwite man dog. Bred by Romans to battle invading hordes. Bred by European to take down bulls and fight. It's in our dna. Faggots like you are what's wrong with our great Europe countries.

I actually have a gf,am a gym dweller not a basement dweller and am in uni...you can enjoy the mutt invasion in Europe while I prosper

What are you talking about? They were bred for dog fights and niggers often own them, you pitbull loving retard

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Word. Fuck the faggots that are letting Invaders in. Filenname

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How is the climate in Israel today?

Alot of you chinks and gooks look like monkies to tbqhwyfamalam