When did hard work become a joke?
When did hard work become a joke?
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when welfare became available
Large corporations get so much free money from the government to prop up the economy that they can hire people to sit around and do nothing all day.
Because it is. Oh boy Mr. Shekelstein please let me work harder for you! Thank you for the 3 cent raise this year, sir! May I tongue your ass more nomnomnom
Since women bullshit office jobs took over
The larger the company, the less individual recognition is possible. It’s still true if you work for a small company that your hard work will be noticed and rewarded. When I worked at a Fortune 500, management was changed and rotated around so routinely no one could get a read on the situation, and annual reviews were a coin toss
In the late 60s/early 70s when the workforce suddenly doubled for some unknowable reason
when companies had 2x as many potential employees they no longer needed to actually give a shit about them; they became disposable and easily replaced
then in the 90s onwards the workforce somehow keeps getting more and more flooded with people who are willing to be paid less and less
no idea what could have been these two driving forces though, completely befuddled
Due to globalisation a thousand other hard working, less needy people are always at hand.
Why pay this guy for hard work when we can outsource it to some eastern euro / Indian who's gonna do it for half.
I've worked at a small business and it's the same, they will fight you over inflation adjustment raises. Any company that has multiple family members on staff means you will always make less than them because you're nut family
>asking for a 3 cent raise
Wow you really value yourself highly. Let me guess "we need gommunism" right?
Hard work is one thing. Willingly being a masochist (muh protty work ethic) is another.
fpbp actually
People actually believe this.
if you want to work hard never do it on someone else's watch
Niggers and spics.
Yikes, that place has got to be a shitshow.
>unknowable reason
>when did hard work become a joke
When companies figured out that they can streamline their manufacturing paradigm and liquidate their staff and replace them with 3rd world street shitters to save 1.3% on the fiscal quarter.
Anyone willing to give more than 20 hours of their life per week to a company that hates you; is constantly trying to find ways to replace you or make you redundant, who would rather see your children starve in the gutter than pay you a living wage, is a fucking retard.
Working hard is fucking stupid.
its true but usually with federal jobs
It always has been. Going above and beyond has never been worth it for the person going above and beyond.
when houses became unaffordable even after hard work
>Working hard is fucking stupid.
I don't disagree
There's a middle ground too. Between idle and workaholic. The middle ground is called "fulfilling work."
Working moderately hard at something you care a lot about is god mode
The key isn't to work hard but to make people think you work hard.
I am 29 and manage 17 staff. When I took this position I had practically no staff and one guy working every day for over a month. I myself am taking my first day off today since I started 39 days ago. You really do have to treat employees like children. 99% of them are plagued with home related issues, a lack of guidance and laziness.
Yeah but welcome to the 21st century. In my country we have no auto plants for domestic products. I care about my people and would love to work in a factory producing cars that I KNOW people are using to take care of their families. That doesn't exist. We have very little going on to be proud of; or to enjoy.
The things I could see myself doing that I'd be fulfilled doing don't make fuck all for money. So I sit in my little cuckbox cubical among hundreds of other cucks shitposting on Yas Forums and half-assedly punching bullshit I don't care about into some faggot spreadsheet.
When i encounter people who seem to bitch about everything at work thats exactly what I think. Its less of an upfront investment to have people do something. But the truth is is that most people are barely trainable at best. And those are the white ones.
Not everyone wants to be slave to their job like you.
If my boss called himself a "service ambassador" I would unironically gas myself.
When getting adequate rewards for your work became a joke. Now companies expect the work of three people, and you never calling in sick. With the only way to get promoted being to know who's dick you've got to suck.
Going above and beyond only earns you more responsibility, not more reward.
Have you always wondered why your poor? Why at every job your boss seems to single you out for no reason? Nah dey jus raysicss.
>work hard and be a good goy your entire life
>get replaced by a barely functioning pajeet or chink because he accepts 10x less pay
>get told it's because you didn't work hard enough
that's when it became a joke
I'm not a slave to my job, I'm a slave to money. Which I make a lot of. I also enjoy what I do. And I try to keep the work environment fun and stress free. My employees really like me, as do my bosses. It's fulfilling work.
No because those things don't happen to me. I'm not a slave to my job. When I step out the door at the end of the day, I'm done. If you aren't paying me for overtime, I'm not working. You want to fire me? Go ahead, I have skills and experience that can get me a job anywhere I want.
I made myself useful to my employer rather than being a willing slave.
Well, at least you enjoy your work.
Sounds like a very boomer thing to say.
>In my country we have no auto plants for domestic products
This just isn’t true, unless by ‘domestic products’ you mean cars that were also designed Canada? Good luck with that Canadians are too retarded to design a car, and anyone intelligent for that enough would just go work in America instead.
When they imported brown slaves to undercut you.
When it stopped mattering to success.
It didn't. Incompetent people make these memes to feel better about never advancing their careers
Don't work hard, work smart. Which in some cases means doing little to no work.
>I am 29
okay boomer, sure you are. also never trust anyone over 30
Basically this. But there's definitely more to it than just hard work. You have to keep an eye out for opportunities and seize the moment blah blah all that motivational bullshit. Doesn't hurt to be on good terms with those who can advance you within the company. Not talking about kissing ass, just not being a hostile dick towards management.
>When did hard work become a joke?
When it all started being used for dead end jobs at companies that don't give af about you.
You tell em Mr Noseberg!
Why can’t millennial / zoomer employees even perform the most basic functions of life?
>being on time for work
>wearing clean clothes
>being nice to people
Overgrown toddlers. Shouldn’t have to tell any over 12 this stuff. I feel sorry for the boss. Probably at the end of his rope trying to wrangle these useless tards.
I don't know, in my old company hard work was praised, I moved for double the pay in an American company and hard work is looked down on, leadership is full of diversity hires and incompetence , slack and backstabbing is everywhere
If a bunch of smelly Romanians with 15% of our GDP can have their own National brands and industries than we should too.
It's at a fast food place. Probably full of niggers, mongrels, and nigger tier white trash.
>have to be reminded of basic hygiene and to show up on time every once in a while
It's niggers.
LOL shiggy diggy
The real redpill is minimalism.
I get paid to sit on my ass all day and to fill the time I watch movies. This is at an airport, it's the most unfulfilling job I have ever done and it kills me inside every day. My pay is just under $70k and I sit in an air conditioned room with a group of other staff who also just sit there on their phones. It is not a government job. Sometimes I'll use my breaks to take walks or a relaxing shit, my breaks depending on my supervisor can outnumber my hours worked. I genuinely miss doing physical work and seeing the end result of my days work as it gave a sense of accomplishment.
we need a holocaust, kike
>I made myself useful to my employer rather than being a willing slave.
This is the most important thing. Prove your competency and your boss won't feel the need to micromanage. That's been my experience at least. I work from home 5 days a week (except for important office meetings) because I'm trusted and upfront about what I expect from the job.
I work at boeing. 2 hours of work and 6.5 hours on Yas Forums.
If that’s true they probably only exist through government intervention. Like fuck I’m going to want the government to force me to drive the equivalent of a Romanian car. I’ll keep my Honda thanks.
It's not that hard work is a joke, it's that exchanging your time for a fixed amount of money is, and always was, a joke. The problem is that most people are too afraid of the solutions, which are to get into a performance-based role where you can make more money for your hard work, but you can also get fired for missing your targets, or to work for yourself and risk everything trying to make it.
So basically people are whiny faggots and want to make more money but also keep their false sense of security and stability.
Work hard and smart. I work in tech and it's very easy to be ten times more productive than the average joe making the memes in the OP
>when the workforce suddenly doubled for some unknowable reason
Small companies are shit too. Unless you’re on the “leadership team” of 10 when the company employs 50 people you’re expendable. Nobody in small companies are your friends because they’re all trying to claw to the top echelon of doucheness.
Use that time for studying then
>Maybe if I never use sick days
>My dad will love me
I know this feel
Too bad dad, I coofed to much this weekend, lost out on date night and can't get out of bed
I'm taking Monday off you big fucking faggot