I just realized something irreconcilable (for me, personally) if conventional bible wisdom holds true:

I just realized something irreconcilable (for me, personally) if conventional bible wisdom holds true:

man x murders man y. man y had not yet been saved, and goes to hell.

man x continues on and eventually accepts Jesus Christ into his heart, and becomes saved. man x goes to heaven.

now man y is eternally damned while murdering faggot man x lives it up on streets of gold.

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You have to start with the Judeo-Christian belief that there is a magic apple that gives one instant god-like knowledge when swallowed. The apples actually have magic apple power but are also cursed by the magical Jew-god called the Yahwah. You believe that Adam and Eve ate the Genesis fruit thus awakening the wrath of the Yahwah. Then the Jew-god formed an implacable grudge against humankind which could only finally be expiated by a human sacrifice. Then the Yahwah went on to literally breed with a Jewess because he was experiencing an irresistible messiah breeding desire. Then a magical Jewish Mashiach was born that later would actually be used as the very human sacrifice that the Yahwah was waiting for in the first place because of the stolen apple. These are the Biblical Judeo-Christian beliefs that will help you construct a Biblical Judeo-Christian worldview.

That's not how it works retard, read the bible. Both men are dead when they die. Neither goes to heaven or hell. When Christ returns, he resurrects them, gives them a final chance to be saved, and takes those who are saved to heaven. Those who still reject him die the final death. There is no hell.

All those people who wore mixed fabrics are going tah HEYELL

Man y went to hell for calling God a liar for rejecting Jesus Christ

He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

Man x went to heaving for believing and accepting the free gift

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Joseph was a cuck and so are you

>le juedeo-christian

>trying to make sense of religion

why would people that mix fabric go to hell?

The bible is all about mushrooms faggot. Jesus was the apotheosis of the mushroom into a god. Socrates was the anthropomorphisation of the mushrooms.

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god is perfect
he will deal with it

is says so in the Old testament. Yahwe the jewish god commands that people should not wear clothes made from 2 fibers

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Wait what but everyone wears clothes made from 2 fibers?

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we're all going to hell bro, see you there ;-). truthfully know it has more to do with the ancient pagans belief that dead people will go to Hades and christian priests trying to monopolize on this by saying that chrsitians don't go to Hades to get converts.

assume man y was going to eventually accept Jesus Christ and be saved, just like man x.

so man y went to hell because man x deprived him of the chance to repent and accept Jesus Christ. so man x is basically acting as a god
I hope this is how it actually works

Don't hope, read the bible. It isn't a fucking secret.

Is Hades also full of torture?

The bible is figuratively written as to be interpreted by those who know, obviously not OP. Eden was a plantation, the Bible is manual for controlling slave labor.

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>assume man y was going to eventually accept Jesus Christ and be saved, just like man x.
You accept Jesus by eating his body faggot.

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well yes and no. if your soul was that of a violent and vengefull person it would get attracted to places of violence and wrath. ussually hades was described as a place of darkness, melancholy and forgetfullness. so people would forget who they are and reincarnate again. the same view is expressed in tibetan budhism or egyptian paganism.

doesn't sound to bad

what version are you citing from? I've never heard anyone who goes by KJV to accept your statement
your mind is getting dicked down by clockwork elves you hippy faggot

not at first glance, but getting your memories wiped and forced to start a new game is pretty shitty in my opinion

heaven was always a scam, you reincarnate through your progeny

Less shitty than any of the big threes afterlives. Less shitty than even the most popular versions of heaven desu.

Man, I'm really happy I don't have abrahamic religion on the brain. People need to realize that nobody knows what the fuck is going on, and your old books certainly don't. Coming to terms with this will only empower you and let you start thinking about more important things.

>what version are you citing from?
There are no versions, there is the bible.
>I've never heard anyone who goes by KJV to accept your statement
"If I only listen to retards who have never read the bible they say something different". Wow. Maybe you should READ THE BIBLE and find out for yourself you worthless retard.

Your idea of the Bible is flawed. Heaven and Hell exists within the mind, and Earth is just the World, or Cosmos that you inhabit in with other selves who are also experiencing a level of heaven and/or hell within their minds.

When you die, you die, and reincarnate to whatever experience you fixate on. For example if you perpetually fool yourself into thinking that you're not good enough for women or anything, then you will most likely reincarnate as a thing that is "not good enough" or a human who has deformities, or other things that would make them "not good enough." If you constantly fixate on being powerful by means of cruelty and ruthlessness then you will reincarnate experiencing cruelty and ruthlessness. Until you can forgive and heal that portion of yourself.

Why don't you actually read the Bible?

you seem the type that eats as much of other mens bodies as he can.

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You need the blood of Jesus to wash your brains out from this nonsense pondering.

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ITT: people who have not read the Bible

I suggest you people look at multiple traditions, because the foundations of all religion is Animism. Once you understand what the Spirit is, then you can get closer to the truth

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Fake and gay

Better than being tortured

Yes, totemism and criss-crossing twigs. Maybe external patterns and symbols to mimic internal hallucinations,and the shamans trick of manipulating the tradition. Language is a derivative of repetition and repetition is synonymous with ritual and religion.

>law of attraction
lol what a faggot

You don't get to reject God because you subjectively dislike something He did.

The murdered man was never going to be saved no matter what, which you'd know if you read the Bible.

It was a fig. The magic apple is Discordia’s version of the story, and Adam was three women in that one.

I actually watched that video with Nick Fuentes and Lady MAGA drag queen and I can say I agreed with the drag queen surprisingly.

Christians need to stop wanting fags to pretend to be normal and marry women. Let them die without children and live their life out in the open. Why do Christians want their daughters to marry men who are secretly homosexual/crossdresser/transgender?

so you haven't read the bible either, gotcha

Yes, hagbard celine and eris the golden apple by anton wilson of santa cruz cali, and schrodingers cat. there is no majik apple in scripture, it is just easier to say that and never put in the discipline to learn.

Isn't killing a mortal sin? One you can't be saved from?

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not according to KJV

I'm actually quoting from the Law of One

The Devil is the Ego

The Son of God is Yourself

>There is no hell.
ch and verse plz


shouldn't you be watching the secret for the 40th time? go meditate about waves on the beach or something you sage burning faggot

Yas Forums is a Christian board
This board realized long ago that the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
That is WHY we have these threads almost daily. They believe they can manipulate us into thinking being Christian is anti-white when it was Christianity what made possible for us to have nation states in the first place.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:10-12

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They all do that. They take key names, titles, and ideas from scrioture then weave then into sentences to form science fiction comic book or aliester Crowley book of the law nonsense. Then stare at your like an owl after they state it knowing you can't argue with them because they didn't say anything. Pure leftism. They are as useful as a empty canteen in the desert. Often times they are Pastors Kids who have been molested, and it cause them to disassociate from reality. If you bring up the word reality, they throw into a fit of rage denying the existence of objective reality and because objectively they got molested and think it is God who let it happen to them.

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Not thing of this for a second. You're 2000 years in the future and basically everybody has heard of Jesus Christ. EVERYBODY.

Without Christianity there would be no white man left. Also separation of church and state is not written in the constitution of the united states of america. It is a popular concept but is not part of the founding documents. The u.s.a. is a christian nation founded by christians, and being a free-mason is not anti-christian no matter the amount of insane shills that try to say so.

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Atheists are peak stupid , they have the IQ of mud.

Think about it they can't seem to comprehend the big abstracts, their reductionist thinking has a barrier of ignorance that they themselves can't phantom to understand.

Atheism is the philosophy of being ignorance and demands you to be ignorant.

Truly stupid.

>being a free-mason is not anti-christian no matter the amount of insane shills that try to say so.
Freemasonry will be wiped out.

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when you check the date and time or know what day of the week it is, you can thank Jesus Christ.
2020 anno domini (year of our Lord).
If you really hate Jews, the real jews, you need to quit using the 7 day week because the jews kept the sabbath every 7 days. while russians and asians tried 10 day weeks and 4 day weeks but it doesnt match the human bodies circadian rhythms and relationship to the macrocosm.

>Yas Forums is a Christian board
almost like I recognized that so I came here to get some insight on a spiritual matter. sorry my brain isn't as smooth as yours and will sometimes fire off

Anything you manage to wipe out will only solidify "IT". chip away, be my guest.

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Didn't answer my question. Why are Christians obsessed with faggots marrying women, would you want your daughter to marry a crossdressing homosexual like OP?


Whatever you say, fag boy.
We will tear your temples down, stone by stone. Defacing and destroying.

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What is wrong with people living in London?

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it was gods will that the man be mordered for his sins, while god forgives the man x for fufilling gods plan and rebuking his sins.

Tear away, lad.
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. Acts 17:24

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Boomer tier cringe.

>mass reply spam
>claiming a free anonymous board has one opinion
>shilling abrahamic bullshit
>meme flag
How many more for a bingo?

that's what christcucks actually believe in.
same scenario applies with a child rapist.

Religious fags are really that retarded.

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Talking about Freemasonry.
You build temples and do weird shit in them. (And name them after satanists)
You are nothing but a kike controlled good goy.

Mocking your fellow man for their "age" is not going to get you very far. You should find a better entry point for you assault.
Only one ladder to truth exists, you climb or fall off. very simple.

What on earth are you Blabbering about?

Forgive and join the consciousness of One already. You need some DMT in your life. Or pscylicin

Okay, how old are you?

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The ones who hang out in and around those buildings are not Free-Masons. The masons built it and moved on to the next job site.

Christianity is antiwhite.
Christians WOULD prefer blacked christian Europe to pagan white one.
Christians WOULD betray their race, their family and their nation for their cucked slave religion.

Fuck you cuck, love thy enemy.

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Literally none of that is in the Bible you lying heretic filth. Cease your tired out new age trash. No one cares if you want to invent your own retarded larp, but piggybacking on the Bible is pathetic, and it's a shame we can't burn your kind anymore.

You know What I'm saying you fucktard.
>Freemason lodges
Just in case you are mentally retarded beyond hope.

I don't know what you're talking about.

But I'm enjoying eternity on this peaceful day. If your day is not peaceful, try sitting down for 5 minutes and forget about everything. That peace is Heaven and it is eternal..... Until your ego comes back with a list of delusions to distract you with.