How do I meet these Asian women looking for a Get To America Free Card????
How do I meet these Asian women looking for a Get To America Free Card????
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Go to Asia.
all kinds of nut
oh god...not again...
A friend did with Japanese woman.
Go to the Asian country and meet them in place know as asian women hunting whites
Why not meet rich Asian woman?
Through me
Easiest way to go are filipinos.
Personally I prefer black women.
Because you are black yourself Mohammad...
>roastie having a stroke
sage this yellow fever bullshit
Get Tinder like I did and have your heart broken by a gook
You don't
You don't.
bro if you are white and got rejected by an asian whore (who will literally fuck and breed with 3/10 white guys because of status and genestealing). I would suggest changing your life lmao.
protect your assets at all costs. they just want green cards and then they'll divorce your ass
Best to just get an onahole and watch anime.
Go to Asia. China if you want a really easy time as they have so many unmarried and single women, Japan if you want a cuter more compact stinker. Problem is the language. If you're average white man with a beard, japanese girls will be all over you. Japs are the best because they sound like teenagers when you fuck them.
Mate I dated her for a year, I didn't get rejected on the spot. Retard
>t. watches hentai
I'm one of the whitest people on this planet. Still like black women. Wanna run my hands over that perfect skin.
Corona concentration camps are a good place to start looking.
bro if you got rejected at all thats bad news. Show physique and skin colour.
Fucking, marrying and breeding an asian girl is like playing a video game on easy mode. They literally worship white cock.
Japanese girls love BWC, They are suckers for tall men with beards. They cannot contain themselves. They openly giggle and laugh, They compliment white men on how handsome they are. I was in japan for business for 1 year and fucked 16 Japanese women in total. They are extremely shy and love to be taken hold of, I like them because they just take it, They don't say no.
thats okay bro, I have gotten to the point where I realize that white people won't die out. See people who have outgroup preferences breeding out of the genepool is actually extremely valuable because it makes the white genepool more ethnocentric on a genetic level. Meaning the whites that stick with only whites will be the only whites left and also have higher ingroup preference and less likely to miscegenate. This will amplify after multiple generations. So yes white population will shrink, but the whites left will be essentially racial tribalists who hate non-whites viscereally. This works in our favor.
>t. salty white girl
lol is he still dating water?
In other words you're a pedo
Most japanese girls are already eyeing you down when you go into a bar in the night life in tokyo from the moment you walk in and sit down. Usually you can speak to them and they smile a lot and giggle and try some broken english. I only met one girl who had somewhat okay English and the rest just had terrible broken english. You can pick up any japanese woman as long if she's eyeing you and be making out with her within 15 minutes if she's a little drunk. This was in 2017-2018 and I learn a lot of japanese, Enough to flirt with. If corona virus blows over I want to go back and get some more jap pussy, They have the best pussy iv'e ever had.
It's only natural to like women who squeal, It's carnal in my instincts.
Stay the fuck away from jungle monkeys in thailand/philippines and go to Wuhan.
what does the average jap woman look in those bars?
Don't know Whitoid but bring with you dese Azn Bois
ITT: loads of these faggot ass weeaboo incel retards
Will Asians still like you if you are Southern European white ?
I am 6”2 Spaniard with brown eyes dark hair
wtf.. chris?
yep, it's r*ddit time
Stop lying toothpaste Mohammed, we know that you aren't swarthy because you're Spanish.
>China if you want a really easy time as they have so many unmarried and single women,
>1-baby-only china has unmarried and single woman
dude wat
Never thought about it that way user. Very nice whitepill. We can become like the jews
Like pic related and also pic related.
This video is pretty good.
>Believing 1 baby only horseshit
Kraut, I...
The problem with those hapas is how they're raised and the culture they grow up in.
Have money.
genes don't determin your preference. case in point: Katrin Himmler
China has a lot of single unwanted women, They have a giant population. Chinese is pretty hard to learn though compared to japanese, Japanese is way easier.
>1-baby-only china
>Turkish education
>prefers "black" women
>posts pic of bleached out former african with aryan features
I dont think you have any idea real standards as long as its female and mostly human.
lol sure, culture runs downstream from genetics. Stop coping.
how old are you
every Chad I see is with an asian girlfriend or wife. It's good to see. They have such a healthy family dynamic too, where the wife cooks quality food and takes care of the house, kids, and the husband. The children are vastly better off than the kids of white female sub-humans who are constantly mistreated, ignored, and fed shit like McDonalds, tendies and Lunchables. White women have become an absolute cancer to the human race and they'll be exterminated by asian wombs, and I couldn't care less at this point.
>Boomers, Orbiters, and beta males crying
I don't fucking care. You've had 100 years since Women's Lib to reign in white women and have done, and accomplished, NOTHING. This is the future you chose.
tldr: Chad has chosen asian wombs. The whinging of NEETS, Onions, Nazi beta males, and Christcucks doesn't matter because Chad is in charge. Not you.
by killing yourself you yellow fever nigger
>going to any Asian country at a time like this?
They wont let you back in you know.
Fuck I'm only 19, not even sure if I can go to bars there.
How does the asian whore compare to the western white bar whore?
Americans are the most thoroughly and passively indoctrinated people on earth. They know next to nothing about their own history, or the histories of other nations, or the histories of the social movements that have risen and fallen in the past, and they certainly know little or nothing of the complexities and contradictions comprised within words like "socialism" and "capitalism.” What they have been trained not to know or even suspect is that, in many ways, they enjoy far fewer freedoms, and suffer under a more intrusive centralized state, than the citizens of countries with vigorous social-democratic institutions. This is at once the most comic & most tragic aspect of the excitable alarm that talk of social democracy or democratic socialism can elicit on these shores. An enormous number of Americans have been persuaded to believe that they are freer in the abstract than, say, Europeans precisely because they possess far fewer freedoms. They are more vulnerable to medical and financial crisis, more likely to receive inadequate health coverage, more prone to irreparable insolvency, more unprotected against predatory creditors, more subject to income inequality, while effectively paying more in tax (figuring in federal, state, local, and sales, and then compounds those by all the expenditures that in this country, as almost nowhere else, their taxes do not cover). One might think that a people who once rebelled against the mightiest empire on earth on the principle of no taxation without representation would not meekly accept taxation without adequate government services. But we accept what we have become used to, I suppose. Even so, one has to ask, what state apparatus in the "free" world could be more powerful and tyrannical than the one that taxes its citizens while providing no substantial civic benefits in return, solely in order to enrich a piratically overinflated military-industrial complex and to ease the tax burdens of the immensely wealthy?
>If you're average white man with a beard
They don't like facial hair
nice blogpost faggot
forgive me Lord
>yep, it's r*ddit time
they actually do for the most part. Look into edward duttons work.
Genes are also not a uniform expression in children. For example if your entire genetic line has blonde hair except for your great great grandfather. It is not guaranteed that your children will all have blonde hair (just more likely) your great great grandfathers genes are still in your collective genepool so that means its possible to have a child with brown hair (just a lot less likely depending on that genes dominance and reoccurance).
This also works similarly with genetic traits such as height and even behavioral patterns like outgroup or in group preference.
This is why even ethnocentric families such as George Lincoln Rockwell or Heinrech Himmler can have one or two kids that didn't inherit those ethnocentric genes or inherited genes from latent ancestors that made them prefer outgroup.
If you look at the rest of Rockwells and Himmlers kids (besides their one racemixing daughter) they all married white people.
This type of cherrypicking doesn't really make good arguments for your opinion on nurture vs nature.