Syria General /sg/ - Women's day edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

Devs Mar 8
With the fall of Afes, Al Qaeda in Idlib and their Turkish allies have been forced off the M5
Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow ends up unfavourably for Turkey
Joint Russian-Turkish patrols will take over M4 with establishing of safe zone
Terrorists still not part of the deal
Turkshills killing themselves en masse
Clashes between protesters and security forces at Al-Khilani Square
Former Egyptian army officer Hisham Ashmawi has been executed in Egypt after being captured by LNA scouts in Darna. He was wearing an explosive vest while assisting ISIS in Darna.
LNA forces fully liberated the apartment complex in Al-Azizia.
Ma’rib tribes prepared to hand over city to National Salvation Government of Yemen (Houthi Yemen)
President Ghani and some mutt hotheads endangering the peace deal
After the closed session in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, after the statements of Engin Özkoç, there was a fist fight in parliament.


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Other urls found in this thread:|

shitty edition

>a swidish flag calling anyone a fagget

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Friendly reminder to ignore the avatarfagging zoomer

>red pill must watch videos

>UK ambassador to
American senator tells the other side of the
Virginia senator on
Syria: Not a
>Pipelines and
>Syria ambassador in
Women under
>The Face of American Regime
>Soldiers meet family after 5 and 7
Canadian Journalist Expose The Lies of

Leaked OPCW memo claims gas cilinders were manually placed
TUCKER FoxNews on APRIL CW attack
Khan Sheikhoun CW attacks, MIT profesor
>Assad: CW Attack
>THE TRUTH on White helmets:
White helmets killing a child for
Staging CW attack

NGO’s and hybrid
>WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria

>Thread reminder to watch Threads.

Ok, incel

happy holiday, girls

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let it be, he bumps. His services are very much needed in times of peace.

Did you miss the part where he sperged out and spammed the thread so bad, that 1/3 of the posts were him telling everyone to die?

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>noooo Iraq is a made-up country because the anglo drawn the modern border

Fuck Kurds.

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im trying to be friends with all of you

#Syria: on 27th Feb. & 3rd March #Turkey destroyed 2 #Russia|n-supplied Pantsir Air Defense Systems on #Idlib front. A fatality is documented for each crew

ey i have family, job and house. Didn't knew you were oldfag dont't try to offend you but still it is shitty.

>Richard Nelson Frye defines Greater Iran as including "much of the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, with cultural influences extending to China and western India."

>According to Frye, "Iran means all lands and peoples where Iranian languages were and are spoken, and where in the past, multi-faceted Iranian cultures existed."

>Only in modern times did western colonial intervention and ethnicity tend to become a dividing force between the provinces of Greater Iran.

>As Patrick Clawson states, "ethnic nationalism is largely a nineteenth century phenomenon, even if it is fashionable to retroactively extend it."

>"Greater Iran" however has been more of a cultural super-state, rather than a political one to begin with.

>"Many Iranians consider their natural sphere of influence to extend beyond Iran's present borders.

>Portuguese forces seized islands and ports in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire wrested from Tehran's control what is today Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and part of Georgia.

>Iranian elementary school texts teach about the Iranian roots not only of cities like Baku, but also cities further north like Derbent in southern Russia.

>The Shah lost much of his claim to western Afghanistan following the Anglo-Iranian war of 1856-1857.

>"Iran today is just a rump of what it once was. At its height, Iranian rulers controlled Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, much of Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Many Iranians today consider these areas part of a greater Iranian sphere of influence." -Patrick Clawson

You fucking devil zionist imperialist pigs. You will NEVER divide IRAN and will NEVER make us forget about our roots.

TFUUUUUU on your mothers pussy for giving birth to such devils.

Happy 8 mars

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nay, but it is your dick he wants inside him so not my prob.

>ywn be part of greater IRAN
why live bro?

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>Assad: Kurdish issue in Syria is ‘illusive and a lie’

>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed Thursday that the “Kurdish issue” does not exist in his country, calling it “illusive and a lie”.

>He also claimed that Kurds living in northern areas are originally from Turkey.

>“Regarding the so-called ‘Kurdish issue’, there is nothing called a ‘Kurdish issue’ in Syria for a simple reason: Kurds have been living in Syria throughout history but some [Kurdish] groups who live the north came [to Syria] during the last century due to Turkish [government] oppression,” Assad

>We hosted them in Syria. Kurds, Armenians, and other different groups in Syria and there have been no problems... Why should there be an issue with Kurds?” he said.

>“They took citizenship in Syria although they were originally not Syrians. Therefore, we are always positive towards the subject of Kurds. The so-called ‘Kurdish issue’ is not true but illusive and a lie,” he added.

>Although Assad refers to the group as “separatists”, his father Hafez used to provide the PKK with military and logistical support.

>“The problem is with those groups who began pursuing separatist ambitions decades ago, especially in the early 80s,” Assad said

>A 1996 report by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated: “In 1962, an exceptional census stripped some 120,000 Syrian Kurds – 20 percent of the Syrian Kurdish population – of their Syrian citizenship. By many accounts, the special census was carried out in an arbitrary manner.”


>“Brothers from the same family, born in the same Syrian village, were classified differently. Fathers became foreigners while their sons remained citizens. The number of stateless Kurds grew with time as descendants of those who lost citizenship in 1962 multiplied; as a result, their number is now estimated at 300,000,” it added.

>In the early months of the 2011 uprising, Assad asked a committee to examine the 1962 census and granted citizenship to between 150,000 and 300,000 Kurds, mostly from Hasaka province in northeast Syria.

>The NES and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), enjoy strong relations with the US-led coalition

>However, the NES has also maintained contact with Damascus, and Kurdish forces have largely avoided getting embroiled in the anti-regime movement.

>“We are in contact with Kurdish political groups who are present in the northern areas in Syria,” Assad said

>“However, the problem is that some of these groups, not all of them, are controlled by the US authorities.”

>“We do not mean all Kurds, because a great number of Kurds are from the tribal and national groups in Syria who support the government. These groups have no voice and a small number who allied with Americans are dominant in the area,” he said.

>The regime will not strike a deal with the SDF and Kurdish authorities unless they renounce US support, oppose Turkish involvement in Syria, and pledge allegiance to the Syrian government.

>“We cannot reach a conclusion in any of our talks with them, although we have held them a thousand times, unless they announce a clear national position and be against the US and invasion, and against Turkey as well because they are invaders as well,” Assad added.

>TB2 drone 1.5 mln, ANKA 3 mln dollars.
they're literally just making up prices

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thank you, i congratulated you first tho

>Yas Forums
Man im trynna help here but you are swimming while holding a stone.

John 3:16
"Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlu'nu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun.

Matthew 16:24
Sonra İsa, öğrencilerine şunları söyledi: "Ardımdan gelmek isteyen kendini inkâr etsin, çarmıhını yüklenip beni izlesin.

John 14:6
İsa, "Yol, gerçek ve yaşam Ben'im" dedi. "Benim aracılığım olmadan Baba'ya kimse gelemez.

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Iraq and Iran close allies. Iraqis always been with Iran. w000000000t w000000000000t

Together we kick the zionist pigs!

good morning /sg/, how's going today? I can sense huge gains this week
wake me up when greater Albania is a thing

Yeah, also not taking in account how many the pantsirs managed to destroy.

people are not as rude ro me here as they are irl

I can be your friend, depending on the anime you like

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Though by the looks of it, it seems indeed two pantsirs were hit if those death certificates are anything to come by.



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Ye sg is comfy.
Fuck rl, study hard and make your rl.

>crudely edited video where you can even see nothing got hit

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Oh you rapist hans. Leave the kid alone.

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go on autismosven, go on now!

Are the death notices fabricated also? Though in theory they could of course result of artillery or whatever, however not that likely taken in account the whole context.

i actually need to study rn, thanks and sorry for being annoying

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>women’s day
Post Syrianthots you fags

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It's possible they destroyed a Pantsir some other way. Maybe even with drones. But the footage itself isn't real, at least no vehicle is actually destroyed in it. It should be obvious to anyone who takes a lot at it frame by frame.

Where's the source for the death notices?

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Interesting. I wonder if we'll ever get a followup on this story. I know one twitter claimed from a source inside syrian military that the second pantsir destruction was true, but from artillery/missile that was not drone's. This could explain why Syria added Buk launchers in Idlib before the retaking of Saraqib and not more Pantsirs, it has a slightly bigger range and is thus in safer distance. Otherwise additional 20km wouldn't give any advantage because drones would just destroy Buks instead of Pantsirs. I know turkish MoD claimed to have destroyed something like 25 AD systems in total, including Buk and S-300 in Hama but we got no photo or anything so far.

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Is that raster? It'd be hell of a trolling

What's raster?

you are cool kid. Keep the hard work, i'll pray for / keep you in my good thoughts.

>I know turkish MoD claimed to have destroyed something like 25 AD systems in total, including Buk and S-300 in Hama but we got no photo or anything so far.

It's like with hook noses when they claim that they have destroyed all of Syrian air defenses now for multiple times.

you passed the test
but she is 13?

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can't find nazbol school teacher

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not my preference but undoubtedly 10/10, happy guy assad

vectorman's foe(warhead)

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What does it say? I see no dates written. Where are the photos from? Very little information.

i'm too much into this site to kek at that. he

yea, i'm torn inside, half of me loves assad and half of me hates him because asma

>What does it say? I see no dates written. Where are the photos from? Very little information.
Absolutely no idea, that's why it would be too easy to fabricate such notifications for non arabic audience.

The Civil War has separated chaff from wheat. "Rapefugees" should not be allowed back, and should be allowed to live their new lives in the dying EU.

Syria will be led into a golden age by a new generation of strong, brave, patriotic and victorious people.

Syria has already won. All that's left is to end the war.

hope she gets full 5+remission.

It'd be easy to fabricate for arabic audiences too if only a picture of some printed paper without source is all that is needed.

she a warrior, she be fine

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It makes sense, they are also weapons exporter. I noticed that US media didn't shit on russian AD in Idlib when it suffered against Turkish drones, but they did make up a story about Kalibrs falling on the ground in 2016 which wasn't corroborated by people on the ground, or about how inhumane it was to use 500$ unguided bombs from old soviet warehouses as opposed to 60k$ JDAM american-made conversion kits and have bombed a last hospital per week because of it.

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>Iraq bans Turkish tomatoes to become more self-reliant

>In a bid to boost local tomato production, the Iraqi government announced the decision to stop importing tomatoes from Turkey.

>“The tomato products of Najef and Karbala have considerably increased and it needs more support to boost the local product,”

>From Turkey, Iraq according to government statistics had imported tomatoes valued at $98.5 million in 2014, $82.8 million in 2015 and $88 million in 2016.

>Iraq is the second country after Russia which decided to halt tomato regional imports from Turkey.

>Turkey is the fourth largest tomato exporter in the world fulfilling 6.9 percent of global demand, according Turkish Agricultural Chambers Union (TZOB).

>Following the Russian ban, Turkish farmers had sought out alternative markets, mainly in Iraq, Belarus, Georgia and Saudi Arabia, the TZOB said in a statement in March.

Turkey is opressing the Iraqis with their tomatoes. Where is the UN, EU, NATO, US or humanity?

This is all happening because Turkey wants to establish the Neo Ottomato Empire.

So much for the ceasefire, guess who broke the ceasefire

That's right, the regime force


>run from persecution
>get hosted by a foreign cunt and be granted citizenship
>immediately start a separatist movement and try to cut off a piece of the said cunt as a means to thank them
Why are gypsies like this?

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I won't even give you a (you) for this shitty bait


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I miss atrocities, /sg/. When will Assad be able to bomb bakeries again? Ceasefire is dull.