is there anything funnier than seeing people larp as pagans on this site?
have sex
is there anything funnier than seeing people larp as pagans on this site?
have sex
Why does it anger you?
There is. Christcucks insisting that you’re a jew when you tell them they worship a rabbi as a god.
Also, I have sex, unlike most christcels on here. Now piss off, dumb leaf
reddit spacing
All religion is different flavors of bullshit for the stupidest retards on earth. Original paganism was just dumb fucks burning grain and people when good things happened and priests telling people what the gods wanted. Catholicism was the exact same shit but they used the reverence for a man who preached love and acceptance to promote their own agenda of greed and violence. Its all fucking retarded and for utter fucking morons. You can only believe in yourself.
Reddit spacing and complaining about Black Metal, Varg, and White Pride.
You have to go back
white pride is also for retards with no accomplishments of their own
Burger speaks the truth
because they aren't pagan and they're shilling that people in the world actually practice this shit on a mass scale. and if they do practice it in reality they're larping as they're ancestors when in reality they're mutts
and those ancestors were mutts of their ancestors all the way back to the apes.
you dont actually practice paganism though. explain how you practice paganism in your daily life to me, please
when people are laughing at you they aren't being angry, user
...its called p.a.g.a.n, asshole!
t. boomer
I can appreciate this kind of post because literally the only excuse someone has for believing this shit is that they are 12.
The christcuck shows his true form. Imagine thinking you can't be proud of your people and your own accomplishments. There isn't a limit on what you can be proud of reddit.
Evropa is some ancient word for europe? Because its czech word :D western slavics are real aryans from vedas. We even use same words for numbers like from that book
Any earth focused religions?
sorry boy but Veneti funded Europe
No you can be proud of whatever you want but if you choose to be proud of a fictional thing (because there is literally nothing that connects you with other white people more than any other race. It’s an invention of colonialism to encourage brainless commoners to die for their country. literally propaganda for retards hundreds of years ago) it makes you retarded.
Jesus wasn't a "Rabbi" in the religious sense, you absolute cretin.
Furthermore modern day jewry didn't even exist back than, so you are wrong on so many levels.
i'm sick of all religious fags from pagans to christians to muslims and beyond your all as fucking dumb as a nigger and your all larpers.
god is an old fairy tale that malnorished inbred hairless monkeys from thosands of years ago came up with.
We have a shared indo-european ancestry, language, culture, religion and history.
Again, this is retarded and none of that means shit. All subjective buzzwords with no substance. Like talking about the glory of communism and the revolution.
>christcucks can't tell wiccans from pagang
>Race isn't real lmao
Imagine actually being this retarded.
Also fun fact if you have a mixed race baby literally every white baby will be more genetically similar to you than your own kid. But race doesn't mean anything right?
Race doesnt mean anything and all that is just bullshit and buzzwords for retards like yourself.
Christianity is rebranded paganism. It’s all recycled.
Damn you actually got some (You)s from me, but you went a bit too far with the meme and you're getting cut off.
>Owns swords
As a Christian, I give all my sons a sword on passage to adulthood
i dont care retard
imagine thinking you can claim pride on your ancestor but always avoid claiming responsibility.
if your logic is good then you owe slaves and injuns reparations.
The irony of trashing your ancestors' religion while claiming to be above kike programming. Varg would probably lock your ass in one of those burning churches for using his picture here.
So pagan are LARPERs, then what distinguishes between someone that practices paganism for real and someone that uses it to be an edgy ethno-nationalist? Or do you believe that it is impossible to be a pagan without larping in the modern world?
there are more humans on earth now than in any point in history.
each humans have 2 parents, 4 grand parents, 8 greatgrandparents, etc...
how can we not all be related somewhere?
Yas Forums is a Christian board
This board realized long ago that the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
That is WHY we have these threads almost daily. They believe they can manipulate us into thinking being Christian is anti-white when it was Christianity what made possible for us to have nation states in the first place.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:10-12
>pagancuck bong thinking anybody cares about the difference
All religion is a larp, some people just actually believe it. Neo-Paganism is all woo-woo bullshut but classic paganism was ooga-booga bullshit. Pagan religion still exists like shinto or hinduism, they wont be called that because the word pagan was a word the church used to demonize traditional religious practices which had no universal beliefs and were pantheistic. People made up gods to believe in based on the events that happened and they told other peoples about their gods and they would say “wow they have powerful gods” and so some god became more popular than others.
the only pagans I have seen are some obese feminists in my uni
>the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
So Yas Forums just likes Christianity for political purposes? That's not spirituality.
Yas Forums is not run by a bunch of clowns who believe in a jews lie.
What you think of Britannia show from HBO. Why kikes would want to spread paganism
stupid christcuck
christianity is retarded take your 10000 christs and shove them your ass. I personally believe Jesus was the son of God based on his preaching of love and tolerance to absolutely everyone, thats not the kind of ideology a human even today could come up with, much less 2000 years ago. Anyone who claims to know what he wants is a charlatan and anyone using him to preach exclusivity is a bastard not worth the shit on the sidewalk.
i am christian.
why is my post in the mass reply?
>is there anything funnier than seeing people larp as pagans on this site?
Yes, Christkikes larping as the original Israelites.
i dont watch tv
there is something worse, judeochristians "preaching"
t. not even pagan
based aquafresh
>have sex
a follower of christ made this thread bud
I pray to them. Especially when I am in a tough situation and I occasionally kill and butcher a cow in their name.
my girlfriend is left
s-should I be worried?
esp the "Islam is ok part"
(Source = the Prose Eddas)
inb4 "Snorri wuz a Jew and Iceland wuz Jewish too" etc etc
I don't think Christians or evangelicals are offended by the association to Judaism as you are.
>DNA is a buzzword
proof or larp
*circumcised jew god
It's strange how you have to deny any and all of Christianities Jewish roots then.
modern Jews aren't the same jews as back in Jesus time. modern jews are edomites
doesnt Judaism have pagan roots too?
Knew it. You're like those black Hebrews.
Dumb fuck, by that logic Christianity would be pagan because you both worship Yahweh.
You worship Jews. Yes, we know this. Yes, you admit it. That's why the Christcuck name suits you and fits perfectly. Your entire religion is predicated upon a different race of people who don't believe in your religion. This should be a prime indicator your religion is fake, but instead you ignore it and do everything you can to enshrine those same non-believers and get them to lord over you.
Write for Limp Bizkit faggot.
the pretend-pagan seethe is getting real in here