'42 knees in one day': Israeli Snipers Brag About Deliberately Crippling Gaza Protesters


>Discharged members of the Israeli Defense Forces, who served as snipers on the border with the Gaza Strip, have revealed shocking details related to their postings.

One of the six snipers interviewed, identified by the name Eden, discussed his time in the Golani infantry brigade with Israeli newspaper Haaretz, and claims to remember exactly how many knees he's hit.

>"I kept the casing of every round I fired," he told the newspaper.
>"I have them in my room. So I don't have to make an estimate – I know: 52 definite hits."

Eden was instructed to "repel" Palestinian demonstrators who approached the Gaza border fence. Gaza's protesters have taken to the border area every week for months on end as part of the "Great March of Return".

The sniper said he had the most hits in his battalion and that he was referred to as the "killer".

>"When I came back from the field, they would ask, 'Well, how many today?'"
>"You have to understand that before we showed up, knees were the hardest thing to rack up. There was a story about one sniper who had 11 knees all told, and people thought no one could outdo him. And then I brought in seven-eight knees in one day."

Eden told the newspaper he broke the "knee record" during the demonstration on May 14, 2008, the day the US embassy in Jerusalem was inaugurated.

>"On that day, our pair had the largest number of hits, 42 in all. My locator wasn't supposed to shoot, but I gave him a break, because we were getting close to the end of our stint, and he didn't have knees," Eden said.

>"In the end you want to leave with the feeling that you did something, that you weren’t a sniper during exercises only. So, after I had a few hits, I suggested to him that we switch. He got around 28 knees there, I'd say," he added.

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Jew are scum, colour me surprised.

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What is the problem with this? The Holy Land must be defended

If it's good for Israel it's good for us

We should deal with border crossers the same way in the USA

They're not doing head shots on the kids with the 50 cal sniper rifle?
What happened?

Oh what?
WTF you talkin bout?

I hate jews but that's still pretty based

Is this the updated version of taking arrow to the knee?

>horde of mudshits approaches border with murderous intent
>repelled yet again
greece needs to look to israel

these constant nagging threads make me actually want to support israel and i'm not even a real big fan of jews

We need this for Anarchists and Communists.

I used to be a protester like you
But then I took a sniper bullet to the knee

Why are Palis so ignorant? You demonstrate with kikes using bullets, bombs and blades.....not stupid signs, chants and slogans.

Unless you have a death wish.

>storming border fence
>he shoots them non lethal like all liberals want police to do
>gets condemned by media

wow can never win!

Are they still using Ruger 10/22s for this?

its to bait out international sympathy and subtly redpill people globally. it works.

And yet all but fuck shit has been done to aid their cause because the "international community" sympathises with the zionists.

The time of extreme manifestation has come, to hell with none violent protesting, blood must be shed.

>I believe in Iranian propaganda because I'm from Iran but I don't want to go back there though.

Fake news. DELETE.
Jews are good. Love us! Obey us!

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Bahahaha, why non-Jews are so inferior?

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wow this board really is infested with zio shills

very edgy post my dude, you really showed those libs who's boss

>Everyone who disagrees with my views is a shill.
Take your meds, schizo.

The holy land is wherever we are born at, Europe. Not in fucking hebrew-arab infested middle east.
The problem is they shoot them in their country, and they buy politicians that open borders in our countries.
You wouldn't see a problem if we kept shooting moroccans and sending every brown shit out of africa to norway? Are you retarded or just jewish?

During my service sniperbros were the most based people around
Glad to see their reputation still holds

It's always the fucking jew.


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I'm a brainlet, why doesn't the arab world just kill everyone in Israel?

Extremely based.
It's the other way around. If they try violence they'll just get curb stomped because they're poor ass incompetent Muslim trash.
By playing the victim, they can out-Jew the Jews. Look at how every UN resolution goes down, there's more Muslim countries than Jewish countries so they'll always turn out in favor of muh poor innocent Palestinians.

These men are agent provocateurs and it’s just more staged D&C shit

>my view is to defend israeli human rights violations
collect your shekels zogbot

free palestine

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No wonder you're called j*wish cattle

So now imperialism is bad? But when Hitler does it, it is fine?

if only moot was still alive

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jews are evil. they think about white people the same way they think about palestinians.

That's awesome

this, Jews are hell bound, and deservedly so. God I hate them and their lies.

>pol is one person
im not natsoc, friend

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die kike

They put pregnant woman in between the snipers and people who are cutting the fence at the border. Disgusting huh, filthy people using human shields



Fuck you!

Ok good

>believing zionist propaganda
stop be so fucking stupid

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some of them admitted that if they want a working relationship with the rest of the world, they can't. countries like jordan and saudi arabia actually cooperate with the jews, so they maintain an anti-israel rhetoric for appearances, but they'll never actually act against them
also because the outcome of a jews vs the muslims match would be far from certain

look at 1973
the soviets gave their best equipment to the arabs by the shitloads, completely free of charge
egypt alone fielded more tech than israel
they pulled off a surprise attack on a jewish holiday
they were tag teaming the jews from all sides
and they still got their shit pushed in

>Projects that others are Iran for criticizing Jewish people
>Tells others to take their meds
0.01 shekel has been deposited in your account

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It's on video, guess it's staged then? Both sides are abhorrent imo. No need to pick side, not my battle. Semites be semiting

Islamists also think they are the chosen people

No side is right.
They are marching to the border to get knee clapped and if they do Hamas will pay those handicapped a few shakels for their "sacrifice".
Our government is also to blame but you folks already know most of it.

Those who literally want to understand the conflict should read "The green prince".

>pic of Israel dropping phosphorous on Palestinians

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Based judim cionim.
Wipe them all out

>No side is right.
true, but you're more evil

I always see these pictures reused over and over

Jews are only protecting themselves. These guys were terrorists.

>war is cruel

I'm sure you would be fine with Israel being bombed, no?

aipac isnt the islamic lobby

>not knowing the greatest menace to White people are j*ws
Fuck off newfag

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>Be Arab
>side with Nazis during Second World War
>Notice how Germans lose half of their Reich and the german population that lives there gets expelled to live in Germany
>Refuse to accept that a part of your country belongs to Jews now
>Refuse to move at another country of the big big arab world
>demand the world to pity you

What's so special about these Arabs? They could live everywhere else peacefuly yet they demand to stay in that shithole desert.
Just deport them from Palestene and everything would be fine.

>>No side is right.
>true, but you're more evil
how are palestinians not 1000% justified in fighting for their homeland

There is no other solution to the j*wish menace you newfag

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>If you hate palestinian shitskins it must mean you love israel

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It's not gonna change course of History.

Israel will be mixed, Israel will be BLACK.