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He never called the virus a 'hoax'.

Its karma for kicking out Infowars

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Based Coronachan

He literally never called it a hoax, that's spin

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non-americans sure do get uppity about shit that doesn't concern them

And this is a bad thing?

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You stick your cunt noses in every other country's business. Only fair that we return the favor.


Mmmm Bat-shitggeti.

Non-Americans care more about facts than you, I guess.

I'm pretty sure the media are praying to all the plague deities for Trump to get sick by it.

Yes. Nothing will polarize and further accelerate balkanization like electing Trump. Pence is just too refined and too established to provoke the same reaction. Not to say that trump isn't a traitorous zionist sellout that deserves the rope, just that he has his uses.

electroshock therapy cures coronavirus

Democrat bot accounts need to get better at pushing out disinfo.


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Lol, then what the fuck are you guys doing worldwide? You can start by explaining the Middle East.


America is the most powerful country in the world, so everything we do affects everybody

What I mean is, if trump died due to the virus, then we get pence, who hates faggots and degeneracy even more.

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Can confirm. Can’t wait for this bitch to Balkanize.

and loves Israel even more b-b-b-b-based!


Trump should go speak to congress and shake every Democrat’s hand in the building.

>tfw both Biden and Trump gets the virus and bernie takes over and wins the election by default.

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Pointing out something isnt true isnt being uppity you retarded nigger


Pence was at cpac also, plus he is always around trump. Pelosi will become president.

he said it's their new hoax

>prime stash
>seeded corn pops

Imagine being such a retard that you turn a health public crisis into some partisan garbage, muh dems, muh hoax, muh orange retard

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Still your president.

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Trump's "downplay" was being asked if he's worried the virus is getting close to the white house (meaning him) and he knows he was on stage, in a big room, with someone who had the virus. Trump already tested himself, he knows if he's infected or not. It'll only be when he tells the companies to speed up the production of the vaccine to a few months, starts spinning lies about the virus to downplay it that its already too late. OH WAIT!

AFPAC > Corona-PAC

That is not fair!, better coronachan should be the election winner!

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Holy fuck

Vaguely Jewish post.

I'm OK with this.

Just make sure, my enemies are dead

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Trump is the one the media is saying is holding up the tests. he has direct access to the test and the nuclear codes. he knows if he is infected or not, and he isnt acting different at all :^)

It would be fucking hilarious if Trump got Coronavirus and died.

A moment of supreme comedy.

>direct access to nuclear codes

If you think, they would let him fire nukes behind the back of his boss you are seriously mistaken.

Btw, the US is not much of a threat. They just surrended to the Taliban in fucking Afghanistan...

sharp eye

or all niggers in the UK

LOL! Just imagine, all those Lhandaers getting btfo. Who would get all that welfare then?

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Fucking this. They will all be near death and be like, at least I shilled for my party.

US used maybe 1% of its power and blew the Taliban the fuck up for the past 20 years making them a rag tag group of goat fuckers who hide in caves

>making them a rag tag group of goat fuckers who hide in caves

they literall were just that from the beginning.
Since WW2, you couldn't win a single war.

The Taliban is releasing all their buddies from the prisons too. I think this seals the fate of the shitty AR15. AKs win every time.

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Yeah I don't disagree with you there. The fact that we lose or drop out of every war has less to do with the effectiveness of our military and more to do with the fact that our citizens are fucking pussies and can't put up with the idea of the US btfo'ing anywhere else.

What is the football
And america havent won a war since
well...lets see funded bin laden not directly them...vietnam lost, ww2 was russia...

If her tits were only as big as that Toucan Sam beak of hers I might listen. Soleil Moon Frye was hotter anyway.

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>trump gets corona
>whole congress gets corona
>only the dude who used Steam to launder money survives on the republican side
>Gabe Newell uses his newfound political influence to take over America
>America becomes Super Power 3 by 2220


>muh secret weapons in hangars and shit
>muh 1% of strength


>agrees with you
work on your reading comprehension buddy

several months ago some user claiming to be from the future said Trump would catch and die from a virus

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Few guys with it isn't enough to spread it to thousands. They don't even know if he was shedding when he went there.

>MUH 1% of force
>literally losing to niggers with their grandad's herloom guns

>meanwhile in Italy

what a clueless faggot

no u

rich coming from an american