"We cannot win this re-election. Excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump"
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Give thanks and praise for Kek has chosen yet again to gift us with what could be the most meme worthy candidate in history. Madame Hillary had a great run, buy "Uncle Dementia-Onset Joe" looks to be in a league of his own. This is going to be a very bountiful summer lads
Poor old Joe, feel bad for him.
joes wife died a few years after they had their first kid and joe worked full time while commuting between school as a single corn pop, hard life joe
It's so sad how he was relativly sharp a couple of years ago.
Hot and she is into it too.
tfw no cute tomboy granddaughter to make out with :(
He's going to mistake his grand daughter for his wife one of these rallies
That's chad as fuck and will definitely play with working class hicks "secretly" looking up incest porn online.
Trump should tweet that Biden has officially endorsed him. This is going to cause an even worse meltdown from the faggots on the Left. Can't stand that traitorous zionist kike loving cuckservative, but he certainly has his uses, such as acceleration us toward balkanizing and breaking off from DC.
You cannot make this shit up
They’ll put Kamala, Warren, Michelle Obama or Killary as running mate and immediately get rid of him if he gets the nomination
I don't.
He deserves every inch of the mountain of humiliation he's creating for himself everytime he stands in front of a camera
Serious talk, who going to be his VP pick?
My money's on either Warrer or Hunter
Flesh of my flesh. Who knew it tasted so good?
I can't wait until he forgets where he is and rapes a child at a rally.
>it's real
Holy fuck, what a fucking clown world. What a demented fuck.
kek he already retweeted someone who mentioned it
No, that would bring more notoriousness to their Ukraine situation, plus having your son or another family member as VP is extremely bad optics
Yeah, Warren could be. Basically they just want Biden to hang in there one bit until they can stop Bernie. Once Biden has the nomination, they’ll reveal a high profile running mate and get rid of Biden soon after. No way in hell that they’ll let Biden debate Trump in this state
>Trump going senile
>Joe Biden in full blown dementia mode
Honestly can't wait for the debates
>left wants Bernie
>Bernie gets bern'd again
>nominate this demented fuck
Just how atomic mad are the bernouts now?
I want Biden win. I want America have president with dementia. He would start WW3 by accident. Perfect president candidate.
That's pretty funny and depressing
Stacy Abrams keeps coming up as a likely VP pick. Also Pete Buttegieg with his fairly decent polling and Iowa victory might have had becoming Biden’s VP as a condition for endorsing him.
Do people think Biden will be able to last long enough to take down Bernie? If his dementia is bad enough during the Arizona debate I could see Bernie gaining in the polls, though likely too little too late.
Pedo Joe Biden is obviously quickly becoming senile. Reminder that in just the last few days the cancerous media has already began to cover for pedo Joe by claiming those talking about Bidens fucked up mind are part of a "disinformation campaign". Also, back in December of 2019 when the Washington Post ran an article about pedo Joe's health the doctor involved specifically said that they did not run cognitive test saying “The only test that hasn’t been done is the cognitive functioning test,”
Pedo Joe can barely form sentences at his own campaign events and his debate performance were terrible but the media and Democrat establishment are hellbent to push pedo Joe because they have no one else they believe can win
"The Disinformation Campaign Being Launched Against Biden"
"Joe Biden is a ‘healthy, vigorous’ 77-year-old, his doctor declares"
Omfg what is wrong with this guy??? I just saw Joe Rogan discussing Biden's guffs in another video.
I would still bet on Kamala Harris. She would be the perfect Vice president pick.
It's not fair. How do I get a qt granddaughter to make out on a public stage with?
After Biden has already apologized for being creepy uncle Joe you would think he would stop doing shit like that
I mean this is his debate performance on climate change.
from 5:20 to 6:32
>It is the existential threat that humanity faces. Global warming. And were not [mumbles] we have a facility where you have one of the largest, largest, solar panel arrays in the entire wold. And its up, And if when the fourth stage is completed, cough, it will be able to take care of sixty. Thousand. Homes. For every single bit of their needs. And what I would do is, Now, number one, work on providing [mumble] the 47 billion dollars we have for tech and for, to making sure we find answers is to find a way to transmit that wind and solar energy across the network of, of, over the united states. Invest in battery technology. I would immediately restate all of the, elimination of the what. What the, what the Trump has eliminated in terms of EPA. I would secondly make sure that, we had five hundred thousand new, new charging station in every new highway we built in the united states of America, or repaired. I would make sure that we, [mumble], one again make sure that we got the mileage standards back up which would have saved over twelve billion barrels and walked away from it. And I would, um f, invest in rail. In rail. Rail can take hundred of thousands, millions of cars of the road if we have high speed rail
I feel like Trump is gonna kill his guy, I legit think he is gonna have a brain aneurysm after his debate with trump.
you know damn well Don is going to is going to have a field day with this
Why do you cut him off mid-sentence and claim it's due to dementia?
>>247049994Everyone here knows that
>DNC is pushing for Biden even though hes obviously unfit (calling it a "conspiracy" when people say hes senile)
>Hillary going on a media blitz right now
>Hillary will be Bidens VP
>Biden will be declared senile/unfit/die (despite eariler fake news claims that its a conspiracy)
>She will become POTUS
PUSH THIS ultra hard in social media and online before it happens. EVERYONE should hear this EVERYWHERE even if they also hear its "fake", and then if it actually happens they will think "hey wait a minute now"
Dont let the chance slip away while just talking about this on Yas Forums. Summon some of the energy of 2015/16 to really spread this message out there.
Right now its just echoed on Yas Forums sometimes instead of getting lodged in the public consciousness!!
he got brain damages ?
Probably just another kike performance to make Trump look like the savior of America again. Dumb fucks will never learn.
Soaking her panties, Jesus. Calm down toots
Did you actually listen to the video? How about do that first and then come back with this autistic asshattery. It's not about the word re-elect alone, you absolute cringelord.
Thanks for that, I am now a Biden Ballistic Missile.
Why do democrats insist on running the most senile old person they can find?
This. There could not be more lulz.
Never gonna happen, the Clinton's have burned too many bridges and no one wants to put up with thier shit anymore.
Berniebros are such disingenuous scumbags. You can make anyone look like a retard if you deliberately ignore half the sentence to get your quote.
I won't be surprised if Trump run ads of Joe endorsing him.
Imagine Berniebros' salt after Bernie lose again after this shitshow.
t. retard
Presidents must speak for the
Whats concerning here is that he loses his train of thought. He goes from this train of thought, “we cannot win this re election (loses train of thought but wanted to say if we run negative campaigns), struggles to find what he was just saying (begins a new train of thought) excuse me we can only re elect donald trump (once again loses his train of thought) regains it after awkward pause to say if we engage in a a circular firing squad ( my guess is he is threatening progressives, bernie supporters, and establishment dems to fall in line or else trump wins.w
Abrams is CFR.
So is this board for the discussion of politics at
No, but it does not matter what he actually meant, it matter what people understood because that is going to affect things.
This, amen! I can't wait for November, it will be another epic meltdown on the left.
Let's not pretend Trump doesn't misspeak all the fucking time. Yes he's much more of a showman personality but they're both obviously experiencing the onset of dementia.
>"We cannot win this re-election. Excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump..."
"...if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad"
It's a good job Berniebros stand for a new enlightened political age and wouldn't take an opponents words completely out of context for cheap point scoring.
Liberal MSM will not even mention this. Can you imagine if Trump said "we need to re-elect (anybody besides himself)"
This is one of the healthiest dosage of COPING I've seen in a while
Okay, what about 150 million Americans dying from gun violence. How was that taken out of context.
Biclen is the best candidate trillions of dollars can buy.
How does that make you feel?
Finally something Joe & I agree on. I fully support his comments here.
>I want America have president with dementia
They already have one
My fucking sides are in orbit. I love it when you see political figures brains just stop. Remember “if if if if if if if” by Obama and when Bush fucked up the saying “fool me once”? Those make me lose my shit too.
Absolute gold.
Cornpop Noooooooo!!!
I just read OPs quote and watched the video to see that it's horseshit.
If you have quotes that do make him look bad then why go with this nonsense?