Love transcends race.
Love transcends race
I want a qt vietnamese girl to step on me
genocide transcends love
Just say no, man. Love transcending race is how we got Mexicans.
genocide is the greatest expression of love
love is overrated
duty to the vaterland trancends emotions
>tfw ugly so no race wants me
I don't care I like being alone.
Mutts law
Every single time
No it doesn’t, faggot. You’re thinking of lust. Blowing your wad in a gook’s yellow pussy transcends race.
Yeah, but marrying your fetish and producing socially disenfranchised mongrels is pretty cringe bro
>want Asian gf
>want white children
It's not fair bros
mexicans are literally the result of 400 spanish men taking 100 native wifes each. Thats the life I want
I agree 100% and I LOVE Abigail
marry asian woman. Pay white surogate mother or adopt a white child.
Hapas should be exterminated. Asians should be wiped off the face of the planet too.
Black man too beaucoup
>adopt a white child
So much this. Plenty of white kids already born that need parents.
i want to go on a comfy date with a viet qt and hold hands with her and stuff
yeah, so does hate.
considering OPs pic related were killing their own countrymen.
it's a bit of a catch22 you got goin on here.
I wonder what being fap fodder to antisemetic racists online does to a person’s psyche
Yes this is based.
>want black kids
>terrible asian fetish
it hurts nigga
Patrician taste
being that dude on the bottom looks fun ngl
This. Muhmodelminoritycels have probably never had to be around chinks to actually understand how cancer they are
Wtf I love commie slopes now
This behavior used to be the norm and no one questioned it. What a loss...
love doesn't transcend shit, it's just drug
Guys I'm going to be honest. No Asian girl in the world is even as pretty as this beautiful white boy.
Asians are literally subhumans
race mixing destroys race
asians are so desperate to up their genes
thats how elliot rodger was born
the inferiority complex will only pass down as they try to upgrade
Ok, but you lose the right to criticize boomers for their lack of foresight.
what happened to that qt anyway
You can't love someone of a different race. Japs and Whites are probably the closest to be able to, but otherwise it's just infatuation. I've know fuck tons of mix race people and all of them have divorced parents. You want to know why? Because once they get old and start aging they realize they have no commonality, want different thing, see no beauty in eachother, and their fetish wore off.
Post that.
Now look at the first responce.
When you decide to love trancends race you are required as individuals first to decide that you may bring a child into the world that will lose a large part of its paternal and maternal heritage. The child won't be fully accepted by either race. Then one or both of you will also lose a large part of that connection.
Marriage, is not just about the two participants. Its also about families and children as well as communities and culture.
I think its very selfish to not take that into account to satiate your emotional wants over the needs of children, family and community.
She probably gets aroused at the thought of being used like a cock holster by "Nazis"
The one and only Queen of Yas Forums
You need to man up and get a stronk huwhite wamyn! Otherwise da jooz!!
Her husband owns an original Hugo Boss SS uniform. It's the only thing that gets her wet.
Well, message the pics related and let then know a forum of muslim antisemite asian larp nazis fill their cum socks to the images hacked from their phones and pc's. Ask how they feel about that.
Real men don't like this! True huwhite men like "thicc" huwhite wamyn with tattoos, who are "experienced" 30+ year olds!!
>cum sock
Boomer post detected.
It is 2020. We have onaholes now.
Indeed! We must preserve the beauty of the huwhite wamyn at all costs!
Race literally doesn't exist.
i wouldn't trust putting my dick in anything made in china
Its a rubber cum sock that looks like a vagina. Those were out in the 60s at least.
You litteraly reuse a coom tomb made of rubber you lube, then try to wash out.
Fucking incels.