How true is this?
Trump beats Biden but Bernie beats Trump
Not very. Sanders would definitely flip FL blue. Other than that accurate.
Bernie is doing worse with white working class than in 2016
Even Biden is beating Bernie with white working class
Checked. I think AZ would go to Trump w/ Bernie but same outcome.
Hillary Clinton has a 98% chance of winning the election.
Bernie does not beat Trump you fucking retard.
my room mate just told me he's voting for Bernie cuz "free healthcare"
PA would never vote for Bernie over Trump. Outside of Niggadelphia Trump is loved here.
In which universe do you live in?
So why is Biden beating Bernie then? I used to not buy the narrative that Bernie was unpopular with niggers and Dixie Democrats, but I'm starting to see it more clearly now from these results.
Why would he win in the general when he is currently getting swamped in the primary? You cannot be a contender when you are unable to get out of the starting gate.
nebraska would go full red, arizona isn't going for Bernie, neither is rust belt.
You underestimate the number of people who would register for the first time and vote at all only if Sanders is running.
>So why is Biden beating Bernie then?
Part internal party rigging, part propaganda that some voters fall for.
Nobody outside of coastal cities or college campuses like Boinie Sanduhs. You fags can keep trying to push this narrative that people like bernie on Yas Forums but anyone that actually interacts with adults that have jobs in the real world know that Trump is going to sweep even harder than he did in 2016 because the dems have doubled down on the insane rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place. 2 terms of Trump was inevitable as soon as he was elected.
>Why would he win in the general when he is currently getting swamped in the primary?
All the Biden supporters are #bluenomatterwho, so they'll vote Sanders.
All the Sanders supporters are #Bernieorbust, so they won't vote Biden.
Sanders gets %100 of Dem votes, Biden only gets 50ish% of Dem voters. Can't win with half a party.
Where's your data to support that?
Why does everyone think Biden would win Michigan?
Ohio isn't a swing state anymore. Also, trump takes Minnesota if Biden is the candidate. Fuck super tuesday the minneapolis berniebros will not vote for biden and the suburban never trumpers that voted for McMuffin have come around to trump.
I believe if we look into the data, we can see this next election will have very surprising results akin to the Michigan and Pennsylvania flip of the last election.
Now I'll share a couple of charts that show the ideological swing of the big 6 swing states from 2000 to 2016 as well as how much more Republican states voted from 2012 to 2016.
Taking a look at the six big swing states you see even states who might shy away from calling themselves "Republican" like Wisconsin, Minnesota or New Hampshire still have gotten more conservative over time. Now considering this conservative bent how would the election play out if the Democrats are successfully branded socialists.
Don't take my word for it. Go look up the numbers yourself so you know I'm not lying. Take 2016 as the example. Look how many voted for Trump, and hoe many for Hillary, then look up how many Americans were eligible to vote based on the census. Both Hillary and Trump got a bit under 30% each, so over 40% went third party or did not bother to vote. If Sanders gets even a fraction of that 40% he easily beats Trumps's
Now let's dig a little deeper into NH, Hillary won the state by fewer then 3,000 votes. NH has changed its absentee voter law for out of state students who we know voted overwhelmingly liberal.
As for Coloardo, Trump lost by a margin of 4.91%. However, Coloardo also had tremendous support for two conservative and Republican leaning independents. Gary Johnson captured 5.18% of the vote and Evan McMullin captured 1.04%. That's a 6.22% share of the electorate that we can assume would only benefit Trump in 2020.
Very similar situation in Nevada, Trump lost by 2.42%. Johnson captured 3.32%
Maine at Large, dramatically drifted more Republican in 2016, with Trump losing the vote by 2.96%, and Johnson capturing over 5% of the electorate.
And Finally, just want to discuss some other interesting states like Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey. These states drifted dramatically more Republican compared to 2012, and I wonder what psychological effect Pennsylvania flipping will have on voters in these states. For the past two decades many people have felt their votes don't matter unless they are in a swing state, seeing these new swing states emerging could we see enough voters energized to possible flip these states.?
I've spent lots of time studying this. I know that Trump would crush Sanders. I've already started giving you my data.
Interestingly enough, the same arguments we've had on Yas Forums are now supported by a completely diffrent model supported by Moody Analytics Economic model. So we have even more data to pull from.
These are the outcomes of the three models discussed in the report, with a voter turnout variable throw in. It also shows the average of the three models in order to predict the outcome.
The pocketbook model takes into account gas prices, the housing market and real personal income( Inflation, Wages, etc.) On a state-by-state basis.
The stock market model focuses on projections of the S&P500.
The unemployment model focuses on a state-by-state natural state of unemployment, with a few other personal finance variables.
Most Democrats don’t support Bernie over 50% in nearly every state as far we can tell so far outside of Nevada and maybe his own home state. There is a reason #NeverBernie is a thing. Moderates appeal more to normal people than extremists.
Finally Trump against a Socialist.
what happened to utah?
I think one thing we can agree on is that until we see a head-to-head race between the two we're not going to agree. I'd love to prove you wrong, and you'd love to prove me wrong, but with the DNC picking Republicans over leftists, we'll never find out.
>Moderates appeal more to normal people than extremists.
There's no way I can think you're not laughing as you post that. It's 2020, Trump won four years ago, the appeal of outsiders is well documented.
2016 proved going "moderate" and "centrist" is a losing strategy, because the few idiots in the center just treat politics like a sport, they vote for their team, not matter the candidate.
Strong third party support that drew from Trumps voting base. McMullin and Johnson.
I've wrote out well thought out posts, with data and sources.
You talk about how you feel and what you think.
niggers forget that most voters didn't want to vote at all because most voters were under the impression that both candidates sucked. Trump has proven himself beyond what anyone thought possible, securing basically every republican and democrat defects like myself. It's going to be a land slide unlike any other. AMERICA IS BACK
Trusting polls.
Basically true, but Trump will lose PA and win MI and NH against Biden in 2020.
Trump wins either way. It's closer with Bernie bc he has something to say.
Number people who consider Biden basically a Republican and would never vote for him even against Trump: About half the Democratic party.
Number of people who are so scared of "socialism" that they would pick Trump over Sanders: Nearly zero.
The fact is Sanders gets the full Democratic Party, plus some folks to the left of them. Biden gets half the Democratic party, plus no one from the mythical "center" cause they'll vote Trump since he hasn't fucked up much over four years. Economy is good and they'll vote to not rock the boat.
every state in the primary so far, even in the Red/Biden states Bernie is leading exit polls with independents.
the biggest political brainfailure is thinking "independent" is synonymous with "moderate"
both options were moderate-to-conservative in 2016
If data and course were everything, 538's prediction of the Hillary landslide would have been true. We all know it wasn't. Sometimes you have to accept obvious truths over the numbers that - and I can't stress this enough - were gathered, calculated, and published by someone with an agenda. As the old saying goes, statistics don't lie, unlike those shiftless statisticians.
>Number people who consider Biden basically a Republican and would never vote for him even against Trump: About half the Democratic party.
You wish. Maybe 10% if you're lucky, but you're forgetting that far-leftists are cucks. Dems are still butthurt over Nader and Gore, but the reality is that the far-left turns out for moderate Dems more than the center-left, because they're still more terrified of Republicans.
>Number of people who are so scared of "socialism" that they would pick Trump over Sanders: Nearly zero.
That "nearly zero" control nearly 100% of advertising and media in the nation though.
Pure fantasy. Democrats would prefer 4 more of Trump over the absolute destruction of their party.
>muh polls
Huh? Bernie can't even beat Biden, are you retarded? Biden blew out bernie massively, he's winning by 1 million votes, polls also said Hillary would win. Bernie has no support with working class people, with black people, with old people, he is the definition of unelectable.
Independents aren't going to vote in a Biden vs Trump scenario. you're just playing around in the margins without them, it's basically a coinflip.
But Biden beats Bernie. Rock paper scissors bitch.
>You wish.
It happened in 2016. Why are you acting like you don't remember. The Bush Family voted for Hillary, it sure wasn't the "moderates" she was losing, it was the left, and the left made up about half of the Democratic Party.
>the reality is that the far-left turns out for moderate Dems more than the center-left, because they're still more terrified of Republicans.
No one here is going to believe you have no memory of 2016. The left is fully willing to lose an election to prevent the Democratic Party swining any further to the right. This happened, four years ago. "The past" isn't a wacky conspiracy theory.
>That "nearly zero" control nearly 100% of advertising and media in the nation though.
And they still failed to election their Golden Girl in 2016. Even with the insane level of media support she had.
Bernie Sanders isn't running for anything, the DNC already told him no. Right now he is just enjoying attention that other people have paid for.
so if all of america was utah voting third party would be viable?
Just like 2016.
>It happened in 2016.
It didn't. What happened was 1) working-class whites switched from Obama to Trump, and 2) blacks went back to their pre-black president turnout levels. That's all. The Bernout effect was mild.
He just ran townhall on how niggers can not vote for him. He should've traveled to a rural white areas and had a townhall. But that's why he lost.
No, the third-party candidate was a Mormon, so all those Mormons voted for him on that basis alone.
OH, IA, WI, AZ, and PA are going to Trump flat out. DNC made them same mistake this year as 2016.
Bernie's rock concerts.
Trump's scissoring porn stars.
Biden's paperless voting machines.
Trump beats both easily.
It's viable in Maine, they have Ranked Choice Voting, so if your first choice doesn't win, your second choice is counted, and so on until someone has more than 50%.
You're falling for the propaganda. Research beyond what CNN/Fox tell you.
Seriously the bernie meme is just that, a meme, he would lose every state, even california, all 50 states, and it's not even because of his ideas. Someone with similar policies could win but bernie is an evil man and people know it, he's tainted the left in america for decades
>1 post
No point in an explanation
>bernie is an evil man and people know it
Are you retarded? Bernie singing Castro’s praises instantly lost him Florida
>It's going to be a land slide unlike any other. AMERICA IS BACK
The civic nationalists will have to realize that after 2024, there will only be Democrat presidents.
White boomers, who vote Republican far more often, die out, while Hispanic and Asian zoomers, who mostly vote Democrat, are born or imported.
Conflict is inevitable in the near future. It would be preferable if Trump was still Commander-in-Chief when that happens, rather than some commie or establishment traitor.
Ideally, Trump finally calls for a national emergency at the border and steamrolls the legislation. But that is not all that likely due to the ziocon traitors.
>posts biden meme
>proving my point
I dont get it
Cubans are not the problem.
Mike Bloomberg was leading the polls in's boomer paradise. best thing to do with Florida is burn it down.
Biden's map unironically looks more like the right side than Bernie's does, except he also wins NC, SC, and Georgia.
If this election teaches Republicans one thing it's hopefully that blacks are fucking animals and they needs to stop passing laws to prolong their lives and help them spawn more children. Become the pro-abortions party pass laws to shrink welfare benefits for fatherless homes.
if Trump beats Biden, what does it mean that Biden is beating Bernie? This is a bad take that the bernietards love repeating.
how does a biden meme prove any point much less a point about Bernie being "evil"
gonna need some citations from your necronomicon bro.
Uhh are you dumb? Did you look at the Super Tuesday results?
Because Biden proved that, black people passionately turned out 8 to 1 against Bernie in some states, way more than they did Trump even though the media shits on Trump constantly while shoving Bernie down everyone's throats. It's because they could sense what he is. Bernie's done lots of evil things but, praising a commie dictator as someone running to be the most powerful person in the world is something more recent