/cvg/ corona virus general #1733

Detected: 106,009 ► Died: 3,600

Italy quarantines 16 million people

New York declares state of emergency

Patient who died left waiting 6 hours by NHS

Itaian Doctor warn public to get ready, young endangered too

Canadian official breaks down in press conference

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Dogs can be carriers of the virus

Virus affects blood circulation

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

04:47: 1 new case in Victoria, Australia. Patient is a visitor from Indonesia.
04:15: 2 new cases in New Hampshire. One in Grafton County had contact with a prior case at Hope Bible Fellowship in West Lebanon, NH and one in Rockingham County who recently traveled from Italy.
03:40: First case in Vermont.
02:40: 1 new case in Manatee County, Florida, United States.
01:55: 1 new case in Hanoi, Vietnam.
01:10: 93 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea.
00:50: First case in Missouri.
00:30: China’s National Health Commission reports 3 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 3,600
lol, still only 3,600.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,600? Four days? Five days?

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Hurra Hurra for Corona!

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yo yo yo yo i wrote a little rap song

Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY NEW cases and death ,without any shit news and other stuff

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 16.26.36.png (3198x2302, 1.19M)

newly baked gif, fitting punishment for people like this.

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Post your plague outfits.

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Evening Gary.
How's the wife?

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>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation (14 days +).
>3. Can spread during asymptomatic incubation.
>4. May infect the CNS and brainstem. - SARS has a higher propensity to do this.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. It also can cause encephalitis, as SARS/Coronaviruses have a propensity to do.
>8. Mortality increases exponentially with age, protect your parents and grandparents.
Takeaways -
Do not respond to tripfags
Do not respond to namefags

These attention-whores and validation-seekers ruin everything they touch with their faggotry and your responses feed their egos

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Fuck Captcha how does gary even do it

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Never change Gary

Don’t fucking talk to tripfags

Eat shit Gaaarrryyy, when it's millions of boomers dead you won't be able to post an image because itl be bigger than the file limit.

>number of employees showing COVID symptoms: 70

fucking W E W

Who here still panic buying?

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>based and corona chan woke
We will all receive her blessing.

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Gary isn't a poorfag

Vaccine will take at least 16-18 months and that would be a world record.

All these threads and post will be in history books about what human reaction to corona, gary, argie, and funky bunch are all going to read about in kids school books.

hard image to figure out in my head thought the coat was photoshopped

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Race between America and Australia to become the next Italian style disaster.

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It's fake news by Democrats to make Trump look bad, there's no virus.

What happened to those two boomers on that cruise that got the virus? Or the British guys in quarantine that say they recovered, are they still alive and well?
Are they all dead? Still in hospital? I can't find shit.

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the moonbat libtarts and the MEDIA NBC, aka the establishment Democrats, are dying to blame & use this against Trump. Now you see why they've been posting articles about every 10 minutes for days. They were gleeful to report how it hurt the stock market and they're pushing so hard for everyone to be in a paranoid frenzy. Disgusting.

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unironically starting to think i caught the corolla bros. have had a fucking BRUTAL cold for the past week, possibly the worst cold i have ever had, but not worse than the flu. it sucks but i'm almost over it. i read that most people in my area who went in tested negative for it, but idk, this was a fucking BAD cold i had

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>based super spreader

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It wiped that place in half. Half the emoloyees down, half the patients down. Damn. And we’ll likely see the rest of it fall this week.

Not panic buying but stocking up every time I go to the store

Definitely America, with its massive population and 3rd world Healthcare quality for the poor, it will be a fucking shit show

Its either that or you'll be on the corner next month giving blowjobs for a few sheets of toilet paper.

Which is worse?

Some American user in the last thread asked how cabo was looking like since he was gonna come visit in a week, as someone who works in a hotel I'd SERIOUSLY advise not going on the trip desu. Most of the tourists we get around here are retired rich ass boomers, in essence the ideal target for Corona Chan.
Also say hi if you happen to see a person wearing a N95 half mask with pink filters, along with gloves! I've been having alot of fun walking around looking like autistic overhaul the past few days :3

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Is Conte the stupidest fucking nigger in history?
>we're quarantining Lombardia as a whole
>effect immediately?
>proceeds to cause a bunch of fags to flood train stations to go down south to infect the rest of the country

Fuck off gary. This isn’t funny anymore. This is a serious habbening

Do any anons remember being sicker than usual over the past 6 months? My gf and I had corona-like symptoms November / December. Her father was in Germany around the same time and had similar symptoms - bad coof, fever, headache, diarrhea, vomiting. It was really fucked.

I've heard stories of others saying the same thing. Has this been around much longer than we thought?

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>yfw neets will rise up

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I haven't been outside much these past weeks, but reports from my friends are that there are actually LESS people in shops than every before. Seems that people have started buying a bit more every time they've gone shopping, so that they don't have to go out as often. People in Denmark seem to have prepped the best way possible, all naturally.

It's also mentioned here:

And here:
>Having a runny nose and sputum (phlegm coughed up from the lungs) doesn’t rule out having Covid-19.
>It’s true that early studies on the new coronavirus have found that a runny nose (rhinorrhoea in medical terminology) is a relatively uncommon symptom, but some patients did have it. At least one other study has found it to be a more common symptom. So if you have a runny nose you may still have Covid-19.

fuck off migatard this is bigger than your stupid fanclub

On the plus side, if you all survive this, it'll be the end of PD as a political force.

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Remember that China used really hard measures, quaranteening 1/10 of global populace, to get that death toll where it is now. So when we all do like china, the total deathtoll from this should be just 20k or so. Maybe even 25k. Don't try to downplay this flu, mr Gary!

Chinks doomed us


He doesn't use the nigger cursor.
(only 1 captcha done to post)

Personally, I've shut the ark. I've got 2.5 months of food and I'm not leaving except in the most extreme emergency.

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If the media could stop hyping this new, but mild strain of flu so my 401k can rebound that would be great.

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While appreciated, nobody has telegram elsewhere in the world

My p100s are pink. user's know if they are not color coded then?

Our health care here really is third world quality. we've got all the technology of modern medicine with little to no expertise or quality control involved.

im making money off of you losing money
i don’t like being a human

This post brought to you in part by mental retardation.

Let's see how fake it is when Mitch and the gang end up coughing out their lungs.

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Why the fuck won't you lockdown your cities right now?

>residents: 120
>tests: 45

jesus christ. what if this really is the big one

What’s with all the shills posting


Found the fucking piece of shit kike.
Crawl back to /sg/ and bitch at sandniggers maybe they won't spread corona to your precious israel if you stopped shilling on them so much lol

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I survived the plague Gary. But you wont

Who are you posting pictures of, and why are you such a mega boomer?

One of my room mates works in a hospital and i was sick at around the same time with something they bought in, same symptoms as corona.
They went to go get checked and were sent home and told it wasn't the flu but not given any more information.
I've heard a few more people say they had something in that time frame. Hopefully we're immune now.

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UK user here

> On Wednesday, most the UK experienced panic shopping
> By Friday, shops were almost completely deserted

Luckily had booked off this weekend so no clue how bad it is, but chances are most people are beginning to realise how fucked we are and starting to isolate or flee


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Obligatory prophecy comment

They're gonna come out some time soon and say we've all been infected at least once since november mark my words. That shit wasn't a flu season.

>Mild strain of the flu
Take your meds schizo.

You wont need your 401k anymore.

All day long all night long article after article on the coronavirus nothing about the regular flu virus. Nothing about Teen suicides nothing about veteran suicides. Well Pretty much what the mainstream media does irresponsible reporting I hope you're going to be happy once this leads to. A global recession because you people are over sensationalizing this to the point where people think it's the black plague when it's nothing more than a viral pneumonia.

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It's all up to what happens in the next few weeks, if harsh measures are not put into place and hospitals fill up then we have hit the point of no return.

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the virus is in DC? damn, closer to home than I thought.

You're going to die, boomer

sorry we dont buy kids in walmart here

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2.5 months of food...

user, that's not enough unless you ration it out to roughly 7/8 months. You are going to want to bunker down until next year summer.

>only a servant of israel would call out the eternal jew
are you retarded?

Hungary +2 total 7 infected now. Coronavirus.gov.hu

Has he been infected?

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I wouldn't even use a mouse at all if not for captcha. Captcha requires mouse clicks

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fuck off you dumb ass Trump nut licking faggot

Hey dad, I asked you to stop coming on Yas Forums after you've been drinking.

Where is it

Alright (((pastanigger))) lol
>muh muh muh boomer
>muh muh muh narrative shift
Fucking weakasses all of you kek

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How will glowniggers be able to keep posting in these threads once they and their families die at the hands of plague-chan?

I got an incredibly nasty flu in late January that knocked me on my ass for a full 2 weeks.
Typically I get maybe 1 day of low fever, week of coughing. This time I got 3 full days of 101 fever and 15-20 days nasty, nasty cough and general weakness/fatigue.
I don't know if it was corona or the normal flu that seems to really be fucking people up this year but anything is possible.

will panic buying ever stop?

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Overreactions caused by media hype.
Coronavirus deaths are still

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I have pink filters as well. I trust what it says on the box that it basically filters out everything.

>tfw day of the pillow is cancelled

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Yo yo yo let me guess yo rap song nigga
It goes like dis
>Nigga nigga nigga nigga
>Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
>Nigga nigga nigga nigga
>Nigga nigga nigga nig nog
>Nigga nig nog tick tock nigga
>Nigga nigga glock nigga talk nigga
>Nigga nigga walk nigga talk nigga
>Nigga nigga nigga what's not.... nigga
>Click clock tick tock nigga
>Big clock small talk nigga
>Nig nog big cock nigga

"XD" trolled us epic style


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>tfw worked at hospital last week
>first coronachan case of KY was admitted Friday
>UKH has not released any information other than the woman was from Harrison county.
Still no symptoms, but still pretty anxious about the situation. No mention whether she admitted herself, walked around the hospital before being seen, encountered anybody in the hospital, visited the cafeterian, etc. Was she flown in? driven in, wtf. Nothing. Should I be worried or not? Nada, the email sent by the UK administration said only 1 thing, it was a person in the UK community, ie: students, faculty, staff, etc.
I went to wal-mart earlier today, and everybody was panic buying, kinda made me start panic buying non-perishables. But the fucking toilet paper aisle was almost cleaned out, water aisle? Fine. Why is toilet paper > water atm? what is this tp meme?

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Shut the fuck up zogbot

Who the fuck are you and who's paying you? I've seen all sorts of shills since the beginning of this outbreak and you are new. Give it to us straight and you might be spared.

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Reminder to post here on your death bed so I can laugh on your boomer face

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Fuck off sjw

How bad do you guys feel for that one user a few years ago talking about wet markets, crispr, cruise ships, bidets and other toilet paper alternatives? I bet the government has him under complete surveillance right about now.

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>Garrison posting
>T. Retarded boomer faggot

if China is covering up millions of deaths, why aren't there also millions of people dying in Japan, Korea, or Italy? There's no way they could cover up millions of deaths in those countries because they have free open internets. So this is total bullshit. What, 1000 cases in America? 1000 people out of 300 million. This is NOTHING!

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2.5 months is plenty unless you live in a food import country. Thankfully I live in gods pantry so food won't be the issue, it'll be a lack of bodybags....

83 confirmed in CA?! does it tell you what cities?