Flyover Cope Thread

How does it feel to live an area that isn't Texas and therefore irrelevant?
>largest economy in US
>best gun laws
>most right wing and red pilled
That's it boys, its time to either move to Texas or be one of the 49 other bitches.

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my neighbors are all white

Texas is none of those things.

Too bad it's being invaded by a low-IQ mexican horde

>best gun laws

I thought TX doesn't even have open-carry?

I live in Massachusetts.

So no, I don't know what it's like to be irrelevant, because I'm not.

>best gun laws
I think Alabama is better

T. Alabama fag

By 2024 Texas will be blue. Sadly.

>muh Texas pride
Get me another burrito, Jose

Redpill me on Texas. Why is it still republican? It's less than 40% white as far as I know and not all white people vote republican.

California has the largest economy in the USA

>How does it feel to live an area that isn't MEXICO and therefore irrelevant?
Fixed it for you Paco

As someone who lives in Colorado, it's always a fucking Texan that gets into a major crash and block traffic because you braindead faggots have never heard of hydroplaning before. You're just as bad as Commiefornians

Not all non-whites vote dem?

Talking about irrelevant and isn’t from NY. Kek

Probably the most significant reason is that beaners simply have ridiculously low turnout rates in elections (as they ought to). However, it is inevitable that this shithole will go blue at some point, there are just too many of them and they won't stop coming.

>not irrelevant
Yea keep coping buddy

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You’re kidding right? Has the best universities in the country

Largest economy is california or new york.

shhh dude it's good to be irrelevant just look at WV we're 93% white and irrelevant as shit full of poverty lol

Texas is a province of Mexico.

Why would you want to be relevant?

Yeah for pumping out libtards!

Texans are so unforgivably retarded and their boasting is simply a cope for living in a mexican-infested shithole. Man I just wouldn't wanna live if I was a Texan. That's gotta suck: Your whole shtick is yelling about how great you are for things other states do better.
Montana and Wyoming
>Being big
You niggers aren't even in the top 10 for popupation percentage of gun owners
Honestly we should just nuke Texas. None of this "muh GDP" crap. It's really all they've got at this point but our economy will recover in time. Fuck Texas.

And the best sports teams

Thats a whole lotta cope son!

We do, but you need a license. Constitutional carry is where it's at.

You have no idea bro. Living in Texas is one of the most blackpilling existences a man can have. Even the "racist" republicans will bend over backwards for their corporate masters' beloved immigration "as long as it's legal." Everyone is a fatass tailgating piece of shit driving a similarly obese truck. The state is infested by Christkike cultists who love beaners because of how devout they are. There is no sense of community or camaraderie. Fuck Texas.


You're a decade or two too late for that meme. Heroin owns now and generally originated and thrives in non-white areas.

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You dont nor have ever lived in Texas!

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Wake up bro. Texas is finished. Only a decade left until we have an unholy coalition of Beaners and California refugees running the government.

You are a liar. Cities are filled with spics and spooks

Move to Cali, much more cucked for all you new cunt Yas Forums fags. Now fuck off or get a 9mm between your bitch tits.

Oh yeah...maybe, but then where are you going to go? Massachusetts?

I am heading for the Midwest as soon as I'm able. I advise you to do the same if you value the well being of your posterity.

>largest economy in US
Stopped reading here, even a retard knows that Comiefornia has the largest economy. Go troll somewhere else

Oil, ya fuckin skinhead.

MexiFags couldn't hold onto Texas or half the West. Their dumb brown fucked broke asses sold it to the USA, Treaty of Hidago. Nothing muched changed, except shtskins still can't run a country worth a hot and are still letting Whites boss them around. It must be in their inferior DNA to be such fucking pussies with no self respect. Gotta love the MexiCunts, they're so easy, lol.

Sadley user, the midwest is being flooded also!

>needing a loicense to carry arms
Extremely azulpilled.

It's turning blue due to mass Mexican immigration. Get out while you can, move to the Midwest or Northeast.

Texas Hispanics are mostly castizos and criollos... same as in Florida

It’s only in California that Indian Hispanics turned the state blue

Texas gun laws are pretty shit.
30.06 / 30.07s are gay as hell and how you get shot at work or in church. I don't give a fuck about anti gun signs in my state since they have no force of law.


>I'm proud of my NEWFOUND Hispanic heritage!


Total bullshit. When I lived in TX we got hydroplaning all the time. They get actual rain in TX, Coloradans have no idea what that is. Generally the snow that fucks people over.
No idea who the faggots who can't keep in the right lane on I-70 are though.

Don't forget the pardos, mezitos. Texas half breed are different in southern Texas than other parts. totally different half breed mix.


Thanks for keeping the stereotype alive. Viva La Raza pendejo!

I lived in Texas my entire life. Even I am absolutely appalled by all the "best state" bullshit that people here go on about. Despite the fact that are state is a shell of what it used to be with a non stop invasion of browns and faggot liberals, there's still more to shit on it.

The state is not a very pretty state (comparatively speaking) theres no natural forests, mountains, beaches, or anything of note. It's not very green and just boring landscape.

The weather is shite, not even good, just got awful. The temperature goes from hot to cold to hot to cold every month of the year. The humidity is awful. The weather is bottom 5 tier in the usa.

Cities aren't anything special, Houston is a cesspool, Dallas is decent, San antonio is a mexican meme, and Austin is a modern day Sodom.

On the bright side, there's lots of cheap housing but your neighbors will all be spics and there's lot of good food which will be the only thing I will ever miss when I leave.

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Houston is niggers. Dallas is niggers. Corpus is tacos, SA is tacos, Austin is fag central. El Paso, who cares.

>m-muh universities
You just proved me right.

Texas is for tacos

>White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent. 41.5%

Best state

>White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 79.5%

Fuck we just went below 80 at least we aren't nigger tier. Still sad

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>not allowed to drink on sundays
>spics up the ass
>no cheese
Wisconsin's where it's at boys fuck texas

I know we have our differences user and I hate your football team for not being a bunch of thug nigger criminals that can't win, but midwest midbest.

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And? It's still not as much, not to mention oil prices are tanking

>garbage weather
>ugly unwalkable cities
>mediocre natural environments that aren't worth the heat
>shit gun laws
>no public land
>millions of californians flooding in every year
get me out of this shithole I wish I lived in washington or oregon

>went to Waco to visit family
>they all tell me how it used to be such a beautiful city with a bunch of cow fields
>now all the old white people are dying and blacks and Mexicans are moving in
>many areas look run down beyond belief
>tons of shitty apartment complexes popping up everywhere because nigs and mexicans can't stop having kids
>so many dented cars because you have to pay a 500$ fee up front before your insurance will cover it

Yeah bro, tell me which city in Texas is nice and I'll think about moving back with family, the food is amazing. But the amount of nogs I saw loitering while Armycels walked around was insane.

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>most right wing

LOL austin and houston are liberal shitholes and dallas is dirty as fuck

The food is not worth it being too hot to go outside 75% of the year

>implying Oregon isn't just California 2.0

As someone who lives here, I assure you the ONLY thing of value here is the nature, but there are so many other states to live in that are pretty that aren't filled to the brim with trannys, homeless and drug addicts.

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shut the absolute fuck up dumbass

>How does it feel to live an area that isn't Texas
Feels pretty good

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Nice flag there shlomo

Arizona's better than Texas. Better location, closer to cool stuff like Las Vegas, LA, a million national parks, mountains, all while having similarly cheap housing with much lower property taxes.

I've only spent a week there but it was amazing that I could drive through giant forests, walk out in the desert, and then go up in the mountains to see crater lake all in one state. I've been to other beautiful states but they rarely have that sort of range.

California is America

Fucking liar

How’s living in Texas?
