How do you explain the rise of socialism in America?
How do you explain the rise of socialism in America?
Because people are working 40+ hour weeks with no free time for pennies. When wealth is so astronomically high right now that it's unfathomable. We're more prosperous than ever before yet there is a certain class of people that is keeping maintaining the status quo of the have-have nots.
Yes, people have things today much better than peasants did. And peasants had things much better than cavemen did. It's a logical progression that we should expect more out of our societies as we move forward.
People often post the 'tradition is the preservation of flame not the worship of ashes' but it is literally worshiping ashes by attempting to keep things the way they are simply because 'that's the way they are'
A bunch of retards were told by their SJW communist teachers as they were growing up that they could be anything. So they took out loans for colleges charging 60,000 dollars per year and after they got a useless degree in woman's studies and african history they've realized that they fucked up hard and now are desperately looking for a way out.
oh you know it could be a mistake or something
Ok I've had enough...
Trans woman of color here. Before I say what I'm about to say I'd just like to make it clear that I never post here, mainly due to the fact that interacting with so called "Yas Forums culture" is quite disheartening. So I'm going to say this as clearly and efficiently as possible.
Fuck. All. Of. You.
There, I said it. If you'd like an explanation, all you have to do is look at your own behavior, and understand how it effects the world around you. As a trans woman I feel the deep rooted forces of oppression you sick fucks emanate every day of my life. The shit I have to go through to please disgusting individuals such as yourselves. It doesnt help that I'm a woman of color. So on top of that, I have to deal with the fucking systemic racism YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote. My life is a living hell because of you people. But that's not why I hate you. Oh not even close sweetie.
The problem lies with YOU. Your behavior is so sickening. I know most of you are white men and so bigotry comes naturally, but you make no attempt to hide it. No attempt to better yourselves or the world around you. And no attempt to soothe the scars caused by you sick fucks. Your treatment of others is ugly.
"Durr ni**er. Durrr tra**y. Durr f*g. Durr cu*t. Durr durr durr durrrrr look at me I'm a nazi haha doesnt this make me so quirky and a free thinker durrr"
Sorry, not sorry. You're just getting what you put out. You constantly berate the disenfranchised and the unfortunate. Using your privilege as some sort of pedestal. You think you're better than me and my community when you're not. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you all rot in hell....
Wasn't that always the case in America?
Wasn't that what made american the greatest country in the world in the first place?
Why would yo want to change that now?
the less white your country gets the less able it is to fend for itself.
Our military is huge and funded through socialism, so it's deeply ingrained in our society.
Electing a jewish puppet who let's millions of brown socialists through your border
you won't be able to support both a big army and socialist policies
White Americans have been slowly genocided and replaced with niggers and brown hordes. Niggers and brown hordes are drooling retards unable to feed or fend for themselves and so must steal money, resources, and utility from whites via socialism.
based baitposter
cool story bro
Demographic replacement. 3rd worlders have always voted for bigger govt, and we're being forced to take more and more of them in every year. This is baby's first redpill material, if you legitimately didn't already know this, you should go listen to some Molyneux before making another retarded post.
No one has any fucking money
>"you people"
>assuming my plural pronoun
This is the real bigotry.
This is easily explained.
In the beginning (of the United States) there were few government regulations. Starting a business with your trade, and earning enough to support a family was relatively easy. I do say relative, as there have always been difficulties and poverty. And there always will be, but moving on. As time moved on, more laws and regulations were passed that moved us further away from the world the Founding Fathers created for us. More taxes, more regulations, more permits, more licenses, more rules, more restrictions. This made things more and more difficult for the average man, and most people ended up working for corporations that had the resources and finances to navigate the regulatory wasteland without being bogged down.
Then they changed the money. Our money was once backed by physical assets - Real things of tangible value that you could hold in your hands. Even the coins themselves had precious metals in them! But they took that from us. Slowly, our monetary system was transformed and the currency was debased. What once earned you the death penalty was fully endorsed by the government. Instead of our money being based on real tangible assets - Money, it became worthless currency that could be infinitely reproduced for nearly zero effort.
The Bank. The Bank ruined it all. Central banking. Fiat currency. Endlessly accruing debt. Bail ins. Helicopter money. "Too Big To Fail." Money printing. Quantitative easing. Endless growth. Negative interest rates - But only for the Banks. The economic system and markets were reformed to allow only those with money to make money. The more money you had, the more money you earned. Regulations and taxes continue to smash down the middle and lower classes while further enabling the mega corporations to accrue wealth.
This is not capitalism.
This is not American.
Dude, i'm sorry you had to feel that. I'm a chink from southeast asia so i can't speak for the rest of everyone. But personally, i think all these hate speech is a mixture of bottled up frustrstion with the world and just us talking shit. Hope you can forgive us losers
This is crony capitalism at its worst.
Fiat currency and central banking are, by large margin, the greatest creators of financial strife and social inequality in the modern world. We are and have witnessed a wealth transfer greater than any other in the history of man kind.
With a system like this, that only one in a million understand the true nature of, it is easy to see why the common man, crushed under the boot of the Banks, wants to forcibly tear down this """capitalist""" system and replace it with one wear the powerful are forced to be equal to the weak.
I fear for the future. I fear the future.
Now-independent and unchecked holdovers from USSR subversion just now reaching the general public as well as this a good chunk of of which also also technically Cold War commie residue
I can not wait for the Muslims to throw you out of a helicopter
>I fear for the future. I fear the future.
There is no future. Not for the West and not for Whites. We are watching the fall of Rome 2.0 only this time, there won't be any whites left nor will there be any oil or natural gas.
Adoctrination in high school and college
The breakdown of the nuclear family. No one has time for “class solidarity” when you have the strong familial bonds of the nuclear family.
This. It's ridiculous that America is the richest country in the world and yet we don't have anywhere near the welfare state that other countries have.
>Trans woman of colour here
Stopped reading right there
Because Americans are tired of getting ripped off by billionaires and the corporate elite. There has always been socialism in America, just for the elite they get tons of tax breaks and influence and people are tired of it.
It's always been the case throughout recorded history and there will always be people at the top of the pile always. I guess that's just how things are.
But the sheer inequality is staggering, to the point that the majority of Americans are agreeing that a 15/hr minimum wage is necessary. I don't necessarily agree, however, I do agree that wealth inequality is a serious problem. And most of that wealth does not go back into communities in any way. Some of it goes into charities for tax purposes... assuming the charities are real and aren't laundering money. But not investing that vast, absurd amount of wealth into America and just expecting the goylems to always be slaves and consume is starting to make everyday life buckle.
Stop being poor
>to the point that the majority of Americans are agreeing that a 15/hr minimum wage is necessary.
Get your liberal ass out of here, the majority of Americans are NOT agreeing on that and even IF the minimum wage is hiked to 15 it'll just drive up the prices of everything. Get ready for a $20 happy meal.
People would rather blame the first thing they see rather than understand the depth of the situation and the core of the problem, it's easier for a politician to argue "I'll do more" than "I'll fuck off along with 90% of the system".
This is a problem with democracy, which makes the two sides fight over who can be more involved, it only ever grows the problem and when it doesn't yield results both sides go "Not enough was done".
Stop licking boots.
you are richest because you don't have the welfare state in the fist place dummy
I'm not even referring to welfare. People who work aren't being paid enough. It used to be that you could save money and expect to do more than buy useless shit with it. But prices for everything except junk food are unreasonably high comparable to wages. Absolutely, people should work for what they earn. But people aren't earning enough.
the browning of America
Literal Marxists teaching in universities for an entire generation and the economy fucking university graduates with lesbian dance degrees.
Where the fuck would they go? Every other county is more socialist than America by far. Even if Bernie were to win and put in his taxes, it would still be way less than any other first world country.
House prices and the inability to get ahead
Other first world countries are now turning their back on socialism and turn back to free market capitalism. In France we are considering stoping gvt payed retirement pension and copy your private investment retirement pension. Simply because having gvt handling your money just doesnt work
Why is America doing the opposit?
The rich will just move their companies to places like china and mexico where they can save money by using slave labor, wait a minute
This is a tired, and just factually untrue boomer argument because you took econ 101 and think you're Jeff Bezos.
Do you ever stop to think as to why that is? Who disseminated that information to you? Why do you believe it? Because it's a force of nature, like physics? Can that reaction be measured reliably every single time? It can't, because economy is made up bullshit playing with monopoly money that means nothing except what we assign to it. Powerful people are lying to you, telling you that you earn what you're worth and that's just the way it is. If you were worth more, you'd earn more. So it's your fault you're not Jeff Bezos, and it isn't system that rigs the game in favor of people who already have money. Decades ago, people were able to start their own businesses just by working in pizza shops and grocery stores. Now that isn't possible.
Just remember that the people who cook and prepare your happy meals also have to eat their own happy meals, and put a roof over their head so they can not die of exposure in order to serve more happy meals to more people.
They are trying to destroy us
>In France we are considering stoping gvt payed retirement pension
I'm assuming that's because France is broke right?
>Why is America doing the opposit?
Niggers and Spics are sucking the wealth out of the country.
>rise of socialism
Are you high?? America is the most anti social nation on the fucking planet.
>Who is Bernie Sanders
Dear God I haven't read something this pretentious in a loooong while.
> Decades ago, people were able to start their own businesses just by working in pizza shops and grocery stores. Now that isn't possible.
Yeah because our money is worthless paper that the Jews manipulate haphazardly. Not to mention the fucking nuke that women working did to the economy.
And? France is still insanely more socialist than America.
Where is America even considering opening nationwide pension?
The closest thing America is even considering moving towards socialism is M4A, and that is a drop in the bucket on the socialist checklist compared to literally every other first world country in the entire world.
Slippery slope is a fallacy.
Corporations will always do whatever makes them the most money. If everyone in China were to die of a virus tomorrow, every major international company would simply find the next cheapest place with the most desperate people to exploit.
They would do this because those people are THE MOST desperate, and THE MOST impoverished, because only there can these companies make THE MOST money.
Tax breaks have nothing to do with it. As long as your country does not have the cheapest most exploitable labor on planet earth, it will be overlooked in favor of whichever country does.
It's a race to the bottom, and any pathetic tax policies are just being used as a distraction, just like how automation will INEVITABLY replace American labor, regardless of how high or low the wages are, simply because American wages will never be the lowest on planet earth.
If only they were, though, right? Then we'd be the lucky country that gets to have suicide nets hanging just below the windows of its factory buildings.
>sucking cocks of corporations
>shooting neighbors over trash near lawn
>dude fentanyl lmao
>zion don or bernstein (democracy)
>1+1 bomb end of war
>bomb shitskins and send them to europe because can't coom enough to BLACKED
>le 56% face
Laziness, envy, greed, self-obsession.
More and more goy feed
>Not to mention the fucking nuke that women working did to the economy.
In theory this might depress wages, but it actually increases the workforce and increases the amount of wealth. More people working=more productivity=more capital. More people earning more capital to buy more shit. Women are the highest spending shoppers and probably keep most of our economy afloat by buying stupid shit that companies tell them they need.
Women working isn't a problem for the economy so much as it is a problem for the family. People at the top use the excuse that it depresses wages when in actuality it increases the amount of money they earn, so they can justify families needing two adults working full time jobs in order to wrench as much as possible out of them while not paying them what their time is actually worth.
We should also take a look at our insurance company problems. Maybe employers shouldn't have to give employees benefits, since that is where most of the costs come from in paying them. If people had access to better insurance coverage and didn't get fucked over by insurance companies, then employers could afford to pay their workers more in cash. Healthcare is great, but you can't eat healthcare.
>"Why are companies moving to other countries"
>Said the retard Yas Forumscuck who thinks socialists are pushing companies to China due to taxes and not because of the low cost of labor
>hight taxes are not increasing the cost of production
Wow, you may want to rethink that
This is not an excuse though. Socialism is a net negative in every direction and cannot resolve the conflict of class disproportionality. In fact, it will make it worse, as those in power will use the new mechanisms of social control to consolidate even more power, and more wealth, for themselves. They will further insulate themselves from culpability. It's a shame niggers and stupid people are being super by it, because it provides false promises to the lower classes of society.
For meaningful change the elite class has to endure punishment. They have to someway be held accountable for their violations of trust and injustice. Whether that means mounting their head on a wall is up for speculation. Regardless, whatever model is selected it will have absolutely no impact unless Jews of the world have been made examples of. And even then, it probably wouldn't be permanent. Maybe there's something to be said by Jefferson's saying "blood of Patriots". This is also what is meant by saying capitalism isn't perfect, because power consolidation by some class is ultimately inevitable.
>This is not capitalism.
oh but it is.
The cool part of this pasta is knowing that the original author has probably killed themselves at this point. This is the living echo of a dead person. Stick that in your pipe